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Mini Korean lesson with Ma City lyrics

Mini Korean lesson with Ma City lyrics
This song is in my top 15 for sure. And the live tour performance is one of my favourites ever. Their energy is just insane. As always, the pretty version of this one is posted at BangtanKorean.com
Also, verse two features one of my favourite plays on words from Hobi. Look for the KIA/gear line. So Hobi!

Context Note:

One of the things that makes BTS a bit noteworthy to Koreans is that none of them are natives of Seoul. They all hail from different parts of the country, as follows:
Gyeonggi Province:
RM: Born in Seoul, but raised in Ilsan, just north of Seoul
Jin: Born and raised in Gwacheon, just south of Seoul
Gyeongsang Province (North):
SUGA: Born and raised in Daegu
V: Born in Daegu, raised mostly in Daegu, but spent a few years in Geochang, west of Daegu
Jeolla Province (South):
j-hope: Born and raised in Gwangju
Gyeongsang Province (South):
Jimin: Born and raised in Busan
Jungkook: Born and raised in Busan



니가 어디에 살건
No matter where you live.
니 = you, your (alternate spelling of 네)
어디 = where, somewhere
-에 = at X, on X (어디에)
살다 = to live
내가 어디에 살건
No matter where I live.
내 = I, me, my
한참을 달렸네
I ran for a long time.
한참 = for a long time
달리다 = to run
-네 = adds a nuance of surprise or amazement (달렸네)
나 다시 또 한참을 달렸네
Once again I ran for a long time.
나 = I, me
다시 = again
또 = once more, once again, additionally
Yeah I'll be ridin' and I'll be dyin'
In ma city

Verse 1 (RM):

I don't know what to say
나 죽어도 말 못해
Even if I die, I can’t say it.
죽다 = to die
-아도 / -어도 = even if X, even though X (죽어도)
말하다 = to say, to speak
못 = to not be able to do X (X being the accompanying verb)
내게 억만 금을 주고 딴 데 살라고?
You’ll give me millions to live somewhere else?
-에게 = to X, for X (내게)
억 = a hundred thousand
만 = ten thousand (don’t get me started on expressing large numbers in Korean. I can barely do math as it is.)
금 = gold, money
주다 = to give
-고 = X and (주고)
딴 = another, different
데 = a place
Ah no thanks
일산. 내가 죽어도 묻히고픈 곳
Ilsan. The place where even if I die I want to be buried.
묻히다 = to be buried
-고프다 = to be hungry for X, to really want X (묻히고프다)
곳 = a place
It's the city of the flower, city of
It's the city of the flower, city of Mon,
(Presumably the Mon here refers to the shortest form of his then-title of “Rap Monster” - “RapMon”.)
집 같던 라페스타 또 웨스턴돔
Lafesta and Western Dome that felt like home,
(These are both shopping malls in Ilsan)
집 = a house, a home
같다 = to be like
어린 시절 날 키워낸 후곡 학원촌 uh
Hugok Hagwon village that raised me during my youth. uh
어리다 = to be young
시절 = days, years, a time
키우다 = to raise (a person, pet)
확원 = commonly called “cram school” in English. It’s basically extra evening classes. Most Korean high school students to to cram school, since there is such importance placed on education in SK.
세상에서 가장 조화로운 곳 uh
The most harmonious place in the world. uh
세상 = a world
-에서 = in X, inside X (세상에서)
가장 = most
조화롭다 = to be harmonious
자연과 도시, 빌딩과 꽃 uh
Nature and city, buildings and flowers, uh.
자연 = nature
-과 / -와 = “and” when followed by an accompanying noun. Otherwise “with”. (자연과)
도시 = a city
꽃 = a flower
한강보다 호수공원이 더 좋아 난
I like Lake Park better than the Han River.
강 = a river
-보다 = compared to X, more than X (한강보다)
호수 = a lake
공원 = a park
더 = more
좋다 = to be good, to like
작아도 훨씬 포근히 안아준다고 널
Though it’s small, it embraces you much more warmly.
작다 = to be small
훨씬 = much more
포근하다 = to be cozy, snug, warm
-히 = can turn a 하다 adjective into adverb. IE: “warm” becomes “warmly” (포근히)
안다 = to hug, to embrace
-아주다 / -어주다 = adds a nuance of “for” or “as a favour to” someone (안아준다고)
너 = you
내가 나를 잃는 것 같을 때
When it feels like I’m losing myself
잃다 = to lose something
것 같다 = to feel like X, seem like X (X being the preceding clause)
때 = a point in time
그 곳에서 빛바래 오래된 날 찾네
in that place I find my old, faded self.
그 = that, those
빛 = light, colour
바래다 = to fade
오래되다 = to be old, to have been around for a long time
찾다 = to look for, to find
Remember 너의 냄새 또 everything
Remember your scent and everything.
You're my summer, autumn, winter and every spring
-의 = indicates possession, like ‘s in English (너의)
냄새 = a smell


자 부산의 바다여
Hey, Busan’s sea.
바다 = a sea
Say la la la la la
푸른 하늘아래 this sky line
This sky line under the blue sky.
푸르다 = to be blue
하늘 = a sky
아래 = below, under
Say la la la la la
아재들은 손을 들어
Gents, put your hands up!
(아재 is a Gyeongsang province dialect of 어저씨)
아재 / 아저씨 = used to refer to/address men of middle age or married men
-들 = makes a noun plural (아재들은)
손 = a hand
들다 = to life, to carry
아지매도 손 흔들어
Ladies too, wave your hands!
(아지매 is a Gyeongsang province dialect of 아줌마)
아지매 / 아줌마 = used to refer to/address women of middle age or married women
흔들다 = to shake
Ma City로 와
Come to Ma City.
-로 / -으로 = to X, toward X
오다 = to come


Come to ma city
잘 봐 주길 바래
I hope you take a good look.
잘 = well (as in “He sings well” not “Well, I don’t know.”)
보다 = to look at, to see
바라다 = to wish, to hope
Know how to party
날 키워준 city
The city that raised me.
그래 babe babe 이게 나의 city
Yeah, babe babe, this is my city.
그래 = yeah, okay, fine
이 = this, these
게 / 것 = a thing
(Welcome to ma city)


한참을 달렸네
I ran for a long time.
나 다시 또 한참을 달렸네
Once again I ran for a long time.
Yeah I'll be ridin' and I'll be dyin'
In ma city, city
Ma city, ma city yeah

Verse 2 (j-hope):

