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A PvP Analysis of the GBL Mid-Season 6 Move Rebalance

Hello again, friends! It's that time again: a new move shakeup is upon us! And there's a LOT to cover, so that's all I'm gonna mess with for intro. Let's goooooooo!


Sing it with me! (Sorry, Miley....)
🎼 I came in like a Weather Ball
🎶 A-Tails never spammed this hard before!
If you want to break Bast-i-o-don,
Toed can wreck that big... bully.
And Goon, Vig, and... Umbry!
I came in like a Weather Ball!
🎶 K-Tails can close its eyes and spam
Leave metas crashing in a blazing fall
Now wrecking AhChu and... Medi!
Yeah, Gong, Croak, and... G-Fisky!
Weather Ball came in LIKE a wrecking ball in this update, didn't it? Newly added to three Pokemon (well, actually four, but more on that later 🙈), this move formerly exclusive to the Castforms is making more and more of an impact on PvP as time marches on. It's a move that has been a huge boon to everything that has received it, turning Abomasnow and Pelipper (and arguably Sunny Cherrim) into PvP superstars overnight, whereas considering them before was a laughable concept. Does this new trio receive a similar boost? Let's not dilly dally and just get right to the answers....
First up, we have BOTH Ninetales, the fiery KANTO NINETALES and the icy ALOLAN NINETALES. And they each receive their corresponding version of Weather Ball: Fire for original recipe Tails and Ice for its chilly sister from another mister.
Currently, both versions of Ninetales have been hanging around the edge of viability in Great League, with even more niche use in Ultra League. I would argue that both were already far better than people gave them credit for, thanks in large part to Psyshock, a move that Alolan Tails came with and regular Tails received about two years ago (late in January of 2019), back when the first ever Silph Arena Cup was just wrapping up and GBL was still but a twinkle in John Hanke's eye. I mean, just look at what Kanto Tails and Alolan Tails were capable of even before this update. Yes yes, some of those wins require baiting with Psyshock and then landing a killing blow with a big Overheat or Blizzard, but really, is that so different from Garchomp or Alolan Muk or Mantine or--dare I say it?--even Galarian Stunfisk and the like?
But I digress. That was then, and this is now. And this too. Just by plugging in Weather Ball in place of Psyshock and leaving everything else the same, both jump about 8 wins and 15% in overall win percentage, just like that. What's going on here?
There are two answers, one rather obvious and one a little less so:
Now to get down to brass tacks: what does this actually mean? I already listed the potential jump in sheer number of wins, but what ARE those wins and do they matter? Let's list them:
Note that I've been simming Ninetales with Fire Spin to this point, and A-Ninetales with Powder Snow. But A-Tails has mostly been seen in PvP thus far with Charm instead, and K-Tails just got a buff to Legacy Ember. How do THOSE compare?
So I think it's pretty clear that Weather Ball is a straight upgrade for both Ninetales. But there's still one more comparison to plow through before we move on to the other Weather Ball recipient: Ultra League. Yes, both can do some damage there too, especially if you build them up over Level 40 (though you don't strictly HAVE to)....
And there is yet one MORE wrinkle to mention. Most of those Alolan Ninetales sims show it running with the all-Ice moveset (with Blizzard) and the Kanto Ninetales ones have the all-Fire moveset (with Overheat). But there are some good alternatives to those with Dazzling Gleam for A-Tails and Solar Beam for K-Tails.
So what's the verdict? This section was long enough already, so to try and keep it brief: Weather Ball looks to be an easy replacement for Psyshock on both versions of Ninetales (or pairs nicely alongside Shock as an Ice Beam replacement on Charm A-Tails). As it's done for other Pokemon in the past (think Aboma and Pelipper), Weather Ball looks like it coudl take some formerly okay options into much more relevant PvP weapons. Don't be surprised to perhaps see a whole lot of tails--18 of them!--popping up in Great and even Ultra League play. Your new best versions are Fire Spin/Weather Ball/Overheat for K-Tails, and either Powder Snow/Blizzard or Charm/Psyshock alongside Weather Ball for A-Tails. Go build a good one!
But there's more Weather Ball fun to be had, because we haven't gotten to the new Water Ball recipient(s) yet, one intended and one that played out more like an early April Fool's joke....


So POLITOED has been a secret favorite of mine for a while. It's never been over the moon fantastic in PvP or anything, but it earns its spot as, in my opinion, the best "honorary" Mud Boy. Running best with the same Mud Shot and Earthquake that long drove Swampert (before Sludge Wave became more popular) and Quagsire, and with the spammy Surf to help bait it out and/or just beat things down like Swampy can with Hydro Cannon or Whiscash can with Mud Bomb, the only thing keeping it from being a full fledged member of the club is... well, not actually having the "Mud" part of "Mud Boy". Toed is a pure Water type, thus lacking STAB on those Ground moves and the strength of WateGrounds in having but one weakness (their famous double vulnerability to Grass, of course).
But that single Water typing is actually one of its greater strengths. Pure Waters still only have two weaknesses (Grass and Electric), and resist Fire and Steel--same as the actual Mud Boys--but unlike the Mud Boys, Politoed resists Ice and Water damage as well. (WateGround instead resists Electric--perhaps the Mud Boys' greatest asset--and Poison and Rock, which are generally less helpful considering the advantages they already have in overcoming those types with their potent Water and especially Ground moves.) One advantage is obvious in this: by resisting Water, Toed has a clear advantage over the actual Mud Boys and even with its old moveset (MS/Surf/EQ), beats Swampert and Whiscash head to head, as well as Azumarill, Lapras, Dewgong, and the new Jellicent, all wins that the Mud Boys themselves typically fail to replicate. And it does this while still taking out many of the top targets of the Mud Boys, including Bastiodon, A-Wak, Registeel, Melmetal, Haunter, Diggersby, and both Stunfisks. Yes, some are a bit more war-of-attrition type wins considering Toed's lack of resistances to Electric and Rock and other moves, but Toed still wins those all convincingly.
And NOW we factor in Weather Ball. That was all with Surf, a good PvP move to be sure, dealing five more damage than Weather Ball, but also for five more energy. Ball is more effective and efficient, dealing 1.71 Damage Per Energy (DPE) than Surf's 1.63. They're both quite good, but Weather Ball has a (slight) edge. And that shows in the simulations; when Weather Ball replaces Surf, Toed gains wins over Obstagoon, Scrafty, Vigoroth, Munchlax, and beefy Umbreon. (It does show a new loss to Clefable, but that's debatable.) Overall it's not a win percentage that immediately wows, but consider the mighty Whiscash... with the exact same win percentage against the core meta. Now the actual lists of wins have several differences--Toed beats the Waters, Ices, Fighters and others I mentioned above, while Whiscash instead beats things like DDeoxys and AhChu thanks to its Ground typing, and then others like Altaria, Drifblim, and Zweilous thanks to its big stick of Blizzard.
But on that topic... while Toed is generally preferred for its own big stick of (Legacy) Earthquake, it ALSO has the option of Blizzard. And in that configuration, it can now achieve the same wins as Whiscash against Flyers like Altaria and Drifblim, plus ones that even Whiscash cannot replicate like Mantine, Mandibuzz, and even (Air Slash) Tropius! That last one illustrates the advantage Politoed enjoys as a mono-Water that is only one level of vulnerable to Grass... it can actually survive taking a Leaf Blade, something the double-weak-to-Grass Mud Boys can only dream about. Politoed also separates itself from Whiscash by continuing to beat Umbreon and the Mud Boys themselves, plus impressively STILL beating Lapras and Azumarill with Weather Ball spam alone! Most impressive indeed. Yes, Whiscash still holds some of its own unique wins--DDeoxys, Hypno, Sableye, Zweilous, Toxicroak, Alolan Raichu among them--but Politoed stands tall with a similar (and even better, actually) win/loss record, just with some differences.
Real quick, let's see how that translates to Ultra League. Politoed hits a nice comfortable 2449 CP at Level 40, and can get to 2480 at Level 41 if you best buddied one, so it doesn't have to be a steep investment in terms of XL candy, at least. But for now, let's just stick with 40, and start out with Earthquake. Wins over all the major Charmers is nice, plus Poisonous Toxicroak and A-Muk, and of course the Steels (Regi, Mel, Empoleon, Scizor, and even Ferrothorn!), the somewhat obvious Charizard, and some familiar Waters like Lapras and Swampert as in Great League, and then Snorlax as a "why not?" bonus. Blizzard is again a viable alternative, especially for those that can't GET Legacy Quake, and does some nice unique things like beating Drifblim, Dragonite, and yes, one of the Giratinas! (The tradeoffs, BTW: losses now to Ferro, Swampy, Croak, and Mel. There are ALWAYS tradeoffs....)
Now if you REALLY want to commit and push up a close-to-50 Politoed, at least you reap some very nice benefits, of course solidifying most wins further and gaining new wins versus Articuno, Escavalier, Gengar, and Fighers Shadow Machamp, Poliwrath, and Obstagoon with Earthquake, or with Blizzard, Articuno, Melmetal, Armored Mewtwo, Toxicroak, Shadow Machamp, Gengar, and the other Giratina. That'll do, Toed. That'll do.
So what's the verdict? As with Ninetales (and Abomasnow and Pelipper before them), Weather Ball continues to be a clear upgrade to anything that receives it, and that is the case here with Politoed. It's not a huge chasm between it and previous spam move Surf, but Weather Ball IS clearly better in multiple leagues and should be the preferred move moving forward alongside Legacy Earthquake or non-Legacy Blizzard, which both have nice applications and equally viable, in my opinion, just in different ways (as described in more detail above). And as a quick note before moving on: yes, Weather Ball is ALSO a clear upgrade to Shadow Politoed (and Ninetales, for that matter), but I'm not going to go through all those sims now. They just tell the same story, really, and this article is already dragging on, so just trust me on that. Or don't and go check the sims yourself... I encourage that!
And one more, which was a funny story.


Some poor intern must have gotten fired over this one....
So we hit 1300 PDT this past Monday, and the moveset shakeup officially drops (and we get our first numbers on the move tweaks... you couldn't drop them a few days or at least hour early, Niantic? really?). Everybody begins happily TMing their Pokemon that are receiving new moves, and somebody (actually a lot of somebodys) goes to TM their Primeape to its new move... and somehow get Weather Ball (Water). Uhhhhh....
Obviously Niantic quickly put on the clamps by correcting their error (it only lasted for less than 20 minutes) and then taking the easy way out by banning Primeape from GBL until they presumably remove WBW from any Primeapes that got it somehow. (Like what happened with Galarian Linoone about six months ago.) One would presume that's what the future holds. But if not, well, don't feel too bad if you didn't get one, because while it's a hoot to use (I did myself briefly before it got itself banned), it is actually less useful overall as a coverage move than current Night Slash... Slash can beat Galvantula, Alolan Raichu, and Froslass, while WBW cannot. Remember that Night Slash, Weather Ball, AND Primeape's Cross Chop all cost only 35 energy, and while on paper Weather Ball deals 10 more damage, the reality is that Cross Chop gets STAB and thus deals exactly the same damage as WBW against neutral targets (for just one example, against Kanto Raichu they both deal exactly 51 damage) and Night Slash just offers more useful coverage against Psychic and Ghost types that otherwise prey on Fighters like Ape (as shown by it getting wins against AhChu and Lass).
If you were lucky enough to get a Weather Ball Ape, absolutely keep it, because its uniqueness is worth it in case there's ever a chance for us to use it and surprise opponents. More than likely, though, it's not much longer for this world, so screenshot them for posterity!
While we're on the topic, may as well talk about the new move Primeape was SUPPOSED to get and now does instead: Ice Punch. Obviously this has been a great coverage move for a long time with Medicham (and Hitmonchan, and of course other non-Fighters like Hypno), and much like Machamp's Rock Slide, directly responds to Flyers (and Poisonous Grasses) that like to bully Primeape.
But much like Machamp has Rock Slide as a nice spammy coverage move already and hums along well with that and a Fighting charge move (as discussed at length in my analysis on Payback Machamp), Primeape is also already kinda set with Night Slash for spam and coverage, paired with Close Combat for a closing, STAB move. That combination (along with best-fast-move-in-PvP Counter) makes Primape a much more potent PvP mon than most people give it credit for. That is a win record that is higher than Medicham, higher than Toxicroak, higher than (non-Shadow) Machamp, and higher than most players would expect. Its move package just works well.
So the question before us then is: does Ice Punch have a place? We have two options with it: replace Night Slash, making Ice Punch the new coverage move, or replace Close Combat and rely on Counter for Fighting damage and then have TWO coverage moves.
Replacing Slash with Ice Punch is pretty clearly a step in the wrong direction. It does lead to new wins versus Altaria and Venusaur, which are some great pickups, but it also loses now to Froslass, Lapras, Alolan Raichu, Galvantula, Shadow Machamp, Vigoroth, Scrafty, and Swampert. Ouch.
What about then keeping Night Slash (which seems pretty important) and instead swapping Close Combat for Ice Punch? Hey, that's not half bad, actually. You now pick Lapras, Froslass, AhChu, Vigoroth, Swampert, Shadow Champ, and Scrafty (thanks to the bait potential of Night Slash with those last two) back up, AND keep Altaria and Venusaur thanks to the presence of Ice Punch. You also pick up a potential new win against Air Slash Tropius! It's not ALL sunshine and rainbows, as without the killing power of Close Combat you now lose to Whiscash, Dewgong, Skarmory, and Unovan Stunfisk, but overall, that has the looks of a very viable alternative moveset!
Primeape doesn't get nearly big enough to compete with Machamp for Master League glory, but does Ape have any play in Ultra League? Well despite topping out below 2300 CP at Level 40, at least with pre-Ice Punch moves, it is at least on the edge of viability, yes. Though if we're being completely honest, even at Level 50 it's still a bit weaker overall than Level 40 Marchamp and some other Fighters. Night Slash up at this level is a nice threat, but it doesn't actually flip matchups you might hope for like the Giratinas or Drifblim or Cresselia, even in the best circumstances of being Level 50 and the opponent choosing not to shield.
What does that mean? It means there may be a prime opening for Ice Punch here! Well, maybe. Do the numbers show that? Weeeelllll.... Ape does beat Dragonite now, which is a nice pickup, but just like in Great League, it loses Swampert without Night Slash in the mix, so it ends up a wash. And UNlike Great League, Night Slash/Ice Punch doesn't work out so well.
So what's the verdict? Ice Punch DOES have some good things going for it in Great League, but giving up Night Slash looks like a bridge too far... so the play, if you intend to use Ice Punch, is the combine the two! That is a viable alternative to Slash/Close Combat, but IP/CC doesn't work out so well. In Ultra League, Primeape is already hanging out on the edge of viability, and unfortunately Ice Punch doesn't really help with that, though as a strict replacement for Night Slash it's basically a sidegrade to what it can do now. I think getting a decent GL one with NS/IP would be a wise move, but you can probably stop there. And hold on to any Weather Ball Apes you lucked in to, but probably just for the lulz. 🙈 Even if unbanned, it's probably better just running with existing, intended moves. (Though it IS a lot of fun to pilot one for laughs.)


