The best weapon combination for Apex Legends Season 4

best guns in apex legends s4

best guns in apex legends s4 - win

Lets let the devs know we are not happy with the direction of the game!

Since the start of S6 I, and many many other people who have been playing lots of apex since its release have been complaining. Conplaining about the new TTK, the weapon meta, campers, server and sounds errors, and much more.
I have been playing since the first week. I LOVE(D) this game. The feeling of dropping in to Kings Canyon in S1, exploring new Worlds Edge in S3 and playing intense ranked matches. The feeling of clutching up with my friend. I get so nostalgic when watching the cinematic launch trailer before the games launch. But its been very different lately.
First of all, I think (most?) some of the problems are caused by EA. Pure eye and greed for money, not investing money into servers, or making store items and skins cheaper. Bad servers give room for a lot of problems. Hit reg (S5), audio bugs, sudden crasges and errors. Some players have even been crashing in ALGS matches (highest stage of apex), and nothing is done about it.
Every game goes through stages of these, players will never be satisfied for a long time. But as someone who loves this game, I really dont like where the game is going. Season 5 was a bit of a dissapointment. Loba was underpowerd (but hot), hit reg was a huge problem and Sbmm was worse (i feel like its getting really bad since season 4). We didnt have much content appart from 'evolved LTMs' and a collection event.
Everyone was very hyped and needed S6, but now here we are. Servers even worse, TTK (i eill get to that in a minute), rampart, slowing down the games and being a campers dream and bad gun balancing. However I do want to say that i like the new map areas and shortcuts and the legend changes, every legend becomes more playable. Rampart was a cool idea. Walls to block of positions and a Mgun. But the result of thid id people blocking of chokepoints and camping, slowing the game down and being toxic. The gun changes dont make sense, the devs litterly said in the dev stream from S4 that the devotion was too powerful to be in the normal loot pool, resulting it in being moved to CP. Now they put it back in and replace it woth the r99, which btw wasnt a problem, it was good but not OP. The volt is really good and maby needs a nerf, and the Devo is just too good. You just cant beat a squad when they all have devotions. Now, the havoc. In S4 and first half of S5 the havoc was extreemly OP. The did a great job at nerfing itz it was still good but by no means overpowerd. Now, with energy mags back, the recoil changing and the turbocharger its better then ever? Ehm Why?
Now let me get started on the TTK. Ever since my first game of apex, it felt like they had the best Ttk in any brs. It never took too long to kill someone, but it was not too quick, perfect. You allways had time to react, to rotate or bail and heal and come back to clutch up. Now they lowered the shields and the Ttk. Why? I litterly cant think of any reason why, other then the skill gap, which i'll get to later. I also dont think we needed the evo change, but whatever. I think its a no brainer thst they should revert the shield changes.
Now sbmm: i guess with the ttk change they tried to make it so new and less skilled players are easily able to take down high skilled players, but i think its dumb. Why dont they have it like level 1 to 10s are in lobbies with eachother, level 10 to 50s and level 50s to <. This way newer people have time to learn, but also to improve against better players. I think this will make new players stick atleast longer with apex, more people will be able to learn at keep up with the good and people who play everyday wont be sick of sbmm. I think there should be atleast some sort of sbmm in the game, but putting us up against 'simmular skilled players' is litterly why we have ranked.
I love this game with my heart, and i would love to be able to play in the ALGS one day. But I really think the game is not going in the right direction and that these are the main problems.
I know harrasing the devs is pointless and dumb. They wont listen to people hating at them and uou just should not be agressive and mean to them. However I think, since they allways say 'player data shows us' that if we all stopped playing Apex for a week, they will definetly hear us and do something.
Lets make our voices count, legends, and stop playing Apex from Tuesday the 25 untill the next tuesday. You dont have to, but stleast I am taking a break
submitted by usernameainnottaken to apexlegends [link] [comments]

How to buff every Legend and make all of them viable? 'Answer' to FrozenFroh. Read this post or save it for later, any feedback is nice. The spoiler is a minor one, mostly about unreleased Legends, so be warned. It appears when I talk about Bangalore. There will be an alert. (Part One)