나 전라남도 광주 baby
I’m from Gwangju, South Jeolla province, baby.
내 발걸음이 산으로 간대도
Even though you say my footsteps head to the mountains,
(“Going to the mountains” is a Korean expression meaning to get distracted/sidetracked from the matter at hand.)
발걸음 = a footstep
산 = a mountain
가다 = to go
무등산 정상에 매일 매일
I’m at the peak of Mudeungsan every day, every day.
정상 = a peak, a summit
매일 = every day
내 삶은 뜨겁지, 남쪽의 열기
My life is hot, the heat of the South.
삶 = life
뜨겁다 = to be hot
-지 = adds a nuance of “you know” or “isn’t it?” (뜨겁지)
남 = south
쪽 = a direction
열기 = heat, passion
이열치열 법칙 포기란 없지
We fight heat with heat, there’s no such thing as giving up.
(Fighting heat with heat is a practice in which one does things to make themselves sweat more in order to beat the heat. Also, 열기 - meaning heat - is also used to refer to passion, fervor.)
법칙 = a rule, a law
포기 = the act of giving up
없다 = to not be found, not exist
KIA넣고 시동 걸어 미친 듯이 bounce
I put it in KIA, start the engine and bounce like crazy.
(One of Gwanju’s claims to fame is the large Kia Motors plant in the city. Also, lyrical note: j-hope has used the word KIA in place of the English word “gear” because they sound very similar.)
넣다 = to put in, insert
시동 = the act of starting an engine
걸다 = to catch, to put
미치다 = to be crazy
듯 = as if X, like X (X being the preceding word/clause)
오직 춤 하나로 가수란 큰 꿈을 키워
With nothing but my dance, my big dream of becoming a singer developed.
오직 = solely, exclusively
춤 = dance
하나 = one
가수 = a singer
크다 = to be bing
꿈 = a dream
이젠 현실에서 음악과 무대 위에 뛰어
Now in reality I bounce to the music on stage.
이제 = now
현실 = reality
음악 = music
무대 = a stage
위 = the top of something, on something
뛰다 = to run/jump
다 봤지 열정을 담았지
You all saw it. I put my passion into it.
다 = all, everyone, everything
열정 = passion
담다 = to put something into something
내 광주 호시기다 전국 팔도는 기어
I’m Gwangju’s Hosheekie. The 8 provinces of Korean, on your knees!
(j-hope calls himself by this same nickname in “Boyz With Fun”.)
전국 = the whole country
팔도 = the 8 provinces of South Korea
기다 = to crawl
날 볼라면 시간은 7시 모여 집합
If you want to see me, gather at 7 o’clock.
(What Gwangju is likely most famous for is the “Gwangju Uprising” of 1980. Take the time to read about it, it’s hugely important to South Korea’s modern history. Since the uprising, which was related to the fight for democracy in SK, it has been a topic of debate between far right and far left groups. One such right-wing group, using an internet forum, took to referring to Gwangju as “7 o’clock” because of its position on the map of South Korea.)
-면 / -으면 = if/when X (볼라면)
시간 = time
시 = o’clock
모이다 = to gather, to assemble
집합 = the act of assembling together, meeting up
모두다 눌러라 062-518
Everyone press 062-518.
(062 is the telephone area code for Gwangu. 518 refers to the Gwangju uprising, which began on May 18th, 1980.)
모두 = every
누르다 = to press
-어라 / -아라 = one of many ways to create the imperative form. IE: “Do X” (눌러라)


자 부산의 바다여
Hey, Busan’s sea.
Say la la la la la
푸른 하늘아래 this sky line
This sky line under the blue sky.
Say la la la la la
아재들은 손을 들어
Gents, put your hands up!
아지매도 손 흔들어
Ladies too, wave your hands!
Ma City로 와
Come to Ma City.


Come to ma city
잘 봐 주길 바래
I hope you take a good look.
Know how to party
날 키워준 city
The city that raised me.
그래 babe babe 이게 나의 city
Yeah, babe babe, this is my city.
(Welcome to ma city)

Verse 3 (SUGA):

대구에서 태어나 대구에서 자랐지
Born in Daegu, raised in Daegu.
태어나다 = to be born
자라다 = to grow up
수혈 받기엔 좀 힘들어
It’s a bit hard for me to get a blood transfusion.
수혈 = a blood transfusion
받다 = to receive
좀 = a little, a bit
힘들다 = to be hard, tough
몸 속에는 파란 피
My blood runs blue.
(Blue is the color of the Samsung Lions - Daegu’s pro baseball team.)
몸 = a body
속 = the inside of something
파랗다 = to be blue
피 = blood
이 새끼는 매 앨범마다 대구 얘기를 해도
“Even though this kid talks about Daegu on every album,
새끼 = a kid, a bastard (the meaning is really dependent on context/tone)
매 = every
-마다 = each X (앨범마다)
얘기 = a story, the act of conversing (alternate form of 이야기)
하다 = to do
지겹지도 않나 봐 생각을 할 수도 있지만
he doesn’t seem to get tired of it,” you might think, but
지겹다 = to be tedious, wearisome. To get tired of something
-지 않다 = to not do/be X(지겹지도 않나)
-나 보다 = “It looks like X is the case”, “I guess X is the case” (않나 봐)
생각하다 = to think
-ㄹ 수 있다 / -을 수 있다 = to be able to do X (할 수도 있지만)
-지만 = X but (있지만)
I'm a D boy 그래 난 D boy
I’m a D boy. Yeah, I’m a D boy.
솔직하게 말해 대구 자랑할 게 별 게 없어
To be honest, there’s not much about Daegu to brag about.
솔직하다 = to be honest
자랑하다 = to brag, boast
별 = particular, specific
내가 태어난 것 자체가 대구의 자랑
My birth itself is Daegu’s pride.
자체 = itself, the very thing
그래 아 그래
Yeah? Oh yeah.
자랑할 게 없기에 자랑스러워 질 수 밖에 안 그래?
Because I have nothing to brag about, I can’t do anything but brag, don’t you think?
-기에 = because of X, one decides to do Y (없기에)
-어지다 / -아지다 = makes a verb/adjective transitional. IE: “to become boastful” instead of “to be boastful” (자랑스러워 질)
-ㄹ 수 밖에 / -을 수 밖에 = to not be able to do anything but X (질 수 밖에)
Ayo 대구 출신 가장 성공한 놈이래
Ayo “The most successful person to come out of Daegu.”
출신 = a native, one’s origin
성공하다 = to succeed
놈 = a guy
이런 소리를 들을 거야 잘 봐라 이젠
I’m going to hear those words, just watch now.
이렇다 = to be like this
소리 = a sound, a voice
듣다 = to hear
내가 대구의 자랑 새 시대 새로운 바람
I’m the pride of Daegu, the new generation blowing in,
새 = new
시대 = a generation
새롭다 = to be new
바람 = wind
대구의 과거이자 현재 그리고 미래
Daegu’s past, present, and future.
과거 = past
-이자 = “and”. Used to indicate that something is two things at the same time (과거이자)
현재 = present
그리고 = and
미래 = future


Come to ma city
잘 봐 주길 바래
I hope you take a good look.
Know how to party
날 키워준 city
The city that raised me.
그래 babe babe 이게 나의 city
Yeah, babe babe, this is my city.
(Welcome to ma city)


한참을 달렸네
I ran for a long time.
나 다시 또 한참을 달렸네
Once again I ran for a long time.
Yeah I'll be ridin' and I'll be dyin'
In ma city, city
Ma city, ma city yeah
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
어디 살건 어디 있건
Wherever I live, wherever I am.
Ma city, city
Ma city, ma city yeah yeah
submitted by ShilohRain to bangtan [link] [comments]

Korean lesson with Respect lyrics

Allright, you guys win. I'll do a post or so a week still. :) But I am putting more on the site than I'm posting here, so check it out at bangtankorean.wordpress.com if you want more. I've also posted FAKE LOVE there this morning.