Finally time for a Pokemon WITHOUT Weather Ball. (Only took us nearly 30,000 characters to get here! 😰 Let's talk Mud Shot Excadrill.
So I've actually written about Excadrill before as a fun Master League option, recommending at the time that it run with the subpar fast move Metal Claw for better results against things like Dragonite and Togekiss, seeing as Mud Slap usually falls short, being resisted and slow to charge moves up. But in doing so, you had to usually give up Steels like Metagross and Dialga, which is no bueno. Either way, it was very niche, with a horrid win/loss record that never crept above 20%. Read as: very niche.
Thankfully, Mud Shot allows us to do both, and much more besides. It's fast enough to reach Rock Slides that take down Dragonite and Togekiss AND still deals Ground damage sufficient to bury Dialga, Metagross, and Heatran, as well as Melmetal which, amazingly, not even Mud Slap can take out. And as bonuses, you also beat Zekrom (as Slap can) and Mewtwo (as Metal Claw can). It is quite literally the best of both worlds.
It has even more uses in Premier Cup, where you can add things like Fires (Zard and Typh), Electrics (Zone and Vire), and Gardevoir, Gengar, and Scizor to the win column. It's still not a headline-grabbing performance, but it's far better than its previous best and that new win column DOES feature some big, troublesome names.
And Master League really is THE place to seriously consider Excadrill. This is no Galarian Stunfisk... it is severely lacking in the bulk department. So while it has decent numbers in Ultra League, even Galarian Stunfisk without any XL candy investment (and therefore well below even 2200 CP, much less 2500) is just better. Exacdrill does alone beat Charizard and Snorlax, but G-Fisk goes out and beats Aboma, Registeel, Articuno, and even one of the Giratinas instead, a far more impactful set of wins. And don't even get me started in Great League, where G-Fisk blows poor, sub-80 Defense Excadrill out of the water, doubling its win total.
So what's the verdict? Yes, Mud Shot is a big boost to Excadrill's viability in all leagues, but only in Master League does it really stand out, literally taking the win lists it could achieve with its other two fast moves and mashing them together. In Ultra and especially in Great League, its alarmingly low Defense puts it behind other existing options, Galarian Stunfisk most notably. You can kinda get away with it in Ultra, but it's not ideal.


So on paper, Claydol SHOULD be one of the biggest winners from this update. It received not one, but TWO new moves that give it great coverage: Ice Beam for those pesky Grasses that prey on its Ground typing, and the mighty Shadow Ball to drive away Ghosts that lick their chops with Claydol's Psychic typing.
But again, that's on paper. Do the numbers tell the same story?
First off, even maxed out at Level 50, Claydol barely crosses 2200 CP, so this is strictly a Great League option we're looking at here. To this point, Claydol has made some small waves in some past Silph Arena metas, but its awkward typing (weak to Dark, Ghost, Ice, Water, Grass, AND Bug) makes it an uphill battle. Sure, it can still Confusion Fighters and such to death, but it has a hard time putting its Ground and Psychic halves together effectively and usually ends up a little bit of a mess no matter which role is leans towards. When it HAS worked, it has done so with Confusion and then Psychic (the move) plus Earthquake (or Earth Power) to try and take advantage of both of its strengths. Plus its only coverage move to this point has been Gyro Ball, which... doesn't really provide coverage. So yeah, Psychic/Ground move have been the only viable way to go, though as you can see, it's not a particularly impressive performance.
For what it's worth, as I mentioned, Ice Beam and Shadow Ball both directly answer one of Claydol's weaknesses, but no, running both does not turn it into a superstar, and in fact loses it three of its current best wins: Galarian Stunfisk, Registeel, and Bastiodon, in exchange for very "meh" wins over Clefable and Wigglytuff... with a single HP left over. Yuck.
Rather, what seems to be the ticket is to run just one of them alongside your Ground charge move of choice. But even then, you don't see new wins magically start showing up. Shadow Ball, in fact, shows a new LOSS to Air Slash Tropius. Ice Beam at least holds that and all other wins you get with Psychic/Earth, though again, nothing new.
So what's the verdict? The best you can say is that if left unshielded, yes, Shadow Ball or Ice Beam can lead to some potentially match-flipping new wins against formerly unchecked counters. But uh... neither of these make Claydol truly better than it already was, which means it is still going to be on the outside looking in for GBL and even most Cup formats. Claydol lovers can rejoice at Claydol at least having some more teeth now, but this looks like a ho-hum change for the rest of us.


So remember back during Porygon Community Day, when everyone was fussing about how useless Porygon-Z was even WITH the new Tri-Attack and that things would be different if the slightly bulkier Porygon2 had it instead? Yeah, uh... why did we do that again? 😅 To put it simply: this is just not a PvP-relevant Pokemon, not even as a Shadow. Okay, you could get the occasional out-of-nowhere win over things like Azumarill and Jellicent or Skarmory with a Zap Cannon nuke, but this is the ultimate in boom or bust potential, and I think the busts have it. TM the new move onto any good P2s you have, because sure, why not? But don't plan on using them any time soon. Or, like, ever.


So I haven't even touched on the many moves that were tweaked yet, and we're running out of room! Fortunately, I took the time to compile about 50 spreadsheets of data from the moves pre-nerf (or buff) so I could compare them to what we have now. And because of time and your brains likely being overloaded already, let's keep this in simple table form:
Move Nerf Pokemon GL New Losses UL New Losses ML New Losses
Bubble 2.67 -> 2.33 DPT Azumarill IB/HP Drifblim, Registeel n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Azumarill PHP Drifblim, Lapras, Whiscash, Mew, Munchlax n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Mantine BB/IB Cresselia, Stunfisk, Sableye, Drifblim n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Ludicolo IB/EB Alolan Marowak, Drifblim, Shadow Hypno, Vigoroth, Clefable n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.5 -> 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel LB/AS Melmetal, Scrafty Kingdra, Magnezone n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel RL only Medicham, DDeoxys, Galarian Stunfisk, Umbreon, Melmetal n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel SlB/MB Cresselia, Haunter, Scrafty, Medicham, Toxicroak, Mantine Gallde, Obstagoon, Gengar n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Tropius LB/AS Lapras, Umbreon, S-Machamp n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Bayleef GK/AP Galarian Stunfisk, DDeoxys, Vigoroth n/a n/a
Sky Attack 80 -> 75 damage Skarmory AS/SA/BB Obstagoon, Zweilous none n/a
Rock Slide 80 -> 75 damage Galarian Stunfisk MS/RS/EQ Venusaur DB Charizard, O-Giratina, FS Charizard (Level 50 only) n/a
Rock Slide 75 damage Melmetal TS/RS/SP Cresselia Cresselia none
Rock Slide 75 damage Machamp C/RS/CrC Altaria, Sableye, Venusaur Tangrowth Magnezone
Rock Slide 75 damage Tangrowth VW/PW/RS S-Victreebel Drifblim n/a
Shadow Bone 80 -> 75 damage Alolan Marowak FS/BC/SBo Hypno, Sableye, Drifblim n/a n/a
And I looked at a few others, like Altaria in GL and DDeoxys/Crustle in GL and UL, but there were no truly meta relevant wins that flipped to losses, so I left them out of the table.
As you can see, the Bubble nerf hurts more than Razor Leaf, in general. Azu is still very good, but a bit lower on its pedastal. The nerfs to Rock Slide, Sky Attack, and Shadow Bone are relatively minor, but there ARE some big names in there. In most cases, the new losses are due to the opponent now living just long enough to get in a killing charge move of their own... that's especially true with A-Wak's Shadow Bone.
Move Buff Pokemon GL New Wins UL New Wins ML New Wins
Ember 3.0 -> 3.5 DPT Sunny Castform WBF/SB Galarian Stunfisk, Sableye, Haunter n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Magcargo SE/OH Melmetal, Shiftry n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Camerupt EP/OH Venusaur, Froslass n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Magmar FP/Return Galvantula, Shadow Hypno, Chesnaught n/a n/a
Karate Chop 3.5 -> 4.0 EPT Magmar FP/Return Melmetal, Munchlax, Meganium, RL Tropius, Venusaur n/a n/a
Karate Chop 4.0 EPT Magmortar FP/TBolt n/a Venusaur, DB Charizard, Clefable, Granbull, Magnezone, Slowbro n/a
Karate Chop 4.0 EPT Primeape NS/CC Scrafty, Swampert, Vigoroth, S-Machamp Poliwrath, Machamp, S-Machamp n/a
Crabhammer 70 -> 80 damage Crawdaunt WF (GL) or Snarl (UL)/NS/CH none Snorlax n/a
Again, no meta defining differences here, but some nice pickups for things that appreciate any help they can get. Generally other fast move options are still a bit better (Rock Throw for Magcargo, Fire Spin for Magmortar, for example), but in the limited circumstances where they may be viable, at least this gives them some more options.
And that's it...we made it! My hope is always that my articles are useful to you in your PvP journey, and that's no different here. I hope this helps you get a little smarter quickly on these changes, bcecause they're already showing up in GBL and will impact other metas moving forward. If you're a little better educated on them now, then I've done my job. Good luck!
Until next time, you can find me on Twitter for near-daily PvP analysis nuggets, or Patreon (with my own private server, if you're interested in that). And please, feel free to comment here with your own thoughts or questions and I'll try to get back to you!
Thanks again for reading, and catch you next time!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphArena [link] [comments]

I am 25 years old make $75,000, live in Northern Virginia and work as a Senior Advisory Specialist

