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The Mysterious Life and Death of Robert Maxwell

The Mysterious Life and Death of Robert Maxwell
Today, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert is remembered mostly for his death. But in his prime he represented power, money, and shocking deceit—and British society ate it all up.
JAN 31, 2021 Town & Country magazine
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Can scandal be hereditary? Ghislaine Maxwell’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein made her a household name, but her ongoing legal woes didn’t mark the first time her family had endured the glare of the spotlight.
When Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell died in 1991, the official cause of death was a heart attack—but not everyone was convinced. Rumors swirled that the larger-than-life newspaper baron, whose body had been found near the Canary Islands (he was presumed to have fallen off his yacht), had committed suicide in the face of financial ruin or been assassinated by some shadowy intelligence agency. And was it really any wonder?
Throughout his life, Maxwell worked tirelessly to obscure the truth about himself. He changed his name, denied his religion, and played shell games with vast fortunes, all in an effort to storm first the British aristocracy and later the international cabal of billionaires, businessmen, and power brokers.
The plan worked. In his lifetime Maxwell became a global publishing tycoon—running such newspapers as London’s Daily Mirror and New York’s Daily News—a member of Parliament, and a bête noire for the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Margaret Thatcher. There were also rumors that he was a spy for Israel, or Britain, or both.
In the new biography Fall: The Mysterious Life and Death of Robert Maxwell, Britain’s Most Notorious Media Baron, author John Preston follows the story of Maxwell’s life, from a destitute childhood in Czechoslovakia to the heights of fame and fortune. Preston deftly depicts how the trappings of money and power can be used to obscure a lifetime of secrets and lies. In this excerpt Maxwell’s uncanny ability to deflect attention with abundance is on full display—and serves as a chilling reminder that the apple never falls far from the tree.
The dinner dances hosted by Robert and Betty Maxwell at Headington Hill Hall were considered, even by hardened party­goers, to be in a class of their own. The house itself was an ideal venue for a party. It had been built in the early 19th century by a culture-loving family of brewers, the Morrells. They too had been keen party-givers. In 1878, Oscar Wilde was among the 300 guests at one of their fancy dress balls. For reasons that are not entirely clear, he chose to come dressed as Prince Rupert of the Rhine.
Ever since the Maxwells moved into Headington Hill Hall, they continued the tradition of throwing grand parties. But, as guests soon discovered, Maxwell had his own way of doing things. The writer and future Conservative MP Gyles Brandreth was a guest at one of their parties in the 1970s. At first nothing struck him as out of the ordinary. “It was only when I went up to Maxwell that I realized he had this apparatus on. There was an old-fashioned microphone attached to the lapel of his jacket with a windshield on it. And on his belt was this large box, the size of a hardback book with a dial in the middle. This was somehow connected to speakers in each of the rooms.”
Maxwell, Brandreth realized, was wearing his own personal PA system, enabling him to address people no matter how far away they were. “He’d turn the dial down when he was talking to you. Then, as soon as he saw someone he wanted to talk to on the other side of the room, he’d turn it up again, and this disembodied voice would come booming out of the speakers.”
For all the splendor of his parties, Maxwell himself remained an oddly elusive figure. “It was as if there was a kind of invisible moat around him,” Brandreth recalls. “He was definitely a presence, but whenever he came into a room, instead of the room being more crowded, it always seemed slightly emptier than before.”
As Maxwell’s fortune grew, the larger and grander the parties became. Cabinet ministers would rub shoulders with captains of industry, leading scientists with newspaper editors. But the joint party to celebrate Maxwell’s 65th birthday and the 40th anniversary of his company, Pergamon Press, in June 1988, was confidently predicted to outdo them all, in terms of both opulence and pomp.
No one, not even his many critics, could deny that Maxwell was on a roll: From Oxford to Osaka, his empire was booming. As he had boasted just a few weeks earlier, “The banks owe us money, we have so much on deposit.” At the same time, academic institutions were queueing up to bestow honors upon him; Maxwell had just been given a doctorate of law by Aberdeen University, as well as an honorary life membership in the University of London’s Institute of Philosophy.
So many guests had been invited—around 3,000—that it had been decided to hold the party over three consecutive nights. Friday night would be white tie and “decorations,” and Saturday night black tie, while the Sunday night party would be a more informal affair for members of staff. In between there was a lunch party on Saturday.
In the days leading up to the first party, vast marquees were erected around the house. Two floor-to-ceiling windows were removed to improve access to the main marquee. Legions of florists came down from London to create elaborate displays in the house, the marquees, and even the swimming pool—this involved them transporting the flowers out to the middle of the pool in little dinghies.
A stage had been built at one end of the main marquee and a dance floor laid so that guests could dance to the sound of the Joe Loss Orchestra; later on it would be a disco. At the end of the meal, the cast of the West End musical Me and My Girl would perform highlights from the show. To ensure that everyone enjoyed unimpeded views of the entertainment, the dining area had been constructed on two levels. A mobile darkroom had also been set up on the grounds. Guests who had their pictures taken during the evening by a team of six photographers would be able to collect them as they left.
To mark the 40th anniversary of Pergamon, a special book of tributes had been compiled. Pergamon had grown into the world’s largest scientific publisher, and the editors of Maxwell’s scientific journals—more than 300 in all—along with various Nobel laureates extolled his virtues in extravagant terms.
The editor of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy noted, “Everything Bob Maxwell touches turns to gold,” while the director of one of his Japanese companies wrote, “Each time I have the pleasure of meeting him, I am reminded of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s words that a millionaire is no ordinary man.” Arthur Barrett, editor of Vacuum, recalled how his initial doubts about Maxwell had soon disappeared: “I have to confess that, quickly realizing his predatory and entrepreneurial ambitions, I none the less took a great liking to him.”
Among the congratulatory telegrams was one from the U.S. president, Ronald Reagan: “As the Happy Birthdays ring out, Nancy and I are delighted to join in the chorus of appreciation.” The prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, offered a somewhat solipsistic contribution of her own: “Robert Maxwell has never made any secret of the fact that officially he is politically opposed to me. But to tell the truth, I think he rather liked my approach to politics and Government—a sense of direction and decision. These are the very qualities that have taken him far.” As far as the Labour leader, Neil Kinnock, was concerned, “If Bob Maxwell didn’t exist, no one could invent him.’”
On the night of the first party, guests passed down a receiving line where they were greeted by Maxwell, Betty, and all seven of their children. Some of the guests arrived bearing birthday presents. The broadcaster David Frost turned up with a £500 bottle of wine. Unaware of how much it had cost, Maxwell’s chef later tipped it into a beef stew.
As guests sipped their drinks, the band of the Coldstream Guards marched back and forth across the lawn. Before dinner started, Robert and Betty made their formal entrance into the marquee to an announcement from the master of ceremonies—“Ladies and gentlemen, would you please welcome your host and hostess, Robert and Elisabeth Maxwell”—and a fanfare of herald trumpeters.
Everyone stood to applaud. Along with a row of medals pinned to his black tailcoat, Maxwell was wearing a large white enamel cross on a chain around his neck. This was the Order of the White Rose of Finland, a decoration normally given to foreign heads of state in recognition of “outstanding civilian or military conduct.” Betty Maxwell wore a dress made of gold-embroidered tulle over yellow taffeta silk.
At one of their earlier parties—in 1986—the speech had been given by a former prime minister, Harold Wilson. Suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s, Wilson had begun his speech brightly enough but then clearly forgot who he was supposed to be talking about. This time nothing had been left to chance. The main speech was given by Maxwell’s banker, Sir Michael Richardson, managing director of Rothschild’s bank and an economic adviser to Mrs. Thatcher.
“Betty and Bob, this must be the party of the decade,” Richardson declared to shouts of “Hear, hear!” and another round of applause. “All of us are delighted to be here, because we believe you have made a major contribution to all our lives.” But as she sat beaming away by Maxwell’s side, Betty found herself wondering if the party might not be too puffed up with self-­importance, if something vital might not have been lost along the way. In particular, she had major doubts about the herald trumpeters. “I thought it was really over the top, but I managed to play my part… For all its success, for me, it had lost the intimate quality that our previous parties had had. It was just too vast.”
That evening the economist Peter Jay found himself sharing Betty Maxwell’s misgivings. “It was as if people came because they wanted to see Maxwell; it was a spectacle. And although they sucked up to him and enjoyed his hospitality, you could see them raising their eyebrows at the same time.”
After dinner was over and the cast of Me and My Girl had finished performing, guests were asked to go back outside. There they were treated to a fireworks display, the culmination of which was a huge flaming sign spelling out the words “Happy Birthday Bob!” across the Oxford skyline. But not all the guests stayed to watch. Some of them succumbed to curiosity and went snooping. Mike Molloy, by now the editor in chief of the Mirror, was particularly struck by the decor of Headington Hill Hall: “All the furniture looked as if it had been bought from the sale of a second-rate country house in the 1920s. And the paintings were absolutely terrible. I’ve never seen a worse collection.”
Having inspected the art, Molloy peered into Maxwell’s drawing room. “There were all these bookshelves with books on them. Except when I looked more closely, I saw that they weren’t real books: They were made out of cardboard. I couldn’t get over it. Here was this man who had made his fortune out of publishing, and yet there weren’t even real books on his shelves.” In fact, not all the books were false, only those concealing Maxwell’s stereo system.
While the dancing was going on, Maxwell asked another of the guests, Gerald Ronson, CEO of the property developers Heron International, if he would like to come into the house for a quiet drink. “He waved his fat finger at me and said, ‘Let’s go into the library, because I don’t want to talk to these people.’ ”
They were, Maxwell told him, “a bunch of arseholes” who would go anywhere if they were invited by someone important. It wasn’t just that, though: Maxwell had something he wanted to show him. “Bob said, ‘You always thought I was joking when I told you that I had won the Military Cross.’ He then opened a large photo album and proudly pointed to one of the photographs. Taken more than 40 years earlier, it showed Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery pinning the medal onto the uniform of a much younger, slimmer Maxwell.” Ronson laughed and held up his hands. “I said, ‘I take it all back, Bob. I’m sorry if I didn’t believe you, but you do tell so many stories…’ ”
From Fall: The Mysterious Life and Death of Robert Maxwell, Britain’s Most Notorious Media Baron, by John Preston. © 2021 John Preston. Reprinted by permission of Harper, an imprint of Harper­Collins Publishers.
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So, you like ponies? Name every one.

I wrote a script to extract all their names from this list, which I believe is exhaustive. No one has the time to manually copy and paste every single one out. So here we go.

Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Blue Bobbin
Charity Kindheart
Cherry Jubilee
Coco Pommel
Dr. Fauna
The Headless Horse
Aunt Holiday
Hoofer Steps
Lotus Blossom
Mage Meadowbrook
Mare Do Well
Maud Pie
Mayor Mare
Mrs. Cup Cake
Ms. Harshwhinny
Ms. Peachbottom
Nurse Redheart
Orange Slice
Photo Finish
Prim Hemline
Professor Fossil
Sapphire Shores
Shimmy Shake
Spoiled Rich
Suri Polomare
Torch Song
Trapeze Star
Tree Hugger
Mrs. Trotsworth
Big Bucks
Big Daddy McColt
Big McIntosh
Buried Lede
Burnt Oak
Chargrill Breadwinner
Cheese Sandwich
Code Red
Dishwater Slog
Double Diamond
Dr. Caballeron
Dr. Horse
Feather Bangs
Filthy Rich
Grub Hooffield
Hard Hat
Hoity Toity
Mayor Baltimare
Mayor Cream Cheese
Mr. Carrot Cake
Mr. Stripes
Oak Nut
Octavio Pie
Piles McColt
Quibble Pants
royal guards
Rusty Bucket
Sans Smirk
Sheriff Silverstar
Silver Shill
Snap Shutter
Stinky Bottom
Trouble Shoes
Twisty Pop
Bow Hothoof
Clear Skies
Cloud Chaser
Crafty Crate
Daring Do
Feather Flatterfly
Flash Magnus
Flash Sentry
Fluffy Clouds
Prince Hisan
Inky Rose
Commander Ironhead
Auntie Lofty
Lucy Packard
Mane Allgood
Mr. Shy
Mrs. Shy
Night Glider
Open Skies
Songbird Serenade
Stellar Eclipse
Stormy Flare
Windy Whistles
Zephyr Breeze
Bracer Britches
Chancellor Neighsay
Cinnamon Chai
Clear Sky
Coriander Cumin
Dandy Grandeur
Doctor Horse
Fancy Pants
Fashion Plate
Fire Flare
First Folio
Fleur de Lis
Jack Pot
Jet Set
Lily Lace
Luster Dawn
Moon Dancer
Party Favor
Potion Nova
Prince Blueblood
Professor Flintheart
Sable Spirit
Saffron Masala
Sassy Saddles
Shining Armor
Snowfall Frost
King Sombra
Star Swirl the Bearded
Starlight Glimmer
Stellar Flare
Sugar Belle
Sunset Shimmer
Tempest Shadow
The Great and Powerful Trixie
Upper Crust
Zesty Gourmand
Princess Cadance
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Autumn Blaze
Fern Flare
Rain Shine
Dusty Pages
Goldie Delicious
Grand Pear
Granny Smith
Ma Hooffield
The Olden Pony
Rusty Tenure
Babs Seed
Coconut Cream
Cozy Glow
Diamond Tiara
Flurry Heart
Kettle Corn
Li'l Cheese
Petunia Paleo
Plaid Stripes
Pound Cake
Pumpkin Cake
Silver Spoon
Star Tracker
Tender Taps
Toola Roola
Wind Sprint
Cloudy Quartz
Limestone Pie
Marble Pie
Pear Butter
Apple Brown Betty
Apple Bumpkin
Apple Cider
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling
Apple Fritter
Apple Honey
Apple Leaves
Apple Munchies
Aunt Orange
Candy Apples
Caramel Apple
Florina Tart
Gala Appleby
Lavender Fritter
Peachy Sweet
Perfect Pie
Red Gala
Bright Mac
Igneous Rock Pie
Stinkin' Rich
Apple Cinnamon
Apple Split
Golden Delicious
Half Baked Apple
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Red Delicious
Uncle Orange
Night Light
Twilight Velvet
Cookie Crumbles
Hondo Flanks
Apple Rose
Apple Strudel
Auntie Applesauce
Apple Flora
Candy Caramel Tooth
Beauty Brass
Berry Dreams
Berry Preppy
Big Wig
Blueberry Curls
Charged Up
Cherry Berry
Dane Tee Dove
Deputy Copper
Eclair Crème
Fiddly Twang
Golden Harvest
Grape Delight
Green Jewel
Hinny of the Hills
Janine Manewitz
Joan Pommelway
Lady Gaval
Lavender Bloom
Lilac Links
Lily Valley
Long Shot
Lucky Star
Lyrica Lilac
Manely Gold
Mare E. Belle
Mare E. Lynn
Midnight Fun
Mrs. Paleo
Nurse Snowheart
Octavia Melody
Pacific Glow
Pegasus Olsen
Picture Frame
Powder Rouge
Pretty Vision
Purple Wave
Pursey Pink
Raspberry Beret
Raven Inkwell
Roxie Rave
Ruby Splash
Silver Berry
Silver Frames
Snappy Scoop
Soigne Folio
Spring Forward
Stella Lashes
Strawberry Ice
Sunny Smiles
Sweetie Drops
Symphony Song
Vidala Swoon
Ace Point
B. Sharp
Barber Groomsby
BeauDe Mane
Big Top
Bill Neigh
Mr. Breezy
Business Savvy
Cherry Fizzy
Count Caesar
Crusoe Palm
Dance Fever
Diamond Cutter
Don Neigh
Dr. Hooves
Emerald Green
Frederick Horseshoepin
Full Steam
Ginger Beard
Globe Trotter
Hughbert Jellius
Jeff Letrotski
Jesús Pezuña
Levon Song
Lucky Clover
Meadow Song
Mr. Paleo
Neigh Sayer
Night Watch
On Stage
Parcel Post
Parish Nandermane
Perfect Pace
Roger Silvermane
Rough Tumble
Royal Riff
Savoir Fare
Sealed Scroll
Shooting Star
Star Spur
Swanky Hank
Tall Order
Tall Tale
Twilight Sky
Upper East Stride
Wolfgang Canter
Autumn Gem
Bright Smile
Amethyst Maresbury
Fire Streak
High Winds
Lightning Streak
Misty Fly
Silver Zoom
Wave Chill
Wind Rider
Fast Clip
Lilac Sky
Mane Moon
Spring Step
Tight Ship
Angel Wings
Bulk Biceps
Cloud Kicker
Lightning Dust
Meadow Flower
Midnight Strike
Orange Swirl
Rainbow Swoop
Rolling Thunder
Short Fuse
Sky Stinger
Sprinkle Medley
Star Hunter
Starry Eyes
Sunshower Raindrops
Vapor Trail
Warm Front
White Lightning
Wild Fire
Big Shot
Blue Buck
Cerulean Skies
Compass Star
Eff Stop
High Spirits
Honey Rays
Jack Hammer
Merry May
Prim Posy
Prism Glider
Rainbow Blaze
Steam Roller
Strawberry Sunrise
Sugar Twist
Sunny Rays
Tropical Storm
Trusty Splendor
Valley Trend
Amethyst Star
Apple Stars
Bags Valet
Banana Fluff
Blue Moon
Bright Bulb
Cherry Spices
Cipher Splash
Comet Tail
Dark Moon
Diamond Mint
DJ Pon-3
Electric Sky
Fine Line
Four Step
Golden Gavel
Holly Dash
Lemon Hearts
Lemony Gem
Lilac Hearts
Lyra Heartstrings
Magnet Bolt
Neon Lights
Old Money
Peachy Pitt
Pinny Lane
Press Release
Rare Find
Royal Pin
Royal Ribbon
Sea Swirl
Silver Spanner
Sunshine Petals
Swan Song
Top Marks
Foggy Fleece
Mr. Greenhooves
Ol' Salt
Pearly Stitch
Sand Trap
Mr. Waddle
Button Mash
Cotton Cloudy
Cream Puff
Finish Line
Hairpin Turn
Hyper Sonic
Lickety Split
Liza Doolots
Peachy Pie
Rainbow Harmony
Sunny Daze
Juniper Montage
Abraxius the Bold
Princess Amore
Auteur Cone
Baker Streak
General Blazing Donut Glaze
Bridle Buck
King Bullion
Calamity Mane
Queen Cleopatrot
Clover the Clever
Crackle Cosette
Crystal Hoof
Fedora Felt
Feldspar Granite Pie
Flash Prance
Flourish Prose
Sir Fluffingsworth von Radishfield
Granny Pie
Gusty the Great
Hock Fetlock
Holder Cobblestone
Commander Hurricane
Impossibly Rich
Mr. Kingpin
Masked Matter-Horn
Mistress Mare-velous
Morari the Maneless
Nana Pinkie
Nimble Thimble
Private Pansy
Mr. Pearblossom
Mrs. Pearblossom
Pizza Pie
Princess Platinum
Pop Fly
Chancellor Puddinghead
Queso Fresca
Quilland Ink
Rococo Froufrou
Saddle Rager
Shadetail Evergreen
Shadow Spade
Smart Cookie
Smash Fortune
Colonel Waffle
Wild Bull Hickok
Commander Easyglider
Admiral Fairweather
Admiral Fairy Flight
General Firefly
General Flash
Flair d'Mare
Colonel Purple Dart
Admiral Sherbert Burst
Super Stream
Headmaster Wing
submitted by Cantersoft to MLPLounge [link] [comments]

My haunted house experience.

When I was around 12 or 13 my sister and I came across a game when we visited my cousins in Mexico. It’s basically a game that connects you to the other side and you can communicate with a good or bad spirit, it’s called the red book game. I had no idea what I was getting my self into so I decided to play. It was a very freaky experience, I believe whatever spirit we were communicating with attached to us in a negative way.
Fast forward, We went back home after a week in Mexico and it was summer time. I used to stay up late with my sister (Jess) and cousin (Betty) until 2 or 3 in the morning playing board games or watching movies. One particular night we were playing a game and it was about 2 in the morning, we heard a slight knock on the door I went to go open it and there was no one there. We thought it was our younger sister (ash) playing a prank on us so we didn’t think anything of it. A couple minutes later we heard 3 knocks but this time it was louder. I went to go open it again, and no one was there. At this point we were afraid and debating on who should go downstairs to check if it was really my sister pranking us. As we were talking again 3 knocks, I quickly opened the door, and no one was there. We all decided to go downstairs to check if anyone was awake. My parents were asleep, my grandma was asleep and my little sister was also asleep. We ran back up stairs because we were horrified. As we were talking about the knock we heard a large slam coming from down stairs. We had no idea what it was! Betty and Jess made me go check of coarse cause I was the youngest haha, and it was our chimney protector that had flung across the room. My dad came out mad because he had work the next morning, he inspected the area to see what could of caused the fall. He was surprised because it is a pretty large/heavy object, but didn’t believe it fell by itself and made us go to sleep.
That was my first paranormal experience of many. Now this story I’m about to tell is my most creepiest/worst experience I had.
After my first paranormal experience odd things would happen such as random things missing that I had just put down, things falling off the counter, frequent arguments/fights between my sisters and I as if there was a really negative energy present in the house. I always felt like I was being watched, I never slept with the lights off because I felt like I was not alone. One particular summer night Jess, Betty, and I were watching a show. Jess and Betty were sitting on one sofa facing the TV and I was sitting on the single chair sofa. We heard a sudden growl, it sounded like a wild pig growl coming from our backyard. We did not live in a ranch, we lived in the City so we found that really strange. Jess paused the TV to see if we can hear it again but there was no growl. We opened the window to see if it was maybe a stray dog but there was nothing. We all sat back down to continue watching the show, when I felt a sudden hair pull, It was so aggressive my neck snapped back and hit the stair case. I shouted in anger because I thought it was my little sister messing with me, when I turned around I saw a little human with pin black straight hair, straight bangs, pale skin, and a faint smile. (I’m getting chills typing this). I quickly turned back around and jumped all the way to the sofa with Betty and Jess. I don’t know how I jumped 5 feet from one sofa to the next but I did it after I saw that s***!!! My sister Jess sat there in horror shocked on what she saw, and we all ran up stairs to the room. Betty did not know what was going on because she was watching the TV, but Jess claimed she saw when my hair was pulled. Of coarse I did not want to sleep alone that night so all 3 of us tried to sleep in a twin bed. Jess was charging her phone, and her charger has a bright blue light so it was lighting up the room. I couldn’t go to sleep so I was starting at the walls of the room. In the corner of my eye I saw something moving. I glanced and I noticed the drawer was slowly opening. I kicked Jess and Betty so they can wake up, and I told them the drawers were opening. We all layed there in horror watching the drawers opening one by one. We hid under the covers and planned to make a run for it. I got the nerve to get up and run towards the door, the door was stuck it wouldn’t open. We were all crying in horror trying to get out and Betty forced the door open after what seemed like forever. My parents came out of their room, and we couldn’t even talk to tell them what happened. After we explained to my parents about the drawers opening, we went with my dad to show him. The drawers were all open, they were all opened in an even manner. He made us go to church and get blessed the next day, the priest also came over to bless the house.
Story continued
2nd creepiest encounter The women in black.
After the house was blessed, paranormal activity was still occurring, we were seeing black shadow figures run from one room to the next, we were hearing noises of someone running from one place to the next, when we were downstairs we would hear someone jumping on the bed upstairs when we knew no one was there. I feel like this entity would mostly pick on my sister and I, my parents would see weird things happen but they wouldn’t tell us because they didn’t want to frighten us.
This one particular night I was laying on the sofa watching a movie with my sister Jess, it wasn’t too late because my parents were still awake in their room. Our living room is attached to the kitchen, so I was laying on the sofa facing the staircase, and Jess was laying on the other sofa facing directly towards the TV. After the Movie finished the credits came on so it was pretty dark in the living room, the hallway light was on so I can still see the glare in the kitchen. We were too lazy to get up and get the remote to change the TV so we were just talking. We then got interrupted by a sudden laughter, It sounded just like my moms laugh! As if the entity was mocking her sound. My mom has the habit of scaring us all the time since we would stay up really late so we thought it was her. “Stop scaring us mom we know it’s you” silence no response. “Mom is it you?” Still no response. My sister Jess and I were debating on who should get up and turn the lights on. We were too afraid since the living room was so dark, and the light switches were located by the kitchen so it was a walking distance to get there. I got the courage to get up and turn them on. As I was walking towards the light switch I saw a black figure, definitely a women, standing in the corner of the kitchen. You can see she had a black veil over her face and was wearing a big black laced dress, she had a smile on her face as if she was laughing or giggling. I quickly looked away and ran to my parents room, and my mom was still awake watching tv. My sister Jess followed behind me, she saw the glare of the figure on the TV. Of coarse my parents only said “stop watching scary movies and go to sleep”.
Because of that experience I have never seen that movie the women in black or conjuring, it came out a year or 2 after that experience occurred, the entity I saw resembled those lady’s in the black dress.
One weekend my parents had left to Houston for a mini vacation, they left my 2 older sisters in charge of the house. My sister Jess, Annette, niece, and I were gathered at the kitchen table talking about the creepy encounters that were occurring around the house. At that time the negativity in the house was horrid, it felt like you were being watched by something everywhere you went, we did not want to be in the house at all. As we were chatting we got interrupted by a noise coming from my parents room, it sounded like something fell. My parents room is right next to the kitchen/living room area, so we definitely knew that sound came from their room. We all laughed nervously, thinking maybe it was just something outside. A few minutes pass...and we hear the same noise, it sounded like there was something jumping off the bed and landing on their feet. “Wtf is that, go check” I tell my sister Jess. We were all too scared to check so we just stayed put, hoping we didn’t hear it again. Shortly afterwards boom boom boom! someone was banging on the door of my parents room, wiggle wiggle boom boom the door knob was rattling/pulling very forcibly as if someone was trying to open the door. My niece was 2 at the time, the knocks were so loud she started crying profoundly. We quickly ran out of the house, we thought someone might have broke into my parents room. We called our parents right away and asked them if they locked their room door or left any windows open, they are certain they locked their door and made sure windows were locked before they left. I believed it because my dad is the over protective type, he always triple checks everything before he leaves, especially out of town. “Wait no, someone can’t break in from inside a room why would they be tugging at the door from inside the room makes no sense”. I told my sisters as we were standing outside. We decided to go inside and check, I had 911 on speed dial ready to call if anything bad happened. My parents door was unlocked, we opened it and found pictures, batteries, my mothers candles thrown all over the floor. No windows were open, the fan wasn’t on. NO WAY this stuff could have fell out of the blue, something threw it off the dressers. We stood their speechless, quickly walked out of the room and locked it behind us.
One morning I was up early watching TV, my grandma was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast, my parents were at work, and my sisters were still sound asleep. I was bored so I was playing with my moms heart monitor, I don’t know what it’s called but it’s that device you use to hear the baby’s heart beat in the womb. I liked to play with it because you could hear EVERYTHING on it, it was so powerful you could hear the neighbors conversation outside lol I was a really nosy kid. I had the headphones on and placed the device on the floor, all I could hear was my grandmas footsteps in the kitchen. I then picked up a distant sound, I thought to my self ‘what could that be? it sounded like very faint talking. My grandma is the only one awake so out of curiosity I started following the noise. Closely following the trail of the sound, it lead me upstairs. The talking started growing louder. Well none of the rooms upstairs had a TV, maybe it was my sister on the phone? I put the device next to her door nothing silence. I took the headphones off and proceeded to follow the talking. It was coming from my oldest sisters room, she had moved out a few years ago so we used her room as a storage for our winter clothes and toys. I opened the door and one of our old TVs with the VHS attached was turned on. The TV hadn’t been used because we thought it broke, so it was tossed in the room with all the other junk. The TV was on the floor facing the bed resting on top of a pile of clothes. I walked over to see what was playing, and it was the movie Madeline. The videocassette was in the VHS plugged in. The power button was sunk in so I couldn’t turn it off, I pulled the power cord to disconnect it and threw it in the closet.
This is a story to be continued... I don’t like to talk about it so I will add on when I’m ready. My sister AmazingAnnette is also in the comment section feel free to ask her questions. Also please excuse my English/grammar I’m not very good at it.
I DO NOT condone anyone to play the red book game, if you do play at your OWN RISK!!!
submitted by Sammy1997_ to Paranormal [link] [comments]

Lunchtime At Luby's: A Detailed Account Of The Forgotten Rampage That Left Twenty-Three People Dead Inside A Texas Cafeteria

Lunchtime At Luby's: A Detailed Account Of The Forgotten Rampage That Left Twenty-Three People Dead Inside A Texas Cafeteria

Wednesday, October 16, 1991

Belton resident George Hennard began his day around 5:45 a.m. by grabbing a sausage biscuit from the local corner store, as per his usual routine. Hennard did not have any cash on him that morning; he asked the clerk if she could put it on his tab. Although the staff had been wary of him for the last few weeks, he was a regular so the clerk told him it was alright. Hennard promised he'd return later with the money. His tone sounded a bit anxious and strained; the clerk thought he was lying. Hennard left the store and got onto his bike, pedaling back to his residence on the intersection of Wall and 14th.
George Hennard, pictured in 1981
As the hours carried on and the sun pierced the Texan sky, Luby's Cafeteria opened its doors. It was National Bosses Day and the cafeteria had been advertising itself as the ideal place to go to for lunch. Employees arrived and began prepping the food. In about an hour, an estimated 162 people would be inside the restaurant. As fate would have it, several patrons went to Luby's that day to celebrate their co-workers and bosses. Others were meeting their friends for a meal; some had made the last-minute decision to go for no specific reason at all; one woman had forty-five minutes to kill before she had to go back to work at her salon.

Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, TX
Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp was at her chiropractic clinic in nearby Copperas Cove when her parents, Al and Ursula Gratia, came by from the golf course and asked her to join them for lunch. She said no; the clinic had an overflow of patients that day. A phone call came in. It was Suzanna's friend, who just so happened to be the daytime manager of Luby's. He invited her to lunch to catch up on some things. The coincidence was too good to be true, and so Suzanna got into her car with her parents. Another resident of Copperas Cove was Kirby Lack, a pastor at Trinity Worship Center. He'd spent the morning exercising at the gym and then went by the vet clinic of his good friend Dr. Michael Griffith. Having just finished surgery, Griffith saw Lack come in. "You gonna treat me to lunch?" he joked. Kirby Lack shrugged. "Sure. But it's got to be quick. I wanna finish working on my boat." Dr. Griffith suggested Luby's Cafeteria.
Sylvia King was a tall, blonde woman from Killeen. She was engaged to be married and had been running her own beauty salon for the last two years. On October 16, King told her salon employees that she was going to lunch, and she'd be back within the hour if traffic wasn't too bad. Nobody knew where she was going. Perhaps it was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go to Luby's because King didn't frequent the establishment like most townsfolk. She was one of the few people to be eating alone.
Also on their lunch breaks were Thomas Simmons and Louis Caraballo, two employees at the local Wal-Mart. Caraballo considered going to a drive-thru for fast food. But it was Simmons who was driving. He veered off the highway. "Let's go to Luby's."
Kirby Lack and Michael Griffith sat at a two-person table alongside the south windows. The Gratia family couldn't sit at their usual spot due to the crowd of people; they found a table near the east wall. Suzanna's manager friend, Mark Kopenhaffe, sat with them for a few minutes. He noticed that the serving line was packed and one of the cashiers seemed to be having trouble with the register. "Excuse me," he told them. "I have to go take care of some things." Sylvia King was also eating near the east wall. In the serving line, she had been told by a stranger (Dee Leasure): "I see two boys in the line who keep looking at you. I think they're gonna try and chat with you." King chuckled and said that she was flattered, but she was already spoken for. Thomas Simmons and Louis Caraballo found an empty table a few feet from the serving line. Just our luck, Caraballo told himself.
A planter stood in the center of the dining room, with a lattice in each common direction (north, east, south, west). Bernard and Venice Henehan had come down from Missouri because their granddaughter was getting married in Houston. They were joined by their daughter Judy and son-in-law Steven Ernst, as well as two family friends. The group was eating northwest of the planter; the two Henehans sat with their backs facing the north lattice.
Griffith and Lack ate their food. Their usual conversation about life, and faith, turned morbid when Griffith explained his fear of having "only three people show up" to his funeral if he ever died prematurely. Lack knew that his friend was also having a bit of financial difficulty and reassured him that everything was going to be okay. "Mike," he told him. "You're my buddy. I love ya. If something ever happens to ya, I'll be there at your funeral." This seemed to please the veterinarian, who jokingly said: "Alright. Make that four people at my service."
The bustling lunchtime atmosphere carried on. Suzanna and her parents had finished their meal and were about to leave. A few tables away, retirees Barbara Nite and Kriemhild "Kitty" Davis drank coffee while Davis showed photos of her four-month-old grandchild. The two women were in no rush to leave. Nite also had a slice of pie that left her with a bill of $2.68; her purse was a mess and she had trouble finding exact change. Dee Leasure was dining with co-worker Glen Spivey. He was known as "the man who could fix anything"--not only that, he was like a father-figure to her. They enjoyed each other's company. Spivey told her that he was craving fried okra so they went on over the cafeteria. Leasure wanted to leave when she saw the large crowd, but she had relented as the serving line moved.
Tommy Vaughn, a 28-year-old mechanic, was at the cafeteria to celebrate the birthday of his co-worker, Paul LaBombard. Vaughn and seven other employees from the Mazda dealership had come to spend time with LaBombard before their grueling shifts resumed. Standing at six-foot-six and weighing almost 350 pounds, Tommy Vaughn could've been mistaken for a pro-wrestler had he not been in his uniform. A frequent visitor of Luby's, Vaughn loved the restaurant's desserts, but on this day--wanting to cut back on sugar--he skipped the enticing sweets and made his way into the northeast corner of the dining room to join his buddies. This simple action probably saved his life from what was about to happen.
Kirby Lack took another bite of his food. Nite found a five-dollar bill that she could use for her tab. The serving line began to move at a faster pace. In the parking lot, Eddie Sanchez was dropping off his pregnant girlfriend Angela Wilson, a part-time Luby's employee. Sanchez was about to start driving when he saw a flash a blue coming from the lot's west entrance. That guy's going too damn fast, he thought. The 1987 Ford pickup sped past Sanchez's vehicle at high speed. James and Judy Pfau were walking towards the entrance of Luby's and saw the truck coming. "He's going to hit us!" Mrs. Pfau screamed. Her husband quickly jerked her out of the way as they watched the destruction commence.