This post was inspired by u/wicked_fool and u/FrozenFroh. The first user was one of the first people (at least from what I know) to truly elaborate on how to Rework/Buff Legends, which I thought was a pretty interesting concept, but just that. That type of work has been made/suggested by other people before, and is still happening a lot, but I started doing this with him as a inspiration. On the other hand, Froh made a post in January that had the following title: "Without Nerfing current Legends, and aiming to make almost all of them viable, what buffs and changes would you guys make?", and I liked this. Lots of discussion happened in the comments, and upon seeing it, I was inspired to make some sort of "Answer Post", going very in-depth on every Legend and talking about changes that could be done to step-up the game. And yes, I know Froh's post came first, but I saw them in this order.
In this post, I talk about several ideas I had in order to make Legends more close to each another in viability, and pretty much make (almost) everyone stronger than what they already are. My first language is not English, so sorry for any typos. If this type of content interests you, your feedback would be heavily appreciated, as long as you argue for it.
So, first off, let me talk about my thought process and general rules I followed in order to make this possible. While debating myself on these modifications, I imagined a thesis that I named "The Powercliffing Theory". Basically, the idea behind it is that when something gets insanely better, or is generally better, other things need to follow these changes, although not necessarily in the same scale or way. From that, it is also necessary to make every Legend different from the others, or else the Game would basically be made of 13 Legends that are all Gibraltar and Wraith amalgamations, which could be a very funny First of April temporary change. Basically, on this post, I talk about buffs for every Legend, and while some may look very game-breaking, I would like if You, the reader, think about this in the Bigger Picture. All changes need the context of other ones in order to make the most amount of sense.
The rules I followed and used as commandments are the following:
  1. Rule One: the only changes that can be made are either Buffs or Quality of Life changes. Nerfs should be a last resort.
  2. Rule Two: in the case of a Legend getting a new power-up, make sure that it makes sense in the Lore of that character, and that it does not make it impossible to add new characters.
  3. Rule Three: in the first place, think about the changes in a Pubs/Ranked setting, and then later the competitive side of things, trying to not create something Overpowered in each.
  4. Rule Four: the recharge time of a Tactical Ability should never be above the 30 seconds mark. The only exceptions are skills that can have their time reduced after doing something, or skills that save resources. In such cases, the mark is an utmost of 50 seconds.
  5. Rule Five: never ERASE an existing ability. If a rework needs to happen, make sure the scrapped skill is re-introduced in some way, and still makes part of that character. A lot of motives behind this, but it is primarily from the point of view of cosmetics and trackers.
  6. Rule Six, the last and most important one: value fun and justice above anything. Justice, in this context, is making sure you can beat a certain legend if you're skilled enough, and the advantages won't make someone unstoppable (*cough* S4 Gibby *cough*). Very similar to Rule Three, in this sense.
Also, just to make this pretty clear: I know nothing about coding and animating. This was a post made for fun and to create healthy discussions in this Sub. If I sound arrogant, sorry. This post will be divided in three BIG topics: Legend balancing (my favorite part), Loot Table and Gun balancing. There will be a TL;DR; for every Legend, and for each group of changes.
Now, without further ado, lEt'S jUSt jUmP inTo iT, starting from the Offensive Legends, with Octane.
Octane is a pretty interesting character. His purpose is to serve as a very strong mobility/agressive Legend, as evidenced by his whole Kit and his character introduction back in Season One. However, this is not the case: multiple times he is considered as the worst Legend in Apex, at least after Mirage got buffed. And after playing with him for a while, and researching people's opinions about him, I found some reasons that could make that the case.
The first problem is regarding his speed. He is just not the fastest character in the game in a small run, and using his Stim is more of a decrease on his overall utility, as the 12HP (yes, I also thought it was only ten) you lose is a bigger inconvenience than the bonus in speed. I used a stopwatch and the metric system presented in-game to measure the speed of the characters (rough estimation - Season 4 results) and got some results that I found pretty interesting. It basically follows as this:
Basically, Octane should be Lightning McQueen, but he isn't. For comparison, Usain Bolt could run 200m in 19.19 seconds, which means he not only is faster than Octane, but could keep that speed for a longer period as well. So, in order to "fix" this situation, my idea would be to make Octane on par with pre-nerf Pathfinder, so that a balance could exist. But I'm not done yet.
Based on the assumption that the Stim works similarly to an Adrenaline Syringe, having also similar effects, we could say Octane not only has a speed boost, but also undergoes muscle toning, which makes someone generally stronger and less susceptible to pain. These characteristics are translated into Apex as part of Octane's slowness reduction to incoming fire, but this could be amplified even more. Messing with some numbers here and there, and theorizing multiple situations that could happen, I got the following changes:
Just in case You were curious, both Octane and Pathfinder can run 162m in fifteen seconds, which is the time that both skills would be ready to be used again. With a Red Evo Shield, Octane would have somewhere around 214HP, but would have 79HP against attacks that negate shields. This would make Silva have one of the strongest Tactical skills in the game for rushing. But no Legend is complete with only a Tactical, which is why his passive was so interesting to rework.