I live with my boyfriend, W., but we do not combine finances. Additionally, I would like to put a content warning here at the top: I discuss tracking food and weight loss throughout this money diary.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance - $19,195 in two 401ks (current and former company) and $18,478 in a Roth IRA (my grandparents set this up and matched the money I made working in high school/college - I'm very grateful that they set this up for me!)
Equity - no equity currently, I rent and do not own a car
Checking account balance - currently ~$5,000 (I try to keep it around this amount)
Credit card debt - $0 (I pay it off every month)
Student loan debt - $9,500 remaining to pay off the loans for my BA in political science (here's hoping I finish it off this year!)
Stocks - $1,190 in stocks from my former company. I also have some miscellaneous other stocks that I was gifted when I was younger and I'm unclear on the value of them (my dad manages them for me)
Savings - $1,500 (it took a big hit while I was unemployed this past summer)
Section Two: Income
Income Progression:
High school (2012-2013) - I worked at a local office supply store making $7.50/hour. I did this for fun spending money a few days a week after school.
College (2014-2017) - I worked two on-campus jobs. The first was as a front desk person at the fitness center beginning at the end of my freshman year; I typically did ten hours a week at this job. The second was as an assistant in our career center, and I did this for the entirety of my senior year; I typically did five hours a week at this job. Both paid $8.50/hour.
Internship (2015-2017) - I studied abroad off-cycle from July to December in Australia, and was offered an internship doing recruitment and operations work at my mom's company after randomly meeting the COO in an elevator and impressing him in a brief conversation. What originally was going to be a five week internship went on to be part-time remote when I was at school, and full-time when I was home for the summer and on breaks. It paid $12/hour and introduced me to human resources and strategy & operations.
Company #1, Job #1 (2017-2018) - After graduating college, I moved to begin working in Washington DC as an associate at a healthcare firm making $40,000/year. I really enjoyed this work and my team, even though there were some times I had to work long hours. I was promoted to a senior associate role after my first six months, which came with a 10% raise.
Company #1, Job #2 (2018-2020) - I decided that, while I liked my role within the company, I wanted to gain client-facing experience. I applied for and moved into a analyst role in a different department at $52,000/year. I was excited about this role because I got to travel and train clients onsite one to three times a month and build up a lot of important business skills. About halfway through 2019, I was told that they wanted to pay me more because they felt my effort outpaced my seniority and was out of the blue bumped up to making $70,000/year. During this role, I was also eligible for up to a 10% bonus based on how my team did.
Unemployment (2020) - Due to COVID-19, my company took a big hit being in the healthcare space. The vast majority of my team was made redundant in June 2020. While a super stressful time, I did get some severance and used it as an opportunity to assess what I really wanted in my next role; I knew I liked being client-facing, but realized I wanted to get back to human resources in some way.
Company #2 (2020-present) - I took my current role as a senior advisory specialist in the fall. I was able to negotiate a $75,000/year salary and a 5% bonus. The work I do is very energizing and rewarding, and I'm hopeful I can stay here for a while and move up the ladder because I like what I do a lot!
Main Job Monthly Take Home:
I make $4380.90 each month after deductions. I get paid twice a month.
Deductions (per paycheck)
· Medical insurance: $29.50
· Dental insurance: $7.50
· Eye insurance: $2.75
· 401k contribution: $156.25 (I plan on increasing this after my student loans are paid off) + 4% company match
Side Gig Monthly Take Home:
I run a book blog on the side, and while I currently don't make any money off of it, publishers often send me advanced reader copies of books! I save a lot of money that way, because I am buying books constantly.
Section Three: Expenses
· Rent: $975 for my portion of the one bedroom apartment that I share with W. I pay slightly more than half because I make more money than he does. All utilities are included.
· Student loans: $500 is the minimum I pay per month because I want them paid off as soon as possible (the minimum monthly payment is about half that). I usually throw extra money towards them when I have a low spend month.
· WiFi and cable: $140.06, which is absolutely ridiculous and I keep saying I'm going to call Comcast and negotiate this down but get lazy and don't. Yell at me in the comments to do this!
· Netflix: $14.88 (I also let my best friend use this)
· Spotify: $9.99
· Hulu with live sports, HBO, Starz, and Showtime add-ons: W. pays
· Amazon Prime: W. pays
· Nail salon subscription: $40 (this is cheaper than the cost of a gel manicure and includes a free gel mani every month plus extra bonuses, which makes this very worth it despite sounding extravagant!)
· Care/of vitamin subscription: $70
· Boxing membership: $179 for unlimited classes
· WW: $15.11 (I'm on a six month deal currently)
· Fitbit Premium: $9.99
· iPhone payment plan: $31.20 (this will end in November for my iPhone 11. I am still on my parents' unlimited data phone plan and have been told I never have to leave, which is a total blessing!)
· Google storage: $2.12
· iCloud storage: $2.99
Additionally, I have an annual payment of approximately $2,750 for my life insurance policy; I have a blend of whole and term life. I am currently not making these payments, as my grandparents created a fund to pay the first several years of premiums as they felt it was important for me to get life insurance at a young age so it could start gaining cash value. I am incredibly grateful for this!
Day One - Tuesday 1/19
7am: My alarm goes off and I am still tired. W. and I cuddle for ten minutes or so before he gets up to make us coffee. We drink our coffee in bed while watching a few YouTube videos from our favorite content creators; the two of us are very into a video game that we play together and consume a lot of content around it.
8:30am: Time to get back into work! We both work from home right now, so we move into the living room together. My inbox is surprisingly empty after a long weekend, so I dive back in to a client request that I didn't finish before closing my laptop on Friday.
9:00am: I have a few morning meetings, so I take a few minutes to get ready. I throw in my contacts and brush my teeth, then get dressed from the waist up in a comfy gray Fortune Ivy sweater and hoop earrings. I make another cup of coffee to keep my energy up.
9:25am: I move into the bedroom to take my meetings. I have a bed tray for my laptop, which makes it feel more desk-like on my bed. I first have a meeting with another member of my team to discuss how we're dividing up a project that we're working on together, followed by two town hall meetings. At some point during my meetings, W. texts me that he ordered an energy drink powder that we've been meaning to try and Venmo requests me for my half ($23). I munch on the last four donut holes we have left over from the weekend for a snack during my meetings and make sure to log what I eat in my WW app.
1:00pm: Out of meetings and in need of a break. W. comes into the bedroom and asks me if I want to go out on a quick walk, which I happily agree to. I throw on Girlfriend Collective leggings, my lucky Rangers sweatshirt, ballet flats, and a freshly washed mask and we head out. After a good 20 minute walk, W. offers to pay for McDonald's for lunch, which is great but definitely not WW friendly. I get a 10 piece nuggets and large fries, and W. gets himself a few burgers. He pays and we take it home to eat on the couch and chat for a few minutes before I have to get on more work calls.
2:00pm: Time for more meetings and project work! I return to the bedroom and call into meetings for an hour, including a weekly meeting I facilitate, and then put my 800th rewatch of Grey's Anatomy on the TV in background while I work.
5:30pm: I log off of my laptop right on time for a Facetime date with my DC best friend, A. We met at my first job and have been close since the minute we met. She just moved into a new apartment and got a new job, so she gives me a tour of the new place and we catch up for about half an hour. After we hang up, I say hi to W. for a few minutes and then go hop in the shower. I do my usual skincare routine (a bevy of Ole Henriksen products, I swear by them) before throwing on comfy clothes and joining W. in the living room.
7:00pm: I throw the Rangers-Devils game on my iPad (I'm a diehard New York sports fan except for basketball) and text my hometown best friend, B., about absolutely nothing while W. plays a video game for a while. I'm not super hungry, so W. heats up leftover tuna casserole for dinner while I just cut up an orange. At some point we mute the hockey game to watch a few episodes of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, our first forray into the Housewives franchise which we've quickly become addicted to. We brush our teeth and make it to bed around 10:30pm.
Total: $23
Day Two - Wednesday, 1/20
7:00am: Usual morning routine: wake up, cuddle, coffee, and videos. I get out of bed to make the coffee this morning.
8:15am: I join W. for a quick morning shower before work starts for the day. I also do my weekly weigh in and I'm down almost another pound! The progress is slow, but that is also the healthy way to lose weight. I mark it down and log my coffee.
9:00am: I text with my mom about today's inauguration while I work. She wants to know if I can hear anything from my place, but besides the occasional sirens, there is no big fanfare yet. I set a reminder on my phone to turn on the news in a bit to listen.
10:45am: I finish up a difficult client request and send it off to their account team. W. gets me a lemon Pellegrino from the fridge for me to enjoy during my 11:00 meeting.
12:30pm: Out of my meetings and we have a new president!!! W. gives me a recap of Biden's speech and I find myself getting emotional after watching the video of Kamala getting sworn in. After wiping away the tears, I throw some chicken, buffalo sauce, and seasonings into our pressure cooker so we can have easy lunches: chicken sandwich and salad for W., chicken quesadilla for me so I can easily measure out how much of each food item I'm using. I log my food and we eat together during a quick fifteen minute break.
2:00pm: After changing out my water bottles (I like to drink out of reusable water bottles over drinking glasses, not really sure why) I remember why I don't like to use this one. I log on to the Hydroflask website and order a 21oz bottle with the sports cap lid ($28.58). I pick a color that's on sale because it's cheaper, find a coupon code for free shipping, and go through Rakuten so I can get 2% cash back. I also figure now is as good a time as any to get dressed since I have to be on camera for my afternoon meetings, so I throw on a camel and black polka dot Papermoon blouse and black Beyond Yoga leggings.
3:45pm: Weekly check in with my manager while I snack on a sliced cucumber. He and I discuss my 2020 review, which he literally had to do for me when I was less than a month in the role, and what my goals for 2021 are. I am setting my intentions on Friday, and I am very excited to think through what I want to accomplish this year. We discuss a few other projects and end a little earlier than expected. A friend of mine is streaming on Twitch, so I put his stream up on the TV while I work on a data project and gift a sub to a fellow viewer ($5.99). I see that someone has put a 4:30-5pm meeting on my calendar for tomorrow, so I have to cancel out of my 4:45 boxing class. Sigh.
5:45pm: I wrap up my work and head out to chat with W. for a bit. We decide to play our favorite video game for a while, so we log in and start playing in duos. We get a win in our very first game! After a while, our good friend N. joins us, so we switch to trios. At some point during what becomes a marathon gaming session, W. makes himself a frozen pizza and I drink the last two Stella Cidres we have in the fridge. Brush our teeth and head to bed around 11pm.
Total: $34.57
Day Three - Thursday 1/21
3:57am: I wake up for absolutely no reason. I hate when this happens. It takes me over an hour to fall back asleep.
7:00am: Usual morning routine, cut a little short for me to get ready for an 8:30 meeting.
10:00am: In desperate need of a break from my work, I log onto Etsy to pick out some cute candles for A. as a little housewarming gift. I have to text her for her new address, which kind of ruins the surprise, but I know how much she loves candles so I do it anyway ($32.86).
1:00pm: I get off of a client call that I shadowed with a member of my team. I have just decided on my focus area, hence why I am trying to get more exposure to the client work here. My teammate and I debrief and agree that I'll continue to shadow the calls that she does with this client so I can see the whole process through.
3:00pm: Out of another team meeting and exhausted from work. My 4:30 meeting cancels, and I'm bummed for a few minutes because I cancelled my boxing class to be in that meeting. But my mood turns around almost instantly - I got off the waitlist for the 6pm class! I text W. so he knows, and he asks if I can make him dinner before I go because he doesn't want to wait until I get back to eat. Fair enough. I agree and get back to work on my data project.
3:30pm: I get an email with the return label for my Fitbit. I've had it for a year and it randomly started giving me a rash on my wrist, so Fitbit is reimbursing me the total amount I paid for it. Customer service at its finest! I send the label to my Fedex store for pickup tomorrow, since I don't have a printer ($0.52).
5:30pm: I wrap up my work for the day and throw on Old Navy active leggings and a tank, tie back my hair, mask up, and head out the door to the boxing studio. It's endurance day and we do eight minute blocks instead of six, so I am dying by the time class is done. After class, I go to Target to pick up a few miscellaneous items we need: half & half, white vinegar, and chocolate peppermint stick Luna bars ($10.64). I mobile order and stop by Chipotle on the way home to grab a dinner of crispy chicken tacos and chips and guac ($16.23).
7:30pm: I stop by the concierge desk on my way back into the building to grab packages I have waiting and to catch up with my favorite concierge. She is a delight to talk to, but busy tonight, so I don't stay too long. Once home, I devour my tacos in about four minutes and then shower before putting on the Laker-Bucks on the iPad while W. plays video games. We migrate to the bedroom after halftime to finish it and are both exhausted that we fall asleep immediately after.
Total: $60.25
Day Four - Friday 1/22
7am: Usual morning routine. After watching two videos, W. announces that he isn't feeling well and is taking a day of PTO. I get him tucked comfy into bed with a movie and start my work day early. I put Grey's Anatomy on the TV while I work.
11am: I am hungry after powering through work all morning, so I place an order for a cheese pizza from Wiseguys ($21.99). A nice quick walk will feel good.
11:30am: I mask up and head out to pick up the pizza, stopping by CVS on the way to get a Red Bull for W., a Diet Coke for myself, and a bottle of Benadryl because I ran out ($27.27). I eat a slice of pizza while watching a bit of a Twitch stream before getting back to work. I also spend some time texting with B., as well as my older sister, C.
1:30pm: Back to back calls. When they're over, I check in on W., who unfortunately only feels worse. He decides to try and nap, and also informs me that he wanted to watch a Marvel movie so he added Disney+ to our Hulu subscription. He pays for that, but I'm happy we'll finally be able to watch those shows we've been missing out on!
4:30pm: Done with my projects and decide to call it a little early today. I appreciate that my manager doesn't particularly care if we stop early when all of our work is done, and I need to go to the Fedex store. I listen to one of my curated Spotify playlists (a lot of Halsey, Taylor Swift, Joan, and Flor are on this one) while I walk there to pick up the label I had printed. As I walk out of the store, several of my music friends start texting me - Halsey cancelled her summer tour. I am bummed because I was supposed to travel and go to several shows with friends. I make a mental note to start cancelling hotel reservations and request my Ticketmaster refunds tomorrow.
5:30pm: Manicure time! I've started doing gel manicures every other week because I have a horrible nail biting habit and this is the only way I can stop myself. I catch up with my favorite nail tech and the salon owners over a glass of sparkling rose. Today we do a nude-pink polish with black and white polka dots. When that's done, I also poke around at the beautiful jewelry they sell and pick out a pair or multicolored acrylic bow earrings. My subscription covers the manicure, so I only have to pay my tip (25% of the service cost) and for the earrings ($24.87). I text W. to let him know I'm on my way home and he asks if I can pick up NyQuil for him. I pop into CVS on the way home to get it ($16.94).
7:30pm: W. and I have a quiet evening, bouncing between a few TV shows and basketball games. We call it an early night and go to bed before 10. Wild Friday!
Total: $91.07
Day Five - Saturday, 1/23
8:30am: I wake up feeling pretty well rested. W. is still sleeping, so I get out of bed quietly and head out to the living room. I answer a few work emails that came in last evening, including a stretch project to present some webinars later in the year! I used to facilitate webinars in an old role of mine, so I'm looking forward to flexing that muscle again. I also submit my Ticketmaster refund requests, cancel some hotel reservations, and peruse my favorite auction website. I spy my dream Louis Vuitton bag (Speedy 40 in canvas and leather) at what could be a steal. I do some mental math at what would be the max I would splurge on it and set a max bid. I'm currently winning and text B. with excitement.
9:45am: W. texts me that he's awake but still not feeling well. I crawl back into bed for some snuggles and ask him what he needs. He wants bagels, so I agree to go out to pick them up if he pays for them. He orders a BEC on an everything bagel for himself and a multigrain bagel with butter for me. I throw on black Girlfriend Collective leggings, a Halsey tee, and my Adidas superstars, grab my mask and jacket, and head out the door. It's a little chilly, but it feels good. It's a quick turnaround to get back with the bagels. W. and I eat them in bed while watching some Real Housewives.
12:00pm: We're still in bed. Oops. We transition into watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and W. orders us some Popeye's to eat throughout the day: 12 piece spicy chicken, biscuits, fries, mashed potatoes, and a large Diet Coke to split. We will heat up leftover Popeye's for lunch someday this week. I embrace the fact that this is not going to be a good WW week for me, and remind myself it's okay to be human and have some indulgent weekends. Progress, not perfection!
5:00pm: W. dials into his weekly virtual D&D session and I decide to solo queue my video game for the evening. I debate having some wine, but decide the fast food was probably enough for my stomach and that I don't need to add alcohol into the mix. W.'s session wraps up around 9:30, so we chat while I clean the apartment a bit before taking a quick shower. I towel dry my hair, toss on some weekly skincare (eye cream and a fancy serum that I'm not really sure what it does, it just makes my skin glowy) before settling into bed.
Total: $0
Day Six - Sunday 1/24
3:00am: I wake up congested as can be. I get two Benadryl and a Zicam from the bathroom, lay back down, and pray for sleep to come.
9:10am: Well, I guess sleep came. I missed the start of the booking window for upcoming boxing classes, but luckily there are still openings in all the classes I wanted. I'm trying to up my workouts, so I decide to try the Wednesday morning class as well. Maybe I'll like being a morning workout person?
11:00am: W. and I both decide to call our respective moms. My mom and I try to talk at least once a week on the phone (we also text every day, I just haven't mentioned it, whoops) and we catch up on random bits of each other's lives for about 45 minutes or so. I tell her about Halsey cancelling tour and we're a bit worried, as we're supposed to see Maroon 5 together later in the year after it got rescheduled from 2020. Hopefully by the fall we'll have herd immunity, though I'm not super positive that concerts will happen. I miss concerts :(
12:00pm: I do a bit of apartment maintenance: taking out the trash, breaking down boxes and taking them to recycling, wiping down the countertops, etc. W. comes out to the living room when his phone call ends and we try to decide what we want to do. W. is still not feeling great, which is worrying, but he has no COVID symptoms. He gets a quick telehealth appointment and is assured that he most likely has the cold/head flu thing that is going around and should stay home to not burden the healthcare system. The doctor assures him that me coming/going from the apartment shouldn't transmit whatever W. has and that while he should stay home until he is feeling better, as long as I'm sanitizing and showering often, I can leave. I'm guessing a lot of people are asking that question since the doctor told him that unprompted, and I'm relieved to know that I won't be unknowingly getting someone else sick.
1:00pm: W. and I decide to order Vocelli's for a late lunch/early dinner: bacon and cheddar pizza rolls and a build-your-own stromboli with bacon, spinach, and extra cheese. I have a GrubHub gift card from Christmas so we don't have to pay out of pocket for this meal. We play some video games together until the food gets here, then pause to eat and watch an episode of Shark Tank. When we finish eating, we go back to gaming because there isn't much else to do while W. is sick.
7:00pm: I move into the bedroom so we can watch the Rangers-Penguins game on my iPad while he plays a different video game and I scroll on my phone. My dad randomly calls me, and I'm worried something happened to my grandpa (he's my last living grandparent and lives alone). Luckily, Grandpa is fine and my dad was just jealous that I talked to my mom this morning while he was out running errands. He's adorable. We catch up for about ten minutes before he has to go. When 8:00 rolls around, we switch over to the Wizards-Spurs game since they're finally playing again and mute the hockey game. Both teams lose and I'm a sad sports fan. We brush our teeth and throw on some Futurama to fall asleep to.
Total: $0
Day Seven - Monday, 1/25
7:00am: Usual weekday wakeup routine. When it's time to get to work, W. decides he'll work from the bedroom so he can continue to rest. We order Starbucks (peppermint mochas for both of us, turkey and pesto panini for him, sprouted grain vegan bagel for me) on UberEats and split the cost because we wouldn't normally have it delivered ($14.87). I listen to calls while I work and get dressed in a bright color Girlfriend Collective set and black Forever 21 active tank to try and offset the dreary weather.
10:00am: Out of my first set of meetings and I run the laundry down to the laundry room ($3.25). I listen to a Twitch stream while I work and continuously check on the Louis Vuitton I'm bidding on. The auction ends tonight at 8pm and I'm still winning!
1:00pm: Still working through projects. I have been outbid past the maximum I set for myself on the Louis Vuitton, which is disappointing but I'm sure I'll get one eventually. I can still dream about it in the meanwhile :)
2:15pm: I take a quick break to package up my old Fitbit and place an order for a replacement. It ends up being free because of my full refund; the only cost is not having a tracker for a week or so. Could be worse! I make myself an energy drink using the powder that we ordered earlier this week to fuel my afternoon meetings with some non-coffee energy.
4:30pm: I throw on my sneakers and mask, grab my gym bag, and head off to boxing. After a few tough client requests today, throwing some punches feels amazing!
5:30pm: Out of class and off to Safeway and Target for some filler groceries. I did a big food shopping last Monday and we ended up doing a lot of takeout, so we don't need much. I get milk, yogurt, frozen berries, ciabatta rolls, frozen popcorn chicken, peanut butter pretzels, and two types of cereal. I text W. to let him know I'm on my way home ($23.70 for my half) and despite the drizzle, it is a refreshing walk.
6:30pm: Freshly showered and time to decide what to do for the evening. I find a movie, Collateral, by doing a reference search for a movie vibe that I loved (Inside Man, if you're curious) but am disappointed to find out it's not available on any streaming service. W. saves the day by telling me we actually own it on DVD but have never watched it, and lo and behold, it's buried in our giant plastic tub of DVDs. Movie night saved! We curl up on the couch and watch the movie with leftover Popeye's.
8:45pm: The movie is done and I'd give it a solid 4/5 stars. While discussing our favorite parts of the movie, we get into a random fight. I find myself getting heated for no reason, take a deep breath, and ask him to explain his side. W. has severe anxiety, and it turns out he had a few anxiety attacks during the movie so he wasn't articulating himself properly. We talk it out and he apologizes; he's made a lot of progress on dealing with his anxiety, but he has a long way to go. Not wanting to end the night on a bad note, we decide to stay up a little later than usual so we can watch some more Real Housewives and feel better by the time we go to bed. Asleep by 11:30.
Total: $41.82
Weekly Expenses:
Food + Drink: $118.71
Fun / Entertainment: $5.99
Home + Health: $68.06
Clothes + Beauty: $24.87
Transport: $0
Other: $33.38
Lastly, reflect on your diary!
This diary was very typical in some ways, and atypical in others. I normally cook a lot more, but with W. being sick I definitely used that as an excuse for takeout, hence why I'm following WW to try and lose weight! I think if I continue to be careful with my spending I can pay off my student loans this year and build my emergency fund back up, so I'm definitely buying less "fun" things in 2021… but if another Louis Vuitton comes around I'll probably bid on it :)
submitted by janmoneydiary to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

[Analysis] A PvP Analysis of the Mid-Season 6 Move Rebalance

Hello again, my friends! It's that time again: a new move shakeup is upon us! And there's a LOT to cover, so that's all I'm gonna mess with for intro. Let's goooooooo!