Hennard's Rampage (12:39 - 12:51pm)
Kirby Lack heard the truck before he saw it. Rubber against asphalt; the wretched noise of squealing tires. Griffith heard it, too. Lack peeked out of the cafeteria's curtains just in time to see a blue pickup swerve past his own parked truck. He knew what was about to happen. From behind the curtains, the whole thing seemed to play out like a slow-motion film sequence. Lack saw the man's eyes. They were as white as eggs; wide and ready, full of adrenaline. Lack stood up quickly to brace himself. The floor-to-ceiling window shattered. Glass flew in all directions. The pickup truck came to a sudden halt near the cash registers. Suzanna saw that it was still bouncing on its shock absorbers. Shrieks of pain erupted; several people, and their tables, had been knocked over. Louis Caraballo was one of them. Lying on his side, facing away from the wreckage, he groaned. He'd literally been thrown from his seat.
Of course, people thought it was an accident. Did he have a heart attack? Did his breaks fail? Susan Hester, who had been dining with co-workers in the southeast corner, stared at the vehicle; something told her that the truck's entrance had been intentional. Several patrons ran over to help those who were hit. Kirby Lack, who knew first aid and was certified in CPR, stepped towards the bumper. Suzanna also took a few steps towards the wreckage. My God, that's right where we usually sit, she thought. Dr. Michael Griffith turned around to check on an elderly couple who had been sitting only a few feet from the broken window, clearly startled. Thomas Simmons, who had managed to move out of the way, ran towards the driver's door with his arm reaching out for the handle. With the window already rolled down, the driver extended his own arm out towards Simmons. Bang! The 33-year-old man fell onto his knees. He saw the 9mm Glock 17 semi-automatic and tried to brace himself by covering his face. Bang! Bang! Bang! Simmons fell flat onto his back, dead. A wave of silence fell over the restaurant; Suzanna felt her blood run cold and Lack froze. The realization was horrible and chilling. Someone screamed. Barbara Nite, who thought the truck was going to catch on fire and explode, got up from her seat, ready to run. But Kitty Davis pulled her down onto the floor after the first shot rang out. "No, Barbara!" she whispered. "Get down! That man's got a gun!" In seconds, patrons dove underneath their tables or toppled them over as a makeshift barrier. Those in the serving line, who had little protection, hit the floor. Zona Mae Lynn, and a few others, took the opportunity to hide underneath the waiting benches.
Still in his truck, George Hennard shot the already-injured Louis Caraballo. Then he aimed towards the west wall, where Glen Spivey and Dee Leasure were sitting. Frozen in her seat, Leasure felt something strike her cheek with terrifying velocity. There was no pain, but the force had jerked her body back. She thought, for some reason, it had been glass from the window, or debris. She looked over at Glen, who was unscathed, then realized that they were too far away for any object to have hit them. Leasure saw the gun and knew right then and there what had happened. "Glen," she gasped. "I've been shot!" In a desperate attempt to protect his friend, Glen Spivey ushered Dee Leasure past the bathroom alcove, hoping to hide in the walkway that led towards the kitchen. But more shots rang out, and they hit the floor instead. Spivey covered Leasure with his body.
The shooter emerged from his truck. "This is for the women of Belton!" Kirby Lack saw him. The man was six-foot-one, weighing no more than 140 pounds. He was awful-looking; his face, while having handsome features, was twisted with a look of insane determination. From a forty-degree angle, Hennard fired towards the waiting area as Lack dove underneath a table with Lt. Col. Steven Dody and John Romero, Jr. "This is for what Bell County did to me and my family! This is payback! Was it worth it?" Hennard shouted as he unloaded his weapon at point-blank range. Walking swiftly from his truck, he saw the table of K.I.S.D (Killeen Independent School District) employees and shot James Swift in the foot. Susan Hester closed her eyes to pray as Mary Roberts kept her eyes open to track Hennard's movements; she was nauseous and her heart was racing--she could only stay calm if she allowed herself to keep looking. Hennard turned around and shot Olgica Taylor in the leg before moving towards the central planter.
The Ford Ranger had stopped right next to the table of the Isdale family. Hennard was close. Jean Isdale watched as her son and daughter-in-law shielded the body of their baby, Summer, who was still in her carrier. Hennard ignored them and instead shot through the gap between the north and west lattices. The first shot struck Steven Ernst in the stomach. The next one hit Judy; the bullet went through her arm and struck her mother Venice Henehan, killing her. Ernst clutched his wound as blood began to seep through his shirt. Bernard Henehan and the two family friends remained unharmed.
Taking a few steps from the central planter, Hennard shot at Barbara Nite and Kitty Davis. The bullet entered Nite's ankle and destroyed three of Davis's fingers as it exited. Nite kept still, refusing to flinch or move. She could only see the shooter from the waist down. Near their table, a man and his pregnant wife laid next to each other. The husband, James Guillette, kept track of Hennard's movements; as soon as he got the opportunity, he was going to jump him. "Quit moving!" his wife Celia whispered. "He might kill us if you don't stop!" Like Nite, she could only see the shooter's waist and legs, but she also saw the gun being aimed downward at someone. Without thinking, Celia began to recite the Lord's Prayer out loud.
From a crouching position underneath his table, Kirby Lack saw Hennard walk back towards the truck's tailgate. His pace fastened as he changed directions and came towards the south windows. Lack watched in horror as Romero appeared from underneath the table on his knees. Before he could figure out what the young man had been trying to do, Romero took a bullet to the chest and fell backward. Lack and Dody shifted over to him as Romero's white shirt began to turn a gruesome shade of red. His breathing became heavy; he didn't speak and all Romero managed to do was cross his legs as his eyes began to flutter. Hennard then injured Michael Griffith with two bullets: one to the leg, the other to his chest. Griffith braced himself with his back against the wall. He tried to stand but his body was too weak. Next to him, Hennard fired into the prone bodies of James and Lula Welsh, the same elderly couple that Griffith had tried to comfort moments earlier.
Meanwhile, the employees of Luby's found their escape route through the kitchen thanks to a standard emergency exit. They escaped the building while two others found makeshift hiding spaces; 17-year-old Mark Matthews crawled into an industrial dishwasher and Maria Serna, in the midst of the fleeing chaos, panicked and ran towards the large refrigerator, placing a crate of milk cartons in front of her as she hid amongst the frozen foods. Despite great concealment within the kitchen, Serna continued to hear gunshots from the dining room. For a few moments, the shooter appeared to be close, then the shots would fade, indicating a great distance.
The slide of Hennard's primary weapon locked open; the gun was empty. Lack stood up and clutched onto a rolling chair--a million thoughts racing through his mind: Should I throw something at him? Tackle him? Make a run for it? But, almost as soon as he stood up, a metallic click made him pause. Dody peeked up from underneath the table. "My God!" the lieutenant colonel said. "He's reloading!" Hennard had released the spent magazine and pulled a new one out of his shirt pocket. He turned towards Lack's table, shooting Dody in the chest. Hennard then shot Lack in the back upper hip, with the bullet traveling into his abdomen. "Was it worth it?" Hennard asked the patrons aloud. "The women of Belton and Killeen are vipers!" He walked back towards the planter, firing rapidly. The glass plates and cups that were on the table exploded above Barbara Nite, with the remnants falling just inches from her body. Hennard continued to fire, sending three shots into the back torso of Kitty Davis. He moved over to the southeast end and peeked underneath a table, spotting TU Electric employees Debra Gray and Su-Zann Rashott. Hennard executed both women with close-range shots to the head. In that same area, he killed Ruth Pujol, who was right in front of Susan Hester.
A deadly silence had fallen over the restaurant as Hennard went on with his killing spree. People prayed quietly while others only made noise when they were hit. Those in the serving line were too scared to move towards the front doors, fearing that Hennard could come around the corner at any moment. Seated in the back of the restaurant, Betty Lou Cooper and her daughter, Jodie Rasberry, had seized their own opportunity to escape. While Hennard was executing people in the south end, the two of them stayed low to the floor and crawled towards the women's bathroom, barricading the door with their bodies. They listened carefully as gunfire came towards the north side. Hennard passed by the Gratia family and killed Nancy Stansbury. His next victim was Juanita Williams, who died from several gunshots to the stomach. It is unknown how Sylvia King spent her last moments (since she had been eating alone), but the beauty shop owner was later found right next to Jimmie Caruthers, who was also deceased. At some point during the carnage, Hennard began to use his other gun--a Ruger P89 pistol.
An overturned table and plates on the floor show only a glimpse of the chaos experienced by the dining patrons.
Hennard veered toward the west, spotting Glen Spivey and Dee Leasure. Moments prior, Leasure had seized a gray bin that was used to hold dirty dishes and placed it over her head, fearing that her gender and blonde hair would make her an ideal target. Hennard came closer and raised his weapon. Spivey was still on top of Leasure, concealing most of her body at this point. "Oh," A bullet cracked and Spivey's body slumped. Leasure gasped as she felt something warm touch her. "Hold on, hold on," she desperately whispered to her friend. With her face still touching the carpet, Leasure scrambled from underneath his body and saw the damage: Spivey had been struck in the forehead. He took a final breath as Leasure tried to compose herself. She wondered if Spivey had turned to face the shooter, presenting himself as a target to save her life. Leasure looked over towards the planter and saw an elderly woman shaking with fear. Desperate to hold on to a living hand, she crawled over to the stranger. Hennard fired again. Unlike her previous wound, Leasure felt extreme pain as a bullet entered her thigh. She continued to crawl, finally reaching the woman. "Was it worth it?!" Hennard shouted at them. "No!" the two women screamed, cradling each other.
Behind her table, Suzanna Gratia Hupp peered over to see the shooter. After the first shots had rung out, she was waiting for an explanation. Not once did Hennard demand money; Suzanna quickly ruled out robbery as the motive. Is there someone in here that he's trying to put a hit on? No. He killed anyone who was in his path. It took a good forty-five seconds--which felt like an eternity--for Suzanna to realize that he was simply going to take his time, walk around, and execute people. When he got closer, Suzanna was ready to be hit--then she remembered: Oh, I got him now! She reached down towards her purse, ready to pull out her Smith & Wesson light .38 revolver. But then her stomach sank as she realized that she had made the biggest mistake of her life a few months prior. At the time, it was illegal to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Texas. Suzanna had gotten the gun when she was twenty-one after moving to Houston. Her friend, who was a district attorney, had gifted the weapon to her and taught her how to use it. "Susie," he had said. "Nobody's gonna mess with you if you have that gun. The world is a violent place. You don't see it every day, but I do!" All those years later and here's where fate had brought her. She was in a crowded cafeteria with a madman; her gun was a hundred feet away in her car, completely useless. Like a law-abiding citizen, Suzanna did not bring her gun into the restaurant because--if she'd gotten caught with it--she would get arrested and lose her chiropractor's license. Realizing this, Suzanna looked around for something to defend herself with. Great, she thought. What do I do now... throw a salt shaker at him?
Al Gratia took Suzanna's attention. "I've gotta do something! He's gonna kill everybody in here!" Suzanna looked over at her father. "Yeah, but Dad you can't." She tried to hold him down. But when he saw what he thought was an opportunity, Gratia stood up and ran towards the shooter, with his arms stretched out to grab him. Hennard was a good fifteen feet away; Al Gratia managed to cover at least half of the distance before he was shot in the chest. The seventy-one-year-old World War II veteran collapsed onto his side in the aisle. Gratia was still alive when he hit the floor, but Suzanna saw the wound and knew right then and there that he was a goner. Luckily, Gratia's actions had altered Hennard's path. Instead of coming closer to their table, he went off to the left.
Another group of K.I.S.D employees came under fire. A shot passed by Maria Burrows, loud enough to muffle her hearing. When she opened her eyes, dazed by the ringing in her ear, Burrows saw that Patricia "Pat" Carney was dead. Hennard finally made his way towards the serving line, where dozens laid facedown, awaiting their demise. They were exposed, lacking the furniture and tables that dining room patrons had used for cover. George Osborne was shielding his wife Ethyl, covering her face to make sure that she did not witness any violence. Hennard came closer and the Osbornes held their breath. Bang! He shot and killed Clodine Humphrey, who was just a few inches away. Mr. Osborne felt the heat from the fired round but he and Ethyl were unharmed. Behind one of the waiting benches, Hennard saw Connie Miller and Roxanne Peters. His footsteps came closer and Peters was refusing to look up. "Trying to hide from me, bitch?" he spat. Hennard executed Miller with a shot to the back of the head. Peters felt her friend's body shake due to the vibration; not once did she even try to look. Hennard left her alone and turned towards those who had been hiding directly underneath the benches. He shot Rev. Shannon McMullen in the leg. Then Hennard shot Zona Mae Lynn, who was still underneath the bench, killing her instantly. He walked along the serving line, stopping at Charlene Smith. She waited for her turn but it never came. Apparently, Hennard's Ruger P89 was out of ammunition. He placed the gun on a tray of food and left the waiting area, now using his Glock 17 again.
The Ruger P89 was later found on a food tray.
Upon exiting the serving line, Hennard turned towards his right and saw Anica McNeil, who was holding her 3-year-old daughter, Lakeshia. He had previously wounded McNeil's mother, Olgica Taylor. Hennard saw Lakeshia and stepped aside for Anica McNeil and her child to run. "Get that kid out of here. I ain't killin' no babies today. Tell everyone that Bell County was bad!" Anica held onto Lakeshia, unsure if the shooter was being serious or just taunting her. With more rage, Hennard told her to run. Olgica gave her a look of "Just go!" and that's when Anica ran out of the restaurant with her toddler. Even as she entered the parking lot, she waited for one of Hennard's bullets to pierce her in the back. She kept running, making it to a next-door apartment complex with other survivors who had fled. When Olgica Taylor stood up--most likely trying to leave with her daughter and granddaughter--Hennard shot her in the face.
Still conscious, John Romero Jr. clutched onto his saturated shirt as Hennard was beginning his third lap around the dining room. Kirby Lack was facedown; he was in no pain but he had lost a good amount of blood from the wound in his hip. He laid there motionless, hoping that Hennard would keep walking. The shooter saw that Romero was still alive. Another round went into the young man's chest, rendering him still. In a final act of bravery, Lt. Col. Steven Dody shouted: "Why don't you just get out of here and leave us alone!" Bang! Lack felt Dody's body relax as he heard the man's death rattle. Michael Griffith, eager to check on his friend, crawled over to Lack, but he didn't get far. Bang! The pastor refused to move or react, but something told Hennard that he was alive. He kicked the pastor. Nothing. He bent down, straddling Lack's waist. Hennard then pulled his head off of the carpet by his hair, pointing the gun in the soft spot on the back of Lack's head. With his eyes closed, Lack said what he deemed to be his final prayer. THUD! BANG! The sound came from across the room. The distraction, while brief, had saved Kirby Lack's life. Hennard had looked up, shifting his gun right as it fired. Lack opened his eyes and saw the tear in the carpet, just a few inches from his face.
In the back of the restaurant, Tommy Vaughn and his co-workers had attempted to break the window next to them. This alerted the shooter and he left the south end. When kicking didn't work, Vaughn stood up, bracing himself. "Tommy, he's coming!" someone gasped. Vaughn knew that if he turned around to look at Hennard, he'd only freeze. Instead, he hurled his entire body through the glass as Hennard raised the gun. Now outside, Vaughn stood up and took off. An officer came running up to him as he was fleeing. "How bad is it?" the man asked him. "It's bad. Really bad!" Tommy Vaughn said, finally catching his breath. The makeshift escape route allowed others to flee the building. Vaughn was later credited with saving an estimated twenty lives thanks to his actions.
Tommy Vaughn hurled his own body through the window, allowing himself and others to escape.
After hearing the glass break, Suzanna thought: Oh God, here comes another one! Believing that Hennard had an accomplice, she waited for the voice of a second madman. But then she looked up and could see people escaping through a broken window while Hennard fired. When she saw her chance, Suzanna grabbed her mother Ursula by the shirt collar. "Come on! We gotta run!" It was like her feet grew wings. Suzanna made it to the window and the sunlight hit her face, indicating freedom from the carnage. She went towards the herd of onlookers and survivors. Manager Mark Kopenhaffe met her through the crowd. "Suzy! You're alright! Thank God!" Suzanna shook her head. "But my dad's been hit and it's bad!"
Back in the restaurant, 67-year-old Ursula Gratia crawled over to Al, who appeared to be drifting in and out of consciousness. Hennard turned and spotted her. He walked over to their spot, disregarding the potential victims who were running out of Vaughn's window. Ursula cradled Al's head in her lap. At that moment, a police officer came to the broken window. There had been no clear description of the shooter, but he saw a tall, dark-haired man pointing a gun at an elderly couple. Ursula Gratia looked up at Hennard, then bowed her head down towards Al. Bang! The officer recoiled, then radioed for backup. There were still too many people inside the restaurant for him to draw his gun and fire; surely an innocent bystander would be hit. Nevertheless, it was Ursula's sacrifice that bought others time to stand up and flee. She died, but not in vain; her death alerted the authorities as to who the shooter was. Her decision to stay behind was a no-brainer, as Suzanna would later realize. Al and Ursula Gratia had just celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on October 3. She wasn't going anywhere without her husband.
In the parking lot, Officers Kenneth Olson and Chuck Longwell made their way toward the building. Olson was out of uniform, having just completed an undercover sting operation a few hours earlier. From the south window, they saw that Hennard had his gun pointed towards the floor. Knowing that he was about to execute someone else, Longwell quickly fired a warning shot into the ceiling. Hennard looked up, swore, and returned fire. "He's shooting at us!" Longwell shouted into his walkie-talkie. "I need units to go to the north side!" Officer Al Morris did just that.
Panicked, Hennard tried to reload his gun. But he was trying to put the Ruger's ammunition into the Glock 17. He cursed to himself before finding the right bullets. Olson and Longwell dove in through the curtains. Pop! A round went into the shooter's arm. Hennard ran toward the bathroom alcove. "Fuck you!" he screamed, ducking behind the wall. "I've got hostages!" Morris had a clear view; nobody was with the shooter. "No, you don't!" he taunted. Hennard continued to return fire. "I'll kill more fucking people! I swear!"
Morris managed to get to the restaurant's south end, as Longwell and Olson kept Hennard pinned down. He saw the bodies, worried that he wasn't going to find anyone alive. Then he saw Kirby Lack, who had raised his head up. "It's okay!" Morris said, placing a hand on the pastor's shoulder. "We're gonna flank him!" He then ducked behind a flimsy serving cart, coming to the other officers' aid. Morris drew his weapon and pulled the trigger. Bang! He moved closer, using the truck as a shield.
Bang! Bang! Hennard groaned as another round hit him, this time in his chest. "Drop your weapon!" Olson screamed. Instead, Hennard fell to the floor. He turned over onto his back and placed the gun to his right temple.
A final shot rang out. George Hennard laid still. His entire attack had only lasted twelve minutes.

A Horrible Crime Scene

Crime scene footage shows where Vaughn dove through the window.
Those who could stand up and move quickly followed the officers' all-clear message. News vans pulled up, rolling their cameras as first-responders entered the building. A mass of bodies laid near the entrance where Hennard's truck had first made its presence. Anica McNeil still had no word of her mother's fate; Tommy Vaughn was being treated for the cuts on his arm and leg; Suzanna stood in the parking lot as her sister and brother-in-law arrived to make sure she was okay.
One responder later said that seeing all of the bodies on the ground reminded him of the Jonestown tragedy. They were told to check for a pulse and signs of life; if there were none, the emergency personnel should then move on and evaluate the next body.
Army doctors from Fort Hood arrive to help survivors.
A paramedic reached Kirby Lack. "Don't worry," the pastor was told. "The son-of-a-bitch is dead." He was lifted onto a backboard. "Wait. Is he alive?" Lack asked. Another medic reached over to check on Dr. Griffith. "No. I'm sorry." The realization was sickening but the pastor maintained his composure. "That's my friend," Lack said before they hauled him off. "His name is Michael Griffith. He doesn't have his wallet with him because we took my truck today."
Barbara Nite had managed to pull up the back of Kitty Davis' crocheted sweater, pressing down on the gunshot wounds with the thick cafeteria napkins. "Pray for me," Davis mumbled. After that, all she could do was moan. When the medics took over, they offered Nite a gurney. "What about her?" Nite said, gesturing to Davis. "She's more hurt than I am. I can still walk." She passed on the gurney and told them to take care of her friend.
Nearby, another gurney was brought in for Romero, who was still clinging to life. After concluding that Ursula Gratia was deceased, one of the paramedics noticed that Al Gratia had a faint pulse. Both men were taken out to the front doors, where EMTs and doctors from nearby Fort Hood tried to help. Romero took his last breath before he could be loaded into the ambulance. Gratia's chest wound proved too severe, and they covered his body with a white sheet as the cameras arrived. Suzanna pushed through the crowd, where a doctor informed her of her father's passing.
Medics tend to Alphonse \"Al\" Gratia, a World War II veteran who tried to jump the shooter during the rampage.
One medic came inside the restaurant after the others had begun to cart people off. He was informed to check the body in the alcove, which was being guarded by an officer. At first glance, the medic knew right away that there was no way on Earth this man could still be alive. The eyes were wide and haunting, with blood pooling over them. He checked the wrist for a pulse, then the neck. "He's dead," the medic announced. The officer looked over. "Hmm. Good riddance." That's all it took for the medic to realize that he'd just examined the shooter.
As the hours went by, the bodies were evacuated, hundreds of photographs were taken, and news reports all over the country were talking about Luby's Cafeteria. At least nine of the victims' names were released to the public as midnight hit Killeen. To those who walked inside of the building after the shooting, nothing could spur the images out of their mind. Lula Welsh's lifeless body had an arm draped around her husband, James; Ursula Gratia laid on her side, knees bent, still holding the cradling pose she had taken as Hennard walked over to her; Patricia Carney had lost both of her slide-on shoes as she dove underneath a table; Venice Henehan was facedown and, at first glance, it looked like she was sleeping; friends Debra Gray and Su-Zann Rashott were found face-up, with Gray's head resting close to Rashott's chest.
The original body map, not drawn to scale.
I recreated the body map, listing the names, and drawing it more to scale.