The current idea behind Octavio's "Swift Mend" is that he can use a Wrench to fix his bionic legs, and that gives him Health Points. That's it, apparently. Now, I'm not saying his Bionic Legs shouldn't be part of his kit, but I think this is not a good ability the way it is now, and I have an idea of a way to change it, making it way more simbiotic with his Stim.
The idea behind the change is that the runner would have some sort of filter that would take the Stim out of his blood current, and regenerate the HP taken only by the use of his Tactical Skill. This damage would be marked in the HP bar in a blue color. 8 seconds past the end of his Adrenaline Rush, a regeneration starts at a rate of 3HP/sec, which means a full regen would take only fifteen seconds, compared to the twenty-four that he has right now. If we include the time that he is under the effects of the Speed Bonus, it would be twenty-seven seconds versus thirty seconds, which is a buff nonetheless. The regeneration happens even if you're getting shot at, or taking damage overall. Using the Stim again restarts the process.
A way to reintroduce his Bionic Legs as an advantage would be to give him a passive slowness reduction (similar to how it is right now with the Stim), and an explosive damage reduction, this one being restricted to fragmentation grenades and Creeping Barrage's missiles. A thirty percent reduction should be enough to make a solid difference.
Last, but not least, a change to his revives. Instead of it being faster as many people have already suggested, I thought the bonus should be to the teammate being revived. In an exchange for ten HP, the 'not-anymore' downed ally gets a 30% speed boost for six seconds after the revive. The idea here could be that Octane has two versions of the Stim, one of them being for him, and the other being for the teammates, that way they can stabilize themselves in a more safe distance. Lots of reasoning could be used in this: either he got a better chemical compound with the help of someone, or his version from the Quest's Dimension had a better Stim and he stole it, infinite possibilities on the line. This makes up for his passive. The attention is now focused in his Ultimate.
The idea behind his Jump Pad is good, but the execution is not. People are easily tracked due to the trajectory being easy to follow, and the distance is not great either. User u/mnkymnk talked about this in one of his videos on YouTube, focused in buffing Octane (, and I aggre mostly with his suggestions. The only differences I would take from that point are some simple ones: instead of having either a Controllable Flying Curve, or Double Jump, make him have both. And, instead of having 25% of shields regenerate upon impact, make it so that, while in the air, bullet trajectory is not randomized, so that it is way more aggro than it already is.
Just a reminder that his Hitbox is broken.
TL;DR of Octane's Changes:
Next Legend is Bangalore, also known as Anita Williams and Marge Simpson. For an experienced combatant, and a "Professional Soldier", she does not pass such impression, at least in my point of view. I found some ways to buff her without necessarily making her OP, just making her more effective and coherent with the "soldier" and "guns expert" feel she should have.
So first, let's talk about the Tactical Skill, the Smoke Launcher. It is indeed a very good skill, but I have my problems with it, specially it´s format. It is a rectangular-horizontal wall of 25m by 15m, an area of 375m^2. For comparison, Caustic's Gas covers 177m^2.
And it may be just me, but I have a large preference for a circular area instead of a rectangular one for evasive maneuvers, and disorienting an opponent. The recharge time is also excessive for only two charges, and I believe it could be reduced, which left me with two options: either a far smaller recharge time and two charges, or a small reduction with three charges. I went with the latter, but I'm fine with either one. In the end, it should look like this:
With that out of the way, the Passive "Double Time" is the next one. I have nothing to say about it, other than the fact that it's an excellent passive, and that I have never found an explanation as to how it works or what is the logical reasoning behind it. The passive of the soldier is being capable of using the Secret Joestar Technique more effectively? It never entered my head. And so, I thought applying Gun Related skills as secondary passives could be the way to go.
However, there's a problem with such a suggestion, and that is Rule Two. The apparent Legend for Season 6, which goes by the name of Rampart, has a passive named "Gunner", that is centered in making "machine guns" (possibly LMG's only, according to some leaks) have larger magazines and a faster reload speed.
Considering such problem, I wrote a way around it, with a Perk similar to "Fortified", called "Firearms Specialist". Being divided by different types of weapons, there would be five subsets, each one described below, and each having somewhat similar advantages. Since there will be also Legends like Husaria, who have a Shotgun in their leg, and others like SeeProphet, who are very Sniper centered, this seems like a good idea.
The bonus needs to be expressive, on a similar level to blue attachments. It overlaps smaller bonuses, but stacks with attachments of equal or higher bonus: in presence of a blue, it could be on par with the regular bonus of a purple, and in the presence of a purple, it's slightly higher. Anyhow, it should be notable in every case.
With the ADS Speed, the bonus should be dependant on how much the weapon slows you down. It would be a light increase in speed with Submachine Guns and Shotguns, and a heavy increase in speed with Sniper Rifles and Light Machine Guns. Assault Rifles would be in the middle.
The problem with this is that Rampart's passive was partially destroyed, and needs to be rebuilt. This is actually quite easy and would still be considered part of the Passive "Gunner": instead of only increasing the magazines of Machine Guns (LMG's and SMG's), he would also have more inventory space per stack of ammo. It would follow as this:
This would make up for a pretty decent passive with a lot of utility, and would still keep all of them different from each other.
Ever since The Gaming Merchant did his video in the Hitbox of each Legend, I figured I should address it here very briefly. The dramatically increased limb damage was not a good change, and made characters extremely fragile and for some, pretty unplayable. This is also technically rewarding bad aim, but then again, making a character take more/less damage just due to their hitboxes never was a good mechanic, even though it's one of the only ways to do it. I disagree with this last nerf and believe it should be reverted, or at least be toned-down.