Sing it with me! (Sorry, Miley....)
🎼 I came in like a Weather Ball
🎶 A-Tails never spammed this hard before!
If you want to break Bast-i-o-don,
Toed can wreck that big... bully.
And Goon, Vig, and... Umbry!
I came in like a Weather Ball!
🎶 K-Tails can close its eyes and spam
Leave metas crashing in a blazing fall
Now wrecking AhChu and... Medi!
Yeah, Gong, Croak, and... G-Fisky!
Weather Ball came in LIKE a wrecking ball in this update, didn't it? Newly added to three Pokemon (well, actually four, but more on that later 🙈), this move formerly exclusive to the Castforms is making more and more of an impact on PvP as time marches on. It's a move that has been a huge boon to everything that has received it, turning Abomasnow and Pelipper (and arguably Sunny Cherrim) into PvP superstars overnight, whereas considering them before was a laughable concept. Does this new trio receive a similar boost? Let's not dilly dally and just get right to the answers....
First up, we have BOTH Ninetales, the fiery KANTO NINETALES and the icy ALOLAN NINETALES. And they each receive their corresponding version of Weather Ball: Fire for original recipe Tails and Ice for its chilly sister from another mister.
Currently, both versions of Ninetales have been hanging around the edge of viability in Great League, with even more niche use in Ultra League. I would argue that both were already far better than people gave them credit for, thanks in large part to Psyshock, a move that Alolan Tails came with and regular Tails received about two years ago (late in January of 2019), back when the first ever Silph Arena Cup was just wrapping up and GBL was still but a twinkle in John Hanke's eye. I mean, just look at what Kanto Tails and Alolan Tails were capable of even before this update. Yes yes, some of those wins require baiting with Psyshock and then landing a killing blow with a big Overheat or Blizzard, but really, is that so different from Garchomp or Alolan Muk or Mantine or--dare I say it?--even Galarian Stunfisk and the like?
But I digress. That was then, and this is now. And this too. Just by plugging in Weather Ball in place of Psyshock and leaving everything else the same, both jump about 8 wins and 15% in overall win percentage, just like that. What's going on here?
There are two answers, one rather obvious and one a little less so:
Now to get down to brass tacks: what does this actually mean? I already listed the potential jump in sheer number of wins, but what ARE those wins and do they matter? Let's list them:
Note that I've been simming Ninetales with Fire Spin to this point, and A-Ninetales with Powder Snow. But A-Tails has mostly been seen in PvP thus far with Charm instead, and K-Tails just got a buff to Legacy Ember. How do THOSE compare?
So I think it's pretty clear that Weather Ball is a straight upgrade for both Ninetales. But there's still one more comparison to plow through before we move on to the other Weather Ball recipient: Ultra League. Yes, both can do some damage there too, especially if you build them up over Level 40 (though you don't strictly HAVE to)....
And there is yet one MORE wrinkle to mention. Most of those Alolan Ninetales sims show it running with the all-Ice moveset (with Blizzard) and the Kanto Ninetales ones have the all-Fire moveset (with Overheat). But there are some good alternatives to those with Dazzling Gleam for A-Tails and Solar Beam for K-Tails.
So what's the verdict? This section was long enough already, so to try and keep it brief: Weather Ball looks to be an easy replacement for Psyshock on both versions of Ninetales (or pairs nicely alongside Shock as an Ice Beam replacement on Charm A-Tails). As it's done for other Pokemon in the past (think Aboma and Pelipper), Weather Ball looks like it could make some formerly okay options into much more relevant PvP weapons. Don't be surprised to perhaps see a whole lot of tails--18 of them!--popping up in Great and even Ultra League play. Your new best versions are Fire Spin/Weather Ball/Overheat for K-Tails, and either Powder Snow/Blizzard or Charm/Psyshock alongside Weather Ball for A-Tails. Go build a good one!
But there's more Weather Ball fun to be had, because we haven't gotten to the new Water Ball recipient(s) yet, one intended and one that played out more like an early April Fool's joke....


So POLITOED has been a secret favorite of mine for a while. It's never been over the moon fantastic in PvP or anything, but it earns its spot as, in my opinion, the best "honorary" Mud Boy. Running best with the same Mud Shot and Earthquake that long drove Swampert (before Sludge Wave became more popular) and Quagsire, and with the spammy Surf to help bait it out and/or just beat things down like Swampy can with Hydro Cannon or Whiscash can with Mud Bomb, the only thing keeping it from being a full fledged member of the club is... well, not actually having the "Mud" part of "Mud Boy". Toed is a pure Water type, thus lacking STAB on those Ground moves and the strength of WateGrounds in having but one weakness (their famous double vulnerability to Grass, of course).
But that single Water typing is actually one of its greater strengths. Pure Waters still only have two weaknesses (Grass and Electric), and resist Fire and Steel--same as the actual Mud Boys--but unlike the Mud Boys, Politoed resists Ice and Water damage as well. (WateGround instead resists Electric--perhaps the Mud Boys' greatest asset--and Poison and Rock, which are generally less helpful considering the advantages they already have in overcoming those types with their potent Water and especially Ground moves.) One advantage is obvious in this: by resisting Water, Toed has a clear advantage over the actual Mud Boys and even with its old moveset (MS/Surf/EQ), beats Swampert and Whiscash head to head, as well as Azumarill, Lapras, Dewgong, and the new Jellicent, all wins that the Mud Boys themselves typically fail to replicate. And it does this while still taking out many of the top targets of the Mud Boys, including Bastiodon, A-Wak, Registeel, Melmetal, Haunter, Diggersby, and both Stunfisks. Yes, some are a bit more war-of-attrition type wins considering Toed's lack of resistances to Electric and Rock and other moves, but Toed still wins those all convincingly.
And NOW we factor in Weather Ball. That was all with Surf, a good PvP move to be sure, dealing five more damage than Weather Ball, but also for five more energy. Ball is more effective and efficient, dealing 1.71 Damage Per Energy (DPE) than Surf's 1.63. They're both quite good, but Weather Ball has a (slight) edge. And that shows in the simulations; when Weather Ball replaces Surf, Toed gains wins over Obstagoon, Scrafty, Vigoroth, Munchlax, and beefy Umbreon. (It does show a new loss to Clefable, but that's debatable.) Overall it's not a win percentage that immediately wows, but consider the mighty Whiscash... with the exact same win percentage against the core meta. Now the actual lists of wins have several differences--Toed beats the Waters, Ices, Fighters and others I mentioned above, while Whiscash instead beats things like DDeoxys and AhChu thanks to its Ground typing, and then others like Altaria, Drifblim, and Zweilous thanks to its big stick of Blizzard.
But on that topic... while Toed is generally preferred for its own big stick of (Legacy) Earthquake, it ALSO has the option of Blizzard. And in that configuration, it can now achieve the same wins as Whiscash against Flyers like Altaria and Drifblim, plus ones that even Whiscash cannot replicate like Mantine, Mandibuzz, and even (Air Slash) Tropius! That last one illustrates the advantage Politoed enjoys as a mono-Water that is only one level of vulnerable to Grass... it can actually survive taking a Leaf Blade, something the double-weak-to-Grass Mud Boys can only dream about. Politoed also separates itself from Whiscash by continuing to beat Umbreon and the Mud Boys themselves, plus impressively STILL beating Lapras and Azumarill with Weather Ball spam alone! Most impressive indeed. Yes, Whiscash still holds some of its own unique wins--DDeoxys, Hypno, Sableye, Zweilous, Toxicroak, Alolan Raichu among them--but Politoed stands tall with a similar (and even better, actually) win/loss record, just with some differences.
Real quick, let's see how that translates to Ultra League. Politoed hits a nice comfortable 2449 CP at Level 40, and can get to 2480 at Level 41 if you best buddied one, so it doesn't have to be a steep investment in terms of XL candy, at least. But for now, let's just stick with 40, and start out with Earthquake. Wins over all the major Charmers is nice, plus Poisonous Toxicroak and A-Muk, and of course the Steels (Regi, Mel, Empoleon, Scizor, and even Ferrothorn!), the somewhat obvious Charizard, and some familiar Waters like Lapras and Swampert as in Great League, and then Snorlax as a "why not?" bonus. Blizzard is again a viable alternative, especially for those that can't GET Legacy Quake, and does some nice unique things like beating Drifblim, Dragonite, and yes, one of the Giratinas! (The tradeoffs, BTW: losses now to Ferro, Swampy, Croak, and Mel. There are ALWAYS tradeoffs....)
Now if you REALLY want to commit and push up a close-to-50 Politoed, at least you reap some very nice benefits, of course solidifying most wins further and gaining new wins versus Articuno, Escavalier, Gengar, and Fighers Shadow Machamp, Poliwrath, and Obstagoon with Earthquake, or with Blizzard, Articuno, Melmetal, Armored Mewtwo, Toxicroak, Shadow Machamp, Gengar, and the other Giratina. That'll do, Toed. That'll do.
So what's the verdict? As with Ninetales (and Abomasnow and Pelipper before them), Weather Ball continues to be a clear upgrade to anything that receives it, and that is the case here with Politoed. It's not a huge chasm between it and previous spam move Surf, but Weather Ball IS clearly better in multiple leagues and should be the preferred move moving forward alongside Legacy Earthquake or non-Legacy Blizzard, which both have nice applications and equally viable, in my opinion, just in different ways (as described in more detail above). And as a quick note before moving on: yes, Weather Ball is ALSO a clear upgrade to Shadow Politoed (and Ninetales, for that matter), but I'm not going to go through all those sims now. They just tell the same story, really, and this article is already dragging on, so just trust me on that. Or don't and go check the sims yourself... I encourage that!
And one more, which was a funny story.


Some poor intern must have gotten fired over this one....
So we hit 1300 PDT this past Monday, and the moveset shakeup officially drops (and we get our first numbers on the move tweaks... you couldn't drop them a few days or at least hour early, Niantic? really?). Everybody begins happily TMing their Pokemon that are receiving new moves, and somebody (actually a lot of somebodys) goes to TM their Primeape to its new move... and somehow get Weather Ball (Water). Uhhhhh....
Obviously Niantic quickly put on the clamps by correcting their error (it only lasted for less than 20 minutes) and then taking the easy way out by banning Primeape from GBL until they presumably remove WBW from any Primeapes that got it somehow. (Like what happened with Galarian Linoone about six months ago.) One would presume that's what the future holds. But if not, well, don't feel too bad if you didn't get one, because while it's a hoot to use (I did myself briefly before it got itself banned), it is actually less useful overall as a coverage move than current Night Slash... Slash can beat Galvantula, Alolan Raichu, and Froslass, while WBW cannot. Remember that Night Slash, Weather Ball, AND Primeape's Cross Chop all cost only 35 energy, and while on paper Weather Ball deals 10 more damage, the reality is that Cross Chop gets STAB and thus deals exactly the same damage as WBW against neutral targets (for just one example, against Kanto Raichu they both deal exactly 51 damage) and Night Slash just offers more useful coverage against Psychic and Ghost types that otherwise prey on Fighters like Ape (as shown by it getting wins against AhChu and Lass).
If you were lucky enough to get a Weather Ball Ape, absolutely keep it, because its uniqueness is worth it in case there's ever a chance for us to use it and surprise opponents. More than likely, though, it's not much longer for this world, so screenshot them for posterity!
While we're on the topic, may as well talk about the new move Primeape was SUPPOSED to get and now does instead: Ice Punch. Obviously this has been a great coverage move for a long time with Medicham (and Hitmonchan, and of course other non-Fighters like Hypno), and much like Machamp's Rock Slide, directly responds to Flyers (and Poisonous Grasses) that like to bully Primeape.
But much like Machamp has Rock Slide as a nice spammy coverage move already and hums along well with that and a Fighting charge move (as discussed at length in my analysis on Payback Machamp), Primeape is also already kinda set with Night Slash for spam and coverage, paired with Close Combat for a closing, STAB move. That combination (along with best-fast-move-in-PvP Counter) makes Primape a much more potent PvP mon than most people give it credit for. That is a win record that is higher than Medicham, higher than Toxicroak, higher than (non-Shadow) Machamp, and higher than most players would expect. Its move package just works well.
So the question before us then is: does Ice Punch have a place? We have two options with it: replace Night Slash, making Ice Punch the new coverage move, or replace Close Combat and rely on Counter for Fighting damage and then have TWO coverage moves.
Replacing Slash with Ice Punch is pretty clearly a step in the wrong direction. It does lead to new wins versus Altaria and Venusaur, which are some great pickups, but it also loses now to Froslass, Lapras, Alolan Raichu, Galvantula, Shadow Machamp, Vigoroth, Scrafty, and Swampert. Ouch.
What about then keeping Night Slash (which seems pretty important) and instead swapping Close Combat for Ice Punch? Hey, that's not half bad, actually. You now pick Lapras, Froslass, AhChu, Vigoroth, Swampert, Shadow Champ, and Scrafty (thanks to the bait potential of Night Slash with those last two) back up, AND keep Altaria and Venusaur thanks to the presence of Ice Punch. You also pick up a potential new win against Air Slash Tropius! It's not ALL sunshine and rainbows, as without the killing power of Close Combat you now lose to Whiscash, Dewgong, Skarmory, and Unovan Stunfisk, but overall, that has the looks of a very viable alternative moveset!
Primeape doesn't get nearly big enough to compete with Machamp for Master League glory, but does Ape have any play in Ultra League? Well despite topping out below 2300 CP at Level 40, at least with pre-Ice Punch moves, it is at least on the edge of viability, yes. Though if we're being completely honest, even at Level 50 it's still a bit weaker overall than Level 40 Marchamp and some other Fighters. Night Slash up at this level is a nice threat, but it doesn't actually flip matchups you might hope for like the Giratinas or Drifblim or Cresselia, even in the best circumstances of being Level 50 and the opponent choosing not to shield.
What does that mean? It means there may be a prime opening for Ice Punch here! Well, maybe. Do the numbers show that? Weeeelllll.... Ape does beat Dragonite now, which is a nice pickup, but just like in Great League, it loses Swampert without Night Slash in the mix, so it ends up a wash. And UNlike Great League, Night Slash/Ice Punch doesn't work out so well.
So what's the verdict? Ice Punch DOES have some good things going for it in Great League, but giving up Night Slash looks like a bridge too far... so the play, if you intend to use Ice Punch, is the combine the two! That is a viable alternative to Slash/Close Combat, but IP/CC doesn't work out so well. In Ultra League, Primeape is already hanging out on the edge of viability, and unfortunately Ice Punch doesn't really help with that, though as a strict replacement for Night Slash it's basically a sidegrade to what it can do now. I think getting a decent GL one with NS/IP would be a wise move, but you can probably stop there. And hold on to any Weather Ball Apes you lucked in to, but probably just for the lulz. 🙈 Even if unbanned, it's probably better just running with existing, intended moves. (Though it IS a lot of fun to pilot one for laughs.)