Language note about Respect:

There are 3 versions of the word “respect” used in this song.
  1. The English word “respect”, which is commonly used – in English – among young people in South Korea. There are plays made on this word in the song, breaking it in half to say “re-spect” as in, "to look again".
  2. 존중하다, which means to show respect to someone. Like to treat them respectfully, to respect the authorities, etc.
  3. 존경하다, which means to respect someone in the manner of esteeming them highly, admiring them, looking up to them. Since we only have one word in English for these 2 Korean words that really do carry different meanings, I’m going to make the word “respect” bold in my translation when it corresponds to the Korean word 존경하다.


Put your hands in the air.
(Put your hands in the air)
Just like you don’t care.
(Just like you don’t care)

Verse 1:

Ayo Suga! (왜?)
Ayo Suga! (What?)
왜 = “why”; but in Korea when you call someone’s name, they respond with “Why?” instead of “What?” As in, “Why are you calling me?” I suppose.
요즘 날 떠다니는 단어
The word that floats around me these days
요즘 = these days
나 = I, me
떠다니다 = to float around (뜨다 = to float, to rise + 다니다 = to go around, to frequent )
단어 = a word
근데 요샌 뜻이 좀 헷갈려.
But lately its meaning is a bit confusing.
근데 = but
요새 = lately
뜻 = meaning
좀 = a bit (shortened version of 조금)
헷갈리다 = to be confusing
그걸 한대 누굴 자꾸 뭐만 하면. (왜?)
They keep saying it when anyone does just anything. (Why?)
그거 = that, that thing
하다 = to do (But frequently used in place of 말하다, which means “to say”)
누구 = who, someone (context-dependent)
자꾸 = keep (as in, “I keep falling asleep at work”, not “Keep this in your pocket.”)
뭐 = what, something (context-dependent)
-만 = just X, only X (뭐만)
-면 /-으면 = if/when X happens (하면)
나도 잘은 몰라 brotha 낸들 알어.
I’m not sure either, brotha. How would I know?
-도 = X too, X either (나도)
잘 = to do X well (X being the following verb)
모르다 = to not know
잘 모르다 = to not be sure (literal translation: “to not know well”)
알다 = to know
분명히 사랑보다 상위.
It’s clearly ranked higher than love.
분명하다 = to be clear, apparent
-히 = turns 하다 verbs into adverbs ie: “clear” becomes “clearly” (분명히)
사랑 = love
-보다 = more than X, compared to X (사랑보다)
상 = top/first (class, level, grade, rank, etc)
위 = a ranking
상위 어쩜 그 중 최상위.
It might be the highest rank of all.
어쩜 = maybe, perhaps
중 = in the middle of, among (그 중 = among those)
최- = the most, the maximum
에 존재하고 있는 개념이
A concept existing at that level
존재하다 = to exist, to be present
-고 있다 = present progressive form. IE: “to be existing” rather than “to exist” (존재하고 있는)
개념 = concept
존경이란 거 아냐 huh? (내 말이)
would be called respect, wouldn’t it? Huh? (That’s what I’m saying!)
존경 = respect, admiration, esteem
아니다 = to not be X (X being the preceding noun)
“Re-spect” 말 그대로 보고 자꾸 보는 거.
“Re-spect”, as the word suggests, is to look and then to keep looking.
말 = word(s), something you say
-대로 = in the matter of X (그대로)
보다 = to look at, to see
-고 = X and (보고)
자꾸 보다보면은 단점이 보여.
If you keep looking at someone, their flaws are bound to be revealed.
-다 보면 = if you do X for long enough, Y is bound to happen (보다보면)
단점 = a flaw, a con (as in “pros and cons”)
보이다 = to be seen, to be visible
But 그럼에도 자꾸 보고 싶단 건 필요하지.
But you need something in order to keep wanting to look at them in spite of that:
-고 싶다 = (보고 싶단)
필요하다 = to need
그 누구를 향한 완벽한 신념.
complete faith in that person.
향하다 = to head for, to be towards
완벽하다 = to be perfect
신념 = belief, conviction, faith
해서 난 도무지 쉽게 말 못 해.
That’s why I can’t really say it that easily.
도무지 = utterly, quite
쉽다 = to be easy
-게 = turns a verb into an adverb IE. “easy” becomes “easily”(쉡게)
못 하다 = to not be able to do X (X being the preceding verb)
아득하거든 그 무게와 두께.
It’s so distant, the weight and depth of it.
아득하다 = to be remote, far-off
무게 = weight
-와 / -과 = when followed by another noun, “and”. In all other cases, “with” .(무게와)
두께 = thickness, depth
언젠가 당당히 말할 수 있게 되기를
To someday be able to say it confidently
언젠가 = someday, sometime
당당하다 = to be confident
-ㄹ 수 있다 / -를 수 있다 = to be able to do X (말할 수 있게)
진심을 다해서 내게도 네게도.
is my earnest hope – to me and to you.
진심 = sincerity
다하다 = to do X as well as one can, with all one’s might
내 = I, me
-에게 = (내게도, 네게도)
네 = you


부디 존경을 쉽게 말하지 마. (yeah)
Please don’t say “respect” so easily. (yeah)
부디 = by any means, at any cost, I beg of you, etc
-지 마 = “Don’t do X” (말하지 마)
아직 나도 잘 모르겠으니까. (yeah)
Because I’m not really sure of it yet either. (yeah)
아직 = still
-으니까 / -니까 = because X (모르겠으니까)
나도 가끔 내가 무서우니까.
Because even I’m sometimes afraid of myself.
가끔 = sometimes
무섭다 = to be afraid
약한 내가 간파당하면 어쩌지?
What if people can see right through me, through this weak person?
약하다 = to be weak
간파하다 = to see through, penetrate
당하다 = to have something happen to you (usually something unfavourable)
어쩌지? = “What should I do?”, “Oh no”


쉽게들 말하네.
Everyone says it so easily.
-네 = adds a nuance of surprise or admiration (말하네)
뭔지 모르는데.
Without knowing what it is.
뭐 = what
-지 = “whether”, “if”, or in this case “what”. This particle indicates uncertainty about the word it is attached to. (뭔지)
다시 들여다보길.
I wish they’d look again.
[callback to the play on words about “respect” meaning to look twice]
다시 = again
들여다보다 = to look in(to), to really look at something
-길 = “I wish X”, “If only X” (들여다보길)
(Respect) One time.
(Respect) Two times.
쉽겐 말 안 할래.
I won’t say it so lightly.
안 = to not do/be X (X being the preceding verb or adjective)
-ㄹ래 = to not want to do X, to not be going to do X (할래)
아직 잘 몰라도.
Even if I’m still not sure.
-아도 / -어도 = even if X (몰라도)
언젠가 말할게.
Someday I’ll say it.
-ㄹ게 = “I’ll do X” with an added nuance of “as long as that’s ok with you” or “unless you object” (말할게)
(Respect) One time.
(Respect) Oh yeah.