For comparison, if a Bangalore takes 116DMG Leg-Shot, a Lifeline takes 152DMG, a whole 31% difference. Such difference can be heavily noticed in Pubs, where you can translate it to being as fragile as a piece of paper. Even Tollis, one of the Wattson players with the most amount of kills, stopped playing her due to Low-Profile being so impactful in a bad way.
Considering most Weapons have a 25% to 20% damage reduction in leg shots, it could be toned down in several different levels, but I would do make it so that Leg-Shot Damage would always have a 0.85x multiplier, with the exception of guns with a higher multiplier. In such cases, the multiplier would be the same as other Legends. However, there is a catch.
The catch is that the damage would always be rounded up in all of these cases, with the exception of Shotgun Pellets, obviously. If this was done, a Wingman would do 43DMG, a Longbow would do 50DMG, an R-301 would do 13DMG, a Kraber would do 130DMG, and so it goes. It would make all Legends with Low-Profile way more playable, at the very least.
And what most people don't realize is that the amount of total pixels is not important by itself, as it is also important to understand how these pixels are arranged. And this is the reason Bangalore doesn't get the Low-Profile treatment: she is just too tall and has a very condensed center of mass with body damage. The problem is that this also applies to Pathfinder, and he suffers from it.
On the other side, Mirage has a very comparable Hitbox to Caustic, but does not get any type of Fortified effect, and due to his height, he probably should not get the full effect, but still have some reduction of some sort. Considering this, I believe another category should be added to the game, dividing Fortified in two: a regular Fortified, and another, called Highly-Fortified, or Heavily-Fortified. In the end, it should look like this:
This would make the scenario for Mirage, Pathfinder, Wraith, Lifeline and Wattson better. Now, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Bangalore.
The only characteristic remaining about her is the Ultimate, which shines for the reason it was created: an area of denial ability, similar to her tactical. The changes for it should not be that massive, and I don't think it should explode faster like many propose, but it should be more teammate-friendly. Not only that, but the recharge time is pretty crazy as well. So here are the changes:
TL;DR of Bangalore's Changes:
Next one on the list is Revenant, also known as Death. He became somewhat decent with his buffs, but I thought I could take it even further beyond, since some parts of his Kit really hold him and make it impossible to reach his true potential. So, let's start with the Tactical, as usual.
The "Silence" ability can disable enemies Tactical and Ultimate skills (and Gibraltar's Gun Shield) for twenty seconds, essentially being useful as a strong offensive ability or area of denial skill. The idea I have is to make it even more powerful in such context. The changes would be the following:
These changes, especially the last one, would allow for dexterous eliminations, being extremely more offensive and powerful. The first three changes, however, are more inclined to the ranked and more competitive side of the game, since the power of a Wattson that is defending an area is simply unrivaled.
Continuing the suggestions, we have his Passive. The "No-Sound" thing is Okay, just like the faster crouch speed, but the climbing ability is just underpowered and incoherent with his character, at least with the info We have. In the Loading Screen "Like Father, Like Daughter" of the Season Five Battle Pass, Revenant directly states he dropped Marcos Andrade from a 10 story building after snapping his neck. Logically, he must have climbed all of it, since he is a Simulacrum and could not alert anyone in the vicinity of his attempt of murder, which was successful.
If we are assuming this is an average building (which it probably was not, it definitely was some sort of luxurious unnecessarily big building), then that means Revenant casually climbed over 126ft, or about 38.4m. Effortlessly. Right now, in the game, he can climb around ten meters. Based on such evidence, making him climb around 55m (180.5ft), and only decelerating after the 45m (147.7ft) mark would just be logical.
There's also a bad point about this ability, probably related to the fact that the transition of speed from standing up to crouched is not that effective: not only Revenant's Slide-Jumping speed is a little lower than the other Legends, but he also cannot Wall-Jump and Wall-Slide. I do not know what causes this problem, but it needs a fix. Wall-Jumping is a big part of this game, and unless Revenant can attach to ceilings (ceiling gang cringe), this needs to change (although this would not solve his Slide-Jumping problem).
A secondary passive that could be added would be related to his insatiable hunger for killing, being a minor one, but noticiable. When you use a finisher in an enemy, you fully recharge shields, and this Perk would be developed similarly to such mechanic, but with more bonuses overall. It would work like this:
But these alterations are only fillers of what was my main focus of change: the Death Totem, Revenant's Ultimate. The potential of this ability is simply off the charts, but multiple things hold it off. It's range is definitely the limitation that just kills the skill for me: it invalidates itself as a rotation mechanism, and mainly serves only as a third-partying one, with pretty much half of Wraith's Portal effectivity, as many players have already shown multiple times in multiple occasions. So, in order to be more comparable and also make throwbacks to the Fight or Fright event, I have some changes in mind.
This would make the Totem the strongest Third-Partying device, if not a close second. Rotation-Wise, it would be way more useful, probably staying in the second/third place, and in extremely situational moments, number one. I could potentially see this being played a lot in higher-rank gameplay, if not Competitive.
TL;DR of Revenant's Changes:
Next one is Mirage, the guy that got buffed. Yeah, that guy. No, not Gibraltar; Mirage.
