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The Cryopod to Hell 029: Wordsmith's Destiny

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 183 parts long and 757,000+ words. For more information, check out the link below:
What is the Cryopod to Hell?
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I will be reposting the full story at a rate of one part every day until I've reached the current part. During that time period, I will update the parts to edit them more cohesively as well. Once I reach the current part, new parts will be posted on HFY and RedditSerials, alongside my main subreddit as they become available.
Thank you for reading, and enjoy.
(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
A few weeks later.
The specialized computer console before me illuminates its words with heatmapping instead of visible light. Thanks to my infrared vision, I can now make out the letters and shapes onscreen. From what others have told me, all they can see is a white screen. Talk about the ultimate privacy filter...
My goal today is to create new technology blueprints for a machine I built two weeks ago; a Star Trek-style replicator.
Capable of transforming raw electrical energy into objects with mass, the machine is a feat of engineering previously well beyond my reach. The only reason I was able to create it was thanks to the mental acuity the Crown granted me. Of all the things I've owned in my life, nothing comes anywhere close to Solomon's Crown.
The Crown fills in the details in my mind as I build the thirteenth blueprint: an energy rifle. I rapidly type on the Braille keyboard using senses that I've enhanced with my Wordsmithing, and the replicator accepts my inputs once I finish.
The stress on my mind is much worse than when I Wordsmith, but at the same time, the replicator does all the work once I've input my specifications. I built this system so that I could create new tools, armor, and weapons for humanity without having to worry about my spiritual energy levels. Makoto seems to approve, and I know the military is grateful for faster production options.
Still, even with a fusion reactor, it takes a while to replicate new objects. I'll build massive replicators later for tanks and vehicles, but my head hurts thinking about all the mental strain that'll entail.
A slight dizzy spell grabs me as I lean away from the computer. Hans Wagner notices, and he walks over to check on me.
"You are done vith zee blueprint, Mein Lieber?"
I mop my forehead wearily. "Y-yeah. Something like that. You can start synthesizing energy rifles whenever you feel like it."
Hans nods. "Once vee have finished zee personal shield from zee last batch, I vill begin making zee energy rifles. However, I think you should take a break. Your complexion is looking quite ghastly."
"You think so? Maybe you're onto something." I glance down at my hand and notice it's trembling. Taxing my brain has a bunch of side effects on my whole body. Good to know.
"Oh, oh, no." Hans squints to stare at my face for a moment, then pulls out a handkerchief from his shirt pocket. "Ah, Herr Hiro, zees is for zee nose."
"Nose?" I echo his words, then feel wetness on my lips. Taking the handkerchief, I dab at my nostrils and realize they're bleeding slightly. "Shit. Sorry, this is a little embarrassing. I'll magic you up a new one so that you don't have to wash the blood out of this."
Hans shakes his head. "Nein, zere is no need. Take zee day off. You've been slaving avay day and night! Nobody vants to see you in a coma again."
"Oh, alright. Thanks."
Nodding, I stagger to my feet and stumble through the factory. Not many people work here, and those who do typically help transfer replicated items to other divisions and areas — maybe two dozen staff in total.
Hans's assistant stops when she sees me. "Are you alright, Commander Hiro? You look like you're having trouble walking."
"I'm fine, Debra. I just need some fresh air. Have you seen Phoebe?"
"Miss Berthold? Last I heard she was visiting the Core to discuss our next incursion. She should be back within the hour."
"That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks."
"Anytime, Commander."
She hesitates for a moment before walking away, and I smile to myself about nothing in particular. I technically lead humanity, and everyone knows I'm the Hero who saved them from Bahamut, but I don't have an official title. Phoebe calls me 'Your Grace,' though she's growing out of the habit slowly, while Neil Adams calls me 'My Liege,' and others call me 'Commander.' I really ought to determine military rankings at some point.
Rows of machinery, including a line of sewing machines and a mechanic shop, spread out across the building, their whirrs and clicks telling tales of people and monsters crafting and fixing things for the general population. The door outside radiates warmth as the early Fall sun beams down on the lands.
When I step through, a current of air breathes down my neck, its temperature lower than the glaring daylight implies it should be. Winter is coming; it seems. The shiver down my back wakes me up, and my stupor vanishes. I guess I really did need a breath of fresh air. Go figure.
The Factory, or the Rust Bucket as some call it, sits about half a mile north of the palace. Even further north, over the ridge and down in the canyon below, Tarus II's forest stretches out for a few miles before eventually arriving at the warpgate installation.
Lately, Kar has raised concerns about the potential for demons to use Warpers and teleport into Hero City, thus attacking us at the heart of our infrastructure. He's right, of course. I take concerns about security earnestly and am debating deploying mechanized troops for day and night surveillance. With the threat of snow and the bitter cold encroaching on our doorstep, I'm worried about not only a demon invasion, but also about leaving troops out in the freezing weather.
If only I could look into the future, my life would be so much easier. Maybe I should see if Wordsmithing can bypass the boundary of time.
That's a scary thought. The last thing I'd want is to create paradoxes and tear apart the universe by accident.
Messing with time is a recipe for disaster. Marty Mcfly taught me that much.
Minutes pass as I pace down the street, inhaling deeply and kicking my legs out with more effort than usual. I try and shake some life into them, but my actions don't accomplish much. Sitting on a chair for hours is uncomfortable, no matter how much padding I slap down. I am not the office-drone type.
By the time I enter the palace, walk down the lobby and pass several people, I'm about ready to go back to work and start on another blueprint. Such is the curse of a lazy workaholic.
I arrive in front of my room. Once I open the door, my spherical vision illuminates the inside and- uh...
Phoebe lies on my bed, conked out, breathing silently. Her boots are still on, and she hasn't changed into her night-time clothes yet. Her room is right next to mine, so she must have mixed them up. This isn't the first time, and I won't complain.
I kick my shoes off but catch them with telekinesis before they thud onto the ground. Once that's done, I set the Crown on my dresser and silently glide over, ease onto my bed, and lay down beside Phoebe to rest my eyes for a moment. I know from experience that my pupils are like miniature flashlights, and on more than a few occasions, I've startled her when she saw my eyes in the darkness.
Feeling the bed move makes Phoebe's breath catch for a moment. She blinks her eyes open and yawns. "Jason?"
"Yeah. Hi."
"Oh. Sorry. I ended up in your room again." She grips the covers and pulls herself closer to me, then flops an arm and a leg across my body. "I hope you aren't mad."
"Exactly the opposite," I murmur, before leaning over and kissing her forehead. "As soon as you stop stalling and marry me, we can do this all the time."
She rubs her nose on my side to itch it, then lolls her head back. "I can't do that. We've barely been together a few months. We have to take things slowly. Besides, there are all these preparations to attend to..."
"Excuses, excuses." I poke her gently in the ribs. "You know, if we did things the way people did in my time, marriage wouldn't even be necessary."
"Not necessary? For shame. Marriage is a sacred vow, Your Grace."
"You're still calling me that?"
"Oops." Phoebe pulls away from me and adjusts her shirt. "Sorry. It's been a long day. Adams received more requests from low-level imps to join our society, along with some Gargoyles, a Succubus, two Sirens, and another Minotaur. None of them appear to be double agents, but you know what Kar says..."
"It only takes one," I say, finishing the sentence for her. "Right. Well, worst case scenario, we-"
Before I can continue, the phone beside me rings, making me damn near jump out of my skin. "Son of a bitch!"
Phoebe plays it cool, but I can tell she was a little startled too. "Want me to get it, or is the big strong man scared of some ringing?"
"I got it, I got it," I reply, before grabbing the phone. "Yeah?"
"Hurgh. Turtle, I hope I am not disturbing you. Gearhead said you had gone home for the day, but this is somewhat important."
Gearhead? Oh, right, he means Hans, I think to myself. Sometimes Kar's nicknames can get a little confusing. "I was thinking of taking a nap, but if you need me, I can pop over for a visit."
Kar clears his throat. "Hurgh. Blinker has returned, along with two demons. You might have forgotten, but I sent her off a couple of weeks ago to-"
"No, no, I remember. Yeah, I'll drop by. Have they said anything?"
I can almost hear Kar shake his head. "Nay. I haven't yet spoken to them about the Black Witch. If you'd like, I can ask them before you hang up."
"Not necessary. I'll be right over." Without saying 'goodbye,' I click the phone down and sigh. "Alright, I'll be back in a bit."
Phoebe rubs her eyes. "Was that Kar or Neil?"
"Kar. He wanted to know how my day was going and if he could set me up on a date with a cute redhead from accounting."
Phoebe slugs me. "Ass."
I smirk. "Kidding! Blinker brought some friends back from the Labyrinth. I'm going to head over there and ask them about Roland's world."
"Oh! Well, that's... wonderful news."
Despite her positive words, Phoebe's expression stays neutral. I can make it out even with total darkness in the room.
"No, no." She pulls herself into a sitting position, and I mimic her movements. Phoebe inhales audibly. "It's just that once again, you're about to face off against that monstrous little girl. After what she did to you... you're still too kind. I know you haven't the heart to kill her."
Oh man... not this talk.
I pull away and sweep my legs off the side of the bed. "I'm a Wordsmith, Phoebe. I have a trillion different ways to handle any situation. I can freeze Amelia in carbonite or something. Violence isn't the only answer."
Phoebe crosses her arms. "Amelia slaughtered Roland's entire homeworld, Jason. All the humans, animals, and plant-life died because of her. She deserves the worst end possible."
"The guillotine?"
I exhale and climb off the bed. "I'll worry about Amelia when the time comes. I don't agree with capital punishment, morally, at least. It doesn't sit right with me. I believe in rehabilitation and redemption, where possible."
Phoebe jumps to her feet. "That's always your reply. If you'll excuse my impudence, I'll come with you and hear what she's been up to."
"Sounds good. Want me to drive?"
Phoebe pulls her socks and boots on. "No, I'll drive. I'll even take it easy since you're all tuckered out."
"Pff. You were snoring like an avalanche when I showed up."
"N-no I wasn't!" Phoebe gawks at me in the dark, then fumbles around. "Can you turn on the lights? I can't find my other boot."
Twenty minutes later, we cruise down the road, and the engine silently hums as the trees glide past us on the left and right. Phoebe, ever the kind soul, hitched a trailer full of supplies and weapons for the Core to her truck. Using it instead of my Ferrari was a good idea.
She hums along to some tune in her head and taps on the wheel. After a few minutes, she asks, "Say, Jason, your Crown allows you to make blueprints for the replicator, right?"
"Mhm." I touch the Crown, self-consciously checking to make sure I'm still wearing it.
"Well, I was thinking.... why not let someone else use the Crown to make blueprints? Then you wouldn't be cooped up in the Rust Bucket all day. You could use your Wordsmithing to make other items or do other things instead."
"Uhh... I don't know about that." My gut squeezes together reflexively. "The Crown is an ancient artifact. It can't be taken off someone's head unless they consent or die. Hell, even when I was comatose, you couldn't take the Crown off, remember? I had a terrible rash after my recovery."
Phoebe nods. "Okay, I understand. Giving it to Hans would be a bad idea, then?"
I chuckle. "Heh, yeah. To say the least. I mean, the guy used to be a Nazi."
"A Not-see? I think you mentioned it once. Oh! When you first met him!"
I fold my arms together. "Yeah. There's a bit of history involved, and it's kinda lengthy. Let's just say the Nazis gave Amelia a run for her money when it came to the business of exterminating human life."
Phoebe's expression darkens, and she turns to stare at me. "What? You can't be serious!"
"Eyes on the road, sweetheart. And yes, I am. They rounded up millions of humans of a different nationality and exterminated them en-masse. It was brutal. Most people didn't find out until a decade had passed."
She cocks her head. "What is 'a different nationality?'"
"Well, uh, think of King Arthur. Surely he had enemies from other nations?"
"The Saxons, yes."
"Alright. Well, imagine that after capturing hundreds of Saxon prisoners, he then suffocated them all, one by one, including their wives and children."
"Oh." Phoebe relaxes slightly. "That doesn't sound as bad as I was expecting."
"What?!" I nearly break my neck swiveling to gape at her.
She looks at me quizzically before turning back to the road. "Well, if you're at war, then killing your enemies is only natural. If you keep them as prisoners, you'll have to feed and keep them alive, and then you'll have to worry about revolts... at least, that was the case for Arthur."