Verse 2:

Respect이 뭔데?
What is respect?
몰라서 묻는 거야 임마.
I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking, dude.
-아서 / -어서 = because X (몰라서)
묻다 = to ask
임마 = dude (alternative spelling of 인마)
Respect이 뭐길래.
What is respect?
다들 respect을 말하는지 솔직히 이해가 안 되네.
I honestly don’t get how everyone is saying “respect”.
-들 = makes a noun plural (다들)
솔직히 = honestly
이해하다 = to understand
누구를 존경한다는 게 그렇게 쉬운 거였니 아직도 이해가 안 되네.
I still don’t understand how saying you respect someone can be that easy.
그렇게 = like that, that (as in “how can it be that easy”)
솔까 존경은 필요 없지.
Honestly, I don’t need respect.
솔까 = slang. Short for “솔직히 까놓고 말해서”, which means to be be honest and lay things bare
없다 = to not exist, not be there
-지 = adds a nuance of “isn’t it?” “You know?” or the Canadian “eh” (없지)
존중조차도 없는데.
I don’t even have respect.
존중 = respect, respectfulness
-조차 = even X (존중조차도)
뒤에선 호박씨 까는 거 너 빼곤 다 아는데 .
Everyone except you knows they talk crap about you behind your back.
[에서 호박씨 까다 is an expression that literally translates as “to shell pumpkin seeds behind” someone, and is an idiom for talking badly about people behind their backs]
뒤 = the back of something, the rear
-에서 = to be in/at X (뒤에서)
호박 = a pumpkin
씨 = a seed
까다 = to shell, peel, husk
빼다 = to take out, to remove (X 빼곤 means “except for X”)
다 = everyone
I dunno.
글쎄 = “I’m not sure”, “maybe”, “let me see”
나는 솔직히 너를 respect.
I honestly respect you.
너도 나를 respect 할 거라는 생각은 1도 없으니 스킵해.
But since I don’t have a single expectation that you respect me too, skip it.
생각 = a thought
-으니 / -니 = because X (없으니)
Respect. 나는 너를 respect.
웃으면서 욕하는 저 친구에게 박수.
A round of applause for that friend that smiles while talking crap.
웃다 = to smile, to laugh
-으면서 / -면서 = while doing X (웃으면서)
욕하다 = to curse, to backbite
저 = that (as in “that guy”, not “I said that I was coming.”)
친구 = friend
박수 = applause
너의 삶에 모든 영광과 번영이 깃들길.
I wish you all glory and prosperity in life.
-의 = indicates possession, like ‘s in English (너의)
삶 = life
모든 = every
영광 = glory, honour
번영 = prosperity


(Respect respect)
너의 앞길엔 영원한 축복이 함께하길.
I hope you’re met with eternal blessing on the path ahead.
앞길 = tha path ahead(앞 = the front of something + 길 = road/path)
영원하다 = to be everlasting, to remain the same
축복 = a blessing
함께하다 = to be together
(Respect respect)
돈, 명예, 전진, 전진.
Money, honour, forward, forward.
[Delivered in the same cadence as the line “꿈, 희망, 전진, 전진”, meaning, “Dream, hope, forward, forward” in “Epilogue: Young Forever” from their 2016 album “The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever”]
돈 = money
명예 = honour (not like, to be honourable, but to receive honour from others)
전진 = forward motion, progress
(Respect respect)
그래 널 존경해. (yeah)
Yeah, I respect you.
그래 = yeah, sure, okay


쉽게들 말하네.
Everyone says it so easily.
뭔지 모르는데.
Without knowing what it is.
다시 들여다보길.
I wish they’d re-spect again.
(Respect) One time.
(Respect) Two times.
쉽겐 말 안 할래.
I won’t say it so lightly.
아직 잘 몰라도.
Even if I’m still not sure.
언젠가 말할게.
Someday I’ll say it.
(Respect) One time.
(Respect) Oh yeah.
submitted by ShilohRain to bangtan [link] [comments]

{GUIDE} My Personal Way to Find Various Hypebeast Brands

ayo whats up repfam, just wanted to spread a bit of knowledge and show how I personally like to find most of the things I buy!
This will be separated into a couple of methods, from the best to worst in my opinion

METHOD 0: DISCORD Didn't know where to put this, but this is extremely useful for those who like to browse for basically anything that's repped. The FashionReps Discord is great for finds, the #finds channel has the best finds I've seen in a while. Big shoutout to people like Logs and everyone in this great community for contributing! Join the FashionReps Discord here, helpers are usually online all the time (including me!) and there's always an answer for your questions asked there!


Super underrated method, requires little/no time to set up and it's the best method for W2C questions
Before you start: filtering through results is always important, check out my filtering methods below method 2.
1.) (optional) Make a Taobao account, makes everything smoother without needing to go through anything that'll be annoying (human verification, popups to make an account, etc.)
2.) Go to this link, should take you to a page like this
3.) Click on the small camera icon to the far most right of the search bar
4.) Upload (almost) any picture you want!


There are some images Taobao doesn't like, I'll list them here
So, lots of Google Images pictures work fine, just make sure they aren't from StockX while searching.
If you want to use StockX images, you'll have to go to the list of items and save the thumbnail of the image, it will work fine.
Tip: Use multiple photos with multiple angles, make sure the logo is clearly visible or Taobao won't pick up on the brand. Also, sellers tend to use stock images as well as images from influencers/people from social media, as well as the official images from the brand.
Examples of social media pics: https://imgur.com/a/6pelzxn
Reverse Image Searching might not pick up on some of these, but people like Eric Whiteback are commonly used for the product images.
Examples for the Assc x Fragment Collab:
Bad: https://imgur.com/a/rdt2tmX
Good: https://imgur.com/a/7Gac50t
Why it's good: Multiple images, different backgrounds, different colors, bigger logo, higher quality images
Here's a little method I like to use while reverse image searching:
Adjust the focus area of the item, usually, some products are zoomed in or just really small, so adjust the square reasonably
This method can be used for finds lists, adjust the box to different parts of the logo to find way more items easily. Why does this work? Sellers tend to blur parts of the logo to bypass copyright laws, focusing on different parts of the logo could potentially reveal the part of the logo that's uncensored in the product image. Works very well in text-based brands, such as Gucci, Givenchy, Bape, and Supreme