Kriemhild "Kitty" Davis, 62, had to have three fingers amputated due to extensive damage to her hand. She was placed into a medically-induced coma but passed away on October 19, three days after she was shot, bringing the death toll at Luby's to twenty-three. Barbara Nite suffered from nightmares and social anxiety in the months that followed but got help through counseling. She spoke about the shooting in 2002, remembering Kitty Davis as a loving soul. At the time of this Reddit post, Nite is still alive at the age of 90.
Nite poses for her Texas Monthly article, where she spoke about her experience during the massacre.
Dee Leasure went on to be treated for her wounds; the bullet that struck her in the cheek was later found lodged in the soft tissue of her neck. The shot to her thigh ended up shattering her hip, requiring two pins and a screw to piece it back together. She credits Glen Spivey with saving her life and maintained close contact with his wife and children. Leasure struggled with anger and survivor's guilt, but she found comfort in returning to her job at Quail Creek Apartments, as well as being a mother to her children. Leasure still resides in Texas.
As of May 2020, Kirby Lack is still a pastor at Trinity Worship Center in Copperas Cove. He initially had trouble forgiving Hennard, once remarking: "If he was still alive and walking down the street, I'd reach over and rip his face off." For a few weeks after the tragedy, he walked with a cane due to his hip injury. While he was very close with Michael Griffith, Lack says that he "lost a total of seven friends that day." He was also one of the few people in the south end to survive after being shot. Within a ten-foot radius of Lack, there were nine dead bodies. Lack attributes his survival to divine intervention, stating: "[The shooter] knew how to handle guns; there's no way he should've missed me."
Two weeks after being released from the hospital, Kirby Lack visits Luby's.
Other survivors who were shot, such as Louis Caraballo, James Swift, and Steven and Judy Ernst went on to make full recoveries. Venice Henehan's granddaughter, Amy Ernst, postponed her wedding but got married a few months later.
Tommy Vaughn, pictured in 2016.
Tommy Vaughn still works as a mechanic and went on to lose over a hundred pounds through gastric bypass surgery. He looks back on the shooting and jokes, "I guess it was just God's plan for me to be over three hundred pounds that day." He also refuses to take credit for saving dozens of lives by smashing the window. "I broke the glass and they ran. I'm no hero."
Suzanna Gratia Hupp became an advocate for concealed-carry after losing both of her parents in the Luby's shooting
Suzanna Gratia Hupp went on to testify before Congress in favor of the 2nd Amendment. She argues that she and several other patrons were forced to leave their concealed weapons in the car due to "a cruel twist of gun control fate." She advocated for concealed-carry and went to serve as Texas State Representative for District 54 from 1997 to 2007. After the shooting, Gratia experienced anxiety and went on to start a family, where she taught her two sons "to always look for the exits, no matter where you go." She currently resides in Kempner with her husband, where they breed Arabian horses on their ranch. Today, it is now legal to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Texas.
Rare news footage from 1992 shows customers returning to Luby's Cafeteria.
The Luby's Cafeteria franchise donated $100,000 for funeral expenses. Other donations from across the country helped those who were injured pay their bills or rent since they couldn't work while recovering. The company also insisted on demolishing the Killeen Luby's. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, as well as other survivors, insisted that the building remain standing, because if they got rid of it then "the shooter would definitely win." The cafeteria underwent extensive remodeling and reopened its doors in March of 1992. The establishment went out of business in 2000. The building currently holds a Chinese-American buffet restaurant called Yank Sing.
The massacre at Luby's Cafeteria was the deadliest shooting by a lone gunman in U.S. history until Seung-Hui Cho opened fired at Virginia Tech in April 2007.

Remembering Those We Lost on October 16, 1991

In honor of those who lost their lives at Luby's. A memorial currently stands at the Killeen Community Center.
If you would like to pay tribute to the victims and their families, please visit the virtual Luby's memorial via Find A Grave.
Sources: Anatomy of a Massacre by Jason & Elinor Karpf; I Survived (Season 4, Episode 27)
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28+ Albums From 2019 You May Have Missed

Promoting music is (I guess) one of my passions so throughout February I challenged myself to do a short writeup on an album that came out in 2019 that went under the radar but I think other people would love, and to put a cap on the series I’ve compiled those writeups here. The albums are many different genres and some of them aren't in English but these are all pop-friendly albums that I feel really good about recommending, so if something sounds interesting don’t be afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone! For the sake of bias I’ve arranged them in alphabetical order.

Amplified Experiment by The APX (Funk)

Description: This album is such a tribute to old-school funk that midway through this album there’s literally a voicemail from Jody Watley and Teddy Riley literally thanking The Apx for making it. The Apx are a husband and wife duo who clearly love the genre and they’ve done their best to revive the sound of the heyday of the disco-funk era with this album. Despite this the album isn’t stale and they manage pay their dues to the legends while still having a slight modern flair that keeps the sound feeling relevant. Songs like “Mirror” lean a bit more into the electronic production side of things and are a more trance-like take on the genre, lending more of a modern appeal to the sound that takes it out of being just a niche product. I personally am not a huge fan of funk but I respect what they’re doing, and I think anyone can appreciate the colorful production and huge vocal melodies on this album. If you want bright, silly, retro fun, this is it.
Positives: Great reexamination of a classic genre, brimming with energy
Potential Barriers: It’s pure funk so if you don’t like that you likely won’t like this.
Sample Track: “Jupiter” is a funky song with an even funkier music video.

Atlanta Millionaires Club by Faye Webster (Alt-Country)

  • For Fans Of: Kacey Musgraves, Surfjan Stevens, late night vibes
Description: Over sparse accompaniment Faye Webster offers her takes on topics like love, sadness, music and more, and it’s very poignant with just a touch of humor. Her voice is soft but clear, and her cool (somewhat detached) crooning feels effortless, almost as if she’s speaking to us rather than singing. I label this album as alt-country because that’s what it is, but it toys around a bit with genre. Though dominated by wailing steel guitar there are keyboard melodies and some horns that give an almost r&b edge to the songs, with a few (“Flowers” in particular) going there entirely. The result is a dreamy atmosphere for the album, as if the music is pouring out of a radio late at night as you talk with a close friend. It’s a masterwork of honesty and intimacy.
Positives: Great lyrics, very soothing, fresh
Potential Barriers: It’s a very thoughtful album without “bop” style songs
Sample Track: “Hurts Me Too” is clever and emotional.

Be Runway by Bree Runway (Rap + Hyperpop)

  • For Fans Of: M.I.A., LIZ, cocaine at Fashion Week
Description: Bree Runway’s music is characterized by off-the-wall energy and a take-no-prisoners attitude, and she channels her talents into an EP full of eclectic (but explosive) pop songs about sexuality and female liberation. She oscillates between straight up pop songs and straight up rap songs with a lot of interesting pit stops along the way. At her poppiest she offers up songs like the slinky guitar driven “All Night” and at her most legit rap she delivers tracks like the trap laced “Relevant,” however the tracks that lie in between the two styles (“2ON,” “X2C,” Big Racks”) are the real gold of the EP. As she spits quotable line after quotable line her vocals are distorted by autotune and hammered by bubblegum bass, effortlessly fusing together rap and hyper pop. She sounds like a star on every single track, and that’s all that matters.
Positives: Slammin’ songs, fierce attitude, crazy vocals and production
Potential Barriers: Fractional as an actual EP, potentially annoying
Sample Track: “2ON” is an aggressive, over the top pop rap track.

Blood by Kelsey Lu (Alt-Dream-R&B)

  • For Fans Of: FKA Twigs, Blood Orange, arthouse films where women go insane
Description: Kelsey Lu has a cello, and she’s not afraid to use it. Over the course of this album her and her cello are silly, scary, even a bit sexy, but always grounded in a sense of thoughtfulness and delicate composition. While there are a few relatively straightforward pop songs on here, the album is at its best when it’s being weird. She has the ability to be classy and insane at the same time, seamlessly flipping between gliding through songs with intelligence and tearing through them like a madwoman. The subject matter is equally strange, at times cuttingly insightful and at other times pure nonsense. Beneath all of this is a solid foundation of r&b and dream pop that keeps the album eminently listenable. It’s a strange and experimental album from a strange and experimental artist, but don’t let that scare you off from a great album.
Positives: Unique, hauntingly beautiful
Potential Barriers: Weird, might feel inaccessible at first
Sample Tracks: Her cover of “I’m Not In Love” shows off her aesthetic and voice.

Casualty by Anna Akana (Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Hayley Kiyoko, Hey Violet, unpacking emotional baggage
Description: A non-exhaustive list of styles touched upon in this album includes pop, rock, electronic, rap, trap, r&b, spoken word, and probably some more stuff I’m forgetting. But it all feels cohesive thanks to the strong aesthetic of the album, which gives everything a somewhat heavy air to match the gravity of what she’s singing about. The songs deal with heavy topics like mental illness and toxic relationships, describing how they feel and, more importantly, how she overcame them. Along the way she provides some snappy one liners and insistent hooks that keep the songs fun and listenable. While there are definitely some missteps on this album, the quality of the tracks that work and the wide variety of styles makes up for them.
Positives: Deals with important topics, several really strong songs, wide variety of tracks
Potential Barriers: Amateurish vocals, clunky songwriting, "Pretty Girls Don't Cry" sucks
Sample Track: “Intervention” showcases the moody pop-rock aesthetic of the album, musically and lyrically.

Crush On Me by Sir Babygirl (Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Charli XCX, Alanis Morissette, talking about how Melodrama was the best album of the decade
Description: Sir Babygirl’s self-written/produced album is one of the most exciting debuts from the underground pop scene in recent years, with her spunky take on pop music combining moody vibes with tons of energy and a hefty arsenal of hooks. Her strong, musical theatre trained voice brings so much life to the songs, and when combined with the off-the-wall production of wailing background vocals and guitars we end up with some songs that are extra in the best way. Although the album is fairly brisk there are some interludes/reprises threaded throughout the album that offer a change of pace and give the album a loose Melodrama-esque narrative arc. Her quirky lyrics really capture what it’s like to be super gay and a little bit over everything. A must-listen.
Positives: Great vocals, catchy, strong artistic vision
Potential Barriers: Weird, you might roll your eyes at times
Sample Track: This performance of “Pink Lite” showcases the song and her talent.

Green Balloon by Tank and the Bangas (Soul + Rap)

  • For Fans Of: Noname, Lizzo, old PBS shows like Reading Rainbow
Description: Tank and the Bangas are known for their incredible energy in live shows and their jazz/soul stylings, and this latest album throws trap into the mix as well. However the foundation of their music lies in lead singer Tank’s electric voice and background in spoken word poetry, which allows the group to bounce effortlessly between soulful ballads, hard trap bangers, and slam poetry sessions. Their heartfelt songs are full of quirky lyrics and wisdom about topics like love, drugs, and self-care, and always backed by the lovely orchestrations of The Bangas. There’s a weird balance between “urban” and “childish” aesthetics, almost as if the album is children’s music for grownups that’s uplifting rather than patronizing.
Positives: Silly lyrics that deliver great messages, fun vibes
Potential Barriers: Songs are weird and vary in style, album is kind of long, “Forgetfulness” accidentally deadnames Caitlyn Jenner.
Sample Track: “Smoke.Netflix.Chill” is probably the track on the album that best combines all their influences (soul, rap, jazz, poetry) and it’s super fun.

HOLLAND by Holland (Dance Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Troye Sivan, Porter Robinson, tumblr
Description: This mini-album is gay, not just because the singer is gay and many of the songs focus on that, but because it sounds like the dance-floor ready pop that I always hear “the gays” begging for on twitter. Though short the EP is well-rounded, with each of the tracks offering a slightly different style: “Nar_C” has utilizes deep-house, “I’m Not Afraid” is more traditional synth-pop, “I’m so Afraid” is hard hitting electronic music, “Neverland” is a trap-laced ballad, and “Up” is tropical house. Each of them delivers on their chosen sound well while sounding cohesive to the project as a whole. The production on these songs is fantastic, giving the songs replay value and allowing Holland to work around his weaker vocals. The mini-album focuses on the pleasures and anxieties of being a modern gay youth, with these dance elements cleverly being used to communicate feelings even when you can’t understand the lyrics.
Positives: Fantastic dance production, gay
Potential Barriers: Lyrics are in Korean
Sample Tracks: “I’m So Afraid” is a great song that showcases both his ballad skills and the album’s electronic elements

Insecure by Amara La Negra (Latin-Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Keke Palmer, Party music, People who didn't turn off "Despacito" when it came on
Description: Since appearing on Love and Hip-Hop: Miami Amara has dipped her foot into hosting, acting, dancing, and she’s just oozed star power through all of it. Her debut album was a respectable attempt to get that presence to translate to music, and while it’s not perfect, it’s a very fresh, modern sounding album from a rising star. There’s plenty of trendy party music on here, but a few unusual breakup songs give the album a more unique identity and lets her show some different sides. The songwriting is a little bit unpolished but that serves to humanize her a little bit, and it gives a bit of edge that just a normal reggaeton wouldn’t. The more I listen to this the more I'm into it.
Positives: Short, very easy to listen to/get a hold of, fun
Potential Barriers: Clunky lyrics, some obvious filler
Sample Track: “Insecure” was hit-worthy.