Finally time for a Pokemon WITHOUT Weather Ball. (Only took us nearly 30,000 characters to get here! 😰 Let's talk Mud Shot Excadrill.
So I've actually written about Excadrill before as a fun Master League option, recommending at the time that it run with the subpar fast move Metal Claw for better results against things like Dragonite and Togekiss, seeing as Mud Slap usually falls short, being resisted and slow to charge moves up. But in doing so, you had to usually give up Steels like Metagross and Dialga, which is no bueno. Either way, it was very niche, with a horrid win/loss record that never crept above 20%. Read as: very niche.
Thankfully, Mud Shot allows us to do both, and much more besides. It's fast enough to reach Rock Slides that take down Dragonite and Togekiss AND still deals Ground damage sufficient to bury Dialga, Metagross, and Heatran, as well as Melmetal which, amazingly, not even Mud Slap can take out. And as bonuses, you also beat Zekrom (as Slap can) and Mewtwo (as Metal Claw can). It is quite literally the best of both worlds.
It has even more uses in Premier Cup, where you can add things like Fires (Zard and Typh), Electrics (Zone and Vire), and Gardevoir, Gengar, and Scizor to the win column. It's still not a headline-grabbing performance, but it's far better than its previous best and that new win column DOES feature some big, troublesome names.
And Master League really is THE place to seriously consider Excadrill. This is no Galarian Stunfisk... it is severely lacking in the bulk department. So while it has decent numbers in Ultra League, even Galarian Stunfisk without any XL candy investment (and therefore well below even 2200 CP, much less 2500) is just better. Exacdrill does alone beat Charizard and Snorlax, but G-Fisk goes out and beats Aboma, Registeel, Articuno, and even one of the Giratinas instead, a far more impactful set of wins. And don't even get me started in Great League, where G-Fisk blows poor, sub-80 Defense Excadrill out of the water, doubling its win total.
So what's the verdict? Yes, Mud Shot is a big boost to Excadrill's viability in all leagues, but only in Master League does it really stand out, literally taking the win lists it could achieve with its other two fast moves and mashing them together. In Ultra and especially in Great League, its alarmingly low Defense puts it behind other existing options, Galarian Stunfisk most notably. You can kinda get away with it in Ultra, but it's not ideal.


So on paper, Claydol SHOULD be one of the biggest winners from this update. It received not one, but TWO new moves that give it great coverage: Ice Beam for those pesky Grasses that prey on its Ground typing, and the mighty Shadow Ball to drive away Ghosts that lick their chops with Claydol's Psychic typing.
But again, that's on paper. Do the numbers tell the same story?
First off, even maxed out at Level 50, Claydol barely crosses 2200 CP, so this is strictly a Great League option we're looking at here. To this point, Claydol has made some small waves in some past Silph Arena metas, but its awkward typing (weak to Dark, Ghost, Ice, Water, Grass, AND Bug) makes it an uphill battle. Sure, it can still Confusion Fighters and such to death, but it has a hard time putting its Ground and Psychic halves together effectively and usually ends up a little bit of a mess no matter which role is leans towards. When it HAS worked, it has done so with Confusion and then Psychic (the move) plus Earthquake (or Earth Power) to try and take advantage of both of its strengths. Plus its only coverage move to this point has been Gyro Ball, which... doesn't really provide coverage. So yeah, Psychic/Ground move have been the only viable way to go, though as you can see, it's not a particularly impressive performance.
For what it's worth, as I mentioned, Ice Beam and Shadow Ball both directly answer one of Claydol's weaknesses, but no, running both does not turn it into a superstar, and in fact loses it three of its current best wins: Galarian Stunfisk, Registeel, and Bastiodon, in exchange for very "meh" wins over Clefable and Wigglytuff... with a single HP left over. Yuck.
Rather, what seems to be the ticket is to run just one of them alongside your Ground charge move of choice. But even then, you don't see new wins magically start showing up. Shadow Ball, in fact, shows a new LOSS to Air Slash Tropius. Ice Beam at least holds that and all other wins you get with Psychic/Earth, though again, nothing new.
So what's the verdict? The best you can say is that if left unshielded, yes, Shadow Ball or Ice Beam can lead to some potentially match-flipping new wins against formerly unchecked counters. But uh... neither of these make Claydol truly better than it already was, which means it is still going to be on the outside looking in for GBL and even most Cup formats. Claydol lovers can rejoice at Claydol at least having some more teeth now, but this looks like a ho-hum change for the rest of us.


So remember back during Porygon Community Day, when everyone was fussing about how useless Porygon-Z was even WITH the new Tri-Attack and that things would be different if the slightly bulkier Porygon2 had it instead? Yeah, uh... why did we do that again? 😅 To put it simply: this is just not a PvP-relevant Pokemon, not even as a Shadow. Okay, you could get the occasional out-of-nowhere win over things like Azumarill and Jellicent or Skarmory with a Zap Cannon nuke, but this is the ultimate in boom or bust potential, and I think the busts have it. TM the new move onto any good P2s you have, because sure, why not? But don't plan on using them any time soon. Or, like, ever.


So I haven't even touched on the many moves that were tweaked yet, and we're running out of room! Fortunately, I took the time to compile about 50 spreadsheets of data from the moves pre-nerf (or buff) so I could compare them to what we have now. And because of time and your brains likely being overloaded already, let's keep this in simple table form:
Move Nerf Pokemon GL New Losses UL New Losses ML New Losses
Bubble 2.67 -> 2.33 DPT Azumarill IB/HP Drifblim, Registeel n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Azumarill PHP Drifblim, Lapras, Whiscash, Mew, Munchlax n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Mantine BB/IB Cresselia, Stunfisk, Sableye, Drifblim n/a n/a
Bubble 2.33 DPT Ludicolo IB/EB Alolan Marowak, Drifblim, Shadow Hypno, Vigoroth, Clefable n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.5 -> 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel LB/AS Melmetal, Scrafty Kingdra, Magnezone n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel RL only Medicham, DDeoxys, Galarian Stunfisk, Umbreon, Melmetal n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Shadow Victreebel SlB/MB Cresselia, Haunter, Scrafty, Medicham, Toxicroak, Mantine Gallde, Obstagoon, Gengar n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Tropius LB/AS Lapras, Umbreon, S-Machamp n/a n/a
Razor Leaf 5.0 DPT Bayleef GK/AP Galarian Stunfisk, DDeoxys, Vigoroth n/a n/a
Sky Attack 80 -> 75 damage Skarmory AS/SA/BB Obstagoon, Zweilous none n/a
Rock Slide 80 -> 75 damage Galarian Stunfisk MS/RS/EQ Venusaur DB Charizard, O-Giratina, FS Charizard (Level 50 only) n/a
Rock Slide 75 damage Melmetal TS/RS/SP Cresselia Cresselia none
Rock Slide 75 damage Machamp C/RS/CrC Altaria, Sableye, Venusaur Tangrowth Magnezone
Rock Slide 75 damage Tangrowth VW/PW/RS S-Victreebel Drifblim n/a
Shadow Bone 80 -> 75 damage Alolan Marowak FS/BC/SBo Hypno, Sableye, Drifblim n/a n/a
And I looked at a few others, like Altaria in GL and DDeoxys/Crustle in GL and UL, but there were no truly meta relevant wins that flipped to losses, so I left them out of the table.
As you can see, the Bubble nerf hurts more than Razor Leaf, in general. Azu is still very good, but a bit lower on its pedastal. The nerfs to Rock Slide, Sky Attack, and Shadow Bone are relatively minor, but there ARE some big names in there. In most cases, the new losses are due to the opponent now living just long enough to get in a killing charge move of their own... that's especially true with A-Wak's Shadow Bone.
Move Buff Pokemon GL New Wins UL New Wins ML New Wins
Ember 3.0 -> 3.5 DPT Sunny Castform WBF/SB Galarian Stunfisk, Sableye, Haunter n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Magcargo SE/OH Melmetal, Shiftry n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Camerupt EP/OH Venusaur, Froslass n/a n/a
Ember 3.5 DPT Magmar FP/Return Galvantula, Shadow Hypno, Chesnaught n/a n/a
Karate Chop 3.5 -> 4.0 EPT Magmar FP/Return Melmetal, Munchlax, Meganium, RL Tropius, Venusaur n/a n/a
Karate Chop 4.0 EPT Magmortar FP/TBolt n/a Venusaur, DB Charizard, Clefable, Granbull, Magnezone, Slowbro n/a
Karate Chop 4.0 EPT Primeape NS/CC Scrafty, Swampert, Vigoroth, S-Machamp Poliwrath, Machamp, S-Machamp n/a
Crabhammer 70 -> 80 damage Crawdaunt WF (GL) or Snarl (UL)/NS/CH none Snorlax n/a
Again, no meta defining differences here, but some nice pickups for things that appreciate any help they can get. Generally other fast move options are still a bit better (Rock Throw for Magcargo, Fire Spin for Magmortar, for example), but in the limited circumstances where they may be viable, at least this gives them some more options.
And that's it...we made it! My hope is always that my articles are useful to you in your PvP journey, and that's no different here. I hope this helps you get a little smarter quickly on these changes, bcecause they're already showing up in GBL and will impact other metas moving forward. If you're a little better educated on them now, then I've done my job. Good luck!
Until next time, you can find me on Twitter for near-daily PvP analysis nuggets, or Patreon (with my own private server, if you're interested in that). And please, feel free to comment here with your own thoughts or questions and I'll try to get back to you!
Thanks again for reading, and catch you next time!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