This method needs a bit of prior knowledge and a bit of research, but it's pretty easy.
So, the same searchbar from the reverse image search can be used to find reps :0
1.) Decide what brand you want to search for
2.) Use this guide to help with keywords, I'll provide some commonly used ones below
3.) Combine search terms and start searching!
Universal keywords I use for mostly hypebeast brands, works all the time:
Ins, logo, bogo, 2019, 2020, tide, brand, 现货, classic, fashion, printed, t, tee, tshirt, t-shirt, longsleeve, short, sleeve
Supreme: supr, sup, supreme, supp, supremet恤
Combine these with the season released to get better results. Example: 17FW, FW17, 20SS, SS20
Filtering Is Important! Knowing what's a good rep and what's bad is ESSENTIAL for finding solid reps, or you could end up with Superme or Ballenciga
Method 1: Easiest method of filtering, uses your own 2 eyes, works for both method 1 and 2.
There's a number count to the side of the item that says "People pay" or "人付款" if you turned off Google Translate. Example:
This number represents the monthly sales of the item, not total sales. The more people who purchase it, the better it could turn out.
Method 1.5: This uses Method 1, as you need to find a popular and purchased item for this to work the best. Many purchases tend to come with many reviews, and with more reviews, there are more customer pics with the reviews.
To sort by the most purchased, (ONLY WORKS WITH SEARCHBAR METHOD) click on the Sales tab, right next to the Comprehensive sort button. Here: https://imgur.com/a/oz1cwN5
After clicking, the items should be sorted by the most purchased per month. This excludes some results, so it's not the best way to sort by most popular.
To get to these customer review pics on Taobao, head over to the "Cumulative evaluation" tab near the bottom, and the reviews should load up. Once they load, select the "Pictures" option. The tabs may vary per device type (PC, Mobile, etc.) but the process is still the same. Example: https://imgur.com/a/XUNVGcO
With the review pics, you can send it here is this great subreddit for a QC, or send it in the amazing FashionReps Discord, my personal favorite place to chat with amigos.
Method 2: Price and Size
This is very helpful for budget finds lists, as you can control the price of the items that show up. Using the same searchbar as the previous method, you can input the price range you're looking for into this text box: https://imgur.com/a/gjO3O9N
Once you put in your desired prices, click the "determine" button and it'll redirect you to the items within that price range.
For size: Occasionally, if keywords related to clothing are used, sizes will shoiw up above the sales and price tabs.


This is definitely my favorite method for creating finds lists, it gives many many options as well as various fantasy and real items you've probably never seen before. This was used heavily in my upcoming Supreme list collab with my boy Logs bogo#6868 on Discord :) . Even though this may seem cool at first, there's a lot of sifting through repeated items as well as occasionally retail items.
How it's done:
1.) Load up Google and get your keywords ready, you'll need to interchange them a lot for a variety of results. My favorite keywords: sup logo
2.) Search up the keywords using the phrase "site:taobao.com" or "site:tmall.com" or "site:weidian.com", aka basically any replica marketplace you can find. Example: "sup logo site:taobao.com"
3.) You have 2 options here: Use the normal search results and click each link that comes up, and hope that it isn't retail
Or, you can use Google Images to redirect you to Taobao Lists, which gives you pages upon pages of items to browse through. This option is the best for finding the most results quickly. Look for the links that say "www.taobao.com/list/product/", rather than "item.taobao.com/item.htm?"
This method is the best method for finding a wide variety of fantasy and real pieces, gives you great results with only a couple minutes of searching. With the numerous results, this method isn't the best for finding specific items, rather it's good for finding specific brands and types of clothes. Definitely a really cool method I've used.


Hopefully this is well known, not much of a method but (kinda) common knowledge.
I'll explain, there's no need for steps: Once you find a nice piece from searching, and you desire more from either this brand or this type of clothing, check out the seller's shop. Usually, the price range stays the same, as well as the brands of clothing they sell. Budget items could potentially lead to good budget sellers, so always check the seller for their items. I've found lots of finds to GP using this method, sometimes I found brands I never expected to find, like really good Cavempt and Mastermind in a mostly Supreme shop. Great method for finding more of the same brand for the same price.


Weidian is one of the unknown areas of reps, usually unexplored by newer members as well as some older members. This method works with a bit of research and effort, I haven't used it as much. Really useful if you can navigate Weidian, but usually extremely budget trash items come up often. Here's a great guide from u/HSRiddles , check it out. Guide
I personally like to use the Google Method for Weidian, works like a charm. The official Weidian searchbar is here: https://h5.weidian.com/m/new-search/index.html?disableHeaderRefresh=1&wfr=shop&ifr=shopdetail&echatSourceTag=media%3D1%26staffId%3D5229%26staffName%3Dschnne%26companyId%3D84%26talkId%3D2324787%26echatTag%3Den&keyword.
Downsides to Weidian: No reverse image search, hard to navigate, not the best results overall

Honorable Mentions:

This amazing community provides everything, especially really great guides. Here's some guides that helped me find a lot of the things in my hauls now:
How To Make Obscure Finds by u/jizzcuit666
How To Find Clothes That Fit You by u/jizzcuit666
Various Trusted Taobao Stores, lists made by u/winkyface26 , the OUTSTANDING MOD TEAM <3 <3, u/connoryuh, and u/Abuv respectively.
How to Find Any Rep If It Exists EDIT: y'all too kind, thanks a bunch for the helpful award, means a lot to me :) <3 much love
submitted by priinplup to FashionReps [link] [comments]

Neeko login theme lyrics

Neeko Login Theme Lyrics
m mmm m mmm
m mmmmm
m mmm m mmmm
m mmmmm
[Chorus 1]
sayo hinta ne
hinda go, hinta
inda go yehano
hinta ne
inja aru, inda taiyo
[Verse 1]
oo ooo oooo
da da
da da
da da da
[Chorus 2]
ehyo hinta ne
hinta ayo, hm ya
inja yo, hinta ne
hinta abauha, hinja ei taiyo
[Verse 2]
da uh badapu
gono nipe ud
imui mago
inoi negama nino
go niwa en
[Chorus 3]
guhnanes, ina mago haut
hinda mago, hinda mago
ina mago inja neyuh
inja mada, ina nodewei meiya
ina maouns, inta maoun
inta mago nigo, hinda maouns
inja aoun, ina maoun
inda mago nigo, hinda maoun
inja mene
How to read it:
A space would be equivalent to a rest (no sound), but just like speaking you kinda pronounce it as a whole line, so some words are separated but when sung it's actually continuous. I just broke the word where I thought it sounded most natural, and tried to keep the arrangement of letters similar so it looks like a real language.
I haven't marked the places where the singer does this... yodel sound? so remember that.
"t" is really in between a t and a d, sometimes it sounds more like a t.
The h, is like a ghost, it's there but like... I can't really understand what it's doing; hopefully when y'all hear the song you know what I mean.
j is sometimes very soft, pronounced like j in job; it's almost in between j and ch.
Fluff: "ee" would actually make the "i" sound (if her name is Vastaya and the song is in Vastaya) then the word at the end "nigo" could actually be neeko.
it's just in between a k/g sound, like in Korean for example.
I tried to find the lyrics but couldn't, so if it already exist, this is awkward. If I made any mistakes, let me know
submitted by stratospherezero to neekomains [link] [comments]

