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Save yourself, be good to other people.

I’m not really sure how to start off this story, so here it is. I’m not going to reveal my name for safety reasons, not that it will matter for much longer. For the sake of it, you can call me David. I work at my father’s business, which makes sex toys. Embarrassing detail, but as I said it won’t matter for long. Anyways, the business makes a ton of money per year, I’m talking billions. You might be thinking I’m in a great spot, and you’d be wrong. I work in customer support. The bottom, to be specific.
Originally, I was going to take over the company when I turned 21, which was a little over three years ago. So how did I end up in customer support? Well, for my 21st birthday, I went partying with some friends. We hit clubs, bars, casinos, strip clubs, you name it. I woke up in a cell the next day, to a look of disappointment from my father. Me and my friends got shitfaced at a bar, then went to the nearest casino. I blew through over $600,000 and tried to bail on the payment. I, drunkenly, drove through a building.
Long story short, I’m sitting on a little over $1,000,000 in debt. I also contracted chlamydia from a stripper, and my fiance left me when she found out. My father decided that I wasn’t responsible enough to take over his business, and needed a real job. He offered me customer support in his company, and I took it. I had no other options, I couldn’t leave town, and nobody would hire me. But not writing this for sympathy, I’m writing this as a warning.
Now I’m sure many of you have heard of the dark web, probably heard a number of horror stories about it too. Well, here’s another one for you, but take this one seriously. There is a source on the dark web, which I will not name, that is something like a hitman. It is a little difficult to put how it works into words, but it’s an important detail.
You put a warning hit on someone, along with a reason and how much you will pay, and wait for a hitman to take the case. Once one does, you talk with the hitman about a timeframe, what you want from them, and how their death should look should they not agree to your terms. The hitman then tells the person there is a hit on them, and how they can keep themselves alive. If the person tries to flee or does not meet the terms before the deadline, the hitman kills them. If the hit is carried out, the hitman keeps 100% of your payment. If the person agrees to the terms, the hitman takes 10% of what you paid him.
An example for a little more clarity: your daughter is raped by person A, and despite the evidence person A is not punished. You put a warning hit on person A. Your case would sum up to “person A raped my daughter, I will pay $10,000.” A hitman takes your case and you tell them “person A has three months to pay $250,000 and if he does not, make his death look like an accident.” The hitman collects your pay and tells person A about the warning hit, and the terms. If person A meets the terms, he is off the hook, and the hitman returns 90% of your payment. If he does not meet the terms, flees, goes to police, etc. then he dies in an accident and the hitman keeps your payment.
I hope that made sense to you. Now I’m sure you are poking holes or have questions already. A little more info I can give you is: you choose what to offer the hitman and he/she will accept or decline, there is no set payment but higher status people cost more, death and terms can be almost anything you want, most of the hitmen will not do more than a one year timeline, nobody has ever been caught. Now what I’m sure you are wondering (or probably already figured out), why does this matter? Well, let’s get to that.
About a month ago I was at work answering calls from dissatisfied customers, who decided to take out their anger on me. I was five minutes from lunch when I got another call, and my supervisor made me answer it. I wasn’t in the best mood, and didn’t want to get an earful of profanity from a customer, but that’s exactly what I got. He was screaming about how he spent close to $300 and hadn’t gotten his stuff after a month, and was giving me demands between his insults. I spent most of my lunch break trying to talk with the guy, to no avail. In hindsight this was the wrong decision, but I snapped.