Oil on Mars

Submission statement: This is a short collapse story written by my good friend who died in 2019. He gave me a USB stick that contained some of his unfinished and completed work before he passed. As far as I know he only self published one novel on He was not interested in fame or fortune but I know he would have wanted more people to read his work. I know nothing about publishing so I will submit this to collapse readers for your consideration. He wrote his novel under the pseudonym Gregory Truman and I will use that name as the author.
Oil on Mars
By: Gregory Truman
The shocking news was sent back to Earth by the lander Seeker relayed from its Martian atmospheric drone Revealer. The drone was sent specifically to check out the water seepage from the sides of the cliffs bordering the vast Valles Marineris canyon near the Martian equator. The seepage had been discovered from photographs taken on previous missions. The drone took samples hovering over several seeps and did an onboard analysis of the liquid’s content. The result was conclusive. It was a mixture of water and crude oil, equivalent to West Texas Intermediate.
This was unbelievable news. We had all been told that Mars was a dead world; completely lifeless. And that may be true recently, but scientists hurriedly hypothesized that over a billion years ago when Mars was temperate with oceans and rain, the land could have been covered with some kind of primitive plant life. There may even have been a Carboniferous like epoch that could have lasted for several hundred million years.
Just by looking at the highly eroded mountains of Mars and the ancient dry river beds and flood plains one can plainly see evidence of rain and floods and from the multiple times the water ice caps had melted that would have buried almost everything that once lived upon the surface. The combination of heat and pressure and time had done the same thing on Mars as it had done to deeply buried organic material here on Earth; it was transformed it into crude oil. The world was astounded. The debate started immediately; how to take advantage of this discovery?
Conditions on Earth had worsened since the beginning of the 21st century. There was still some oil in the ground, but it was costly to drill for it. The market for oil had been drying up for years, with very few planes still flying. The oil that was left was needed to generate electrical power. It was expensive and beyond the reach of most people who were still switching to bicycles to get around. The cities and suburbs and country side were mostly depopulated and littered with the hulks of rusting automobiles. Plagues, pestilence, bad weather and crop failure had more than decimated world populations. People had become resigned to a harsh world. Few had any hope for a better future. Governments and the ruling classes were more vicious in their attempts to hold on to their power and privileges. Every endeavor had been corrupted. Every attempted reform and revolution was ruthlessly crushed. Things were getting worse for the wealthy also. They were finding it difficult to buy wine, hire servants, and to eat fancy foods.
The economy everywhere had been propped up by cheap credit for decades. Profits and taxes had been strip-mined from every enterprise that used credit to survive and were soon bankrupted when credit was denied. There were not enough jobs, not enough customers, and not enough profits left to pay their debts. The world economy had not only stopped growing, it was continuing to contract.
The central banks of the world had tried flooding their markets with monetary liquidity, but they could not create more jobs. They reluctantly had to give free money to their citizens to increase spending and revive growth. In the U.S., to avoid another inflationary spiral the monthly stipend was only a little more than for subsistence, just enough to prevent more rioting. It wasn’t enough money to get people spending again the way they did before the crisis. Economists believed that growth could only begin again after a fresh start. But what could a government do to contrive a fresh start? Someone in a think tank convinced powerful people that what was needed was a new reason to grow the economy, some goal to revive the animal spirits of a dejected populace. This news from Mars seemed to provide the perfect prescription. Headlines and news channels around the world soon screamed out the idea: WE ARE GOING TO MARS!
Almost everyone knew it would be too expensive to ship oil from Mars to Earth, so the plan was to go to Mars and burn the oil there, to generate power for the first pioneering colonists. All the other products derived from petroleum would soon be available to those colonists from Earth. The public were told not to think too much about the details, those would be worked out by experts. The point to keep in mind was we were finally going to Mars! And that thought did arouse some animal spirits in a population that seemed to have lost all enthusiasm.
People wanted to know exactly who and how many were actually going. They were told that after careful screening, the number of colonists would be decided according to technical and practical considerations. Hopefully the minimum number would be around a dozen people for the initial launch and many more on subsequent launches. Everyone was encouraged to apply if they were interested in going, but they must be prepared for hard work to acquire the skills that would be needed for survival on Mars. The selection process would be long and arduous. The whole world would be contributing to this grand adventure; the expansion of mankind to a new world. Old rivalries would be forgotten as we forged a new commitment to the future of the human race. This optimism inspired more than a few to hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Many wealthy people had been preparing to retreat into their underground bunkers for years, when conditions became severe enough. They were hoping their precautions would allow them to ride out the projected mass extinction for a little while longer. Most had accepted that it was inevitable by then with the mounting evidence all around them. Some millionaires had become billionaires over the years buying out the means of production and the supply chains for the bare necessities of life the impoverished masses depended upon. The average person had no chance for any upward mobility.
Most of the public realized by then that the root of the problem had something to do with wealth inequality; the growing gap between the vast wealth accumulated by a few families and the poverty of the majority of people struggling just to survive. Whether this was the cause or a result of the decline, or if it was the fault of capitalism itself was hotly debated. The great grandchildren of the baby boomers had all grown up wondering how their elders could have been so complacent; satisfied with bread and circuses instead of addressing or even acknowledging the growing crisis. Older people often defended themselves with standard responses: We didn’t know; we were preoccupied with personal problems; we had no real power to change anything; and life is short, we did not evolve traits to cope with long range problems. These and other excuses were unacceptable to the young. Many were becoming increasingly angry by the fact that billionaires could exist in this world while millions of people, mostly children, starve to death every year. To them, this was proof enough of a great crime against humanity. And this was an ongoing crime, because when wealthy people died their great fortunes lived on and continued to grow as they were passed down within the family to the next generation of trust fund babies, who would acquire that wealth only by an accident of birth.
This process of wealth accumulation and inheritance appeared to be a hold- over from at least the feudal times of lords and kings in the middle ages. The lords would take a percentage of the peasant’s crop. More recently they take a share of income. But there are still no taxes on wealth. There have been some improvements in human affairs over the centuries but the rules of wealth and inheritance remain unreformed most likely by the power of the wealthy themselves who have institutionalized and benefitted from the status quo. Those people who cared enough about this problem could not see a way to remedy the inequity. To do so would require major changes to the political and economic system, but none of them could even conceive of a way to accomplish the drastic reforms necessary to make those changes. And even if there was a way to do it, they knew the vested interests of big money would never allow those changes to happen. The situation appeared hopeless. A growing percentage of the world’s population were angry, believing that one way or another; the rich still ruled the world and were ultimately responsible for most of the suffering in it.
Very wealthy people were often vilified for their avarice and sometimes physically attacked in their homes and fortified compounds. In spite of their precautions, they were increasingly anxious about the locations of their bunkers becoming known. They could no longer feel safe anywhere. They were becoming so afraid of their less fortunate neighbors that several billionaires petitioned the government to grant them passage to Mars, and they were willing to pay their own way to get there. They hoped they could maintain their lifestyle in a more secure place, and possibly even escape the progressing mass extinction here on Earth.
Because of the lost tax revenue from the financial collapse, the U.S. government always needed more money that it didn’t have to barrow or create for itself. It had become accustomed to accommodating the well to do and making promises it could not keep. So it just made sense to take some wealthy families to Mars if they would be willing to pay the exorbitant ticket price of 500 million dollars per person. A few in the top tenth of the one percent were eager to pay that amount for each family member if it meant a continuation of their privileged life on another world they believed would be safer from the risk and the squalor on this one. For their financial help they demanded and were promised their own small city of rich people where they would not be troubled by rubbing shoulders with the technical rabble that would be needed to maintain the colonies. The cost of the Mars project was estimated to approach half a year of the United States’ gross domestic product. The public were told this infusion of funds from the world’s wealthiest families would help to mitigate that cost by many billions of dollars. Even though they would contribute nothing else to the project, their money made it worthwhile to take them along.
Needless to say, there was a huge amount of skepticism about this plan. The Russians and the Chinese were the first to pour cold water on the scheme. They would not participate in what they called a desperate boondoggle by a degenerating empire to swindle the last remaining wealth from its people. The scientific community was divided. Most reputable scientists scoffed at the idea, calling it impractical to impossible. Others, especially from the aero-space and mining industries and those receiving grants from the government, supported the plan. Economists believed it would revive the economy with large construction contracts and increase employment. It didn’t seem to matter to them if the project succeeded or not. Most of the public who were never going to Mars were against the idea. Even those who were uninformed about all the technical problems involved laughed about it. Rational objections were raised about every aspect of the plan and responses to them were supplied by the president and his supporters. Here are some of those objections:
Q. There is no oxygen on Mars. What will people breathe? And how can you burn the oil without oxygen?
A. “We will take enough oxygen to Mars to get us started. Scientists from the mining industry are working on extracting oxygen from Martian mineral deposits.”
Q. There is no energy source on Mars. Where will you get the power to do anything?
A. “A small nuclear plant will be set up on Mars initially. It will be cooled by melted water ice dug out of the sub-soil of Mars. Eventually there will be oil fired power plants. Adding more carbon dioxide to the Martian atmosphere will actually help to warm the planet in the long run.”
Q. How will you get the oil out of the ground? From the seepage on the canyon walls the oil deposits are believed to be more than six miles deep.
A. “We will drill laterally from the seeps in the canyon walls.”
Q. There is no real soil on Mars. How will you grow any food?
A. “Most food will be grown hydroponically. We will take some soil with us and create more using Martian dirt. We will only have to take food with us in the beginning.”
Q. Almost everything you need must be taken with you to Mars. How much material by weight must you take to support one person for one year?
A. “At first supplies per person will be quite substantial. Heavy lift robot transport rockets will be built to move supplies to Mars before humans are sent there.”
Q. There are harmful cosmic rays, solar radiation and small meteors reaching the surface of Mars. How will your habitats be protected?
A. “Habitats will be constructed mostly underground. Boring machines will be sent to Mars before people arrive, with enough fuel and oxygen to run them when they do.”
Q. The amount of sunlight reaching Mars will not allow you to grow crops the way we do here on Earth. How do you plan to solve that problem?
A. “We will use grow lights and solar collecting and distribution mirrors.”
Q. How long will it take for humans to become self-sufficient on Mars?
A. “Current estimates are in about ten years.”
Q. That seems overly optimistic. Most scientists say it will take at least twenty years. How did you derive your estimate? And we don’t have twenty years left.
A. “The President has determined that all these challenges will be overcome. Idle speculation of this sort does not help us accomplish our goals. We should all be grateful for the jobs and opportunities this great endeavor has provided for us, and we should all get back to work.”
Despite other objections from many quarters the program was rushed through congress and approved. The European Union soon backed out of the deal, with one French wag declaring the Americans had discovered a new way to dig holes and fill them in again. Contracts were let to major defense contractors and smaller companies also got onto the gravy train. Finally even the Japanese and the British dropped out and the Americans, as the self-proclaimed leader of the free world, had to soldier on alone.
Only a few people would be going to Mars and the rest would have to stay on this world that was rapidly winding down to ruin. It was difficult for most of them to get excited about this grand enterprise. They respected the brave and well trained Martian colonists with whom they would vicariously share the great adventure. But they had developed a loathing for the wealthy people they viewed as parasites attaching themselves to the best of humanity and escaping from a world they had already wrecked with their greed. The common belief was those billionaires would end up ruining Mars too.
Within two years the first of the robot freight hauling ships was launched towards Mars. No more would be launched before the first one touched down successfully after a seven month journey. It was on a one way trip; there was no fuel to send it back. Some of its parts were designed for duel use by the colonists when they arrived. They would dismantle the ship and use many of its parts for other construction. The first of the colonists would be a skeleton crew of technicians to prepare quarters for the next group to arrive.
During the next three years fourteen more robot transport ships landed on Mars, four more than originally planned. The project was now a year behind schedule. Three trillion dollars had already been spent. Project designers refining the plan discovered unexpected expenses and huge cost over runs in every department. The cost in fuel alone to lift miles of insulated steel pipe into orbit far exceeded the original allocation for the task. Another nuclear power plant had to be constructed and shipped to Mars just to heat enough water pumped into those pipes plus the chemicals needed to make the oil eventually flow. More containers of compressed Earth atmosphere and oxygen were needed to supply the growing list of the world’s billionaire families who were buying tickets to escape from the depredations in their lifestyle here on Earth. Many complained about having to live like the peasants around them. Their luxuries were becoming almost impossible to find.
The government early on had classified the whole project. Cost over runs and promises never meant to be kept were a routine method of government operations. They accepted any prospective migrant willing to pay for a ticket. The government would not give up that revenue stream. Even pets were accepted; 300 million for a dog, 200 million for a cat, 100 million for a bird. They drew the line at hamsters or rats. They knew the project was over-extended but as with the F35 fighter jet, the usual solution for government failure is to throw more money at the problem.
Public relation firms were hired to give periodic optimistic progress reports about the project. Commercial artists were employed to render beautiful Martian landscapes featuring futuristic looking colonial buildings and enterprises that were displayed on television and over the internet. By then most of the world’s billionaires had decided that the option of living on Mars was their best choice to insure the safety and the future for themselves and their heirs. There were now more billionaires going to Mars than the trained specialists needed to maintain the colony.
Within the nexus of the classified program were the intelligence agencies with access to all the data. They could see the project for what it truly was; an out of control boondoggle just as their presumed enemies had described it. The wealthy and well-connected had swindled the American public once again. Some of the perpetrators who became billionaires embezzling government funds had themselves bought tickets, unaware that the project had become a complete scam. There was not going to be enough money to build a city for the wealthy people. There was not enough equipment or supplies for half the people signed up to go or enough rockets to carry them all to Mars.
Those intelligence agencies considered it their duty to cover up government ineptitude and to extricate politicians from policies and situations that would make them look like complete fools to the rest of the world. It had always been a tough and nasty job and they were not known for their scruples while doing it. The U.S. government had no intention of refunding billions of dollars to billionaires. To accomplish the government’s objective the agencies came up with a plan that also included, as an incidental bonus, a remedy for the wealth inequality dilemma.
Revisions to the project’s schedule were forcefully suggested. Notice was given to the ticket holders that they would all be leaving on the last rocket to Mars after the elaborate preparations for their arrival were completed. They would embark on the journey in a completely refurbished freighter with all the amenities they were accustomed to. Some passengers demanded to leave sooner, conditions on Earth were getting just too insufferable to stay any longer they complained. They were mollified with illustrations of the luxurious state rooms, the fine dining opportunities and the grand ballroom aboard the ship.
Seven years after the first appropriations from congress, and two and a half years behind schedule, the first of the highly trained colonists were launched into space for the historic trip with great fanfare. Social interactions among the twelve crew members were avidly followed by the world’s citizens during that long journey to Mars. Some of the live coverage was real and some was scripted to enhance the drama. Four more ship loads of astronauts, engineers, scientists and technicians eventually touched down on the red planet. For the foreseeable future, those sixty pioneers would be the full complement of humans on Mars.
They managed to get the small nuclear plant at the base camp working well enough, but the one designed to pump hot water to liquefy the oil had broken off the cliff edge during assembly and tumbled down the boulder strewn slope to the bottom of the Valles Marineris Canyon. The technicians never did get the hydroponics going, but there would be enough food and oxygen to last for several years if the wealthy families were not coming. On the advice of the intelligence agencies, and after spending more than eight trillion dollars, the politicians and those in charge had secretly decided to cut their losses and pulled the remaining funding from the project.
As the last great ship filled with over seven hundred wealthy colonists on their way to the fabulous new city on Mars, they were relieved of their cellular devices as they entered. They were informed their use could interfere with the ship’s operations, and they would not work at all on Mars. Accommodations inside the ship were nothing like those they had seen advertised. There were no crew members on board. Not a single acceleration couch could be found, just empty decks and compartments stripped bare of equipment and supplies. It was too late to complain about them. They lifted off automatically at the appointed hour but failed to reach orbit and burned up in the atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean. A technical error was blamed for the mishap. The intelligence agencies and most of the people on Earth cried only crocodile tears for those who had been lost, believing both Mars and this old world would stand a better chance without them.
submitted by thecurseofhope to collapse [link] [comments]