"Okay, that's a fair point, but the difference is that the Nazis killed people who lived among them peacefully. It would be as if Arthur declared that all people with a different eye color were heretics. Do you see the difference?"
A flash of recognition appears in Phoebe's eyes. "Yes, I understand how that could be disconcerting."
"To say the least," I mutter. "Sometimes you worry me, Phoebe. You can be gentle, yet vicious and cold-hearted at the same time."
"I would argue that I'm merely pragmatic," Phoebe replies, while tugging a stray hair into place behind her ear. "You can't save everyone. Sometimes you have to let someone die to save another life, or give up on idealism and finish off your mortal enemy. War is messy, and pragmatists tend to win, not idealists."
I let silence fill the air for a few moments. "So, which was King Arthur? An idealist, or a pragmatist?"
Phoebe shakes her head. "Neither. He was a Hero. Thus, he did what was needed. I wavered, not him."
Her eyes blank out for a moment. "I should have atoned instead of fleeing and falling into Bahamut's trap."
"Then we wouldn't have met," I counter. "I thought you believed in fate, destiny, and all that other mushy stuff?"
Pursing her lips, Phoebe forces a smile. "That's a good point, Jason."
In the distance, the warp-gate comes into view. I lean back in my seat. "Anyway, going back to the original topic, I wouldn't give the Crown away unless it was to someone completely trustworthy. Like you."
"Me?" She cocks an eyebrow. "What would I do with it?"
"Make blueprints for the replicator. Stuff like that. It's not a bad idea. I'd rather you have the Crown than Hans."
Phoebe doesn't reply for nearly a full minute. The gears turn in her head. "I'm not good at creativity, Jason. You come from hundreds of years after me. You can easily think up crazy inventions, but that isn't my forte. Besides, what if I go power-hungry and decide to keep the Crown? You'll have to kill me to get it back."
I snort. "Pfft. Like that'll happen. I'll seduce you into taking it off."
"Just the crown?"
"Maybe a few other things, too."
She winks at me. "Your mind is always in the pig trough."
"Yeah. Anyway, the Crown does all the work. All you need is to think of a problem, like making a weapon that can cut through steel, and the Crown will help you design something suitable. A vivid imagination helps, but you'll do fine."
Phoebe sighs. "I was only suggesting it, but you're acting as if you've already made up your mind. Don't tell me this is all so you can get out of working at the Rust Bucket."
I cross my arms. "I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a part of it."
Phoebe slugs me in the shoulder. "Ass!"
I smile. "Kidding."
Phoebe reminds me of Amelia sometimes. The two of them aren't as different as they think.
Minutes later, we arrive at the warp-gate, and thanks to a vehicle access ramp I constructed, along with enlarging the portal somewhat, I've made it possible for her to drive her supplies straight into the Core.
We pass through the gate, and several monsters quickly shimmy out of the way as Phoebe drives down into the arena below. She slows the truck to a stop. "Special delivery from the Berthold Trucking Company!"
Several orcs walk up to the truck. "Ready to work! Something need doing?"
Phoebe hops out of the driver's side and jerks a thumb to the trailer hitched to the back. "Haul the food and weapons where they're needed."
"Be happy to!" The orcs amble to the back of the rig and start unloading.
Phoebe slams her door shut. She and I walk over to Kar, who I've already spotted. His giant blue form stands out in a crowd. A flicker of heat flits around him, revealing Blinker's presence.
"Kar! Sorry it took me a little while to get here."
I grin at Kar, but he doesn't return the smile. "Ah, Turtle, there you are. I have... bad news."
I stop and stare at him. The look on his face, though hard to make out thanks to his cold blood, is rather ominous. "And that would be?"
"We haven't told Roland yet." Kar gestures to two demons in front of him. "These two are Hernox and Fernox. Go on, tell him."
I examine the demons. They appear to be Scythers; demons who have two massive swords for arms. Their blades are sharp enough to slice through steel. While not the most intelligent Variants, they're great at tearing through the frontline of an enemy army.
The first one, I think Hernox, raises a sharpened limb. "I already told the green-skin what I know. The Council destroyed the Black Queen's hideout. The whole planet."
My jaw drops. "What?! When- no, how did they manage that?"
"We cannot say. All we know is that the planet is gone. They destroyed it entirely."
Phoebe's expression is numb. "Incredible. How... how could anyone..."
A realization dawns on me. "Amelia may have been on the planet. She might be dead."
Fernox leans forward, his beard spilling past his staff. "Rumor has it that there was an awe-inspiring battle. Emperor Diablo sent out his three mightiest Dukes to duel the Black Queen, but alas, she was the victor."
Hernox continues from his brother's words. "Agares, the Duke of Reptiles, died. Barbatos, the Duke of Steel, suffered gruesome wounds. Only Mephisto, the Duke of Mist, was able to escape unscathed. His ghost-form allowed him to evade her attacks."
"Jesus Christ," I cough out painfully. "Amelia battled three Demon Dukes and won? That doesn't sound like the Amelia I know."
Kar clasps his claws together thoughtfully. "The Frilled One consumed a world of human souls. Her power may be greater than that of the Emperors."
Fernox shakes his head. "The Emperors sealed her planet from accessing the Labyrinth and destroyed it. Those are the rumors whispering throughout the gambling dens of late. She is long dead."
It takes me a moment to gather my wits. "Maybe. Let's find out. Locate."
The Scythers stare at me silently for a moment before my eyes seemingly tear from my skull and fly into the sky, then race through a void of blackness. Faster than I've ever traveled before, images of monsters, demons, humans, and far more zip past me as I speed through the Labyrinth. Walls and ceilings don't impede me, and eventually, my eyes slow to a crawl. A portal appears in an unmarked corridor.
Passing through the portal, I appear on the surface of an unknown world. The sun beats down, warming an ocean as it gently washes against a sandy beach. My eyes fly away, over a mountain, through trees, past villages made of wood and straw, and into a clearing where I eventually screech to a stop in front of a familiar face.
I swallow involuntarily.
The child I knew several months ago is gone. She is a fully-grown woman now, one with long white legs, flowing black hair, cherry-red lips, and a torn blue sundress clinging to her skin. The dress is far too small for her, revealing dips and curves where it should hang loose. I smile wryly, realizing that my eyes work. Locate gives me my vision back temporarily.
Seeing her is torture.
She's so beautiful, sensual, in a way that Phoebe isn't. Phoebe's purity is the exact opposite of Amelia's violent sexuality. If Phoebe is the light, then Amelia is the darkness.
Amelia stomps forward and frowns. "Oh, come on! I'll get new clothes later!"
The sword at her side, Dellfingler, chirps happily, "Why wear anything at all? Run free! Clothes are suffocating! Trust me; I'm a sword!"
She swats the weapon. "Idiot! Pervert! You're worse than Jason!"
Hearing her say my name makes my heart catch. I quickly pull away, flying back through the aether to return to my body.
Amelia isn't sexual. She isn't enticing. I can't be a guy... not this time.
She's a monster. I have to kill her.
However, I don't have to like the idea.
Suddenly, I'm back in my body. I stumble slightly and inhale. "She's alive!"
My tone sounds happier than it should. Too late, I notice Phoebe glaring at me. "Don't get all choked up or anything."
Kar shakes his head. "So the Frilled One survived the destruction of the planet. Unfortunate. How could she have done so?"
"A portal." I lean my head back slightly and rub it. "I passed through a portal at some point. She's on a new planet, likely devouring the humans there."
Fernox grumbles. "Perhaps she can open up portals."
Hernox nudges his brother. "Or she has an ally among the Warpers."
"It's unfortunate either way," Phoebe mutters before crossing her arms. "And here I thought we'd been handed a gift on a silver platter. What now? Will you go to face her?"
No need to think of a response. "Not a chance. She defeated three Dukes. I can't hope to beat her as I am now. I need to find that portal. I also need to come up with a way to overcome her new power."
Neil walks over and adds his two cents. "Perhaps you should ally with the demons. Maybe, with the help of an Emperor and Dukes, you could overwhelm her."
"And reveal himself to them? That's suicide!" Phoebe immediately jumps in to shield me. "I won't allow it!"
"Phoebe... that's very sweet of you." I lean over and wrap an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. Immediately some of her tension dissolves. Works every time, I think silently. "I can handle myself. Obviously, I'm not going to let the Demon Emperors know of my existence. That would be suicidal."
Silently I pull away from her. An idea occurs to me. "I won't kill demons to raise my energy level. However... if I remember correctly... there may be a way I can increase my combat abilities. Something I saw when I first entered Hell. I... I don't know for certain."
"What are you talking about?" Phoebe asks.
"I could be wrong. I don't know. Phoebe, do you remember what we talked about on the ride over?"
She shrugs. "Death camps?"
"The other thing."
"Pragmatism and idealism?"
I sigh. "The Crown! I'm going to leave the Crown with you. I need to move around the Labyrinth covertly. I can trust you with it. Keep helping humanity out and building new things."
"Jason." Phoebe blushes. "I told you I'm no good at that stuff."
"Well, I think you're wrong." Before she can react, I pluck the Crown from my head and slap it on hers. "You are now temporarily Queen Phoebe! All hail her highness! How's that sound?"
She doesn't respond.
"Uhh, Phoebe?" I wave my hand in front of her face. Only now do I notice the blank expression in her eyes. "Phoebe? Phoebe?!"
Phoebe slumps forward. I catch her. "Aaaahhnnn!!!" She howls in pain, and I suddenly remember my first experience with the Crown. The overwhelming information. The mental agony.
A moment later, she stiffens in my grasp and shakes her head. "Aoouuu... Jason... Jason, it hurts. My head hurts."
"God, I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me." I rub her scalp gently, but already she's standing up straight again. "Are you better?"
Phoebe nods, and a tear rolls down her face. "You... jerk. I can't believe you. I need a nap now. My brain hurts."
"Sorry. It is pretty overwhelming the first time. You'll get used to it. Probably."
After a few moments, Phoebe blinks hard and waves her hand in front of her face. "Goodness! What is- what is that?! Can you see that?"
"Is it a holographic map of the Labyrinth?"
Phoebe shakes her head violently. "No, no!! It's a map of the-" She pauses, realizing what I said. "Oh, well, yes, I suppose you're right. Is this what you see all the time?"
"You can make it go away. Think really hard about disabling it, and it will vanish."
Neil, Kar, and the two Scythers stare at us silently while I guide Phoebe through the baby steps of using the Crown. Blinker hovers over and lands on my shoulder. "Soooo what's with the Crown? Is it magical or somethin'?"
I nod and explain it to her. The other four listen intently. It occurs to me that I kept its properties secret for a reason, and now these unknown Scythers know about its existence. Damn. The cat's out of the bag. Maybe I should try erasing their memories...
Several minutes later, Phoebe's eyes rove all around as she examines what is likely a series of images relating to chairs. "Wow! So many of them! I've never done wood-work a day in my life, and I feel as though I could become a professional carpenter by daybreak!"
"Imagine how much easier it is with Wordsmithing," I casually remark. "Do you understand now? You can help out humanity in my stead while I leave."
Phoebe pauses. I can immediately tell the heightened intelligence and memory retention the Crown gives is doing its work. "Hey... you didn't know Roland's planet was gone before, yet you must have already been thinking about leaving. What's the big idea?"
"I wanted to go treasure hunting for a while. I can't leave on a dime, though, so ensuring humanity had the Crown would mean you guys weren't defenseless."
"Hmm." Phoebe squints at me, second-guessing my motivations, but doesn't press further. "If you say so, Jason. Oh, also, you should leave Hoarhiim's orb with me."
I glance down at his shining orb in my belt pocket. "Huh? Why?"
"Well, in the darkness of the Labyrinth, you'll draw a lot of attention to yourself. You don't need light anyway, do you?"
"No. Fair point." I reach into my belt and tentatively hand the glowing orb over to her. "Keep him safe... okay? He's a good friend. Even if he is giving me the silent treatment."
"Of course."
Phoebe takes the orb from me, and a feeling of trepidation fills the air. Neil harumphs. "Ahhh, well, this is very sudden! I didn't expect you to leave out of the blue!"
"An occasional change of scenery is a good idea," I say. "Anyway, with the new weapons, turrets, and replicator, you guys can defend yourselves and advance without my presence. When I return, I plan to build a much bigger and better replicator system."
Kar punches his fist. "Damn straight! With several Dukes down, the demons won't know what hit 'em!"
"Strike while the iron is hot," I laugh.
Everyone shares a moment together, but Blinker tugs on my shirt collar and whispers, "Make sure you kiss your girl. She'll miss you TONS while you're gone!"
"Good idea," I whisper, patting the tiny woman on her head. The fairy giggles and flutters away, landing on Kar's shoulder.
Before I leave, I pull Phoebe aside and sweep her off her feet. "A little fairy told me I should."
"Oh, you."
Next Part
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