Do you guys want to hear a funny story? I started doing this post on my native language ever since the start of Season 4, if I'm not mistaken, and Mirage was one of the people I was most interested in changing, and like half of my suggestions were added in Season 5 one way or another, mostly regarding his Passive and Tactical. Oh, well.
With the buffs Mirage received, he has become the favorite of a lot of people, and his pick rate drastically increased. This was also one of the reasons I enjoyed doing this so much: if the light alterations he had already made such a humongous difference and gave a lot of people a reason to play Apex, having tons of these differences being made for different Legends in some sort of "Legend Overhaul" that releases every few weeks until everything is covered would make the game a lot more fresh.
The current Tactical is awesome, but it can go even further beyond, receiving some pretty good buffs:
Making it so that creating Decoys do not make any sound and being able to climb would be pretty handy with fast Bamboozles, adding on top of his already incredibly big potential. The A.I mode, depending on the quality, could be decent and better than the other two modes in a few situations. The last two changes are deserved and would grant him more possibilities in the Outlands. Making bamboozled enemies scanned would just be the icing on the cake.
The next important thing to talk about is his Passive, which right now is definitely the best part of his Kit and could have a major buff in combat and some slight alterations. Do you guys know when Crypto enters in his Drone view he instantly reloads all weapons? This would be the minor change, and with the others, it would look something like this:
Being capable of using the Self Resurrection knockdown shield while completely invisible and also being able to pop Shield Cells and almost a Battery without anyone seeing you is a huge change as well, and would make Mirage even more competent than what he already is. Definitely one of the most evasive characters. Remembering he receives 10% less damage from incoming fire.
The last point we should look at is his Ultimate. Remember Rule Five? "Never ERASE an existing ability"? Yeah. Based on such rule, it follows as necessary to somehow fuse both of his Ultimates and create something stronger, and I think I found the correct measure and way to change it. His previous Ultimate, which was needing several changes to be more evasive, can be altered in order to fuse it with his current one, making it so that Mirage will always be a Jack of All Trades in the offensive and evasive playthrough, one of the most complete characters in this context. A massive buff, we can say.
This Ultimate is a game-changer in Pubs. Not only will you always have the surprise attack, but will also have a more effective "Wraith Q" if executed properly, being capable of using the most effective healing consumables.
TL;DR of Mirage's Changes:
And now, the last Offensive Legend. "TTV_Wraith", the strongest one. Some would say she is the perfect character, and I would say: "Yes, she is indeed in a very good spot.". The smallest hitbox; the strongest Ultimate for offensive maneuvers and rotations; and it goes on. But she needs some changes, and a revision as well, due to the rules I spoke about in the start, specifically Rule Four, which stated a cooldown over thirty seconds is unacceptable if it does not save resources.
So let's briefly talk about her phasing, easily one of the best Tacticals in the game. It serves as a powerful solo-repositioning mechanism, which has thousands of utilities: hit and run; scouting; safely placing a Portal; truly a lot. It allows a very safe, but aggressive playstyle, that is for a lot of people the core of Apex. However, it is also not very strong if you're completely solo and against more than one player of the same skill level, being very easy to hunt a solo-player that is low and phased. Therefore, the best players normally have a lot of map knowledge and very accurate time estimations to use the phase on it's true potential.
The only change would be on it's cooldown, that would need to be reduced, as thirty-five seconds is just overkill. It should be between the twenty-five to thirty seconds range, as a temporary immortality with speed bonus is very strong, almost regardless of situation in such a team-based game. So I would put it on the higher end of it, from twenty-seven to thirty seconds.
Her passive is absolutely fine the way it is, there are some delays at times, but it's not a problem. The Ultimate though, needs some changes. It is just too strong. Wraith can scout and cover an area of 105m in a few seconds, and due to her phasing, she can go even further and cover an area of about 130m, without any consequences whatsoever. Not only that, but it also can be interacted repeatedly, which is something that can be abused a lot. All things considered, it would follow as this:
And this sums up Wraith pretty nicely. She is definitely one of the most balanced characters in all of Apex, and due to the suggested changes to how Low-Profile works, she would have her power raised to be more similar to the pedestal she was a few seasons ago.
TL;DR of Wraith's Changes:
And this is also the point I noticed "Wow, all of the things I have planned to talk about won't fit in this post!", and this is the reason there's "Part One" in the title. I covered five of the thirteen Legends in this game, all of the Offensive Class, and they are the ones with the most slight alterations if compared to what I have planned for the Support and Recon legends, which probably will have their own part just for them, while Defensive characters, apart from Wattson, will not have that many changes.
If you managed to read up until here, I just want to tell you something: Thank You. You're part of what makes this community so great, and one of the reasons I love Apex. If you can, please tell me your opinion on the comments, and I will do my best to read it all. If you liked this post, please, upvote, as you will make this more accessible to other users, that will send their feedback too. When I finish Part Two, I will post the link for it in the comments, and maybe if this does get some traction, we can start a small movement with multiple posts similar to this one. If I missed something or did something wrong, please tell me.
All in All, have a good day!
submitted by Jesus-kun69 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