I’m 27, married with a combined income of ~$95,000, live in Wisconsin and work in software customer support.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $35,000 in a SEP IRA through my employer. They match 2% if I contribute at least 4%. I currently contribute 8%.
$21,000 in my husband’s Roth IRA. He’s a PhD student and the university doesn’t let him contribute to a retirement account pre-tax, so we’ve been maxing a Roth for him each of the last few years. We haven’t yet put in the full amount for this year but have it set aside in our savings.
Savings account balance: About $42,000 spread across a couple of accounts.
Checking account balance: Around $4000.
Investments: About $15,000 in CDs which will be part of a down payment at some point.
About $20,000 in a mutual fund; my parents threw I think $1000 into this when I was very young and have just let it sit and grow since then. This will also probably go towards a down payment.
HSA: $1200. I was able to contribute to an HSA when I was on health insurance through my employer; I’m now on my husband’s health insurance because he has a great and inexpensive plan through the university, but I can’t contribute to this account anymore.
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): None, we pay off our credit cards in full each month.
Student loan debt (for what degree): None for me; I received a merit-based scholarship that covered one year of undergrad and my parents graciously covered the rest along with living expenses. My husband’s parents paid for his undergrad degree. Tuition is waived for his PhD program, so no debt from that.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I’ve worked at the same company since I graduated college (over 6 years now). I started in an entry-level role in 2014 with a $29,000 salary. After about a year, I got promoted to the role I’m in now and also received a raise to $36,000. In 2018, I asked for a raise and got bumped up to $43,000. I’ve also received a small cost of living raise every year, which brings me to where I am now at about $45,000. (All of these numbers are salary only, not including bonuses; I did receive significant bonuses every year, and the amounts have increased year-over-year--I just don’t remember how much I received each year.)
Main Job:
Me: Last year I made $62,000 pre-tax. As mentioned, my salary is about $45,000, and I expect to get in the neighborhood of $17k in bonuses this year, possibly more. I take home $2725/month after taxes and 8% retirement contribution.
Husband: He makes $29,000 pre-tax as a PhD student. He takes home $2081 per month after taxes and both of our health insurance (I don’t remember what the monthly premium is).
Side Gig:
I’ve picked up a side job this year helping students prepare their personal statements/essays for their college applications, and I expect to make between $4000-$5000 from that total for the year. The amount I make per month varies, and I have to estimate my own taxes, so I set aside money for that from each weekly paycheck.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $1115 (includes $25/month fee for having a cat). We have a 2 bed/1 bath apartment in the suburbs of a MCOL city, and heat and water are included in our rent.
Renter’s insurance: $21.25
Investment contribution: $500/month towards my husband’s Roth IRA
Donations: $478/month in recurring donations. About half of that goes to our church and the rest is split among a variety of other charities/organizations. We also usually set aside another $50-$75/month for anything extra that comes up that we want to give to; lately this has included things like Fair Fight and the runoffs in Georgia, our local tenant resource center, and our local food pantry.
Electric: Anywhere from $40-$100 depending on the time of year; right now it’s about $50.
Wifi: $70
Cellphones: $175 (includes service, leases for both our phones, and insurance for both phones)
Subscriptions: Spotify Premium Duo for $13.70, Disney Plus for $7, we use my husband’s parents’ Netflix, Hulu is free with our phone plan, and we’re on my parents’ Amazon Prime account.
Pet expenses: We don’t budget a set amount monthly specifically for our cat, but her prescription food costs about $35 every six weeks, and we also always keep a few hundred dollars earmarked for occasional vet expenses.
Car insurance: $78.16/month (total for 2 cars)
Car registration: $226/year so we budget $19/month (total for 2 cars)
School fees: This varies and is paid on a semester basis, but we budget about $100/month for fees for my husband’s grad program. He doesn’t have to pay tuition but he does have to pay these fees (I’ll take it).
Costco membership: $60/year so essentially $5/month
Gas: $75, but this is hard to estimate
Groceries: We’re budgeting about $350 right now--a little more than in the before times but our entertainment budget is a little less to compensate.
Entertainment: $200 (see above)--in normal times this would include going out to eat, going to concerts or sporting events, etc. Now it’s pretty much just takeout.
Allowance/personal spending money: $100 each for my husband and me, which rolls over to the next month if we don’t use all of it.
This is getting long but we also budget on a monthly basis for personal care, household items, and alcohol, and for many other things on a medium-to-long-term basis in sinking funds. We use a zero-based budget, so every dollar we bring in gets allocated somewhere.
Section 4: Money Attitudes
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If so, how did you pay for it?: Yes, both of my parents have master’s degrees, and I was a very good student growing up, so it was always a given that I would pursue higher education. I have a BA and double-majored in communications and writing. I’ve covered above in the student debt section how my degree was paid for; I’m very blessed to have had my parents provide for me in this way, and I realize it has given me a huge leg up as far as savings and financial stability goes.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have around money? Did your parents educate you on finances?: We didn’t have a ton of conversations around money, but my parents are (as far as I can tell) very responsible with money and live well within their means, so I think I’ve learned from their example more so than from explicit instruction. We lived pretty frugally growing up, and it’s clear to me now that my parents could have had a newebigger house, nicer car, better vacations, etc, but chose not to so that they could follow through on their commitment to paying for a degree, a car, and a wedding for each of their children (which, again, has given me an enormous financial advantage in my adult life). I did have an allowance growing up and was always taught to put at least 10% toward giving, 10% to savings, and then I could do what I wanted with the rest of it, which I think was a great mindset to have from an early age.
What was your first job and why did you get it?: Maybe working the cash snack bar at our neighborhood pool when I was in middle school? I also babysat from a fairly young age. I worked a couple of other random and short-lived part-time jobs during high school and college but didn’t make much money from them and didn’t need them for my living expenses since my parents were fully supporting me.
Did you worry about money growing up?: I never worried about money growing up. If my parents had financial hardships during my childhood, they never let it show.
Do you worry about money now?: I used to worry about money a lot for the first several years of my marriage. I knew we had a good amount of money saved, but we didn’t have that money earmarked for particular things (emergency fund, travel, car maintenance, medical expenses, etc), so whenever a big expense came up, I got incredibly anxious because I didn’t really know where that money was coming from or whether this expense was leaving us vulnerable in another area. Switching to a zero-based budget and having designated savings funds for all major expenses (both recurring and unpredictable) has created an enormous amount of freedom for me with money. I don’t freak out anymore when we go to spend $1500 on plane tickets for a trip (hypothetical right now, of course) because I can see the money we have set aside in our travel fund for that exact purpose, and I know that spending that money isn’t affecting our ability to deal with an emergency because we have a separate emergency fund for that. All that to say, I don’t experience much anxiety about money anymore and I credit our budgeting system for that in a big way.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?: I would consider myself financially responsible for myself once I got married, which was a few months after graduating from college. If my husband and I were to fall on hard times, both of our families would have the resources and the willingness to help us out to some extent.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As mentioned above, my parents opened a mutual fund for me when I was very young with I think $1000 in it, but nothing has been added to that since. I have no idea about future inheritances or anything like that.
Note: the week I documented for this diary occurred in early December--a couple of weeks earlier than the date I’m posting this. Also, masks are a given anytime we leave the apartment.