Old Flames Die Hard: The Devil, a crossroad and some ghosts

I've created this halloween adventure as a one-shot, but it contains adventure hooks so you can slot it into your current game if you wish. This is the first thing I've written for DnD and I just started DMing this year, so constructive criticism would be very welcome.
Link to the Google Doc.
For: 3-5 level 3 characters
Time: 3-5 hours


The village of Eagle Peak is home to a big secret. A year ago a mob of villagers killed the baroness and her entire family, except for the youngest son. The son, now a mercenary, has come home. In a fit of rage he summoned a devil and promised it his soul in exchange for revenge. He soon came to regret this. The villagers are at the same time looking for help in ridding themselves of the monster who haunts them.


This is a world with grey and black morality. There is no “right” way to handle the situation and the players have to make their own choices. When it comes to tone it’s best played as a thriller with elements of investigation and combat.

Adventure hook

As a one-shot

If you play the adventure as a one-shot the characters are part of a mercenary company that’s been together for at least a year. Their leader, Gjal’s sister Fewain, has just died and been cremated. Her will states that she would like to have her ashes spread out over the mountainside, close to her family home. A letter has been sent in advance and the village has already gathered, including Gjal and Ingelram. Here you could have all the character’s say a few words about their deceased leader. Have them decide:


The Silverfire family have come upon hard times with the baroness racking up gambling debt. A year ago, they increased the taxation of the village, who already lived on meager means. When a mob of villagers approach the family to beg for tax relief the baroness laughed in their faces. Someone threw a stone and the baron pulled a sword. This lead to a scuffle and all three family members ended up dead, including the rather well liked heir of the family. To make it look like an accident, the villagers burned down the eastern wing of the manor and threw the bodies into the fire. They later looted the manor and ran the few servants left out of the village. The ghosts of the family now haunt the house not being able to rest until their bones are buried in the family crypt.
The family’s mastiffs and a messenger crows feasted on the corpses of their former masters and were cursed to be forever starving. No meat will ever satisfy them, and they will retch up whatever is given them.
After getting a letter from his beloved Gjal, Cyprian the youngest and sole surviving child of the Silverfire family have returned home. After learning of what happened to his family, he decided to use a scroll of Infernal calling taken from a defeated warlock. He summoned the devil Malkuut and made a pact to avenge his family in exchange for his soul. Soon after, Cyprian regretted his deal with the devil and is now looking for a way out. Malkuut has so far killed three people. The latest victim was Vela, the village elder’s daughter.


General notes


“Late in the afternoon you make your way to Eagle Peak. You walk through the small mountain village situated just outside of Cormyr’s northwestern border. Eagle Peak is located on a mountainside, just above a lake created after the opencast silver mine got flooded half a century ago. You know that the village was famous for its eagles who roosted among the peaks, but the roosts were raided to often and you don’t see anything besides crows circling in the sky. Nowadays it’s mostly known as a stop for caravans on their way from or to the Sword Coast”
On their way to Gjals home they will pass a small tavern, mostly aimed at caravans passing through. Many of the houses are run down since the inhabitants have moved on after the mine dried up. The houses still inhabited are humble constructions, built tall but narrow to fit the ledges of the mountainside. The lower floors are made of stone, while the upper stories are made of painted wood.
Shepards can be seen herding goats through the village, and out on the lake fishermen are hunting with trained cormorants from small boats. Some plots of land are farmed along the less steep parts, but the soil is lean and only the hardiest crops survive.
The villagers will not be out in darkness as previous victims have been taken during the night. Both farmers and shepherds will hurry home to get inside before nightfall. If they visit any of the other houses they can find odd items taken from the manor. In one there might be an expensive carpet, and in another silver cutlery, way to nice for an ordinary pesant.

Gjal’s house

“Gjal’s house can be found outside on the outskirts of the village. You walk up to the top of a steep cliff looking out over the lake. It almost gives you a sense of vertigo. From here you can see the road snaking along to a crossroad. One part continues towards the coast and the other towards Silverfire manor, the noble estate in the region. The first thing that hits are the smells. Around the house is a small herb garden with a great variety of medicinal plants. Around the back is a small duck pond. In the garden you can see an old training dummy, now used as a scarecrow. It’s full of old wounds caringly stitched back together. On its head it has a bucket for a helmet and in it’s hand a broken shovel for a weapon.”
The dummy was used was once used by Gjal when he still had dreams of becoming an adventurer. He now lives on the tales of adventure told by Cyprian. Gjal greets them warmly when they arrive. With him he has Ingelram, the village elder. Now is a good time to perform the funeral or have a heartwarming reunion depending on which adventure hook you choose. Regardless Gjal will later invite them all into his house for a rest and a hot meal.
“When stepping into the creaky house you are met by more smells, even more potent than outside. A myriad of different herbs hangs from the rafters to dry. It looks like Gjal was in the middle of preparing some kind of remedy as a mortar and pestle stands on a counter. The place is otherwise quite cramped and a couple of you will have to make do with sitting on a chest to fit around the table”
After making sure they are comfortable Gjal goes out back to slaughter one of the ducks and prepare a duck blood soup. While by no means luxurious, they get the feeling that the meal is lavich for someone of meager means like Gjal.
While alone with Ingelram, she pleads to them for help. She tells them how two people have already been killed, and how her oldest daughter went missing last night. The victims have been found with burns and big claw marks. Some of the livestock have also been found with similar but smaller marks. Her daughter was last seen yesterday down by the crossroads herding goats just before dark. The villagers are too afraid to go out looking for her. If they can stop whatever kills them, she offers them a couple of big silver candlesticks, worth approximately 300 GP, with the promise of more if no one else gets hurt.
During dinner Gjal tells them how the troubles started a year ago after the Silverfire family died in a fire. Now no one dares go close to the manor. Even the animals avoid it. If asked Gjal admits that he’s been in contact with Cyprian and have told him that the rest of his family is dead.


“You can feel that the road beneath your feet is well traveled, as the ruts from wagon wheels run deep. However you can see how the vegetation has started to reclaim some of it, a sign of less traffic in the last few weeks. You hear the sharp screeching of crows in the distance. Further up an old stone bridge crosses a small brook that runs alongside the road towards the fork.”
“Further up you see the road split. One road goes off towards the Sword coast, the other climbs a hill up towards Silverfire manor. In the fork stands a big oak looming over the road and you as you get closer. Stuck to it are old and weathered signposts indicating directions and distances to far off important cities. The tree is full of crows that go silent and looks almost suspiciously at you as you approach. From a branch you see how a mangled corpse hangs from a rope.”
Even through the crows seem to have been feasting they can identify the body as that of a young woman, Ingelram’s daughter Vela. She is dressed in torn clothing of typical of a shepherd. Carved into the body is the word “guilty”. It swings slowly in the wind while blood runs down her leg dripping into the brock below. A quick search won’t reveal much except a sling and a few stones.


“Behind the tree you see an old graveyard stretching out. It’s surrounded by a stone wall reaching to about your waist. It has collapsed in places. Some of the tombstones and statues are new, but most are old, sunken down and covered in lichen. There is a faint smell of decay emanating from the mat of leaves on the ground. One grave stands out from the others, a daunting mausoleum adorned with a crest portraying a silver oak surrounded by fire.”
DC 12 Intelligence (History) they can recognize the crest adorning the tomb as that of Silverfire. Soon they will be approached by a whimpering dog. It’s big, very thin and shaggy, but it looks to be of a good breed. If the try to touch her she will growl, and if pressed, she will attack unless they succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If they try to feed her, she will eat it greedily but throw it all up again together with a black acid ichor and what looks like pieces of burnt flesh. With a success with Wisdom (Perception) against the dogs Dexterity (Stealth) they can hear the rest of the pack creeping up on them (PC’s+1 in total) otherwise the dogs will have a surprise round when attacking.
If it gets to a fight, the cursed dogs (Wolf MM) will try to fight at least two against one using their pack tactics. The crows (Swarm of ravens MM) will swoop down from the tree and go after the groups mages or archers to keep them occupied. The graveyard is full of statues that together with the tree can be climbed to get away from the dogs. If reduced to half strength the dogs and crows will try to escape to the mansion. With their last breath the dogs will retch up a torrent of black ichor acid and chunks of burnt flesh. A successful check against DC 12 Intelligence (Medicine) helps identify some of the pieces as bones and nails from a human. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a small piece of burnt silk among the chunks and ichor.