I was screaming back at the guy, telling him I didn’t care if his middle aged overweight ass didn’t get his sex doll, along with a number of other insults. Again I know I made the wrong choice, but I had been dealing with this daily for years, and I’d had enough. I slammed the phone down and stormed out. My father called me later that day, telling me I’ll need another job. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t end there.
I didn’t know this at the time, but the guy I was talking to knew a ton about technology, and spent a lot of time on the dark web. Not only did he trace the call, but he hacked into the company computer system, and found every piece of information there was about me. To top it all off, none of the security programs in place picked up anything. So how do I know this? The next day I woke up to a pounding on my door. When I answered it, the only thing I found was an envelope. Inside it was a letter (some details changed) which read:
Dear Mr. David,
I am a hitman of “Generic Hitman Agency”, and you don’t want to meet me. The reason you are reading this is because a warning hit has been placed on you by my client, Mr. Client. If you do not meet his terms, we will meet. If we meet, it is game over for you. You must be wondering what the terms are.
My client purchased some products from the company you formerly worked at. After a month of waiting, my client has not received the products. He called to inquire about them, but only received your insults as an answer. He traced the call to you specifically, and put this hit on you. The terms he has set up for you are as follows: “I want the products I paid for, as well as $10,000 in compensation for the wait and your attitude”. You have 30 days to meet my clients terms.
If you meet the terms, you are safe. If you fail to meet the terms, you will die. If you attempt to flee, I will find you. Any attempts to escape the hit without meeting my clients terms will fail.
If you fail to meet the terms, the method of execution chosen by my client: to be restrained and sealed in a large block of silicone. I will be the one to perform your execution. The decision is yours.
Signed, Hitman
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of my “execution.” I sat the letter on the counter, and called my father. I asked him if the letter was some kind of joke because of yesterday, but he had no idea what I was talking about. I was going to take a picture of the letter to send to him, but the only thing on the counter was small bits of ash. It was almost as if the letter self destructed, like what you see in spy movies. I found this very strange, but assumed it must have been a dream.
Three weeks later, and I had completely forgotten about the letter. I had managed to find a job that paid the bills. I was on my way home from grocery shopping, when I got an uneasy feeling, like I was being stalked. I tried to write it off as some random paranoia wave. When I got home, I found another letter attached to my door. I assumed it was just mail and grabbed it as I went inside.
I sat my groceries in the kitchen and opened the letter. This one confirmed the last one was not a dream. The second letter read:
Dear Mr. David,
I have noticed that after three weeks you have made no effort in meeting my clients terms. As the previous letter was destroyed, allow me to refresh your memory on the terms: Deliver the purchased products and $10,000 to my client or you will be restrained in a large block of silicone. It has been 21 days since you were given the first letter.
Now Mr. David, I do look forward to your execution. The method is out of the ordinary for my line of work, and quite ironic. I would very much like to try it on you. However, I believe my client would much prefer you meet his terms. This letter is to inform you that you have nine days remaining to meet the terms. Your time is running out, make your decision.
Signed, Hitman
Before the letter had a chance to self-destruct, I grabbed my phone to take a picture. I managed to get a picture before the letter dissolved into ash. Any hope I had was shattered when I looked at the photo however. I was looking at a picture of a blank piece of paper. I was dumbfounded, I didn’t even know ink existed that would not show up on camera.