Census project: boy meets /r/bangtan - final update

Ayo ladies and gentlemen and all good people of /bangtan~~
You might remember reading our posts about the 2016 census and the accompanying discussion post, and our post with the 2016 census results. You can view the full census results here.
And at long last, we're proud to share the digital version, in both Korean and English, of the census book! We sent both editions to BH and they have received the books. Here are some photos of the book, both wrapped up to be shipped and the books themselves.
The physical version was a 8 x 10 in, 56 page book, and was printed on 100# Premium matte paper.
The files below are around ~4 mb (fanart may be slightly compressed; this is because this version is 72 dpi for web only).
We kindly ask you to please do not re-upload, re-post, re-host or otherwise re-distribute any parts of these documents elsewhere (in any format).
English version Korean version
We had 796 responders to the census survey, 50 commenters and 11 illustrators from 64 different countries who participated in this project. This was an incredibly ambitious project, and we're so happy to see it come to fruition! But we couldn't have done it without all you guys.
We want to give a big shout out to:
  • our tireless translators, who worked so hard in making the Korean version! Thanks for putting up with our often frantic requests, and for doing this almost Herculean task.
  • volunteers who helped out with data collation of the short answers and of the comments! You guys were so helpful and worked so hard, we couldn't have done it without you~
  • the coordinators, who worked hard on this project!
  • the mods of /bangtan, for being so supportive of this project! Thanks for making /bangtan a beautiful and wonderful place to be :)
  • the illustrators, who produced such beautiful artwork!
  • everyone who commented in the discussion post. There were so many lovely comments that we couldn't include, and we're sorry that we couldn't include them all. We wanted the comments to reflect the census results and to include as many commenters as possible; we were able to include everyone who commented!
  • everyone who participated in the census; without you, this project could not have been possible!
  • everyone of /bangtan: thanks for being a wonderful community, and the impetus of this project!
We hope you liked how the project turned out! Please look out for our Suga birthday closing post in the coming weeks, and for our future projects, as they come. Also, thank you for all your support of our projects thus far! It really means a lot to us :)
With love,
The BTS projects team
submitted by BTSprojects to bangtan [link] [comments]

Updated: Non-English rules to filter foreign language spam

Here are some rules to block submissions posted in foreign languages (foreign meaning "disallowed on your subreddit"). I posted an earlier version a few years ago, but these use Unicode ranges and are much better rules.

Non-English rules

# Cyrillic type: submission title+body (regex, includes): ["[\U00000400-\U000004FF]+"] action: remove action_reason: "Non-English spam (Cyrillic) [{{match}}]" 
# French - no é, words don't match the regex; removed: 'est', 'que' type: submission title+body (regex, includes, case-sensitive): ['[ÀàÂâÆæÄäÇçÉÈÊêËëÎîÏïÔôŒœÖöÙùÛûÜüŸÿ]'] body+title (regex): ['ainsi', 'alors', 'année', 'années', 'ans', 'aujourd\x27hui', 'aussi', 'autre', 'autres', 'aux', 'avait', 'avant', 'avec', 'beaucoup', 'bef', 'bénéfice', 'c\x27est', 'cas', 'cela', 'ces', 'cette', 'chez', 'comme', 'compte', 'contre', 'croissance', 'd\x27autres', 'd\x27un', 'd\x27une', 'dans', 'depuis', 'des', 'deux', 'donc', 'effet', 'entre', 'entreprises', 'exemple', '(?  
# German - words don't match the regex type: submission title+body (regex, includes): ['[ÄÖÜäöüß]'] body+title: ['aber', 'alles', 'als', 'auch', 'auf', 'bei', 'bist', 'bitte', 'damit', 'danke', 'dann', 'dass', 'dein', 'deine', 'dem', 'denn', 'der', 'des', 'diese', 'dieser', 'dir', 'doch', 'ein', 'eine', 'einem', 'einen', 'einer', 'einfach', 'etwas', 'euch', 'frau', 'ganz', 'gehen', 'geht', 'gesagt', 'gibt', 'gott', 'hab', 'haben', 'hast', 'hatte', 'heute', 'hier', 'ihm', 'ihn', 'ihnen', 'ihr', 'immer', 'jetzt', 'kann', 'kannst', 'kein', 'keine', 'komm', 'kommen', 'kommt', 'leben', 'leute', 'los', 'machen', 'mehr', 'meine', 'meinen', 'mich', 'mit', 'nein', 'nicht', 'nichts', 'nie', 'noch', 'nur', 'oder', 'sagen', 'schon', 'sehen', 'sehr', 'sein', 'sich', 'sicher', 'soll', 'und', 'uns', 'viel', 'von', 'vor', 'warum', 'wenn', 'werde', 'werden', 'wie', 'wieder', 'willst', 'wirklich', 'wissen', 'wollen', 'wollte', 'wurde', 'zeit', 'zum', 'zur'] ~title (regex, includes): ['[\[\(][^\]\)]{0,16}\b(at|austria|aut|be|bel|belgium|ch|che|de|deu|ger|germany|li|lie|liechtenstein|lu|lux|luxembourg|switzerland)\b[^\]\)]{0,16}[\]\)]'] action: filter action_reason: "Non-English spam (German) [{{match-title+body}}], [{{match-body+title}}]" 
# Turkish type: submission title+body (regex, includes, case-sensitive): ['[ÇĞİÖŞÜçğıöşü]'] body+title: ['almak', 'ancak', 'anlamak', 'artık', 'aynı', 'bakmak', 'bazı', 'baş', 'başka', 'başlamak', 'bilgi', 'bilmek', 'bir', 'bulmak', 'bulunmak', 'bunlar', 'böyle', 'bütün', 'büyük', 'daha', 'demek', 'değil', 'diye', 'diğer', 'doğru', 'durmak', 'durum', 'dünya', 'düşünmek', 'etmek', 'fazla', 'gelmek', 'gerekmek', 'getirmek', 'geçmek', 'gibi', 'girmek', 'gitmek', 'göre', 'görmek', 'göstermek', 'göz', 'gün', 'hayat', 'hiç', 'iki', 'ile', 'insan', 'ise', 'istemek', 'iyi', 'için', 'içinde', 'kadar', 'kadın', 'kalmak', 'karşı', 'kendi', 'kişi', 'konu', 'konuşmak', 'kullanmak', 'küçük', 'kız', 'nasıl', 'neden', 'olmak', 'onlar', 'onun', 'orta', 'sadece', 'ses', 'siz', 'sonra', 'sormak', 'söylemek', 'tüm', 'var', 'vermek', 'veya', 'yapmak', 'yapılmak', 'yaşamak', 'yemek', 'yol', 'yüz', 'yıl', 'çalışmak', 'çekmek', 'çocuk', 'çok', 'çünkü', 'çıkmak', 'önce', 'önemli', 'ülke', 'üzerinde', 'şekil', 'şey', 'şimdi'] action: remove action_reason: "Non-English spam (Turkish) [{{match-title+body}}], [{{match-body+title}}]" 
# Spanish and Portuguese - no é or 'que', words don't match the regex type: submission title+body (regex, includes, case-sensitive): ['[ÇÁÉÍÓÚÂÊÔÃÕÀçáíñóúâêôãõà]'] body+title (regex): ['(?#BOTH)(algo|casa|como|esta|estamos|estar|este|lugar|nada|nos|nunca|parece|por|porque|sobre|todo|todos|vamos|ver|vez|vida)', '(?#ES)(ahora|alguien|bueno|cosa|cosas|creo|cuando|decir|desde|después|dije|dijo|dios|donde|ellos|entonces|eres|esa|ese|eso|espera|estaba|estas|esto|estoy|fue|fuera|gente|gracias|hablar|hace|hacer|hecho|hijo|hola|hombre|los|mejor|mierda|mis|mismo|momento|mucho|mundo|muy|nadie|noche|nosotros|otra|otro|pasa|pero|podemos|puede|puedes|puedo|quiere|quieres|quiero|quién|qué|sabes|seguro|siempre|siento|también|tenemos|tengo|tiempo|tiene|tienes|tipo|trabajo|tus|uno|usted|verdad|voy)', '(?#PT)(acha|acho|ainda|alguém|anos|apenas|aqui|assim|até|bem|certo|coisa|coisas|depois|deus|deve|dia|disse|dizer|dois|ela|ele|eles|essa|esse|estava|estou|falar|faz|fazendo|fazer|ficar|foi|homem|isso|isto|lhe|mais|melhor|mesmo|meu|minha|muito|nem|noite|obrigado|onde|pai|pelo|pessoas|pode|posso|pouco|pra|preciso|qual|quando|quem|quer|quero|sei|sem|sempre|senhor|seu|seus|sua|talvez|também|tem|temos|tenho|ter|tinha|tudo|uma|verdade|vou)'] action: remove action_reason: "Non-English spam (Spanish and Portuguese) [{{match-title+body}}], [{{match-body+title}}]" 
# Arabic type: submission title+body (regex, includes): ["[\U00000620-\U0000064A]+"] action: remove action_reason: "Non-English spam (Arabic) [{{match}}]" 
# Korean type: submission title+body (regex, includes): ["[\U0000AC00-\U0000D7AF]"] action: remove action_reason: "Non-English spam (Korean) [{{match}}]" 
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submitted by dequeued to AutoModerator [link] [comments]