Jaime by Brittany Howard (Rock + Soul)

  • For Fans Of: Nina Simone, Indie rock, "best of" lists by respectable (but still edgy) publications
Description: Look, Pitchfork gave this an 8.6 Best New Music review and Bandcamp said it was the 18th best album of last year, so I have it on good authority that this is a quality album. I labelled this album as “rock” because that’s what Wikipedia says but really it has a very loose relationship to genre. While guitars and drums permeate the album the music flows freely, beholden to one thing only: Brittany Howard’s iconic androgynous contralto. She’s got the kind of voice that could make the phone book sound like a sermon, but fortunately she’s an amazing songwriter as well. It’s a thoughtful self-portrait of a modern black queer woman, never shying away from a topic but also never losing a strong sense of poeticism. It’s not pop bops and bangers, but it’s tender and thoughtful in a way that should definitely be respected.
Positives: Gorgeous voice, soul healing, topical but uplifting
Potential Barriers: Subtle, might take a few listens to fully appreciate
Sample Track: “Georgia” is a sweet song about a young girl with a crush on an older girl.

LEGACY! LEGACY! by Jamila Woods (R&B/Soul)

  • For Fans Of: Nina Simone, Kendrick Lamar, critical acclaim
Description: This album is such a towering artistic achievement that I’m not sure how to even talk about it without underselling it. Read the spirited description of the album on her Bandcamp page for a far more eloquent take because all I can say is “this album had me shook.” Each track is dedicated to a revolutionary person of color, with Jamila taking inspiration from them and translating their philosophies into some truly forward thinking r&b. She imbibes these songs with gravity that would almost be crushing if it weren’t so inspiring, and power permeates through every note and every word of this album. Her earthy vocals sing the truth, and the collaborators she invites in do great work too. This is an album that makes you think, and keeps you thinking long after it’s ended.
Positives: Literally one of the best written albums of the decade
Potential Barriers: It’s kinda heavy
Sample Track: “BALDWIN” is one of the album’s poppiest moments and has some great trumpets.

Love Pop Wow! by LABOUM (Bubblegum Pop)

  • For Fans Of: TWICE, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, feeling cute and girlish~
Description: This album just beats you over the head with sugar, yet somehow it’s fabulous rather than exhausting? It stays consistently upbeat and bubblegum but there’s a lot of diversity in the tempos, levels, and styles of the songs that keeps the album from feeling one note. They don’t feel the need to shoehorn a ballad on there or anything (popheads rejoice!) but there are some guitar driven tracks and a slow jam or two that mix it up a bit while still feeling cohesive. They draw on the best aspects of both Jpop and Kpop here, so it’s slightly retro in some of its sensibilities but there’s definitely a modern edge. It’s not the album of the year or anything but if you’re in the market for an album that’s just a bunch of cute, happy pop songs then this could be it.
Positives: Unapologetically bright, high energy, feel good from start to finish
Potential Barriers: It’s in Japanese, potential sugar overload
Sample Track: “Hwi Hwi” is an impossibly bright, airy pop song.

Mazy Fly by Spellling (Experimental)

  • For Fans Of: Bjork, Allie X, cryptids and liminal spaces
Description: Some fun descriptors I’ve seen used for Spellling’s music include “alien abduction music,” “nocturnal psychedelic witch pop,” and “like Solange looking in a haunted mirror.” It’s difficult to pin her music down in terms of genre, it can be anything ranging from fairly straightforward pop songs to garbled audio experiments, but it’s less about that and more about the moods she creates. The songs on this album are almost more experiences than songs, stringing together synths and vocals into intriguing auditory odysseys that don’t really sound like anything you’ve heard before. It’s as if she’s unchained herself from conventional song structure and is creating pure music that’s spilling forth from some place otherworldly and mysterious. The production and songwriting are too insistent for it to be ambient music though, and she does offer up some memorable melodies and moments that stand on their own without the aesthetic.
Positives: Unique, freaky aesthetic, pretty arrangements
Potential Barriers: Might be too weird and spacey for some
Sample Track: “Under The Sun” is long but hypnotic, it takes like three minutes for the vocals to come in but they’re great.

mini mix vol. 1 by Magdalena Bay (Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Rina Sawayama, Hannah Diamond, /popheads favorites
Description: I feel like I’ve talked about this album a LOT and I’ll continue to do so until all of the songs on it crack at least 50k streams. Everything this group puts out is gold, but this is definitely my favorite. A visual mini-album, the pop duo challenged themselves to quickly create “mini” pop songs/videos and put them out without second guessing themselves, and the results are fabulous! The album is tied together by a dreamy, synth drenched sonic palate, but within that formula they find room for a diversity of sounds. They evoke the slightly kitschy sights and sounds of the ’90s/’00s to great effect, serving up retro videos and DDR-esque beats. It’s quick, but it’ll have you coming back for more.
Positives: Short, every song is great
Potential Barriers: ?
Sample Track: “Mine” is the longest and strongest song.

Neptune Diamond by Rakky Ripper (Hyperpop + Rap)

  • For Fans Of: Charli XCX, Slayyyter, Hyperpop/PC Music
Description: Rakky Ripper is from Spain and this album got little promotion (like, there aren’t even any music videos) so I understand why nobody has heard of this album but that needs to change because it’s exactly what this sub is into. Her and producer eurosanto joined forces to offer their own take on PC Music and it’s every bit as sugary and insane as the London collective is; they take a bit more of a rap approach to the sound but they understand what makes hyperpop so addictive and provide plenty of glossy beats and bubblegum bass. ALSO Rosalía and Charli XCX follow her on Instagram and Charli invited her onstage once so she’s basically popheads approved. If Charli stans, you should too.
Positives: It’s a madcap pop album, great production, a fresh take on the hyper pop movement.
Potential Barriers: It’s in Spanish, it could be obnoxious if you aren’t into this kind of thing.
Sample Track: “Fresas, Chocolate y Crema” is my favorite track from the album, probably because it’s the calmest.

Never Grow Up by Chanmina (Pop-Rap)

  • For Fans Of: (G)I-DLE, Iggy Azalea, being a tough girl but still having a heart
Description: Chanmina is a fantastic pop-rapper who really nails the balance between the two styles: while her bars are impressive, there’s always a really good pop chorus to latch onto as well. The choices of beats on this album are smart because they sound fresh and fun while still maintaining a bit of an edge, whether the song is moody, fierce, or fun. The album is mostly in Japanese but there are English hooks and she’s such a talented performer I’ll often find myself relating to the songs that I can’t even understand. She’s got aspirations to push into the Western market and I think she has the talent to do it, if you want to get in on a hot new artist early she’s not a bad choice.
Positives: Full of bops, strong melodies, good production
Potential Barriers: It’s mostly in Japanese, some disconnect between autotuned rap tracks and more traditionally sung tracks
Sample Track: She has a medley of songs up on her channel that contains some of my favorite songs, but “Yesterday” is also a standout.

Next To The Sun by KAINA (R&B + Soul)

  • For Fans Of: Solange, Kali Uchis, laying in bed and thinking
Description: Next To The Sun just weaves a spell. Droning guitars and measured percussion leave the album awash with dreamy vibes, a dream we’re guided through by Kaina’s rich voice. It’s soft and subtle, but also very warm. Her work is defined by a sense of optimism; even as she sings about darkness she’s also describing how to be strong and how to cope. It combines music from Kaina’s Latin-American background with the indie-pop, r&b, and soul of her Chicago upbringing, which helps to free the album from the constraints of genre and paint a picture of her experiences. It’s a hauntingly beautiful album, and a really promising debut LP.
Positives: Soothing and easy to listen to, uplifting, fresh sound/perspective
Potential Barriers: Slow, subtle
Sample Track: “Could Be A Curse” is downright hypnotic and really captures the thoughtful feel of the album.

Para Mi by Cuco (Psychedelic Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Tyler, The Creator, Mac DeMarco, the background music from Steven Universe
Description: This is stoner music, but like, in the best way. Genres melt together here into an intoxicating haze of r&b, jazz, trap, bossa nova, rap, synthpop, shoe gaze, and whatever else Cuco feels like pulling out at the time. This is perfect for the dreamy, psychedelic themes of the album, allowing Cuco room to croon about love and other (literal) drugs. His lyrics aren’t the greatest but they’re charmingly earnest and his melodies are so strong it often doesn’t matter what he’s saying at all because the vibes are so mesmerizing. Instrumental interludes keep the wavy atmosphere going between songs and make this a great, cohesive listening experience. I feel like this is what the cool kids are listening to.
Positives: Great to vibe out to, some really catchy songs
Potential Barriers: Lyrics can be clunky and a bit obnoxious
Sample Track: “Keeping Tabs” is an addictive piece of music.

THE PARK IN THE NIGHT part three by GWSN (Dance Pop)

  • For Fans Of: LOONA, Betty Who, cartoon soundtracks
Description: A tight album of colorful dance pop with strong melodies, they do a good job of reworking existing genres to sound fresh. There are hints of r&b, new jack swing, tropical house, EDM, and more on this album, but they’re filtered through this ethereal, futuristic lens that makes them sound wholly unique and lend the group an almost retrofusturistic sound. Space and dreams are major motifs in their music and you can hear that in the diverse production, which offers up hard hitting drops and layered harmonies in equal measure.
Positives: Great production, creative, high energy
Potential Barriers: It’s in Korean
Sample Track: “Night Aviation (Interpretation Of Dreams)” is really cool sounding r&b tinged slow jam.

Past Progressive by Jane Zhang (Electropop)

  • For Fans Of: Timbaland, Rihanna, getting #turnt
Description: Jane Zhang had the potential to be the first Chinese pop girl to break the US back in 2017 after “Dust My Shoulders Off” was used in Hulu ads and she performed at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. All of the buzz died down by the time the album finally dropped last year, but those of us who stuck around were well rewarded with a fantastic dance-pop album. This album reminds me of the heyday of floor-filler club music, there’s huge early ‘10s energy on here. I’ll put it this way: Timbaland produced some tracks and there’s a Ne-Yo feature. This album is loud, bringing electropop production and huge vocals that make the moody pop girls of today quake. Almost half of this album was released as a single or used on a soundtrack so it’s a bit all over the place in that regard, but the songs themselves are always polished and full of energy. If you’ve been craving some trashy dance diva music, here it is.
Positives: Huge club songs, great vocals, top notch production
Potential Barriers: Kind of dated, the album drags in the middle with some obvious filler
Sample Track: If you asked me to create the ideal club song it would be “808.”

Queer Pop Songs by be steadwell (Bedroom Pop)

  • For Fans Of: dodie, mxmtoon, being gay and emotional
Description: be steadwell made a lot of this album in her bedroom for no money, but talent is a great substitute for budget. She manages to get a lot of mileage out of just simple recording equipment and her voice, using clever vocal arrangements to augment the simple instrumentals. She frequently employs vocal looping as well, so many of the songs pseudo-a cappella sections as well. It gives her music a surprisingly distinctive style that’s calming and a little hypnotic. Her lyrics are, as the title implies, “queer,” but they’re frequently introspective and touch onto spiritual imagery as well. It’s underground, left-of-center chill pop, but it makes for a nice change of pace. It's long so I’d recommend listening to it once through and picking out the songs you like.
Positives: Spunky energy, calming, frequently clever
Potential Barriers: Low production value, songs are very simple
Sample Track: “ExFriends” shows her style well.

Rouge by Yuna (Pop + R&B)

  • For Fans Of: (Modern) Mariah Carey, Hoody, a night out with the ladies that ends at a reasonable hour
Description: The track list of Rouge is like a bunch of gems strung together into a beautiful necklace: each song shines in its own way thanks to the diversity of styles and collaborators. The songs are strung together well enough that they feel cohesive but the songs come in different shades of r&b, pop, and dance, all of which feel polished and elegant. Over half of the songs on the album have featured artists and she brings out the best in each of them. She trades bars with Jay Park on a synth pop song, disco dances with G-Eazy and Little Simz, ruminates over thumping r&b with too many others to list, and she shows different colors each time. The solo half of the album is equally worthy, Yuna is a commanding performer with a rich, mature voice that she doesn’t have to raise to make a point. The overall effect is a chill pop album that manages to be silky and mature without sacrificing fun in the process.
Positives: Great list of features, solid blend of danceable bops and slow jams, mature perspective
Potential Barriers: It has ballads
Sample Track: “Likes (ft. KYLE)” is a chill song that reflects on her place as Muslim woman in the music industry.


  • For Fans Of: Kim Petras, Hayley Kiyoko, Radio Disney
Description: Titled after the seven stages of grief, this album aims to guide us through a bad breakup with the most powerful weapon known to man: bouncy pop music. Armed with a powerful set of pipes and vibrant production, FRANKIE offers up pop songs that feel almost old-school in their maximalist tendencies. Her sound and aesthetic feel ripped from the ’00s, but in a good way! It’s not dated but rather comforting, offering up modern takes on old tropes like the piano power ballad that remind us why we fell in love with them in the first place. Despite the seemingly dark subject matter the album is never maudlin, instead opting for a more positive approach that gives the album a breezy quality.
Positives: Pure pop fun, relatable songs
Potential Barriers: A bit basic
Sample Track: “Strangers” has a great chorus.

Sweater Collection by Lo Lo (Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Carly Rae Jepsen, Tori Kelly, overusing the term "bop"
Description: I can’t pretend that Lo Lo is breaking any barriers or blowing any minds, but she’s been consistently putting out catchy pop music and really, what else are we asking for? She has the good sense to keep the tempo up: her debut EP is all bright, breezy pop songs that are fun and don’t overstay their welcome. Her style is refreshingly straightforward, with clean production and vocals delivering the catchy hooks and choruses we expect from good music. The album has a distinctly spunky attitude, but the vibes buried beneath the cheer are darker and lend the EP a bit of an edge. She’s got good energy that helps her music go down easy, I’ve gotten a LOT of mileage out of these songs.
Positives: Short and sweet, really addictive pop songs
Potential Barriers: A little basic
Sample Track: “Yours” is the kind of adventurous, catchy song pop artists dream of releasing.