At this point I didn’t know what to do, I had nine days to come up with the money and the items. I thought about selling some possessions to raise the necessary funds, but I couldn’t raise $10,300 if I sold everything I had. I thought about it for a while, and came up with an idea. I still remembered the name of the hitman service Mr. Client had hired. My plan was simple, I will put a warning hit on Mr. Client. My terms, Mr. Client has three days to call off his hitman. It had to work, it was my only option.
I figured a couple grand would get me a hitman quickly. I put my car up for sale, and told people I needed it gone quickly. The car itself is worth about $4,500. I listed it for $3,000 to get it to sell, but only managed to get $2,500. I figured it might be enough, and went searching for the warning hit service. I had some experience with the dark web in my past, and did manage to find them, although it took a while.
When I got on their site, I found a form to fill out to place a warning hit. I put in the necessary information into the form and submitted it. I was hoping for a quick answer, and I got one. A hitman answered me and said she would do the hit. I was relieved as she told me she takes most hits and doesn’t ask questions.
The next day I found a large manila envelope on my door. I assumed it was about my warning hit and opened it eagerly. Inside was an envelope, a copy of my warning hit form with a note, and $2,500. I read the note first. It read:
We have reviewed and voided your warning hit. Despite it being accepted, the hit will not continue, and your target will not be informed. We do not allow hits on anyone who has an active hit. The reason for this is to prevent anyone from using our service to get out of a hit. If you attempt to place another warning hit on your target, a hitman will be activated to terminate you.
Well fuck, back to square one. I reviewed the items in the manila envelope, all the money was there, and the form had “void” stamped on it. I wasn’t sure what the envelope was for, my only guess was it was a letter from the hitman who took my case. Well, I was right about the hitman part anyway. Inside was a letter which read:
Dear Mr. David,
Because of the warning hit you attempted to place on my client, your termination will be carried out. You can no longer save yourself. You should already know this however, otherwise you would not have tried to place a hit on my client. Your little plan was doomed from the start however. One little detail you missed, once a warning hit has been placed, the client cannot call it off. Even though it’s a rule we have, I would have killed you regardless. What better opportunity to perform a unique execution like yours? See you soon.
Signed, Hitman
So that’s that, I’m a dead man. I sat in my living room for a few minutes brainstorming ideas. As I watched the papers dissolve on my table, I figured my best option was to completely disappear. I packed a bag and robbed someone of their car. I gave the owner $500 to “not remember” what I look like, and he agreed. I drove until the car ran out of gas, then started wandering through a patch of forest near where I broke down. I stumbled across a summer cabin and broke in. I planned to spend the night, but found a note waiting inside, it was short but it read:
David. No matter where you go, we will find you. There is no escape. Accept your fate.
They are right, I can’t escape this. They somehow knew I would end up here, how could I escape this? I sat down at the computer and figured I would spend my last few hours telling my story to reddit, and drinking the whiskey I found in the freezer. It’s too late for me, but not for you. Please, especially if you are a business owner, be goa;ersdljNaCnbabg gchgkxhufttgzsfaWQWDAxsg
Hey everyone, “David” is unconscious, but still alive. I saw his post and read through it. I figured I would post it for him, in a way they’re his last words. You may be wondering why I didn’t delete it, its evidence afterall. Well, how many stories have you read on here that you thought were true? Anyways, before I rudely interrupted him, I think he was telling you to be good to others. Especially if you are a business owner, or in his case, customer support.
I’m going to wrap this up, I have some business to finish. I suggest you take David’s advice, otherwise we might meet someday, and one of us won’t like that… Hitman, signing off.
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Details of Book
Author : Ibi Zoboi
Language : English
Number of pages : 304 pages
Editor : Balzer + Bray
Date of Publication : September 18th 2018