“The mausoleum looks to be several hundred years old. Moss dripping with moisture is growing on the steps and roof on the shaded side of the structure. The door is slightly ajar and you can hear water dripping against stone echoing inside and a set of stairs leading down. Cold air is radiating out from below and you can feel the hair on exposed skin raising. You can see the faces of grinning gargoyles watching over anyone wanting to enter the tomb.”
At the bottom of the stairs stands a statue of a stern man with prominent sideburns. He’s holding a sword in one skeletal hand and a scale in the other. At the foot of the statue there is a single spent candle. The candle was left by Cyprian when he came to pay his respects at the family tomb. Priests have cast the spell Hallow on the crypt with the effect of everlasting rest. Dead bodies interred in the crypt can't be turned into undead. If the remains of the dead Silverfire family members are brought here, they will be able to rest in peace. Before disappearing passing on the ghost will show them the secret alcove.
“Below it is cold, damp and very quiet, except for the sound of the dripping water. Every breath you take emanates steam. The crypt is divided into small rooms holding generations of the Silvefire family in stone caskets. It looks like it has been expanded in stages during the years. Each casket lid is engraved with the likeness of a person lying serenely with their arms crossed. In one room they can see that four casket lids are leaning against the walls and that the engraved portraits are missing their faces. There are four empty caskets matching the lids.”
The caskets without lids were meant for Cyprian’s family and himself. There faces are uncarved because that was meant to be done after they died, but with Cyprian gone and nobody else around it never got done. This also meant that their bodies were never entombed. If they succeed on a check against DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or if they just look inside they can see that there is dust inside the caskets indicating that no one have been laying in them.
If they start to open up the closed caskets and taking the contents they will find old fine clothes and jewelry worth approximately 500 gp. Anyone who leaves the crypt and has any jewelry in their possession will cursed, the character has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made with Wisdom. The curse can be lifted by passing it on to someone else, returning it to the crypt, or casting remove curse.

Silverfire manor

The manor is situated a few miles from the village. One of the paths running from the crossroad leads up all the way to the gate. The road has not been used in quite some time as the family is now dead.
“As you emerge through the woods you come to the foot of a hill. You see the manor on top of the hill you looking down on you and the village. Nature has slowly started to reclaim the mansion. Even though the rutts in the road are wide and deep, weeds are now sprouting from the cracked soil. Further on you can see the iron gate swinging, clanging as it swings open and shut time and time again. On top of it you see the Silverfire’s crest. Surrounding the house is a brick wall, twice your height. It’s covered in poison ivy fighting to get a grip among the cracks in the mortar. Through the gate you see the house, it’s constructed out of wood and white plastered brick with a tiled roof. The windows on the upper floor have beautiful stained glass windows presumably portraying heroic scenes from the family's once glorious past. The eastern wing has collapsed after a fire. From one of the rooms on the western wings top floor you can see the flickering glow of a single candle.”
They can see more of the red eyed crows sitting on top of the gate and spread out across the roof of the manor and stable buildings.


The Silverfire family haunt the mansion as poltergeists (Specter variant MM). Unless the PCs disrespect the family the won’t try to hurt the PCs. If any of the villagers are with them they will attack them. They will reenact scenes from their life or their murder and guide them to their bones in the burnt wing. Feel free to use various ghostly effects.


“To your left you see a kennel, and to your right a stable. From the stable you hear the high pitched whinny of a frightened horse. In front of the house is a garden, it must have been impressive in its hay day, but it looks like it’s been neglected for years. The fountain is filled with leaves from the surrounding fruit trees. The sweet putrid smell of overripe fruit permeates the air. Rotten plums and oranges hangs from tree branches and covers the ground underneath. Neither people or animals dare to come close to the manor. Spread out through the garden they can see several toppled over statues with stiff smiles on their faces.”
They can also see a black cat lazily licking its fur while observing them. The cat is the shapeshifted devil Malkuut. As harming or killing the group isn’t part of it’s deal with Cyprian it will simply watch them for now. If it thinks it’s not observed it will occasionally mutter to itself in infernal.


If still alive, the dogs will be in the kennel, a small wooden building with a fence around it. There is a broke up hole in the fence. It’s clear to see bite marks from the dogs on the inside of the planks in the fence.
The dog’s will try to avoid the PC’s and will flee if confronted. If the players succeed with a DC 12 check against Intelligence (Animal Handling) they can see how the dogs are showing signs of great fear, but that it’s not directed towards the PC’s, but the cat. The kennel is full of foul smelling excrement.


The stable has a wide double door that’s closed but not locked. It’s a big but simply constructed building made from thick wooden planks.
“There’s room for half a dozen horses in the building but there’s only a single one stabled in one of the boxes. The others are empty and you can smell moldy hay and old horse droppings. You can see the panic in the big warhorse’s eyes and as it strains against the pull of the rope it’s tied up with. Otherwise it looks like it has been well cared for. She’s been brushed and given fresh hay to eat. By your feet you see some adventuring gear scattered around.”
If they look through the adventuring gear they will find the contents of an Explorer’s pack, bit and bridle, a military saddle and a curious looking book sleeve. The book belonging to the sleeve can be found in the manors dining room.
“A leather book sleeve sticks out from the rest. It has infernal looking lettering reading “On the matter of devils” and a pentagram carved into the red leather. It looks like it has been discarded in haste, with no book in sight.”
To approach the horse without getting kicked (+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage) they need to succeed on a DC 12 check against Wisdom (Animal Handling).

Manor house

They can go through the burnt wing but the floor is hazardous and it might collapse down on them. If you break the windows you can go through them. The ornate 10 ft. wide front door is trapped. A net filled with furniture is suspended from the ceiling and tied to the railing on the second story. The trap is sprung by opening the door. If sprung, they will hear a creak and a whoosh as the net swings down, blowing out the door and hitting everyone standing behind it. If they don’t succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity-save they take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage, are pushed 10 feet backwards and knocked prone. If they examine the door and succeed on a check against DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) they can determine how the traps work. If they look through one of the broken windows give them the information from the entrance hall. Disarming it requires a success against DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of hand) and is done by loosening the rope going up to the net or just opening the door and getting out of the way.

Entrance hall

“You get the feeling that the entrance is supposed to display opulence, and that might have been the impression people got before the manor was thoroughly looted. Draperies are pulled down from the walls and pots formerly containing beautiful flowers now lie broken on the floor with its contents withered. A big staircase leads up to the second floor. Prominently displayed in front of you is a painting of the Silverfire family. The family looks proud, standing in the once beautiful manor garden. Someone has taken a knife to it and carved the word “Tyrants” into the wall below it.”
Here you can have the group encounter the black cat again. It warns them, not to pry, as it would be dangerous. Malkuut does not want to involve the PC’s if possible. It will follow them at a distance throughout the manor.

Burnt wing

“The floor is almost entirely burnt through and creaks ominously when you step on it. Many of the bricks in the walls have cracked from the intense flames. It’s almost as if you can still feel the heat from the fire that must have raged here. Further on you can see a pile of bones, together with a skull, half buried in the rubble.”
If they go inside and get close to the bones they can hear faint crying, whispers for help, and begging of “no, don’t do it”. The first time they try to touch one of the skulls it rolls away from them a short distance stopping when it bumps into some of the other bones. On the skull a text reads “May you who did them wrong find no joy, and those who defiled their bodies find no food to satiate their hunger.”.
Terrain in the wing counts as difficult and parts of it might collapse. If they disrespect the bodies or move to fast the roof will collapse. All creatures within the collapsed area needs to succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity-save taking 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and becomes restrained on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. To end the restrained condition, they need to spend an action and succeed on a DC12 Strength-save.

Dining room

“You smell sulfur lingering in the air, mixed in with a scent of sour wine. The smell of dark deeds and loneliness. The dining room is almost empty, except for a small table with a single wooden spoon and bowl. JUst by the table is a large gilded throne. It looks like it has been dragged across the floor. In the fireplace is a pot with a simple stew and they can find a couple of half finished wine bottles. In the middle of the floor is a big chalk summoning circle with black candles in every corner. The floor underneath is scorched. The outer ring of powdered is made of powdered silver but you can see how its been broken in one place. Just outside you find a book with an ominous black cover. You also see a small bowl filled with crusted blood, a knife and a quill.”
The book was written by Kalifatos Magnolion, its title is “On the matter of devils”, and it contains a ritual on summoning devils*.* Cyprian were part of the mercenary force sent out to kill this powerful warlock. They failed but were successful in driving away Magnoleon. Cyprian later took the book as loot, intending to sell it at a later date. With a success against DC 12 Intelligence (Arcane) they have heard of the Magnolion and with a success against DC 15 they know that a mercenary crew drove the Warlock of.


“Instead of the pleasant smell of freshly cooked food this kitchen smells of mold and soured wine. A big wine barrel has been mashed and the ground is still sticky with gallons of red wine that’s flooded the floor. The utensils on the walls are rusted from the rain coming through the broken windows.”
All the old food has molded or rotted away. In the pantry they can find moldy flour mixed with rat droppings. If they succeed on a DC 12 check against Intelligence (Investigation or Cooking utensils) they will find a sack lacking the grime that otherwise permeates the kitchen. The waxed leather sack is filled with one weeks rations consisting of root vegetables, hard tack and dried meat, a food typical for a soldier in the field.

2 floor hallway

“In front of you there are several doors along the wide hallway of the second floor. The walls are decorated with beautifully stained glass windows and decorative tapestries. Prominently displayed is a macabre painting. It portrays the Silverfire family in a grotesque state. Everyone except their youngest member looks to be dead. Their skulls bashed in and their bodies burnt. The manor garden surrounding them looks like it’s rotting. Standing behind the unharmed child is a huge devil with a hand on his shoulder.”

Master bedroom

“You step on the shards of a broken mirror as you walk in. The master bedroom looks like it once has been intimate and beautiful, but have now been thoroughly turned upside down. Furniture have been toppled and bedding silks have been ripped apart together with several sets of fine clothes.“
Even though most of the clothes are ripped they can find one intact set of fine clothes. If they succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check they can also find a small box of jewelry hidden under the bed. The content is worth 75 gp.

Heirs bedroom

“The door to the spartanly furnished room stands ajar and inside you see a big bookshelves, a bed, and a stand with a couple of carved walking canes in it. The nightstand is made of books piled on each other holding more books on top.”
The room belonged to the heir of the family. She was crippled after an accident in her youth. After that she was limited to living out her dreams of traveling the world in book form. If they look through the books they can find the following.

Cyprians bedroom

If they triggered the trap or made any loud noise on their way through the mansion, Cyprian will be waiting for them. He’s sitting on a chair facing the window. If not, he will be sleeping on a bed roll instead of the lavishly decorated bed beside it. Make stealth Dexterity (Stealth) roll against his Wisdom (Perception) to approach him unnoticed. He has disadvantage on the roll if he’s asleep.
“You see the light from the single candle fluttering in the half open window. The room is clean except for a broken wine bottle. A stain covers the wall above and you have to step over a red puddle to get into the room. The lavish bed does not look like it’s been used. Instead there is a worn bedroll rolled out beside it. There is a single chair and a writing desk with some papers.”
If awake and aware he greets them and tells them that he’s sorry he got them involved in all this. They can smell wine on his breath. He will tell them that he made a deal in a moment of rage after he returned home and found out that the mob of villagers had killed his family. He regrets his deal and that his soul might be forfeit, but also want the guilty villagers to be punished in. If asked, he will direct them to the contract laying on the desk.
With a successful check against DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) Cyprian can be convinced to confront and fight against the devil.

The deal

The contract is written on the finest vellum in an oily black ink and signed in blood. The penmanship is immaculate as if written by someone with years or even lifetimes of experience.
If the players are smart they might be able to find some loophole in Cyprian's contract with the devil. You as a DM decide on what’s a plausible loophole. The contract can either be fulfilled if all three stipulations are satisfied, both parties agree to annul it or if one or more of the requests are impossible to fulfill.
  1. Killing those responsible for the death of the Silverfire family: If Cyprian is killed by either the players or Malkuut they are included in this stipulation. The devil will it that case try to kill the PC’s or itself. It can also be argued that the family is not dead as long as Cyprian lives therefore making the contract invalid.
  2. Returning the fortunes of the Silverfire family to its rightful owner: The contract stipulates that the fortunes should be returned but the family was also in great debt meaning they had no fortune. They could also destroy part of what the villagers looted making it impossible to fulfill.
  3. Erase Eagle peak from the face of Toril: Could be as simple as erasing the name from a map. Could also be solved by changing the name of the village.