Symptoms by Ashley Tisdale (Electropop)

  • For Fans Of: Marina, Hilary Duff, basic bops
Description: While she hasn’t been in the spotlight as much as her contemporary child stars Ashley has been out there living her best life and aging gracefully, and it shows on this album. It’s a more thoughtful album that reflects on her experiences with struggling to find happiness in love, utilizing a gentle approach to electropop that feels very fresh and trendy. You won’t find the trashy club bangers of her youth here, and as much as I love those I’m glad she gave us an album that feels authentic to who she is and where she’s at in her life right now. It’s refreshing to hear a mainstream pop celebrity release a collection of mature pop songs about learning to get in touch with yourself and your emotions. It’s not the most ground breaking album in existence but I find it very cozy and reassuring to listen to.
Positives: Wholesome, relatable content, nice chill electropop
Potential Barriers: Kind of basic
Sample Track: “Feeling So Good” is the penultimate song of the album, and a mild banger.

U D D by Up Dharma Down (Indie + Dance)

  • For Fans Of: The 1975, Fickle Friends, night drives and neon lighting
Description: Their music is almost impossibly slick, with every synth pad and bass lick perfectly calibrated for their vision of a genre defying album that fuses indie rock, soft disco, synth pop, and jazz. Offering up danceable tracks and slow jams in equal measure this album is radio friendly and welcoming to fans of pop but still has a free spirit and an indie edge that’s incredibly compelling. This is the soundtrack of late nights, both the kind spent out and the kind spent alone. An air of nostalgia permeates the album, both in the ’80s-esque sound palate and in the lyrics, which handle former pain and new beginnings. These songs will touch your heart and make you wistful even as you dance to the bouncy grooves offered but by the band.
Positives: Unique dance vibes, emotionally intelligent lyrics (many of which are in English), no bad songs
Potential Barriers: Kind of long, some of the songs are in Tagalog
Sample Track: “Never” is a hard hitting, synth drenched track with a bit of a funky kick to it.

Ugh, those feels again by Snoh Aalegra (R&B + Soul)

  • For Fans Of: Amy Winehouse, Sade, music to sing along to on a lazy Sunday morning
Description: This album feels like it’s going to become a classic. Every song on here is distinct and memorable, but it’s also the kind of album you can just put on and vibe with. Snoh Aalegra creates r&b at its fullest potential, blending in styles like hip-hop, gospel, and soul to add further flavor to her work. She doesn’t have to raise her voice to make a point (her smoky voice is perfect for the genre), instead bringing songs to life with an emotive, almost theatrical touch. There is something of a thematic arc to the album, beginning with songs about new love and ending with songs about old pain, and she nails it every step of the way with her earnest lyricism and the cinematic production. Listening to this album you’ll find yourself nodding your head, tapping your foot, and feeling all gooey inside.
Positives: Super easy to listen to, silky and smooth
Potential Barriers: Not everybody likes r&b I guess?
Sample Track: “I Want You Around” is gorgeous and romantic, such a calming piece of music.

Was It Even Real? by Olivia O’Brien (Moody-Pop)

  • For Fans Of: Halsey, Due Lipa, being kind of burned out on everything
Description: “Generic” is not a dirty word, but Olivia O’Brien still has a few tricks up her sleeve. Most of the album is anchored in a very modern acoustic/trap fusion sound, but depending on the song she can either veer entirely acoustic or lean into full on dance pop. It’s a somewhat scattershot approach to genre that works out well and stays cohesive thanks to the strong lyrical/thematic focus. It’s definitely an album written by a nineteen year old because a lot of the songs concern being fed up with boys, fake friends, and partying, but as cliched as it sounds she actually has a knack for lyrics that make these experiences sound relevant and relatable. It’s dark, but it manages to raise itself above just being depressing through smart songwriting choices. Given the broad variety of songs on this album there are songs to listen to when you’re feeling sad, when you feel like dancing, or both.
Positives: Balances moody and upbeat sounds well, relatable content, strong pop album
Potential Barriers: Some of the tracks are rough, might be too “generic” for some
Sample Track: “Just A Boy” is a spunky little ’80s disco number.
And that's it! There’s also a quick list of 28 more albums in the comments! Please share your thoughts on any of these albums, or any albums you felt went under the radar, down below.
Also check out my 57 Overlooked/Underrated Songs From 2019 post as well because there's stuff on there that didn't make it on here.
submitted by Ghost-Quartet to popheads [link] [comments]