Spies on the Inside

Madame Lee Jin Kim was unsure of who in their right mind would be knocking at her door at this hour as she ran down the staircase in her robes. There was a slightly drizzle outside, so it was hard to see who was out there, and she contemplated if she should even bother opening the door. The knocking wasn't particularly demanding, but it was consistent in its attempt to get attention. Madame LJK considered going back to sleep for a few seconds before she heard two sets of knock at the door. One more faint than the other.
Gathering her courage, she opened it to reveal two people she vaguely recognized. "Moon. Nazar. This is a surprise." She stood to the side to let the two men in before taking a quick peek outside and quickly shutting the door. "Could this not wait until morning."
"Voch. And you already know the answer to question, otherwise you would not have let is in to your home." Nazar let his gaze wander around the lavishly decorated mansion. "Not as good as castle. But very stylish. I expected nothing less."
"I think this is more well furnished than the National Meeting House." Said Moon, also taking a look around.
"This isn't a museum, gentlemen. Please state your business."
"Short and to the point. I like it." Moon grinned back at Madame LJK. "People like you make the economy go 'round. In any case, yes, Nazar and I have come to you with a proposition. Nazar, this was your idea, so I'll let you introduce it."
"To make story short, I do not trust Wei Foundation." He began. "My contacts have reason to believe that maybe they are not as... charitable as they seem. Not wholeheartedly. And that they may even be planning something sinister on account of our disagreeableness to let them operate in borders of Koryo."
"What kind of plans could they be making?" Asked Madame LJK.
"We're not sure." Said Moon. "But my fellow Councilmen have also expressed concerns on the extent of their operations. We didn't even know a world existed out of Koryo, yet they were quick to present aid to us when we recently passed legislation on education. When Nazar approached us with his own thoughts on the matter, I couldn't help but feel as though Nazar was holding something back."
"Which I was." He agreed. "I have plan. But I wasn't sure if I could bring it up with National Council. It might be seen as..." He chuckled. "Too unsettling. And not proper."
Madame LJK was beginning to like this man. She had only heard of him out of reputation, but he seemed like he was danger-prone. As was she. "Hmm. Try me."
"I will, anushki. But for now, I give plan. I want to make prostitutes into spies."
Moon coughed as LJK choked on her own breath. "I'm sorry, what?!" She demanded. "What kind of a plan is that? And why am I to be involved with this?"
"I suppose it's my turn to explain. Nazar suggested that perhaps it would be of benefit to us to plant a few spies into these foreign nations that the Wei had spoken of. Just so we can gather intelligence and determine if they have any plans. They being our neighbors, which we apparently have, or the Wei. To involve the government would open up a tsunami of legislations and international relations the government cannot handle yet... but a renegade covert group of spies disguised as courtesans would prove valuable."
Madame LJK nodded. "Okay. Fine. But how do you plan on training prostitutes to become spies?"
"That is where I come in." Moon chortled, but Nazar carried on uninterrupted. "We recruit the more... capable and sharp-witted of prostitutes and give them a respectable job. Of course it will be secret job, where they are to serve the government for the rest of their lives and swear loyalty to nation. But they do not have much to lose to begin with. And it could give them sense of purpose. I already am experienced with such skills they need, so it will be no problem in teaching."
"Skills like...?" Asked LJK.
"Spying. He means spying." Stated Moon.
"Ayo, of course," Continued Nazar. "But that is my part. Moon's part is to secure secret and off-book funding for operations, and your part is to make ragged street-folk into proper companions."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"What Nazar means is that we are asking you to train these potential spies into becoming something more than simple bed-companions. Along with Nazar's teachings of covert operations, you will be giving them instructions on the pleasantries of conversation, tact, elegance, and charm. No one in all of Koryo posesses these skills like you do, so that is why we come to you in our time of need."
"And I suppose I am obligated to help on account of national pride, not wanting to see my business over-taken by some foreigner, etc etc."
"Yes." Said Nazar. "But more importantly. We pay for service."
"Yes. We'll be more than willing to compensate you for your time and for the dresses we humbly ask you to make for these spies."
"... well... if I'm going to be paid... I suppose there is no issue to it. This company can run without me for a few days while I 'go on vacation', so there is no worry there. Especially if I get to prefect my dress making skills for my wealthier women clients."
Moon coughed once more. "Not just women."
LJK arched an eye-brow while Nazar laughed. "Really?" She asked.
"Yes, really." Said Nazar. "It won't be 50-50 men women, but it never hurt to cover all bases."
Moon rolled his eyes and regained his composure. "Yes, because you're so good at covering all bases."
As the talks continued to dawn, the three of them were electric with the forbidden sense of secrecy. This was a very very very covert operation, the first of its kind anywhere in Koryo. If successful, this new spy-ring would prove to be invaluable to the nation's interest. Even if only less than 1% of the nation even heard of them.
Though it would be difficult. This entire situation would work assuming:
  1. The potential spies were actually competent patriots who could learn what was required.
  2. The spies wouldn't double-cross them when they reached their destination.
  3. The spies wouldn't be discovered.
  4. No one within Koryo would find out about these spies.
  5. No one outside of Koryo would be suspicious of ethnic Koreans around notable men (or women) of reputation.
It all was very risk. And if it failed, it would be the biggest humiliation the nation had ever experienced. And it would then set the tone for Koryo's introduction to the world as sneaky agents of mayhem. The few that were involved with the project could only hope it would successfully serve the interests of the many. In one way or another.
submitted by ChanelPourHomicide to EndPowers [link] [comments]

Interesting Interpretation of "I Got a Boy"