Confronting Malkuut

The devil will try to confront them after they have talked to Cyprian and before they exit the manor. The black cat will start talking in a deep voice.
“I am Malkuut, herald of Fierna and Belial, clerc at in the infernal court in Phlegethos, fourth layer of Balor. I and Cyprian made a deal, and I intend to stick to it. Do not come between me and my task.”
The players have the option to fight the devil here, but can also choose to argue the stipulations of the contract. If they find a loophole to make the contract void. Malkuut will attack them out of frustration, stating that if they can’t get Cyprians soul, their lives will have to do.
If a fight breaks out, Malkuut will try to set the house on fire. If they are not eliminated at the crossroads a murder of crows will join the fight on Malkuut’s side. They fly in through any available window, breaking it if necessary.
Large fiend, lawful evil
STR18 (+4)DEX12 (+1)CON18 (+4)INT14 (+2)WIS12 (+1)CHA14 (+2)
Fire aura. At the start of each of its turns, Malkuut deals 5 (1d10) fire damage to any creature or object within 5 ft..
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.
Innate Spellcasting. Malkuuts innate Spellcasting Ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following Spells, requiring no material components: 2/day each: Darkness, Hellish Rebuke


Multiattack. The devil makes three melee attacks: one with its tail and two with its claws. Alternatively, it can use Hurl Flame twice.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 150 ft., one target. Hit: (3d6) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried, it also catches fire.
Change Shape. Malkuut magically polymorphs into a black house cat, or back into its true form. In cat form it keeps its mental statistics but its physical characteristics changes.

Malkuut’s tactics

If it comes to a fight and Malkuut is still in cat form, it will cast darkness and then transform into its devil form. It will then proceed to attack and hur fire from the cover of darkness. If there is no targets present it will move out of the darkness and go on the hunt while hurling fireballs towards the support columns. If the devil miss with its flame you can rule that the hit the support instead.

Fire and the collapsing building

The support columns have 30 hp and are vulnerable to fire. If it has been hit by fire, it will take 3 (1d6) fire damage each round until it collapses or the fire is put out. If reduced to 0 hp the column and all structures within a 10ft radius collapses. All creatures within the collapsed area needs to succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity-save taking 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and becomes restrained on a failed save. To end the restrained condition, they need to spend an action and succeed on a DC12 Strength-save. Once the area is collapsed, the floor of the area is filled with rubble and becomes difficult terrain.


There is no set ending, but if the players have found answers to the choices below it’s time for an epilogue. Take the players choices and weave it into a narrative of what happened to the village, the lovers and the devil.

Killing or siding with Malkuut

Cyprians fate

Fate of the village

Burying the bones

submitted by TroutSlinger to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

Guide: How to Prepare for Adventuring - Farming Rupees/Food/Arrows/Bows/Weapons

Guide: How to Prepare for Adventuring -

Farming Rupees/Food/Dishes/Arrows/Bows/Weapons
Purpose of this Guide:
This guide aims to be a compendium of information about how to stock up and get ready for the scale of this game. There is simply so much to explore that if you are not prepared before heading off into a random direction, you may not survive or be able to reach where you are going. The information below helps the up and coming adventurer gear up and become ready for anything (without having to spoil too much of the game). This is something I wish I could have found when I first stepped foot off the Plateau, so hopefully it'll help some of you out. That being said, even a seasoned adventurer may find use in some of the insights below (especially farming techniques) so don't think there isn't something for everyone here!
This guide covers certain areas within the game you will need to visit, and a few minor side quest spoilers. Please read at your own risk, but I promise this post will have no major storyline spoilers. Call me out if it does and I'll edit the post immediately.
NOTE: This post also assumes you have made it off the Plateau and are ready to explore the world. If you are still on the Plateau please stop reading now.

Step 1: Get Some Wheels

Find A Horse & Register it at a Stable
Horses allow you to speedily make your way through the world during the time where you can't Fast Travel from location to location. The first thing you should do before trying to find said Fast Travel locations is tame a horse.
Horses can be found out in the wild, normally grassy plains areas, and can be tamed by sneaking up on them and mounting them. Once you have mounted a horse, you will need to rapidly tap the "soothe" button until little red hearts appear around the horses head. This means the horse has stopped trying to buck you off. Taming a horse takes stamina, so be sure to have a full bar or something to refill you stamina on hand. Normal horses will take less than a single circle of stamina to tame. More exotic horses will take much more.
Once you can successfully steer the horse, continue to "soothe" it as you bring it to a nearby stable. Once near a stable, Z-Target the stable owner and choose to talk to them. Ask them to register your horse for a price of 20 Rupee's. Once registered, horses can be taken or stored from any stable across the land. Use this to Fast Travel and retrieve your horse in a completely different location.
You can feed your horse things such as apples or carrots to improve your "relationship" with them after you have registered them. From what I can tell one apple or one carrot will add 10 to the meter you can see when choosing which horse to take from the stable. It's a quick way to instantly max out the relationship status so you don't have to deal with it disobeying during your travels.
Feeding them Endura Carrots can also give them an extra one time use spur when galloping. I managed to get three extra spurs on one horse for a total of six. These extra ones disappear as soon as they are used though so use them wisely. A special thanks to user u/Leshiarelaohk for his insight into feeding horses!
Also, you can customize your horse's look (mane, tail, bridle, and saddle) by talking to the NPC tending the stabled horses at any stable. NOTE: the bond with your horse must be high. Credit to u/Nick_0f_Time for his original post found HERE.
For those interested, the horse with the highest stamina in the game can be found extremely close to the Plateau. This would be an ideal starter horse while you are trying to uncover more portions of your map.
To find this horse, make your way off the Plateau North West of Hopper Pond and take the pathway west. When the path splits, take the right path which will lead you to the Outskirt Stable. Once there, talk to an old man outside the stable mumbling about a white horse. He will give you a side quest to find and tame said horse. The horse can be located just north west of the stable on Safula Hill. A Gif of the location can be found HERE.
Look for an all-white horse near the run down structure to the north portion of Safula Hill. It will take more than a single circle to tame this horse, so bring something that restores stamina. I suggest a cooked Staminoka Bass easily found in the lake next to riverside stable. Or if you are just coming from the Plateau, try cooking a Staminilla Mushroom with other mushrooms. The more stamina refilling ingredients in the dish, the more stamina the cooked dish will restore.
The White Horse has the following stats:
Strength * * * * -
Speed * * * - -
Stamina * * * * *
Having MAX stamina on your first horse is clutch. Just food for thought.

Step 2: Find Your Way

Complete the World Map
In order to efficiently use this guide, you will need be able to find where you need to go. The best way to do this is to complete the game's world map. You do so by visiting the Towers in each "blacked out" portion of your map.
The beauty of this game is that you can do ALL THE THINGS as soon as you make it off the Plateau, you just have to be brave enough. (Or quick enough to run past encounters and B-line it to a tower) Personally, the first thing I did was mark all of the towers on my map that I could see from on top of the Plateau, then paraglided/ran/climbed to said towers, and then looked for more. Rinse and repeat until the entire map is completed.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. Having a completed map just makes it easier to fast travel to different locations, and enables you to easily identify locations in this guide by name when looking at your in game map.
If you DO NOT wish to complete your map, the towers and locations you will NEED to visit for this guide are:
This is where you will find the Wasteland Tower. It is located South West of the Great Plateau.
  • Ridgeland Tower
  • Wasteland Tower
  • Woodland Tower
  • Faron Tower
  • Riverside Stable
    • Wahgo Katta Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF
  • Kakariko Village
    • Ta'Loh Naeg Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF
  • Hateno Village
    • Myahm Agana Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF

Step 3: Get Deeper Pockets

Expand Your Inventory So You Can Hold More Weapons / Bows / Shields
Since you have already expanded your world a little bit, you have most likely run across a large Korok named Hestu. Hestu is the NPC that will take the Korok seeds you have been collecting/discovering throughout the game. He will trade you more inventory slots in exchange for Korok Seeds.
You will need a larger inventory space if you want to start your adventuring with items already in hand. If you usually head out with just a pot lid, you can skip this part.
Encounter Location Map Image Map GIF Hestu Image Description
First South East of Kakariko Village & Pillars of Levia Image GIF Image Hestu can first be found on the pathway leading to Kakariko Village. You should organically run into him on your way to discovering Kakariko Village. He will move from here after you have upgraded your inventory twice.
Second Next to Riverside Stable (Between Whistling Hill and Batrea Lake) Image GIF Image Hestu will be found just outside the area of the Riverside Stable. He will move from this location after you have upgraded your inventory another 5ish times.
Third Korok Forest north of Hyrule Castle & through the Lost Woods Image GIF Image This will be the final resting place of Hestu. You can upgrade your inventory with him as long as you continue to find Korok Seeds.
To completely upgrade your inventory, you will only need 441/900 possible Korok Seeds. If you have already used Hestu, you will know he requires more Korok Seeds for each additional inventory slot upgrade. See the cost breakdown below:
Upgrade Number Weapons Bows Shields
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 5 5 4
5 8 8 5
6 12 12 10
7 17 17 10
8 25 25 10
9 35 - 10
10 45 - 10
11 55 - 15
12 - - 15
13 - - 15
14 - - 15
15 - - 15
16 - - 20
Credit to u/Ekint's original post found HERE for the above info.