I made a table of all the visions in That's So Raven

There are actually two tables. One for Raven's visions and another for other characters' visions. I couldn't find this on the internet elsewhere and was very little help so I made it myself. The notes section contain my musings and observations. If this already existed just don't tell me.
Raven's visions
Season Episode Episode name Vision time Who's in the vision? What's happening? Reality time Does vision happen? Did Raven affect the vision? Notes Time to Occurrence
1 1 Mother Dearest 2:05 Bunch of students Student are applauding Raven 3:16 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Cory is described as a master of deceit and psychological manipulations 1:11
1 1 Mother Dearest 17:28 Raven's parents Raven's parents enter a room looking for the teacher 18:45 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision 1:17
1 2 Test of Friendship 1:03 Eddie Eddie is failing a Spanish test N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
1 3 Party Animal 14:39 Raven's parents Raven's dad is going to investigate the party/zoo 15:30 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 0:51
1 3 Party Animal 1:33 Cory, Raven Cory is telling Raven he hates her 20:42 Vision effectively happens with just minor changes Raven's actions cause vision to happen Cory is interrupted by Raven before he can say he hates her 19:09
1 4 Wake up Victor 4:51 Tanya Baxter Tanya is stressed about Victor's cooking show 13:13 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 8:22
1 5 A Fish Called Raven 2:21 A clown parachuter A parachuter crashing through a window 6:29 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 4:08
1 5 A Fish Called Raven 9:50 Eddie Eddie makes the game-winning play in a basketball game 19:41 Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Reporter girl ("Serena") is real mean 9:51
1 6 Smell of Victory 15:26 No one Science project falling and breaking 15:47 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 0:21
1 6 Smell of Victory 1:42 Raven, Ben Sturkey Ben is wrapping his arm around Raven saying "This is going to be great" - It was established that Ben smells bad 2:55 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Raven says her visions usually come true 1:13
1 6 Smell of Victory 7:09 Eddie, Crystal Crystal is pointing at Eddie and saying "Gross" 18:55 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 11:46
1 6 Smell of Victory 10:57 Raven, Ben Sturkey Ben and Raven are getting an A in science N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
1 7 Campaign in the Neck 2:26 No one The election results are in and Ben Sturkey beats Chelsea 187 - 3 21:30 Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen There are 190 people in the school assuming 100% election participation 19:04
1 8 Saving Psychic Raven 7:35 N/A We don't see this vision but presumably it's about a lamp falling on Dr. Sleevemore 7:50 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen This is a weird one - we don't see the vision, just her proving that she can have a vision 0:15
1 8 Saving Psychic Raven 0:23 Chelsea Chelsea broke a nail N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode Raven's actions do not impact vision This episode coins the term "normies" back in 2003 - is that as early as it gets? N/A
1 9 The Parties 4:38 Bunch of students They're entering Raven's house yelling "Party!" 9:43 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 5:05
1 9 The Parties 15:10 Chelsea She's lauding Raven for beating her rival, Nicki 20:16 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 5:06
1 10 Ye Olde Dating Game 1:58 Gabriel Gabriel is telling "Rae" that he's always wanted her to be his gf 19:28 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision #################
1 11 Dissin' Cousins 2:23 Andrea and Eddie Andrea gives Eddie a kiss on the lips 21:49 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 19:26
1 12 Teach Your Children Well 2:10 Tanya Baxter Tanya is introducing herself as a substitute teacher 7:00 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 4:50
1 12 Teach Your Children Well 9:53 Tanya Baxter and Raven Tanya is telling Raven she likes the job 20:42 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 10:49
1 13 Driven to Insanity 0:19 Raven's parents Raven's parents are telling her no three times 2:00 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen At one point Raven and Chelsea comment that someone from high school is in their school but they're both canonically (14 or) 15 so that's pretty generally high school age 1:41
1 13 Driven to Insanity 3:57 Raven's parents Raven's parents are dancing in evening apparel 5:49 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 1:52
1 14 A Dog by Any Other Name 1:39 Raven, Chelsea, and Eddie The trio scream at the camera and there's a hard cut to a school desk-chair 2:17 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision This episode happens after Teach Your Child where Lawler is promoted to principal but in this episode he is just being assigned the Enlish teaching position for Raven & co 0:38
1 14 A Dog by Any Other Name 4:20 Chelsea, some guy Chelsea is saying hi to some guy 6:42 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Chelsea's locker moves to be closer to Raven's 2:22
1 14 A Dog by Any Other Name 9:34 Chelsea, sammy the dog Chelsea is gushing over her dog Sammy 12:52 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 3:18
1 14 A Dog by Any Other Name 18:06 Sam the human, some basketball players Sam the human is talking about blowing off Chelsea for their date N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions do not impact vision N/A
1 15 Saturday Afternoon Fever 0:23 Tanya Baxter Tanya is asking what someone is doing Saturday 1:25 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 1:02
1 15 Saturday Afternoon Fever 12:29 Tanya Baxter Tanya is asking for chocolate covered raisins 16:34 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 4:05
1 15 Saturday Afternoon Fever 5:03 Tanya Baxter Tanya is blowing her nose 19:36 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision 14:33
1 16 A Fight at the Opera 8:22 Eddie, Raven Eddie is holding the opera trophy and saying Raven and Chelsea make a great team 20:24 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 12:02
1 17 Psychics Wanted 10:45 Some guy "Quiz" Quiz got a scholarship and is stoked 20:55 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 10:10
1 17 Psychics Wanted 0:25 Some guy "Quiz" Some guy is at Raven's door with flowers 15:12 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen It's established that Cory is loaded in this episode 14:47
1 18 If I Only Had a Job 1:48 Victor Baxter, his boss presumably Victor is being fired N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
1 19 Escape Clause 15:23 Mr. Petracelli Mr. Petracelli, as mall santa, is looking at a picture of Raven, Chelsea, and Eddie Vision effectively happens with just minor changes Raven's actions cause vision to happen This one may not actually have happened since Raven was sent back in time by Santa #################
1 19 Escape Clause 0:40 Raven Raven is unwrapping a necklace 2:21 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 1:41
1 20 Separation Anxiety 1:35 Raven's parents Raven's parents agree on "splitting up" 17:39 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 16:04
1 21 To See or Not To See 4:33 Chelsea Chelsea's doing like a runway walk down a hallway of jocks 9:52 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 5:19
1 21 To See or Not To See 1:57 Eddie Eddie reaches the top of a climbing wall 18:08 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 16:11
2 1 Out of Control 7:04 Chelsea and Eddie Chelsea and Eddie are embracing and it appears they're about to kiss 13:05 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision The Chill Grill is opened; Victor has a good line about Raven's visions at 7:51; Raven starts having an internal monologue 6:01
2 2 Don't Have a Cow 21:00 Whole cast Whole episode - they turn into cows N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen The whole episode was basically a vision - time recorded was end of vision but could have also happened at 3:12 N/A
2 3 Run Raven Run 6:17 Alana Alana is on-track to be hit by a TV on wheels 6:42 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision We get introduced to Alanna and co in this episode despite them appearing in the previous episode 0:25
2 4 Clothes Minded 1:08 Principal Lawler Lawlor is handing out uniforms for the students 2:50 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 1:42
2 4 Clothes Minded 8:55 No one Cheese is smelly in the air ducts 17:35 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen This was a bad episode even by childrens' standards 8:40
2 5 Four's a Crowd 0:30 Devon Devon is saying "Raven" and leaning into the camera for a kiss 20:39 Vision effectively happens with just minor changes Raven's actions cause vision to happen We're introduced to Nadine this episode - Devon's sister 20:09
2 6 Hearts and Minds 1:11 Cory Cory is lamenting that no one wants to be his valentine 18:37 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Cory's a playa in this episode 17:26
2 7 Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind 3:56 Cory's friend William William finds his bunny under his pillow 4:19 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 0:23
2 7 Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind 8:02 Devon and Phoebe Devon and Phoebe are snuggling heads at the Astro Force 5 convention 16:44 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision 8:42
2 8 That's So Not Raven 0:22 Raven Raven is going down the runway at a fashion show 20:40 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 20:18
2 9 Blue in the Face 9:54 Raven Raven's face is painted blue and she's jamming to some music 20:15 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 10:21
2 10 Spa Day Afternoon 1:05 Raven, Myesha (celebrity), Tanya Baxter Raven sees Myesha upside down through her own legs and her mother comments on it 3:54 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 2:49
2 11 Leave it to Diva 8:32 The White Glove Society The White Glove Society is fleeing Raven's house screaming 19:10 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 10:38
2 12 There Goes the Bride 1:06 Devon, Chelsea Devon is showing Chelsea a ring that Chelsea thinks Raven will love 3:39 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 2:33
2 13 Radio Heads 12:00 Old Raven, Eddie, and Chelsea Long one - Old Eddie is mad at Raven and lets her know N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Seriously it's like 90 seconds long N/A
2 13 Radio Heads 21:13 Old Raven, Eddie, and Chelsea Old trio are happy to see each other N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
2 14 A Goat's Tale 21:34 Eddie, the Jefferson cheer squard Eddie is dressed as the Jefferson mascot cheering for Jefferson N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions do not impact vision Chelsea becomes really self-righteous about animals in this episode, Raven has a vision before the start of the episode that doesn't count N/A
2 15 He's Got the Power 8:47 Eddie and Katina Katina is dismissing Eddie with a flourish 13:34 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision Vision starts at 8:47 but we only start to see it at 8:53; At 2:03 the CC calls Cory "Korey" - could this be Cory's twin?; At 13:42 Sonny snuck into a high school/middle school to build an elaborate locker set up 4:47
2 16 Skunk'd 11:12 Chelsea Chelsea is hiking and gets her foot stuck in a rock 16:03 Vision effectively happens with just minor changes Raven's actions cause vision to happen 4:51
2 17 The Dating Shame 3:40 Raven Raven is on TV and calling Chelsea a loser 9:54 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 6:14
2 18 The Road to Audition 1:35 Some guy Some guy is saying he's in Bayside undercover 4:40 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision This is a fun episode 3:05
2 19 The Lying Game 0:54 Raven's parents Raven's parents fall into the couch and popcorn spills everywhere 2:30 Vision effectively happens with just minor changes Raven's actions do not impact vision 1:36
2 20 Numb and Numb-er 2:19 Cory's dentist The dentist is telling someone they have a cavity 8:55 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 6:36
2 21 My Big Fat Pizza Party 7:29 Victor Baxter, Raven, bunch of randos Victor is thanking Raven for bringing business to The Chill Grill 20:36 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Instant classic 13:07
2 22 Shake, Rattle and Rae 10:54 Chelsea, Raven, Alana and crew Chelsea screams earthquake as the rest of the girls panic 19:05 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 8:11
3 1 Psychic Eye for the Sloppy Guy 6:04 Tyler's hands Tyler is showing a flipbook of Raven;s face materializing 19:52 Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Tanya Baxter starts law school this episode; I think this is a parody of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? 13:48
3 2 Stark Raven Mad 12:43 Sierra Sierra is in a pane saying "Look at me!" 15:36 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision Sierra is introduced in this episode 2:53
3 3 Opportunity Shocks 10:56 Stanley & Presto Jones Stanley has got Presto in a headlock 14:39 Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Stanley is introduced in this episode 3:43
3 4 Taken to the Cleaners 12:17 Tanya's professor Professor is handing his jacket (with envelope in the pocket) to the dry cleaner N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions do not impact vision N/A
3 5 Five Finger Discount 14:13 Cory Cory is being apprehended by mall security 17:14 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 3:01
3 5 Five Finger Discount 4:10 Off-screen Raven says she saw the trio with the mystery prize for the soda drinking contest N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions do not impact vision The scene at 9:58 is actually scary N/A
3 6 Sweeps 6:38 Some people in an audience Audience is booing AND walking out 18:21 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 11:43
3 6 Sweeps 8:42 Some people in an audience Audience is cheering 20:32 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen The musical is actually a banger 11:50
3 6 Sweeps 0:14 Some people in an audience Audience is booing 18:17 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen We get introduced to "Silent Murph" 18:03
3 7 Double Vision 3:17 Some girl Some girl is tying her shoe and gets knocked over by an opening door 3:38 Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen 0:21
3 7 Double Vision 7:15 Rayne Bow Rayne Bow saying there's not going to be a show 10:08 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision DOUBLE VISION SLAMMA JAMMA 2:53
3 7 Double Vision 0:58 Raven, Ben (not Sturkey) Raven and Ben smooch 16:57 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 15:59
3 7 Double Vision 15:49 Eddie and Rayne Bow Eddie and Rayne Bow are being let out of the closet but it's a blurry vision N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen Blurry vision N/A
3 7 Double Vision 16:59 Eddie and Rayne Bow Eddie and Rayne Bow are being let out of the closet but it's crisp N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
3 8 Bend it like Baxter 8:59 Eric Eric is looking into camera saying that he likes someone just the way they are 9:23 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Eric is like a psycho at 12:45 0:24
3 9 The Big Buzz 9:46 Chelsea Chelsea is telling Raven that "they" love her dress 17:19 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision Lonely counselor grows large phallic vegetable has to be a wink at the audience 7:33
3 10 True Colors 8:09 Chloe the store manager at Sassy's Chloe is saying she doesn't hire black people 20:15 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 12:06
3 11 Dog Day Aftergroom 12:03 Victor, knitting club Victor and knitting club lady are showing each other fluffy white jackets 12:48 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision Eddie has an afro for what appears to be a lone joke at 9:37 0:45
3 12 The Royal Treatment 9:25 Prince Tendaji, entourage Prince Tendaji is being introduced in a courtly African way 17:53 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 8:28
3 13 Art Breaker 10:38 Eddie Eddie is witnessing Chelsea's Raven statue fall over and break 10:47 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 0:09
3 14 Boyz 'n Commotion 8:47 Crowd Crowd chanting "We hate Raven" 18:48 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Alana got replaced with Bianca what a scam 10:01
3 15 Getting' out of Dodge 17:53 Loca, Chelsea, and Muffy Bianca's crew are about to hit Chelsea with a dodgeball 19:23 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision The apostrophe in the title of the episode is totally unnecesary 1:30
3 16 On Top of Old Oaky 6:33 Jake Jake is eating ribs 16:13 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision I think the actor who played Jake also played Phil from Phil of the Future 9:40
3 17 They Work Hard for His Money 8:56 Eddie Eddie is opening a safe 14:38 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision 5:42
3 18 Mind Your Business 10:35 Ms. Juanita Ms. Juanita is telling Raven that her popcorn stand is popping 17:12 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 6:37
3 19 Hizzouse Party 4:55 Cory Cory is backing away saying "No, Raven, no!" 20:51 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 15:56
3 20 Mismatch Maker 1:27 Eddie, Chantel Chantel is getting back together with Eddie who is elated N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 21 Chef-Man and Raven 5:22 Leonard Stevenson AKA Captain Cookoff Cpt Cookoof is saying the challenge dish will be stuffed mackerel 10:58 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 5:36
3 21 Chef-Man and Raven 9:00 Victor Baxter Victor is saying that this went worse than last time 17:54 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen This is the episode where we learn that Raven is allergic to mushrooms 8:54
3 22 When in Dome 8:51 Chelsea, Jennifer The pair are hugging and saying they're best friends N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Jen is a real downer N/A
3 23 Too Much Pressue 10:22 Pressure, Raven Raven is in a music video with Pressure 19:19 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 8:57
3 24 The Grill Next Door 1:52 Victor Baxter The Chill Grill is going out of business N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 25 Extreme Cory 10:51 Cory Cory is making a smoothie in such a way that shows he's not actually injured N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 25 Extreme Cory 14:36 Cory Cory is flying through the air with his skateboard N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 26 Point of No Return 3:53 Raven Raven is showing a dress off in the mirror 7:49 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen The plot of this episode revolves around a stained blouse but it was established in Opportunity Shocks that the Baxters had a super stain remover 3:56
3 27 Country Cousins (1 of 2) 1:10 Betty Jane BJ is happy to see Raven 11:17 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen If the old woman is Raven's Aunt, then she'd be either Victor or Tanya's sister but the age gap is so huge. So if she's like a colloquial Aunt or a Great Aunt then Delroy isn't actually her cousin? They're all related to a common Great Great Grandpappy. 10:07
3 28 Country Cousins (2 of 2) 11:34 Cousin Delroy Cousin Delroy is thanking Raven for bringing the gravy boat back 19:53 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen The baby is actually annoying 8:19
3 28 Country Cousins (2 of 2) 8:27 Betty Jane BJ is revealed to be Percy the scarecrow N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions do not impact vision N/A
3 29 Food for Thought 9:17 Eddie, some students, Raven They all have big butts N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 29 Food for Thought 11:47 Judge Foodie Judge Foodie is talking about how the food is going to all schools N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
3 30 Mr. Perfect 1:25 Raven and Andre Raven is breaking up with Andre who takes it hard 20:03 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 18:38
3 31 Goin' Hollywood 1:20 Better Days TV show/Cory Cory wins the Better Days TV contest 1:32 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision Raven is barely in this episode so the vision is mostly a joke 0:12
3 32 Save the Last Dance 2:22 Raven, mystery guy (Devon) Raven is dancing with Devon at the prom 20:05 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Isn't Raven dating Andre? Why does she say she's not? Why is finding a prom date so hard? 17:43
3 33 Cake Fear 17:57 Victor, fake cops Victor is crying on TV in front of some cops 21:12 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Victor references S3e19 at 0:49 3:15
3 34 Vision Impossible 18:38 Raven, Cory, Chelsea, Eddie, Victor The whole gang is embracing and celebrating Raven's visions 18:58 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 0:20
3 34 Vision Impossible 1:37 Eddie as a locker Eddie's head is on a locker getting his teeth brushed N/A Vision is messed up due to mushrooms Raven's actions do not impact vision Dr. Sleevemore is back; Raven "remembers" the Four Aces club from an episode that hasn't happened yet N/A
3 35 The Four Aces 11:50 A presenter, audience A presenter is presenting Rhonnie Wilcox to a cheering audience 18:50 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 7:00
4 1 Rave, Sydney and the Man 11:33 Sydney Sydney is telling someone to leave her alone 14:26 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 2:53
4 2 Pin Pals 1:00 Donna Cabonna Donna is saying Raven's design saved the night 19:12 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen Tonya's absence this season is explained due to some international law event 18:12
4 3 Dues and Don'ts 1:08 Raven Raven is sitting at a bigwig desk sending her designs across the world 4:44 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen They keep the Donna Cabonna internship from last episode 3:36
4 4 Unhappy Medium 12:58 Toshi Toshi is firing an actress 20:00 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 7:02
4 4 Unhappy Medium 1:11 Nikki Logan Nikki is choking on Martian Mango taffy N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
4 4 Unhappy Medium 20:46 Nikki Logan Nikki is getting a bad review N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
4 5 Adventures in Boss Sitting 4:21 Devon Devon is breaking up with Raven 17:19 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 12:58
4 6 Hook Up My Space 0:36 Cory, Victor Cory is giving a presentation to Victor N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
4 7 Driving Miss Lazy 0:58 The trio The trio are singing in the car singing to the radio 21:00 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 20:02
4 8 Be Prepared 13:48 Coco (dog) Coco eats Raven's designs 19:14 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Maria Shriver appears in this episode 5:26
4 9 Juicer Consequences 14:22 Cory, Juicer Cory is about to get juiced 18:26 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen We meet the Juicer 4:04
4 10 Sister Act 17:33 Sydney, Buffy Sydney drops a globe on Buffy N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen N/A
4 11 Checkin' Out 10:25 Tyler Sparks, Zack, Cody Tyler falls in front of Z&C N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions cause vision not to happen Crossover episode with Suite Life N/A
4 11 Checkin' Out 21:09 Donna Cabonna Donna is saying that the ad is a huge hit N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode but it's implied it does happen Raven's actions cause vision to happen N/A
4 12 Fur Better or Worse 14:48 Donna, Chelsea & protestors Donna is saying the fur sweater is out 19:58 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 5:10
4 13 Mad Hot Cotillion 15:02 Kayla, Cory Kayla is dumping Cory for the Juicer 20:11 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 5:09
4 14 When 6021 met 4267 1:04 Raven, partygoers Raven is alone during a slow dance 14:45 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen 13:41
4 14 When 6021 met 4267 10:46 Raven, Eddie, their children Raven is housekeeping with like a dozen children while Eddie is at work "wrapping" N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode Raven's actions do not impact vision Vision is like a minute long N/A
4 14 When 6021 met 4267 16:15 Raven, Eddie, their children, Victor Raven and Eddie are coming back from winning awards for their careers while Victor is happy about the cure for baldness N/A Vision doesn't happen in the episode Raven's actions do not impact vision Raven has a line about her visions being off at 18:10 N/A
4 15 Soup to Nuts 3:34 Dr. Stuckerman, students Dr. Stuckerman is announcing his retirement as principal N/A Vision does not happen Raven's actions do not impact vision They dropped Mr. Petracelli for Dr. Stuckerman as principal; Raven plugs her musical career; The vision is actually dead-wrong - it even comes after Raven's effect to change the future. N/A
4 16 Members Only 16:24 Eddie, Dylan Dylan is confronting Eddie about lying about being a ladies' man 18:16 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 1:52
4 17 The Ice Girl Cometh 3:33 Brent Brent is inviting someone to a party at a lodge 11:23 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 7:50
4 18 Rae of Sunshine 16:40 Sunshine girls POV of chandelier swinging over sunshine girls laughing 17:00 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Vision is like 2 seconds long 0:20
4 19 The Dress is Always Greener 7:42 Donna Cabonna Donna is firing Raven 18:43 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions cause vision to happen 11:01
4 20 Teacher's Pet 13:14 Courtney Dearborn, Dr. Stuckerman Dr. Stuckerman is firing Courtney Dearborn 18:15 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions do not impact vision 5:01
4 21 The Way They Were 13:15 Eddie Eddie is taking a bus to Albuquerque 19:00 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision 5:45
4 21 The Way They Were 2:50 Eddie's divorced parents Eddie's parents are getting along 10:21 Vision happens exactly Raven's actions cause vision to happen Cosby Show reference at 3:30; Heimlich comes back 7:31
4 22 Where There Is Smoke 8:08 Cory Cory is relieved Raven didn't find the packet of cigarettes in his pocket 11:27 Vision happens exactly but with different context Raven's actions do not impact vision Good vision line at 9:10 3:19
Other characters' visions
Season Episode Vision haver Episode name Vision time Who's in the vision? What's happening? Reality time Does vision happen? Did vision-haver affect the vision? Notes
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 1:47 Presumably Victor Victor is being hit by/saved from a falling disco ball 1:56 Not sure Yes We don't see the vision - probably because Victor gets hurt
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 3:43 Katina, a student One student bumps into Katina causing the latter to drop their project which breaks 3:54 No Yes
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 4:54 Eddie, Katina, some students Katina and a bunch of students are hanging out with Eddie saying how great his visions are 10:28 Yes Yes
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 7:39 Presumably Katina Katina is getting a B in Bio N/A Yes, off-screen No Off-screen
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 7:53 Presumably a student couple Couple is not going to the prom together N/A Presumably off screen Unknown Off-screen
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 8:53 Eddie, Katina Eddie and Katina smooch 12:48 Yes Yes Vision starts at 8:53 but audience doesn't see it until 9:02
2 15 Eddie He's Got the Power 11:22 No one The name "LIVE WIRE" appear on a screen N/A Yes No
3 7 Ben Double Vision 3:17 Some girl (Presumably) Some girl is tying her shoe and gets knocked over by an opening door 3:38 Presumably no Yes Off-screen
3 7 Ben Double Vision 7:15 Rayne Bow Rayne Bow saying there's not going to be a show 10:08 Yes No DOUBLE VISION SLAMMA JAMMA
3 7 Ben Double Vision 15:49 Eddie and Rayne Bow Eddie and Rayne Bow are being let out of the closet but it's a blurry vision Yes, off-screen Yes Blurry vision
3 7 Ben Double Vision 16:59 Eddie and Rayne Bow Eddie and Rayne Bow are being let out of the closet but it's crisp Yes, off-screen Yes
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