At first, it's from another person's perspective, they are jealous and want to know why the girl changed so much because of a boy. Then at 2:02 Tiffany says "ayo stop let me put it down another way" and they start singing from the girl's perspective, the girl "who has a boy". Then at 3:41, I think the girl is somehow angry maybe because the boy is not giving her attention, but then Jessica comes at 4:02 and says "Don't stop, let's bring it back to 1:40" in the song, and the girl is happy again.
처음엔 3자의 관점에서 소녀들이 왜 그 여자애가 남자애 때문에 그렇게나 많이 바뀌었는지 질투하고 있는 모습이다. 그 후, 2:02 부분에서 티파니가 "AYO, 다르게 가보자"고 하며 "(위에서 말한)남자애를 가진" 소녀의 관점에서 노래하기 시작한다. 3:41초 부분을 보면, 소녀는 그 남자애가 자기한테 관심이 없는 것같아 화가 난 듯 보이는데, 4:02 부분에서 제시카가 "끝내지 말고 1:40로 돌아가자"고 하며, 소녀는 다시 기분이 좋아진다.
From my perspective, the song has multiple personality disorder. xP So, I think in the beginning they are talking as if they are other girls, like girls who see how this girl has changed so much for this guy. And when the song changes at 2:02, it changes perspective to the girl actually did change, and she is talking about how much she likes this guy. at 3:41 the girl is mad for some reason, but then at 1:40 they decide to forget why they are mad ad be happy about this boy again. (?) O.O
내가 봤을땐, 이 곡에는 다중 인격장애가 있는 것 같다. XP(웃는 표현) 그래서, 나는 처음에는 소녀들이 이 소녀가 이 남자때문에 왜 이렇게 많이 변했는지에 관심을 갖는 소녀들로서 이야기를 하고 있는 거라고 생각한다. 그리고 나서 2:02 부분에서 노래가 바뀔 때, 노래가 남자 때문에 변하게 된 소녀의 관점으로 변하면서 자기가 얼마나 이 남자를 좋아하는지 이야기하고 있다. 3:41초 부분에서는 이 소녀가 어떤 이유로 좀 화가 났지만, 1:40초 부분으로 돌아가면서 그런 거 잊어버리고 그 남자를 찬양하기로 하는거임.
Taken from: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=taeyeon_new&no=4751383&page=4
이봐! 유튜브에서 이 곡 번역 좀 찾아보라구. 이 곡을 이해함과 동시에 꽤 천재적인 곡이라는걸 이해하게 될걸. 처음엔 변주가 이상하다고 생각했는데 영어 번역을 찾고 나서 벙쪘다니까! 이 곡은 그냥 천재적이야. 첫 부분 - 3자의 관점(친구 관점), 두 번째 부분 - 소녀의 관점(왜 이렇게 귀척하게 됐는지), 세 번째 부분 - 소녀가 소년이 자신한테 무관심해서 화가남, 4번째 부분 - 소녀들(친구들)의 관점으로 돌아옴. 추천해달라구 모두가 볼 수 있게.
Another interpretation:
Before I begin, let us all take a moment to read a comment from a fellow Sone:
“This is why many international fans will never experience the true beauty behind kpop. The main reason being the language barrier. The song is a conversation between the girls about a boy. That is why the song goes back and forth, you have to follow the flow of the music and lyrics. For those making fun of the song having 9 parts is overlooking that all the girls are participating in the conversation. Some use rap to express their opinions and others used other genres. It’s a shame so many can’t appreciate this powerful and flawless single from the girls. To be completely honest with you all, this is by far one of the best songs from SNSD. It’s so fierce and daring.” >- Noltan via soshified
‘I Got A Boy’ was, to say the least, not what anyone expected. It was bold, it was daring and way out of the girls’ comfort zone but that does not make it bad. I have seen comment after comment, criticizing what they call a poor excuse for a song. There are those that say it’s not unique, some who say they are disappointed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? To me, the song is unique and I don’t find it to be a disappoint. The lyrics tell a story about the boy, with each girl telling it from their point of view. As Noltan stated, they are having a conversation with one another — which was the concept of the song from the start: girl talk. Why tell the story from one side, when you can tell it from all. How can you not appreciate the hard work and creativity these nine ladies, and their company, put into this song? It’s something entirely new and when you realize the deeper meaning, it’s not nonsense at all. For instance, The Boys may not have made sense in English but, the korean lyrics showed something more powerful. It’s amazing what you can find when you read between the lines. Now it may not seem to flow well to everyone, but the two background beats remain constant. (An instrumental would show that.) For everyone expecting something cute, why can’t our girls’ shy away from that image? They’re grown women and it’s time they show that they are capable of anything, that they won’t just stick to the status quo. Besides, not all of their past released material has been cute. What I am trying to say is, give the song a chance. You’ll see that there’s more than meets the eye. That it’s genius in a way, and appreciate the hard work put into it more. If this does not change how you feel, then nothing will.
submitted by sky2934 to SNSD [link] [comments]

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Learn Korean in 20 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need CHANYEOL, Punch - Stay With Me Lyrics (easy lyrics) - YouTube How to say I MISS YOU in Korean (KWOW #201) - YouTube What's AIGOO? How to say OMG in Korean (KWOW #3) - YouTube Learn Korean: 100 Korean Phrases for Beginners - YouTube Rock Paper Scissors in Korean! (feat. my brother)  한국언니 ... Common Sentence Endings In Korean - TalkToMeInKorean - YouTube The Ultimate Korean Text Slang Dictionary  한국언니 Korean ... Korean Words that Sound Like English Words and Mean The ... CRAZY KOREAN KIMCHI MUKBANG  Eating Show - YouTube

Definition of ayo! in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of ayo!. What does ayo! mean? Information and translations of ayo! in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. In Korean, the word for and is -hago, this is a particle so when it is to be used it must be attached to a noun. For example, when you say 'burger and chips', in Korean it would be 'burger-hago chips. The word hago becomes part of burger. The particle hago can also mean with such as, Doojin-hago shinae-e kayo meaning 'I am going to town with Doojin'. It means Hey You. It is mainly used when addressing an individual in any given situation to get his or her attention. How to say ayo in English? Pronunciation of ayo with 2 audio pronunciations, 3 meanings, 10 translations and more for ayo. Ayo: Meaning of Ayo . What does Ayo mean? Everything name meaning, origin, pronunciation, numerology, popularity and more information about Ayo at NAMEANING.NET A Picture Book by Philipp Winterberg and Nadja Wichmann (Korean Edition) by Philipp Winterberg and Nadja Wichmann (Nov 1, 2013) Aruba: Including its History, the Alto Visto Chapel More info about the name "Ayo" Ayo originates in African languages and means "full of joy". It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names, in the United States it is very rare. It is mainly used in Nigeria. Find out the meaning and the origin of the name, Ayo on SheKnows.com. Note also that 'ayo' (-아요) is used in place of 'eoyo' (-어요) when preceded by 'light' vowels (i.e., 'a' and 'o') due to vowel harmony in Korean phonology. There are also a bunch of other rules for dropping vowels, consonant changes, etc. but will skip over that here. Explore the meaning, origin, variations, and popularity of the name Ayo. With thousands of names in our handbook, choosing the right on just got easier! Italian Japanese Korean Krypton Late The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database All trademarks/service marks referenced on this site are properties of their respective owners.

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