Step 4: Become Top Chef

Finding / Farming “Must Have” Food Ingredients & Cooking the Best Dishes
Food is extremely important in this game. And you can use/consume just about anything you find to heal or get some sort of buff. However, I believe the right ingredients & best recipes are THE most important part of using consumables in Breath of the Wild.
Before I get into detailed theory and explanations, you first need to know some basics about consumables, cooking, and inventory management.
  • Consumables found in the wild will re-grow / re-spawn.
    • If an item grows out of the ground or off of a tree, it can re-grow after a certain period of in-game time. This time can, and usually is, shorter than the next Blood Moon.
    • Example: Apples on trees
    • If an item doesn't "grow" and isn't strictly found inside a treasure chest, it will re-spawn after a Blood Moon.
    • Example: Ore deposits
  • Adding more of an item into a dish adds more of the buff that item yields.
    • Example: a dish of 1 apple restores less hearts than a dish of 5 apples
  • Cooking any dish that uses an "overfill" ingredient automatically fully restores your base stamina/heart values.
    • Example: By using an ingredient where the informational text indicates it will provide a temporary "yellow" heart, a dish of just that ingredient will fill all of your red hearts first before giving you the temporary heart. It doesn't matter if you have 3 red hearts or 20, that dish made up of just 1 ingredient will refill ALL of your red hearts. Same goes for stamina.
  • You have a limited number of inventory spaces for cooked items that can never be expanded.
    • You are allotted 3.5 pages of cooked dishes in your inventory, credit to u/Cyndikate
  • Dishes you cook in the pot each take up a single inventory space.
    • This is important for managing inventory space.
  • Items you cook over an open flame stack in your inventory.
    • (only take up a single inventory space no matter how many you make/pick up)
  • Items cooked over an open flame heal less than their “dish” counterpart and do not provide buffs
    • Example: A cooked pepper (or a pepper as part of a dish) heals and adds a cold resist buff, whereas a scorched pepper cooked over an open flame only heals less and provides no buff.
  • Items cooked over an open flame can over-cook and disappear.
    • Example: You can drop an apple on a fire and it will catch flame and change into a toasted apple. If that same apple is left on the fire it will catch flame again and eventually disappear.
  • You can sort cooked food by type and level of buff/restore in your inventory.
    • By pressing “Y” (on the switch) you can sort each of your inventory types. For food, this will arrange by buff type first and by power second.
Below are my personal Core Values when it comes to consumables in this Game. Each value is followed by my justification / theory behind it. Please feel free to adopt them. Or don't. It won't hurt my feelings at all. Really.
  1. All of the ingredients I use should be easy to gather & plentiful.
    • If an item is rare to find, why the hell would I used it in a regular elixir to restore 5ish hearts? The hoarder in me knows someday, for some reason, I'm going to need that one special ingredient. So instead of wasting potentially valuable items, why not use what princess nature so abundantly provides? Why waste specialized mushrooms or animal parts to make a stamina elixir when I can just cook a single Staminoka Bass and it will restore a full circle of stamina? There is always something that is the best at what it does and can be found frequently in the wild.
  2. Everything I cook should be medium to high level, or it should fully maximize the potential gains.
    • Remember that one time you spotted a tower at the top of a mountain, made it all the way to the top, and realized it was too cold to stay there and finish activating the tower? Me too. It was on that day that I swore NEVER to die from the cold again. Until that other time where I DID have a cold resist dish, but it was low level and I STILL died of cold because I went even higher into the snowy region this time. On THAT day I swore to only carry medium to high level dishes/elixirs. If the dish I create can't handle ALL of the possible scenarios I will need the buff/resist for, then why waste the ingredients? If I simply added a little more of the same ingredient I could have survived that fateful night on the snowy mountaintop. Low level dishes are for low level risk. Be willing to take the big risks adventurer.
  3. Stamina is Stamina and Hearts are Hearts. Don't mix gains within the same dish.
    • Specialize with your recipes, don't just throw things in and have a portion of your dish that doesn't matter. Say you've been upgrading only your stamina at the beginning of the game. You now have 2 full stamina circles but still only have 3 hearts. So now you want to make sure you can refill that big stamina meter, so you add more things to your dishes. What you end up with is something that refills two stamina circles and restores 15 hearts. That's a lot of wasted healing on your 3 heart self. Why not just use stamina ingredients and make stamina dishes and cook some apples to make dishes that refill up to 3 hearts? Waste not my brave adventurer. Keeping your heart refilling recipes focused on hearts and your stamina replenishing recipes focused on stamina.
  4. Prioritize "overfill" healing rather than "x" number of refilled hearts.
    • Remember the cooking tidbit above about items that overfill either hearts or stamina inherently having the ability to completely restore all of your base stamina or hearts? Use this to you advantage. Cook a single overfill item and you have a full-restore dish. Use this instead of cooking 5 ingredients and still not refilling your entire health. Waste not my brave adventurer.
  5. Have one of every buff type on hand at all times, but only cook particular buffs when I know I'll need them.
    • Remember the story of my icy death earlier. If I had been prepared, that wouldn't have happened. Always be prepared. (Insert Boy/Girl Scout joke here) Nothing is worse than setting your sights on some treasure chest or mountain you want to climb that is NO WHERE NEAR a shrine, only to realize you won't survive within 100 yards without a certain resist or buff. Always having a medium to high dish for each of the resist and buff types allows you to have complete freedom of exploration. That being said, don't go crazy and carry 10 cold resist dishes. Remember, you only have a certain number of inventory slots for dishes. In all likelihood the 7-10 minutes of resist from the one dish you always carry on you is enough to get you where you need to go, or give you enough time to escape from where you've already been. The only caveat to this point is that if you know you're going to spend the afternoon on the snowy mountain tops, you may want to prep a little bit more for cold resist. Make a few extra and head on your way.
The top three ingredients/recipes/dishes/buffs that everyone wants to farm are:
  1. Basic Healing Items - things to restore your red hearts
  2. Overfill Healing Items - things to add yellow hearts to your health
  3. Stamina Refilling Items - things to refill your stamina when it's low
Below are the easiest / fastest / most rewarding farming methods to accomplish the three items above:
  1. Basic Healing Items
    • Raw Prime Meat Farming (Deer Hunt Mini-game) - Raw Prime Meat can be cooked over an open flame to create Seared Prime Steak, which heals for 2 1/4 red hearts. These items also stack in your inventory and only take up one slot. You can farm 5-10 of these per minute utilizing the Deer Hunt Mini-game in Hateno Village.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Infinite Raw Prime Meat Farming (10/minute!)
  2. Overfill Healing Items
    • Hearty Durian Farming (+20 Yellow Hearts) - x5 Hearty Durians can be cooked in a pot to create Hearty Simmered Fruit, which fully restores your red hearts and provides an extra 20 yellow hearts. These items are found right next to the Faron tower and can be easily farmed every 5-6 in game days. You can farm 5-15 of these per run.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Hearty Durian Farming (Easy +20 Yellow Hearts!)
  3. Stamina Refilling Items
    • Staminoka Bass Farming (Full Wheel Stamina Refill with Each Fish) - a single Staminoka Bass can be cooked in a pot to create an Energizing Fish Skewer, which fully restores an entire stamina wheel. These can be abundantly found in the river next to the Riverside Stable and have an incredibly quick respawn rate. You can farm 20+ of these in a 5-10 minute farming run.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Easy Stamina Recovery Farm (Staminoka Bass)
Ingredient Nearest Fast Travel Location Farming Location Usual Yield Per Farm Respawn Schedule Details GIF
Hearty Durian Faron Tower On the cliffside ledge North East of the tower. You can glide directly from the tower to the ledge. 5-12 Respawns multiple times between Blood Moons. Estimated every 6ish in game days. Full-Heal + 4 Yellow Hearts when cooked GIF
Staminoka Bass Wahgo Katta Shrine Hylia River. The long river that passes right infront of the Riverside Stable. Between Hyrule Field and West Necluda. 20+ following the river for 5-10 minutes Very Frequently. Usually every other in game day. Full Circle of Stamina Recovery when cooked GIF
Raw Prime Meat Sheikah Ancient Tech Lab Deer Hunting Mini-game at the farm above Hateno Village 5-10 per minute Every time you start the Mini-game Stackable item that when cooked can heal for 2 1/4 hearts. GIF
Dish Name Buff/Resist/Restore Ingredients Cooking Type Details GIF
Hearty Simmered Fruit Full-Heal & +20 Yellow Hearts x5 Hearty Durian Pot This dish completely restores your red heart health and adds +20 yellow hearts. Each Hearty Durian adds +4 yellow hearts. Adjust as needed. GIF
Energizing Fish Skewer Heal 2 Red Hearts & Recover x1 Stamina Wheel x1 Staminoka Fish Pot This dish refills your stamina wheel by one circle. Add more fish for more stamina recovery. (2 fish = 2 1/4 stamina circles) GIF
Seared Prime Steak Heal 2 1/2 Hearts x1 Raw Prime Meat Open Flame This item is one of the highest healing items that can be cooked over an open flame. The benefit to cooking over an open flame is that this item will stack and only take up a single inventory slot. GIF
The lists above will continue to expand as I explore the game. If you have anything you think would be a good addition to the tables above, comment below and I will incorporate them.

Step 5: Stock Up on Ammo

Farming Unlimited Regular Arrows
Starting out in this game, arrows are hard to come by. You usually pick up 3-5 every time you bait a bow wielding enemy. I'm here to help you alleviate that pain. If you follow the directions below, you can farm 200 regular arrows every 10 minutes. This farm can be done as long as you want, so if you want 10,000 arrows there's nothing stopping you from being THAT guy.
If you exit Kakariko Village via the Western exit (GIF of the location) it will take you to the Sahasra Slope. In this open field you will ALWAYS run into two horse riding enemies. These enemies will continuously circle you and fire arrows. The key point here is that these arrows can ALWAYS be picked up off the ground. The combination of their low grade bows, the soft grass, and the distance that they circle you allows their arrows to hit the ground, not break, and become available to be picked up.
The farming method here is to simply walk (DO NOT SPRINT. Sprinting causes you to get hit more often or have the enemies back away and stop firing.) in a circle from arrow to arrow as they hit the ground. You can pick them up as they fall for an infinite amount of time.
NOTE - This method may not work on the Wii U. The Wii U may have a hard cap to the number of arrows any enemy can put into the world to be picked up. There have been conflicting reports on this subject, but I say try it out and see if it works for you!
VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Arrow Farming (10 min = 200 arrows!)

Step 6: Get Paid

Farming Rupees - All Current Best Methods
  • Lurelin Village (Cloyne) Gambling - Save Exploit
    • DESCRIPTION: Head South East to the Lurelin Village (Yah Rin Shrine for Fast Travel) and find a hut with Cloyne sitting in it. This is the gambling house. Here you can bet 100 Rupees for a 1/3 chance at getting 300 Rupees. The trick here is to save before each time you bet, and if you don't find the 300 reload your save.
    • DIFFICULTY: Medium
    • YIELD: 100 per minute (RNG Based average)
    • VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda - Breath of the Wild - Early Game Rupee Farming by South Rage Gaming
  • Deer Farming Mini-game
    • DESCRIPTION: This method requires a lot of arrows and a few decent bows, so there's a trade off on items for money. Head East to Hateno Village (Ancient Tech Lab for Fast Travel). Find Dantz at the farm at the top of the village and start the Deer Hunt Mini-game. Here you can farm 5-10 Raw Prime Meats per minute. 5 of these meats can be cooked to create a dish that sells for 210 Rupees.
    • DIFFICULTY: Hard
    • YIELD: 210 per minute
    • VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Infinite Raw Prime Meat Farming (10/minute!)

Step 7: Find a Place to Lay Your Head

Buy a House to Store Items, Rest in a Free Bed, and Always Have a Lit Cooking Stove
In Hateno Village, there is an abandoned house that is being demolished when you first find it. If you make your way through a series of tasks (mostly paying people to do things) you can acquire this house and use it to hold weapons, bows, and shields. There is also a free bed inside you can rest at, and an always lit cooking pot outside. This is a great investment early on in the game.
How to Buy the House:
  1. Find the house. It is located South of the center of Hateno Village. See this image for a more precise location.
  2. Go around back and find the NPC Bolson. He will be the guy in pink.
    • NOTE: Sometimes Bolson has moved from this initial location if you have started another side quest. He can be found in Tarry Town. Complete the side quest that brought him there and he'll come back to Hateno Village.
  3. Pay Bolson 3,000 Rupees and 30 bundles of wood.
  5. Upgrade your house by paying Bolson 100 Rupees per upgrade. You can upgrade your house with the following:
    • Two extra Weapon Mounts
    • Three Bow Mounts
    • Three Shield Mounts
    • Bed Installation
    • Lighting Installations
    • Door Installation
    • A Sign with Link's Name
    • A Flowerbed
    • Trees
    • The cost for everything listed above combined is 1,400 Rupees.
Use your new found abode to store rare items you find in game by placing them on the displays inside. Anything simply dropped on the floor of your house will eventually disappear. That being said, this is still a great base of operations where you can cook, sleep, and store your most precious belongings.