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Zuri Benitez has pride. Brooklyn pride, family pride, and pride in her Afro-Latino roots. But pride might not be enough to save her rapidly gentrifying neighborhood from becoming unrecognizable.
When the wealthy Darcy family moves in across the street, Zuri wants nothing to do with their two teenage sons, even as her older sister, Janae, starts to fall for the charming Ainsley. She especially can’t stand the judgmental and arrogant Darius. Yet as Zuri and Darius are forced to find common ground, their initial dislike shifts into an unexpected understanding.
But with four wild sisters pulling her in different directions, cute boy Warren vying for her attention, and college applications hovering on the horizon, Zuri fights to find her place in Bushwick’s changing landscape, or lose it all.

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casino in goa reviews video

Best Casinos In Goa  Goa Casino Packages  Must Visit ... Casino Pride  Goa - YouTube GOA - Dancing Cruise and Casinos The haunt: Goa's Casino Royale - YouTube Goa Casino's And 5 Things to Know about Casino - YouTube Casino Night In Goa  Deltin Royale Casino Full Tour  Goa ...

Goa is one of the few states in India where gambling is legal. Casinos in Goa can be found on boats anchored in the Mandovi River, and onshore in some upmarket hotels. Most of the action, with live tables, takes place on the floating casinos -- which are entertainment destinations within themselves. Casino Goa Reviews, casino in cannon beach or, daan houtman poker, casino slot pics. 18+, T&C Apply,, New Customers Only. More Details Less Details. Connect With Facebook Connect-100%. Play Now. 18+, T&C Apply,, New Customers Only. Belgium 1. Local Casino Guide This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more. Got it! Prize pool: 66% deposit match ... Chances Casino Resort Goa Reviews, legacy of egypt slots, 14 casino street terrigal, ajax casino getaway restaurant. Details. Best50 Casinos: Bonus Codes 2020; Welcome Casino Bonuses; Best No Deposit Casinos; Free Spins Casinos; Casino Reload Bonus; 754. 1. Wager. 1x. 750% up to$750. Exclusive welcome bonus * T&C. 200. Visit casino 752. Play. Wager . 10 Free Spins; Wager: 35x B; No Code ... 399 reviews #2 of 14 Casinos & Gambling in Goa "Excellent casino floors, delectable food, and electric ambience, Deltin Jaqk is a must visit for travellers visiting Goa." "Awesome service, casino experience transports you to a new world, the overall look and feel is excellent." Learn More. The Zuri White Sands Casino. 237 reviews #3 of 14 Casinos & Gambling in Goa "Well maintained property ... Fans of table games will Casino Paradise Goa Reviews have plenty to Casino Paradise Goa Reviews talk about when playing at JackpotCity, with its huge variety of popular casino online games, which can be enjoyed on both PC and via the mobile online casino. Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps and more, with different versions of Casino Paradise Goa Reviews each game, can be found here ... Casino carnival, an illustrious casino in the vivacious state of Goa has two venues: one inside the Goa Marriott adjoining the Miramar beach, and the second is a boat on the Mandovi River. Spread across 4 classy decks, Casino carnival has something to offer for all age groups. Dedicated to provide the best of gaming and entertainment experience to its guests, Casino carnival has put together ... However, the offshore Casino Carnival was sold to the Pride Group and was renamed the Casino Pride. As of now, the Goa Marriott Resort and Spa only owns one casino, the onshore Casino Carnival. Spread across a huge hall in the hotel, there are electronic gaming tables for Baccarat, American Roulette and Blackjack. There are also slot machines that guests can use. Goa Casino Reviews - Check Out The Online Casino Games. At Goa Casino review we are aware there are some popular games at every online casino on which to place your bets; games that are well-known names to Indian players like Andar Bahar or Katti. Another favourite is Teen Patti; the six dice board game has made a very successful move online. Now while these games are ones you know well, going ... Goa Casino Resorts: Find 6689 traveller reviews, candid photos and the top ranked casino resorts in Goa on Tripadvisor. 1,028 reviews #1 of 15 Casinos & Gambling in Goa "Excellent place to spend your evening- excellent ambience, good food laid at 2nd floor, wow music on top deck, nice casino to burn a little hole in your pocket." "Excellent casino in terms of food, liquor and entertainment!! Service staff is great and you will feel happy to be here!!" Learn More. Deltin Jaqk. 404 reviews #2 of 15 Casinos ...

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Best Casinos In Goa Goa Casino Packages Must Visit ...

GOA Casino Cruises - Deltin Royale, Maharajah Casino and Coral Queen Cruise - Duration: ... River Cruise in Goa Panjim I Review - Duration: 8:46. FalconRiders 30,489 views. All credit for contents used in this video goes to the right owner. These are used under creative commons attributes. #Goa #Casino Casinos in GOA -~-~~-~~~-~... NDTV Correspondent Vikram Thapa tries his luck at Casino Royale, Goa's most famous offshore floating casino. So you are looking for best casino in goa ?You just jumped into the right video.Did you know that Goa is the only state in India which allows Official Casino... Casino in Goa is very famous among Tourists, one can find many casinos floating on Mandovi River in Panjim. As you know I traveled Goa by Angriya Cruise, thi... Goa has a few floating casinos so we thought we'd take you to the best one - Casino Pride!!! NEW UPLOAD EVERY TUESDAY & FRIDAY. Follow me around India!! Twit...

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