Day 1: Thursday
7:00am: My alarm goes off; my husband (H) and I alternate snoozing each of our alarms for the next 40 minutes, which is a loud and frequent morning ritual that leads to no additional actual sleep but at least lets us stay in bed longer.
7:40am: I remember that I start work at 8 today instead of 9 (like most days), so I jump out of bed, take a quick shower, and get dressed. H’s brother calls so he is chatting with him on the phone while I get ready.
8:00am: I sign in to work; it looks like it will be another slow day (typical for this time of year), so I need to motivate myself to work ahead on some things. Instead, I check my personal email and read the news.
8:30am: For breakfast, I make a toasted whole wheat English muffin with butter and honey, grab a handful of grapes, and make a Nespresso. I eat at my desk while I semi-work and listen to podcasts (this morning, it’s Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us and the 5-minute NPR News Now). H leaves to go into work for a few hours; there are certain things he can’t do from home, but since the pandemic, everyone in his workplace can only work in-person (masked and distanced) during an assigned shift time in order to reduce the volume of people there, so he splits his workdays between the university and our home office (which we share). Thankfully, there’s never more than a handful of people there at the same time as him and his colleagues are conscientious about following COVID protocols, so we feel pretty comfortable with him going in.
11:15am: Hungry again; I snack on Moon Cheese, which are these crunchy cheese bites that we got from Costco a month or so ago. I don’t really like them. I take a break from my computer to make the bed and tidy up our bedroom a little.
12:00pm: Lunch break--I spend the first half hour putting on makeup since I have some video calls this afternoon and evening. Pre-COVID, I considered makeup a hobby and would wear it even if I didn’t have anywhere to go or anyone to see, but a lot of the joy has been sucked out of it for me. Now, I usually just wear the bare minimum to look “presentable” on Zoom. I’m trying to have more fun with it again, though, so today I use a multichrome eyeshadow from indie brand Clionadh Cosmetics that I haven’t touched in months. Once I’m done, I have a quick lunch of a sandwich and chips before my meeting.
1:00pm: I log onto my weekly team meeting for work; H gets home partway through and brings me my Panera coffee order that he picked up on the way home. We both have a free trial of Panera’s coffee subscription right now and are taking full advantage!
4:00pm: Done with work! H has an important meeting now, so I get out of the office to give him some privacy. I start prepping chicken enchiladas for dinner.
5:30pm: The meeting went great! We eat the enchiladas and end up with a ton of leftovers. I put the food away and knock out a few dishes.
6:00pm: We get on Zoom for our weekly church small group meeting. There was a time when we felt comfortable meeting outdoors and distanced, but at this point, we’re on Zoom for the foreseeable future. Not to mention it’s cold here now.
7:30pm: Small group is done! I get an automated email from my side job letting me know that a second draft of an essay I previously worked on is available for me to edit, so I grab my computer and work on that for a little while.
8:30pm: H runs to the store for two bottles of Liquid Plumr for our shower drain (the glamour!) and red wine ($28.45). Fun fact about Wisconsin: you can’t buy alcohol from a store (anywhere that’s not a restaurant/bar) after 9pm, so he gets the wine purchase in just in time. I finish the dishes while he’s gone.
9:00pm: We put one of those 4K fireplace YouTube videos on the TV, turn on the Christmas lights, and each have a glass of wine while chatting and looking through old photos on H’s phone. H also makes some pizza rolls as a snack and I eat a couple.
11:30pm: I get ready for bed and after watching TikToks together in bed for a little while, we go to sleep.
Total: $28.45
Day 2: Friday
8:00am: Snooze my alarm for an hour before finally getting up. I am really moving slow in the mornings these days. H left to go into work around 6:30, so I have the apartment to myself for a while. I tidy up a few things around the house and spend a little while reading on the couch; the cat joins me.
9:00am: I make a Nespresso and sign on to work. I work on some tasks and send emails while listening to NPR News Now and NY Times The Daily podcasts.
10:00am: For breakfast, I have an egg over easy on toast and some grapes, again eating while I work. I spend some time reading COVID news and looking at our county’s data dashboard; our county, and Wisconsin overall, have actually been consistently trending down lately as far as cases go, which is surprising. Our plans for Christmas are still up in the air; we have been hoping and planning to visit our immediate families since we haven’t seen them in a year, but I’m still worried about the risk involved even if we are as careful as possible (quarantining beforehand, getting tested, driving instead of flying, etc). We’re putting off making a decision as long as we can.
11:30am: Our small group is “adopting” (buying Christmas gifts for) a family from a local school our church partners with, and I’ve been tasked with helping organize this, so I create a sign-up list in a Google spreadsheet to share with our group so we can keep track of what items have been purchased. I also start filling out my self-evaluation for my semi-annual review at work, which is next week. There’s twice as many questions on this evaluation compared to ones from past years (why??), so good thing I’m getting a head start.
12:15pm: I snack on Moon Cheese to tide me over until my late lunch today, but I’m still hungry afterward and craving something sweet, so I have a handful of cookies and cream popcorn that I bought a couple weeks ago to support a friend’s kid’s fundraiser (twist my arm, right).
1:00pm: Break time--I do a 20 minute full body HIIT workout from a MadFit YouTube video that really kicks my ass (my upper body and core strength is pretty dismal...I’m working on it). I shower, change, and for lunch I have leftover pesto and tomato pasta and half of an apple. We stan Honeycrisp in this household.
2:00pm: Back to work. H gets home and brings in a few packages from the mail area downstairs (one of them is a Christmas gift for him with very obviously branded packaging...oops). The other is a couple of books I ordered from Bookshop when they were having their Black Friday weekend free shipping promotion: Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch, which is about how the internet is changing the English language, and Dune by Frank Herbert, which I can’t believe I’ve never read but definitely want to before the movie comes out next year!
3:30pm: I knock out some tasks for work and then take a break to carry our overflowing laundry basket downstairs to the basement laundry room and start two loads. I pay using our prepaid card that we reloaded a few weeks ago, so there’s no actual cost today. As a side note, I will greatly prioritize in-unit laundry wherever we live next. I really hate lugging a heavy laundry basket up and down multiple flights of stairs (and it’s always heavy because we put it off because we hate doing it so much. Vicious cycle.)
4:00pm: Time to switch the laundry over. On my way back upstairs I check our mailbox and see that we got a letter from our bank letting us know that an instance of fraud we had reported a few months ago had been verified and the temporary credit they had applied to our account is now permanent. So that’s a relief! Thankfully there was not much money in the account to begin with (it’s one that we use for travel because there are no foreign transaction fees and they refund us any ATM fees), but this is the second time this year we’ve had an issue with fraud (different accounts and banks each time).
5:00pm: Done with work; H brings up the laundry and we fold it together. H isn’t hungry yet but I am, so for dinner, I heat up some leftover ham and potato soup (made with leftover ham from’s leftovers all the way down!) and make a boring salad--spring mix with diced tomato and Caesar dressing.
6:00pm: We head to Costco together, stopping first to get gas for H’s car ($22.29). We only have a few things on our Costco list but end up coming home with ginger beer, sparkling water, toilet paper, paper towels, two bottles of wine, prosciutto, pains au chocolat, a Ghirardelli chocolate assortment, cinnamon cranberry goat cheese, tikka masala sauce, sundried tomatoes, and olive oil ($127.98). Several impulse buys in there for sure, but we allow ourselves some of those since we only go to Costco once a month. I was amazed that they had both TP and paper towels in stock at the same time so we couldn’t pass that up--we were getting low on both anyway.
7:00pm: Back home, we unload the groceries and put everything away. I microwave and eat one of the pains au chocolat--these were a good purchase. I pour a glass of wine, H has a beer, and we repeat the same scene as last night: fire on the TV, Christmas lights on, chatting about life and the future--these are our favorite types of nights together. Since H didn’t eat dinner and I’m still hungry too, we pull together a makeshift charcuterie plate with what we have around the house and it actually turns out pretty well! Salami, prosciutto, the cranberry cinnamon goat cheese we just bought, Boursin cheese, and crackers.
9:30pm: H mentions this game he saw someone playing on Twitch called Late Shift, which is less like a video game and more like a choose-your-own-adventure movie. We decide to download it and try it out ($13.70) and H makes Moscow mules for us to drink while we play. It’s an interesting concept but falls a little flat for us in its execution; a lot of times, you’re given two options and you choose one, but the result you get still ends up being essentially the same as if you chose the other option, so it doesn’t really feel like the choices matter--which I would think is the whole point, right? We get bored of it after a while and decide to stop halfway through and maybe pick it up again another time.
11:30pm: We both get ready for bed, scroll TikTok for a little while, then fall asleep.
Total: $163.97
Day 3: Saturday
8:30am: Both of us wake up around the same time. It’s nice to get to sleep in together; often, H has to go into work on Saturday mornings, but not today! I put on a little makeup, then H makes us coffee and I drink mine while updating our budget spreadsheet with yesterday’s purchases.
10:00am: We join a Zoom call for a standing-invitation Saturday morning virtual brunch with a few friends and friends-of-friends. I warm up a pain au chocolat and slice up the other half of the apple from yesterday and eat as discreetly as possible while we all chat.
11:15am: I say goodbye to everybody and head out to my haircut and color appointment; I haven’t been since June, so it’s definitely needed. My hairdresser and I chat about COVID and the holidays. With tip, my total is $165 (I actually mean to tip a little more but do my mental math wrong--ugh).
1:30pm: I get home from the salon and am surprised to find that the Zoom brunch hangout is still ongoing, so I pop in again to say hi. I’m super hungry, so I heat up leftover enchiladas for me and H for lunch. I feel weird about eating anything on camera really, but I definitely draw the line at eating enchiladas on camera, so I eat in the kitchen while H wraps up the Zoom call. I want something sweet so I grab a couple pieces of chocolate afterwards, too.
2:00pm: H goes in our office to play Minecraft with some friends for the rest of the afternoon. I check to see if there’s work available for my side job, but there’s nothing. It’s been the slowest week for essay volume that I can remember since I started this job, which means I definitely won’t get a paycheck for this week (I have to earn at least $100 to get paid by the end of the week; if I don’t hit $100, the amount rolls over to the next week). Having a side job like this that I can pick up and work on almost anytime is a double-edged sword in that it’s great to have that flexibility, but I also find myself feeling guilty if I have time to work and I choose to do something fun or relaxing with my free time instead.
2:30pm: I’m part of my church’s communications/social media team and I’m scheduled to put up a post today, so I spend a few minutes pulling that together on Instagram. Then I decide to check for essays one more time and I find there’s one available, so I grab it and work on that for a while. It’s a bit of a tricky one and takes me about twice as long as it should, so I finish feeling kind of frustrated.
4:00pm: I take care of a few things around the house, including unloading/reloading the dishwasher, cleaning the litterbox, and wrapping a couple of Christmas gifts. I have to put the cat in time-out because she keeps wanting to walk on the wrapping paper. I listen to an episode of the Around the NFL podcast while I work.
5:30pm: I make grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner for me and H, and we eat together. I have some chips as well and some more chocolate. Making great choices.
6:00pm: H cleans up from dinner and does the dishes while I start reading Dune. I’ve been really wanting a fantasy novel I can lose myself in like I did as a kid, and I hope this will provide that for me. However, I definitely don’t have the attention span for reading that I did when I was younger, so I end up putting the book away to scroll on my phone for a while.
8:00pm: H and I get on a Google Meet call with some friends to play Jackbox games. We play several from the newest party pack; they’re super fun and it goes really smoothly over the video call (hasn’t always been the case when we’ve tried this in the past).
10:30pm: We say goodnight to our friends and wrap up the call. H goes back to Minecraft for a little while, and I catch myself scrolling mindlessly through my phone again and decide to just put it away for the night. I often find myself getting frustrated and annoyed lately by how much I’m on my phone for no good reason, so I’ve been trying to put it completely away for a while when I feel that way. I put my phone on the charger, wash my face, and put on a sheet mask.
11:45pm: I don’t remember how we spend the rest of the evening, but we still end up staying up pretty late (for us). Oddly, I don’t feel tired at all, but once in bed I fall asleep immediately.
Total: $165
Day 4: Sunday
8:30am: We’re both awake; I must have slept really well because I feel more rested than I have in a while. H gets in the shower and I grab my phone to review my fantasy football lineup before the games this afternoon. My team got off to a strong start but has been on a losing streak the second half of the season; I’m no longer in the running for a playoff appearance, but it’s still fun week to week.
9:00am: H has to quickly stop by work so he leaves for a little while. I make coffee in the Chemex and drink it while reading Reddit and looking at emails. I also redeem our credit card cashback for the past month and update our budget spreadsheet (total from two cards is $87.96).
9:45: H is on his way home from work and calls to see if we want to get food along with our Panera coffee orders. That sounds good to me, so I place my order and get a breakfast sandwich: bacon, egg, and cheese on brioche, and hazelnut coffee with half and half. Since the coffee is free, my total with tip comes to $6.50. H’s is $5.26.
10:00am: I turn on the YouTube livestream of our church’s Sunday service; H gets home shortly after it starts with our Panera coffee and breakfast. My order is slightly wrong--ciabatta bread rather than brioche--which isn’t a huge deal at all but contributes to the ongoing experience that whenever we order takeout food, my order is almost always wrong and H’s never is. It’s kind of a running joke at this point because it’s happened so many times since COVID. We eat while watching the church livestream.
11:30am: After church, we turn on the pregame coverage for whatever NFL game is available in our area (it’s Lions-Bears), and I purchase a Christmas gift I’ve been considering for a while for a friend: a set of specialty cocktail bitters from Bittercube, which is based in WI. It comes out to $40.89 with shipping. I pick up an essay to edit and work on that for a little while with the game on in the background, occasionally checking my fantasy score (as expected, it’s not looking great).
1:30pm: For lunch, I make a salad with spring mix, prosciutto, dates, walnuts, goat cheese, and homemade cider date dressing. We switch to watching the Jaguars-Vikings game since H and I both have players in this game on our fantasy teams. I also grab another short essay to edit; I’m glad I’ve been able to pick up at least a few over the weekend.
3:00pm: I spend a while working on a cross-stitch project while watching the Packers-Eagles game. I grew up in a home where sports were always on TV on weekends/evenings, so there’s something comforting and familiar to me about having football on in the background even if I’m not always paying attention. Once I get bored of cross-stitching, I snack on some of the cookies and cream popcorn and watch the game while wasting time on my laptop. I read that Rudy Giuliani has COVID and can’t help but relish the schadenfreude a little.
5:00pm: I get an email from Target that something I had viewed was on sale; it’s the Anova sous vide we had been considering buying for H’s mom for Christmas. With the sale price, two additional 10% off promotions, and the tiny amount of Target Circle earnings on my account, it comes out to $84.01 all told. I purchase it for pickup at our local store; H will get it on his way back from work tomorrow.
6:00pm: Inspired by a TikTok recipe, I decide to pull out my Instant Pot and make creamy garlic parmesan chicken pasta. I have a glass of wine while I cook.
7:00pm: We eat in front of the TV while watching the start of the Sunday Night Football game. The pasta is delicious; I meant to make a veggie side to go with it but forgot. Carbs it is! I also warm up some leftover pumpkin crisp from Thanksgiving for dessert.
7:30pm: H cleans up from dinner, sweeps the kitchen, and takes out the trash. I spend the evening reading Dune and watching the rest of the game. When the game is over, H makes us whiskey sours and we watch TikToks and hang out for a while.
11:45pm: We finally make it to bed. I lay awake for a long time trying to imagine how I would even go about telling my mom we aren’t coming for Christmas if that’s what we decide. There’s no scenario in which that goes well.
Total: $136.66
Day 5: Monday
7:45am: I’m up, I’m up. No shower yet because I plan to work out at lunchtime. H has already made coffee and we hang out for a little while as we drink it.
9:00am: H leaves for work and I sign on to work. I actually have a decent amount to do today. For breakfast, I have some grapes and a warmed-up pain au chocolat.
10:30am: I’m browsing YouTube for something to put on in the background while I work and I see an SNL skit from this past weekend called “The Christmas Conversation” in my recommended feed. It’s exactly what I expect it to be and it both makes me laugh and want to cry--very relevant to my late-night imaginings yesterday.
12:30pm: One of my Christmas presents arrives: the first delivery of a Winc wine subscription. I don’t mind it not being a surprise; I specifically asked for this and I already knew H was getting it for me because he had to ask me to take the quiz about my wine preferences. I won’t open it until Christmas, though.
1:00pm: On my break, I do a 12-minute intense full body HIIT workout (another MadFit one), and the “intense” description in the title is accurate. That’s enough for me for one day, so I just pedal on our stationary bike for a few minutes to cool down before taking a shower. H gets home with our Panera coffees; I got iced coffee this time. I’m ravenously hungry from my workout, to the point of feeling a little faint, so I heat up pasta from last night for lunch, then end up grabbing some chips and a couple pieces of chocolate, too.
2:00pm: I try to buckle down and get some work done in the afternoon. At least what I have to do today is self-paced tasks rather than anything urgent or time-sensitive. I make some more progress on my self-evaluation and give some thought to what I want the next year at my job to look like. I have increasingly had opportunities to work with departments outside of support as my time at this company has gone on, and those opportunities tend to be the most gratifying parts of my job because I’m better able to use my skill set there and do work I enjoy. Ideally, I would eventually transition mostly or completely out of support and into some sort of role within the company where I can do more writing and editing (which is what I do a lot of in these side projects), but I don’t know if that will ever be a possibility.
5:00pm: For dinner after work, it’s leftovers again. I read Dune for a little while followed by sweeping the bathroom floor and vacuuming the rugs.
6:30pm: My mom wanted to catch up today so I give her a call. I have to reiterate to her that we are feeling hesitant about traveling for the holidays, but it’s clear she is not going to go down without a fight on this, and I can hear how upset she is. I try to be clear and firm about my concerns, but she’s my mom, so I also feel like I have to concede to her points wherever I can and not push things too hard. I get off the call feeling physically sick to my stomach.
7:15pm: H and I talk about Christmas and he is adamant that if we do go, my parents need to commit to at least a “soft” quarantine (no nonessential interactions/outings) for 10 days before we arrive because they are being pretty irresponsible in our view about who they see and what they do right now. Knowing what we do now about their own exposure, it’s becoming clear that they are almost certainly a bigger danger to us than we are to them. I text my mom and let her know about those ground rules (while still not committing to anything), and she seems open to that plan and asks some questions about what we are and aren’t comfortable with. I think she will do whatever she needs to for us to come, which we may be able to use to our advantage.
11:15pm: I feel totally drained from my conversation with my mom and my anxiety about the holidays, so I spend the rest of the evening vegging on the couch and watching Monday Night Football. I make a cup of peppermint tea and have a stroopwafel, and we eventually head to bed.
Total: $0
Day 6: Tuesday
5:30am: H had to leave for work really early today, which inevitably woke me up, and I think it threw the cat off too because while I try to go back to sleep, she spends the next couple of hours really leaning into her chaotic energy--tearing around the room at warp speed, jumping on the dresser, scratching the side of the bed and the walls. This used to be a common problem very early in the mornings but hasn’t happened in a while.
8:30am: The cat eventually chills tf out and I get maybe an hour more of sleep. I read news on my phone and respond to a few texts. I am feeling a little calmer today about holiday plans, but now H is texting me about how anxious he is feeling about everything. That’s the secret to marriage--just try not to both be freaking out at the same time. (Kinda joking, but kinda not?)
9:00am: I make a Nespresso and start work. For breakfast, I have an egg over easy on toast and some grapes. I feel so unfocused and unmotivated today, but I do submit my self-evaluation and make progress on some other tasks. I take a break to snuggle with my cat; I haven’t talked about her a lot in this diary but she’s my buddy and basically my shadow. She is super attached to me and her affection makes her wild antics worth it.
1:00pm: Aaaand as soon as I say something nice about her, she throws up on the bed. I clean it up and put the comforter and sheets in the laundry basket. I guess we’re doing laundry again. On my break, I edit a short essay revision and make boxed mac and cheese for lunch. H gets home with our Panera coffees and we split the mac and cheese.
5:00pm: I force myself to be reasonably productive throughout the afternoon. After work, I run out to do a few errands--I pick up a prescription from the Walgreens pharmacy drive-through ($2.68, I pay with my HSA), and I run into Target to get shampoo and conditioner for myself and a few things for H’s stocking ($55 even). Target is surprisingly deserted which is nice, and I’m able to get in and out quickly.
6:00pm: H did the laundry while I was gone, and we fold it together and remake the bed when I get home. I fill H’s stocking with the items I bought, which completes all of my gifts for him for this year.
7:00pm: We’re both tired of leftovers, so H suggests we make another charcuterie plate and have that for dinner. I have a small salad as well, and we eat while we watch...Tuesday Night Football? What a weird season. There’s a slim chance I could still win my fantasy game this week, so I’m somewhat invested in this game. I have a glass of wine.
10:00pm: I do not win my fantasy game. We get in bed at a reasonable hour but spend a while reading; I read a little of Well-Read Black Girl, which is a collection of essays that is my “nightstand” read at the moment, and a little of Dune. Lights out around 11.
Total: $57.68
Day 7: Wednesday
7:45am: Up and at ‘em. I shower, make coffee in the Chemex, blow-dry my hair, and read a little.
9:00am: H leaves for work, and I start work and make myself an English muffin with butter and honey and half of an apple for breakfast. I listen to an episode of The Daily podcast about the first doses of the COVID vaccine being administered in the UK. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the idea that we’ve finally reached this point, even though it’s still going to take a long time for things to feel anything like normal again for most people.
11:30am: I’m scheduled for another church social media post, and I fumble around in Illustrator for a while trying to get the image to look the way I want. I know there’s a ton of free basic courses/tutorials out there on how to use it, and I would probably get way more out of it and get less frustrated if I just went through one of those one weekend. H is pretty proficient in Illustrator, so he often helps me. I snack on some chips and the cat tries to as well.
1:00pm: The weather is mild today (upper 40s, sunny, and no wind), so I take a walk around the neighborhood on my lunch break and listen to The Ringer Fantasy Football Show. I have a sandwich and grapes for lunch when I get back.
2:00pm: H gets home with our Panera coffees right as I am getting back to work. He grabbed lunch out today, which cost $11.09. We both go online and book free COVID tests for next week, a few days before our tentative departure date for Christmas.
5:00pm: I have a steadily busy afternoon of work, but I get everything done. After work, I browse Etsy for a Christmas gift for a friend and land on a cute London-themed tea towel; we and our spouses were supposed to go to London together earlier this year and are hoping we can still make the trip happen next year. It’s coming from the UK, so shipping is expensive; the total comes out to $27.38. I don’t know if it will arrive before Christmas, but I don’t think I’ll see this friend to give it to her until after Christmas anyway.
6:00pm: Dinner guessed it, leftovers. We finish off the enchiladas. Normally I would do a lot more cooking in a week, but I’ve just happened to make several meals lately that created a lot of leftovers.
8:00pm: Quiet evening at home. H has some work to do tonight from home; I read Dune and scroll Reddit for a while. I edit a short essay. H finishes wrapping my Christmas gifts and we hang out for a while.
11:00pm: We chat with some friends in a group text before eventually heading to bed.
Total: $38.47
At the end of each day please tally up your daily expenses. Then at the end of your diary please tally up all expenses in the following categories:
Food + Drink: $127.10
Fun / Entertainment: $13.70
Home + Health: $74.76
Clothes + Beauty: $165
Transport: $22.29
Other (all gifts): $187.38
Lastly, reflect on your diary! How do you feel about your spending? Was this a normal week for you? Has this inspired you to make changes or has it given you a “wow I’m doing pretty good” confidence boost? Is there anything you’re actively working on? No need to answer any or all these questions but just use this space to write any thoughts you have!
There are some outliers here as far as spending goes because of the gift purchases and the hair appointment which only comes around every 4-5 months, but beyond that, this was pretty normal weekly spending for us. Interestingly, I felt more self-conscious about sharing what I ate than about anything money-related--I tend to think of myself as a fairly healthy eater but I don't think that was the case this week!
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Learn more about Weather Data Sources. EnergyPlus is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Technologies Office (BTO), and managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). "Weather data for more than 2100 locations are now available in EnergyPlus weather format — 1042 locations in the USA, 71 locations in Canada, and more than 1000 locations in 100 other countries throughout the world. The weather data are arranged by World Meteorological Organization region and Country. Africa (WMO Region 1) Asia (WMO Region 2) EnergyPlus TMY3 weather files for 17 climate locations associated with the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and IECC Prototype Building Models. See the Commercial Prototype Building Models page for the individual weather data files listed by Climate Zone. Updated file posted 10/22/18. See the Residential Prototype Building Models page for the individual weather data files listed by Details. An EPW file can be divided into two parts, headers and weather data. The first eight lines of a standard EPW file are normally headers which contains data of location, design conditions, typical/extreme periods, ground temperatures, holidays/daylight savings, data periods and other comments. Sources of EnergyPlus Hourly Weather Data. Other sources of hourly weather data and associated tools are listed below. International sources. Meteonorm - a software application that can generate synthetic hourly weather data in epw format for a wide range of locations. Weather Data Weather Data Format Definition weather Data Sources Real-Time weather Data Weather Data Weather data for more than 900 locations are now available in EnergyPlus weather format — 295 locations in the USA, 55 locations in Canada, and more than 550 locations in 100 other countries throughout the world. The weather data are arranged ... Weather data for more than 2100 locations are now available in EnergyPlus weather format — 1042 locations in the USA, 71 locations in Canada, and more than 1000 locations in 100 other countries throughout the world.. The weather data are arranged by World Meteorological Organization region and Country. Africa (WMO Region 1) Asia (WMO Region 2) South America (WMO Region 3) Weather data for more than 2100 locations are now available in EnergyPlus weather format — 1042 locations in the USA, 71 locations in Canada, and more than 1000 locations in 100 other countries throughout the world. The weather data are arranged by World Meteorological Organization region and Country. Weather analytics can provide weather data in epw format for a very wide range of locations on a very fine grid. They use algorithms to interpolate between measured data sets held taking into account local height above sea level and other factors. Start searching here to find past weather and climate data. Search within a date range and select specific type of search. All fields are required. Records of observations including details such as precipitation, wind, snowfall, and radar data. Read more about the datasets and view data samples ...

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