Step 8: Gear Up

Finding / Farming Easily Obtainable Yet Strong Weapons
All weapons that aren't from a treasure chest will respawn after a Blood Moon. Knowing where a couple of these respawning weapons are located can help you gear up fast. Below is a list of the best weapons you can easily farm every Blood Moon:
A FULL VIDEO GUIDE OF THIS SECTION CAN BE FOUND HERE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Easily Farmable Great Swords & Other Weapons
Thank you u/Aceftw for your find of the "Ali Babas Cave". This is your one stop shop for a bow, shield, spear, duel handed sword, and single handed sword.
  • x3 Chests with x5 Bomb Arrows & 300 Rupees / Radiant Shield / Gerudo Spear / Golden Bow / Edge of Duality / Moonlight Scimitar
    • Fast Travel to the Gerudo Tower Paraglide to the top of the mountain directly North of the tower. Turn left and head West. You should see a cave entrance with maybe a small bolder in front of it. Go in the cave and profit!
  • Royal Claymore
    • On top of the rock skull on the top of the Woodland Tower
  • Great Thunderblade
    • Fast Travel to the Tabantha Tower. Once there, paraglide and climb to the top of the mountain directly North West of the tower (Cuho Mountain).
  • Great Flameblade
    • Fast Travel to the Central Tower. Once there, paraglide directly West to the lake North of Mount Daphnes. Cross the bridge to get to the big dead tree in the middle of the lake and fight the enemy.
  • Iron Sledgehammer
    • There are two of these leaning against the left side of the house you can buy in Hateno Village.
  • Guardian Sword
    • Fast Travel to the Kaam Ya'tak shrine in Central Hyrule just north of the Plateau and West of Windvane Meadow. Go into the shrine and defeat the EASY Guardians within and they drop multiple Guardian Swords.
  • Guardian Spear
    • Fast Travel to the Kaam Ya'tak shrine in Central Hyrule just north of the Plateau and West of Windvane Meadow. Go into the shrine and defeat the EASY Guardians within and they drop multiple Guardian Spears.
  • Thunderspear
    • Fast Travel to the Ridgeland Tower and paraglide down to the base of the tower. There will be a large lilypad with two of these sticking out of it. Paraglide down directly onto this pad to avoid any confrontations.
  • Royal Broadsword
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Royal Bow
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Soldier's Claymore
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Steel Lizal Bow
    • Fast Travel to the Wasteland Tower and paraglide down to the little watetree area directly North of the tower. You will run into two Lizal enemies, one drops this item.
  • Dragonbone Moblin Club
    • Fast Travel to the Lake Tower and paraglide down to the base of the tower. You should see a little patch of grass with a large apple tree nearby. There is a Moblin here that drops this item.
  • Golden Claymore
    • Fast Travel to the Mogg Latan Shrine, directly West of the central tower near Satori Mountain. Head a little bit South East of the shrine until you come across a large skeleton on the ground. Use the Magnesis rune to get this item out of the skeleton.
  • Torch
    • Fast Travel to the Ancient Tech Lab in Hateno Village. Walk inside the front door and one of these should be leaning against a shelf to your immediate left.
This particular list will continue to grow and become more precise the longer this post lives. Comment below on anything else you would like added to the list and I'll put them in for everyone else to see.

BONUS: Adventure Pro Tips

A Compendium of PSA's to Become a Better Adventurer
Below is a list of PSA's and General Tips to maximize your quality of life in Breath of the Wild:
  • If you don't already have your complete map unlocked, you can use the online version found HERE made & maintained by IGN
  • You can trade the heart containers for stamina containers and stamina containers for heart containers. See u/yust's post about it HERE. The shrine to do this is located southwest of Hateno Village. Specifically HERE (picture coming soon).
  • How to ensure you have completed and found all of the treasure in a shrine:
    • A shrine will become completely blue if you have claimed the Spirit Orb within. (Usually starts with a little bit of yellow on both the physical shrine and the shrine's icon on your map once you have discovered and activated a shrine)
    • When you select a shrine on you map, if a small treasure chest icon appears to the right of a shrine's name you have found all of the treasure chests / loot within said shrine.
  • You can drop bombs while paragliding. Activate the bomb rune, and enjoy carpet bombing enemies!
  • Take rust off of weapons by throwing them into the mouth of a Rock Octorok. The Octorok will spit out the rust free version of the weapon. Credit to u/panqakee's original post found HERE.
  • The Blood Moon will respawn all Guardians inside shrines. Use this knowledge to farm harder to find Ancient Materials or Guardian Weapons.
  • If an enemy shoots and arrow at your wooden shield, it will stick to your shield. Stow your shield to add those arrows to your inventory.
  • If you find a pinwheel in the world, this is a Korok mini-game. Find something to stand on, or stand in the right position and balloons you need to shoot will appear.
  • You can use a picture from your compendium in combination with your Sheikah Slate's upgraded sensor to find harder to find items such as: treasure chests, certain types of fish, rare but powerful ingredients, etc.
  • Aim your bow in air to slow down time and aim precisely. Similar to VATS without all the detail.
  • You can reflect Guardian blasts with ANY shield as long as you time the swinging of your shield correctly. (Yes, even a pot lid will work. See: the legendary Pot Lid Larry)
  • Bonus stats from dishes or elixirs do not stack. EXAMPLE: you can't use two 1 minute cold resist elixirs to get 2 minutes of cold resistance. The same goes for multiple types of stat bonuses. You only keep the stats bonus of the last consumed dish/elixir.
  • Don't use axes or other weapons to chop down trees, use your bombs. One bomb = Tree down. Second bomb = collectable wood. Really, just use bombs for all things that need to be destroyed. (ore deposits [not if they are on a mountain side since the resulting items will most certainly fall], fish, crates/barrels, metal containers, the courage of your enemies, etc.)
  • You can Travel mid combat/falling/paragliding. At any moment, you can Fast Travel out of a situation. Use this to get out of encounters you are not equipped to deal with.
  • If you tip over one of the broken down ancient guardians, there are ancient parts underneath. Credit to u/youhoe for his original post found HERE.
  • The Stasis Tool can also be used to highlight collectables in your general vicinity. While farming have it active to see interactable objects in a bright yellow glow. You must temporarily turn it off to collect the items.
  • You can catch fairies and keep them in your inventory. They will resurrect you if you die, as they did in previous games. You can catch them around the Great Fairy fountains. New fairies in the wild will not spawn if you have 3 of more in your inventory. Therefore, you can have a total of 6 at a single time (2 already in your inventory and then discover 4 at once in the wild). Credit to PaztheSpaz for the clarification.
  • Don't waste your fire arrows unless you have to. Equip your bow and walk by a lit fire. The arrow tip lights. Use this to set off red barrels or light your target ablaze.
  • There are separate cooldown timers for the round and square bombs. Use this to your advantage, especially when you upgrade them. Throw a bomb, switch to the other type, throw it, switch, throw, switch... Credit to user u/zombiegamer723.
  • Brand new weapons have a small sparkle in the top right corner. This means the item is unused and is at full durability. Credit to user u/TogTogTogTog.


I hope this helps you all out, and let me know if you have any questions!
Check out some of my other guides below to help you on your adventures:
GUIDE: Fastest Dragon Horn Farming - 3 PER MINUTE - (54,000 Rupees/Hour)
GUIDE: Ultimate Cooking - Health / Stamina Recovery - (Overfill with Easily Farmable Ingredients)
GUIDE: Guardian Weapon / Shield / Part Farming - (All Test of Strength Shrines)
GUIDE: How to Hold 11 Fairies at Once (MAX FAIRY FARMING)
submitted by UNDERSCOREY to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

Mechanus, the Plane of Law

It is commonly believed that each plane shapes its inhabitants until they become indistinguishable paragons of the alignment. The souls of the Abyss are tortured into evil and mad demons, those of the Hells and of Acheron survive by rising through the ranks of armies, those of the upper planes are surrounded by bliss until they rise above the baser desires. Looking at Mechanus, one can see how this fanciful speculation came about. Those who thrive will inevitably turn themselves into Clockworks and Philosopher Kings. Those who can barely scrape by end up slaves, indentured workers or civil servants, condemned to a life of tedious work that destroys individuality through sheer mind-numbing boredom. Those who aren’t so fortunate die and their souls are recycled into modrons by the Machine. You can rise to meet the Law or fall to the Machine but the outcome is inevitable.


Welcome to the Median. You will find to your right a series of paths lined by monodrones. You must listen to their recorded messages and follow their directions for information and visa approval.
Mechanus is the plane of Law. There are no layers, there is simply the Machine. // All towns, cities and locations are found on the sides of the great cogs of the Machine. Gravity is relative to the centre of the cogs. Make sure to be informed as to the local customs of the cog you are in. The main inhabitants of this plane// are modrons, formians and the souls of petitioners. You are advised to use the Labyrinth for travel. There are reports of a mechanical storm at cogcode W546750. The courts of Regulus will render judgement at 5 o’clock. …


If you came from Acheron via the Realm of Thunder or the Mines of Marsellin, follow path A. If you came from Bytopia via sacrifice of a mechanical animal, take path B or return by crafting a doll of meat at spawn point. If you came from Sigil // via the Automata gate, show your pre-approved visa in line S or return by walking back through the gate. If you are a newly dead soul or petitioner, follow line P. If you are a planar traveller or have travelled via magic, follow line T. If you are // from the Plane of Steam, please follow decontamination procedure n°…
Travel within Mechanus can be done on foot or hoof. Mind the gap when crossing from one cog to another. For your safety, flight is not recommended without the day’s wind map of the area. Alternatively, portals appear pseudo-randomly within the Labyrinth and the Babel Library. If you // know the time and place of your destination, the Mathematicians may offer you their services in finding the portal you need. Terms and conditions apply, this is not a binding offer and …


It is improbable to fall off a cog as each face has its own gravity. Owing to this, the winds between the cogs of the Machine can be very powerful and weather can change dramatically. However, each are regular and predictable so be sure to buy the local // weather forecast. The ruler of a cog may have decreed their own laws of physics or magical fields so be aware of those too. Free will is retained so you could hypothetically commit a crime but are strongly recommended to not do so as consequences will be dire.//


The census shows that modrons, formians, the souls of petitioners (mostly duergar, dwarves, goliath, halflings, hobgoblins, humans, mind-flayers and myconids) and the souls of the faithful comprise most of the population.
Modrons are the mechanical servants of Primus, the God of Law. They are the true embodiments of // law and follow a strict hierarchy from the simple monodrone to the mighty secundii and Primus himself.
Formians are ant-bodied creatures. They live in the distant parts of the Machine and have engaged in border wars. Do not approach them and immediately report their presence to local authorities.//
Petitioners must find a profession to pay for their upkeep. Their fate is determined by their success in this. Successful ones hone their craft and contemplate the nature of Law. Those that reach new understanding and enlightenment can gradually cast off the bonds of // flesh to improve their bodies and become Clockworks, the rulers of each cog. Petitioners who fail to even feed for themselves can sell themselves to slavery or die. Dead petitioners are respawned by the Machine but if they can’t pay for the service are ground down into modrons.//
You may also find wild animated objects, cog spirits, golems and other constructs, rust monsters and xorn. Talking to a Flard without permission from the Fraternity of Order is punishable by death.