I am about to quit Apex Legends [Update rant]

Apex is in the process of changing from my favorite game (1000+ hours) to a fucking mess that I am about to give up on. I was a MOBA player before and this game really got me into shooters for the first time. It had unique gameplay, gun mechanics and the revive-system was just perfect. Something no other battle royale had at this point. The characters were all unique and while they were not equally as good as each other that could've easily been done with a few patches.
To sum it up: I was hooked and played the shit out of this game. I met new friends and later on I started to really grind my way up to become a really good player. This was also enhanced when they gave us a ranked system.
Fast forward to the point where we got season 3. I was not excited for the new map at all. It was open as hell, the loot distribution was terrible and the charge rifle killed you from literally anywhere. They fixed the charge rifle, okay good. But the map is still terrible (my opinion), high kill games are harder to get because it is so much bigger and open and you get third partied almost every fight. But whatever, maybe they will bring KC back. A new map for one season? Fine, why not.
But recently I started to grow really tired of the game. With the addition of SBMM it is almost impossible for high ranked/skilled players to get non-sweaty matches. I feel like I have to compete at my highest possible level in every single game and it's just not fun. If I want to do that: I'd play ranked queue. There I will be matched with Predator players and have to give it my all to come out on top. But in normals? Fuck no, I don't want to sweat it every fucking game. It's exhausting at this point. When the Grand Soiree event was announced I REALLY hoped that they would fix stuff. We get updates to rarely that you get hyped every single time they finally announce one.. And what did we get?
This. Gibby buff, Crypto buff, a few unimportant bug fixes and a huge wraith nerf. Crypto buff? Whatever, still won't make the character good enough to be competitive. A few bug fixes that mentioned nothing the likes of: muzzle flash (yeah I heard it's coming for S4 or something), footstep audio, hitreg issues, server ticket rate, improved server stability, crash fixes. Wow 2 patches every 4 months and we get non meaningful bug fixes, great. And in addition, they nerf my (and many others) main character into oblivion and make the meta: GIBBEH
Respawn has no clue about balancing and continues to show that they don't listen to the playerbase at all. Instead of buffing the really weak characters to make every Legend a viable option, they now nerfed my main (Wraith) completely to the ground. Since the mess that was the Iron Crown Collection Event, there is also no community interaction any more.
To be honest, I don't know what Respawn is thinking. Maybe something along the lines of "It is our game and we can do what we think is the best." Well, I tell you what Respawn: Not listening to your community, especially the pro players and streamers who play Apex Legends every single day for almost the entire day, is a fucking mistake. No one needed nor wanted a Gibratar buff. The nerf on wraith will make her so much harder to play for no reason. You can take the Voidwalk out of the game by the next patch because at this point you won't be able to activate it to escape anyway.
There is still a delay when activating the ability which is NOT the intended delay but some kind of bug which is also enhanced when using her Kunai. To compliment this, there is a visible trail when she is in the void which litereally every player can follow and just shoot at the point where she comes out of the void to kill her instantly. Just give the game to another developer and publisher at this point because I don't think that Respawn is entirely at fault here with EA being the money hungry company they sadly are.
Really sorry for the long-ass post but I hope it gets out there. I don't think they will see it and react but whatever.
submitted by Pattafix025 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