The Modrons. The purpose of the Modron is to promote law. They are strictly hierarchical with the god Primus at the very top. To further their goals, they avidly seek out information about the other planes. Their usual tactics involve heavy-handed application of the law, overwhelming numbers or giving contracts to sellswords (if outside the realm of civilisation). More here
Fraternity of Order. The fraternity of law (“Guvners”) seek to understand the laws of multiverse; knowledge is most valuable for them. Most of their members are lawyers, judges and researchers and they are sought out for their skill with words and their extensive library. They will pay anyone who can help them catalogue a new body of law, be it succession laws of a millennial empire to the oral tradition of a clan of dozens in a forsaken mountain range. They can create magically binding contracts and try to solve problems through diplomacy. They also record the location of stable portals, placing them as rivals to the Mathematicians in the transport business.
Brigadiers of In Machina. The brigadiers are a cult that are barely tolerated by the authorities. Overawed by the Modron collective, they preach that the goal of everyone on the plane should be to kill themselves so as to reincarnate in the Great Machine and become the life-force of modrons. This can be popular with slaves and lower class who kill themselves en masse in Primus’s name. The wealthier converts will help “liberate” other people by buying slaves and slaughtering them. It is unknown what Primus thinks of this cult.
Harmonium. One of the largest law-enforcement groups (“the Hardheads”). They have a strong belief in the fairness of justice and serve across most of the civilised parts. If you break the law, they will relentlessly hunt you down and bring you in chains before a judge. Their stubbornness and adherence to procedure is legendary. They are on very good terms with the Fraternity of Order who they respect for their even-handedness.
Mercykillers. One of the largest law-enforcement groups, “the Red Death”. They have a strong belief in the swiftness of justice and serve only in places where the rulers have granted them the right to kill criminals (mostly the border cogs but some Clockworks can be surprisingly sadistic). If you break the law, they will relentlessly hunt you down and execute you on the spot. Their name refers not killing out of mercy but to killing the concept of mercy itself. Their combat prowess is unrivalled.
Formians. The motives of the Formians are unknown as their logic is strange and alien. They seem to randomly claim cogs (usually contiguous to ones they already claim) and will defend what they perceive as their territory to the death. They are a slowly encroaching force on the borders of the civilised cogs. They seem to have a special hatred for modrons.
Mathematicians. The Mathematicians (“scriveners”) believe that numbers are the key to understanding the multiverse. They would be a very weak faction were it not for the fact that they alone can predict the winds of the land. For a fee, they can predict the weather. For a bigger one, they can provide you with an airship and a set of mysterious instructions bound to carry you to destination. For an even greater fee they can calculate where and when the right portal will appear that will carry you to destination. They are rich and vindictive and will punish anyone who disturbs their peace. Some claim they communicate with “Moignos”, spirits made of math and obsessed with the number pi.
The Wheel of Gond. The supra-guild of all craftsmen welcomes all who reached Mechanus because of the love of their craft. They value only skill and the beauty of what you can create with your labour. They may hire the party to find rare ingredients (metals, monster parts, magic items) or to clear out wild cogs to make space for their architects.



  1. A woman on the slave block is being sold to pay back her debt to a crooked money-lender. She begs you to find the money-lender and make him admit she paid.
  2. You are challenged to a duel.
  3. Someone discreetly offers to buy secrets for coin.
  4. You have somehow broken the law of this town/cog. Run!
  5. Someone insistently offers to buy your soul in exchange for powerful magic items.
  6. This town/cog is an oligarchy. The adventurers are rich enough to automatically qualify as part of the ruling council. Politics ensue.
  7. You spot a Shield Guardian protecting a cat.
  8. A rust monster attacks and begins eating local inhabitants!
  9. A Helmed Horror is banging its head against a wall. It seems broken.
  10. A Xorn tries to sneak into your wallet and eat your gold.
  11. Your guide is in fact a dragon in disguise, testing you.
  12. A cog spirit needs your help defeating rogue animated objects to fix an axle.
  13. A modron patrol mistakes you for wanted criminals.
  14. A modron patrol stops you to inquire whether you have seen a wanted criminal.
  15. Formians are attacking! The modrons rush to defend but are outnumbered.
  16. A cultist of In Machina tries to convince a party member to kill themselves. They get threatening if refused.
  17. You are granted an audience with the local ruletemple.
  18. You are granted an audience with a renowned scholamage/researcher.
  19. The soul of a monster you killed in the Prime Material Plane is suing you.
  20. A rogue modron begs you to hide it.

Image prompts

  1. Creep around the corner
  2. The ruins of a Formian incursion
  3. Some cogs have these things called “lampposts”.
  4. That? Some divinities have their home here. The gates don’t open though.
  5. Looking out the window of aerial transport.
  6. Where do the canals get their water from?
  7. A view from above
  8. Perception check to notice the Harmonium staring at you.
  9. Look up.
  10. Someone seems to have modified your vehicle slightly.
  11. Down a dark alley
  12. Modrons and clanks for sale.
  13. The train is experiencing a slight delay. Adventurers please make yourselves known to the front desk.
  14. A lab or two.
  15. Duergadwarven smith
  16. The ruler of this cog would like a word with you. They've sent their sheriff to pick you up.
  17. They say the statues are listening.
  18. Wizards for hire are very common here you know.
  19. Nobody. Panic.
  20. The centre of the market.


High Priestess of Oghma. A very powerful elven cleric who has ascended to Mechanus without dying. She is widely respected and she has led quests to recover lost tomes and spread knowledge. Old age is catching up on her and she is secretly looking for knowledge to extend her life further.
Leader of In Machina. The head of the Brigadiers is unknown but is rumoured to be of one of the races that are very rare in Mechanus like a Doppelganger. Others say they are a rogue Modron, driven made by a revelation in Limbo.
Vhailor. He is one of the founding members of the Mercykillers and worshipped as a legend. His quest to deliver justice brought him to Carceri where he has been trapped for millennia. He has now returned and is ready to hunt his next quarry.
Jaskier. This famed bard is looking for something that doesn’t involve tedium, legalese or math to write his next epic. He may seek out the adventurers to get their story. If they accept, they may become overnight legends.

Environmental effects

Roll twice on this table for every locale.
Number Name Effect
1 Law of Averages See DMG p67
2 Imposing Order See DMG p67
3 Tongues All creatures are under the effect of Tongues.
4 Due Respect Any creature lawfully obliged to obey another is charmed by it.
5 Zone of Truth The entire locale is a Zone of Truth. Spell save DC 20
6 True Magic Illusion spells fail completely. Divination spells have a 10% of not consuming a spell slot.
7 Unequal Rites Sorcerers and bards cannot use their highest-level spell slots. Wizards and warlocks gain two temporary spell slots equal to their highest level existing spell slot.
8 Depth & Breath All creatures are under the effect of Water Breathing and Air Breathing.
9 Intent of Parties All creatures can cast Detect Thoughts 3/day.
10 Laws of Gravitas All creatures are under the effect of Levitate.
11 Swift Justice Any creature which believes it has broken the law or a contract and does not attempt to remedy the breach or turn themselves in is the target of Call Lightning. The spell strikes once a minute for ten minutes with a spell save DC of 15.
12 Alarming Foreigner One of the following is illegal and an Alarm will alert the nearest guard should anyone practice it. d12: slavery, drinking, swearing, breathing, jay-walking, gambling, whoring, blasphemy, damaging a book, breaking curfew, fighting or theft.


Cog spirit: reskinned Azer. Tiny Construct, +4 Stealth, “Illumination” is replaced with “Innate Spellcasting. The cog spirit’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). The cog spirit can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: Mending, Message, Control Flames; 3/day each: Entangle, Grease; 1/day each: Heat Metal, Pass Without Trace, Meld into Stone, Stone Shape, Wall of Stone. (Any spell that would affect stone affects metal instead).”
Various Clockworks:
VN refers to “35 Versatile NPCs” and can be found here. All have natural AC (armour is caused by their modified bodies).
submitted by Ellardy to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

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Heroes_Charge heroesevolved HeroesWall HeroForgeMinis HeroHunters HeroinHeroines HerOneBag HeroNodeOfficial heroscape HeroSiege herosofthestorm herpetoculture HerpHomes HestiaTheWaifuGoddess heungtan HEWILLNOTDIVIDEUS Hewlett_Packard hexandcounter hextcg HeyArnold heyimbee heythatwasin hfr HGTV HHGTTG hhh HHN HibikeEuphonium HiddenDoor hiddenimages HiddenMarkets Hidradenitis high highdesert highdogs HighElfArcher HighEndMakeup HighEndStreetwear highersidechats HighFidelity highfreqtrading highheelsxjeans highideas highlyinfuriating HighlySuspect highmaintenance highmileclub highnlow HighQualityAnimeGifs HighRes HighResModels HighResPrints HighSchoolOfTheDead HighSchoolWriters highseddit highshowerthoughts highspeedrail HighStakesSpaceX highstories hightimes highvegans HighVibeNetwork Higurashinonakakoroni hikikomori HikingAlberta hikingwithdogs hilarious HillariousThreads HillaryForAmerica HillClimbRacing hillsboro HimeCut hinamatsuri Hindi hindu hingeapp hiphawwpheads HipHopCollabs 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rust gambling wheel guide video

Guide Video. RUST - The Outpost-The Outpost - An in-depth guide. Here is a guide video detailing everything you need to know about the Outpost. It includes everything this wiki page has to offer and sums it up quite nicely and goes into detail in some places. Defenses. The Outpost is permanently guarded by Outpost Scientists (green hazmat suit) and there are also Scientist Turrets scattered ... RUST Admin Commands List, Server Console Commands, and Server Variables What are RUST Admin Commands? RUST admin commands and server variables are used by RUST server admins and moderators.Admin commands can be used in and out of the game to initiate actions, such as kicking or banning players, and other related administrative tasks. The Bandit Camp(also referred to as Bandit Town) is a type of Monument. The camp contains several huts inhabited with Merchant NPCs as well as heavily armed NPCs known as Bandit Town Guards. The Merchant NPCs will sell military-grade guns and grenades in exchange for Scrap, sell food, as well as buy your materials such has HQM for Scrap. The guards will attack any player who is hostile inside ... Gambling A bit of a sketchy and really risky way of collecting more Scrap in Rust, you can gamble some of your Scrap at the Bandit Camp monument to try and earn even more back via a roulette system. Casino Guide. July 29, 2020 . To add some spice to Rust Empires, we recently added the Casino to our server. Every month, a player or group pitches their idea for a casino and players vote on who gets to host it. Below is helpful information on how to apply for the Casino and what it includes… How to Apply. To enter the running for the Casino, you simply go to the link below and fill out the ... Rust gambling website containing Roulette, CoinFlip, Jackpot, Blackjack, Raffles and many more. × × × If you do not agree with it and/or you are under 18, then immediately withdraw all the money from your account and do not continue the game, otherwise your account may be restricted/removed as a violation of the user agreement. I accept and confirm! × Affiliates. Referral Link: no referal ... (number(color) on wheel = percent of hitting) 1(yellow) = 48%. 3(green) = 24%. 5(blue) = 16%. 10(purple) = 8%. 20(red) = 4% -----Multiply/Rewards (number(color) on wheel = payout) 1(yellow) = 2x. 3(green) = 4x. 5(blue) = 6x. 10(purple) = 11x. 20(red) = 24x. 16 comments. share. save. hide. report. 83% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort ... Dude I didn't even know about this strategy being posted or anything but right when gambling came out, [..]. Great guide!!! Great guide!!! The basics The first rust jackpot site. Security Warning Your account recently declined a deposit trade with security code "XPZ8B "If you declined this trade offer you may close this window and safely carry on. They fail to consider that in the game of Rust, there is no house edge, everything is 1 for 1. In real life the house has at least a 1.3% advantage, depending on the wheel setup. 1.3% doesn't seem like much, but as everyone has been saying, in real life, if you play long enough, eventually the 1.3% will break your bank. Consider 3 people at a real life roulette table. Each places a separate ...

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