Finally got the 2,000 Damage Badge on all 9 Legends last night (PS4) Tips I can share so far for every available Legend + General

Legend Tips



*Suggestion to add: u/thenarddog10


*Thank you to u/angeliclove22 and u/mandrova for the correction. Video by YouTuber "Optimal" shows this (7:25, set the speed to x0.25)
**Correction: u/scraps674
*** Correction: u/ksuh-due


*Reddit users u/mitrilqc and u/tophirl with the correction


Correction: Reddit user u/tophirl



*Suggestion to add: u/thenarddog10



Console Settings I use

Crosshair Damage Feedback: X w/ Shield Icon
Damage Numbers: Both

Button Layout: Button Puncher or Evolved (With L2/R2 swapped with L1/R1)
L2/R2 button deadzones: None*
Corrections: u/yellowxanax and u/mrgjuice

Advanced Look Controls
Deadzone: 3 Out from Left
Outer Threshold: 6 Out from Default
Response Curve: 2 Out from Default
Target Compensation: On
Yaw Speed: 1 in from Default // Pitch Speed: Same as Yaw Speed (not Default)
Turning Extra Yaw: 1 Out from Default // Turning Extra Pitch: None (Default)
Turning Ramp up Time: Default // Turning Ramp up Delay: Default
ADS Yaw Speed: 2 Out from Default // ADS Pitch Speed: 3 in from Default
ADS Turning Extra Yaw / Pitch: 7 Out from Default
ADS Turning Ramp up Time: Default (Max)
ADS Turning Ramp up Delay: Default

FOV*: 110 (Max)
Sprint Shake: Minimal

Here is my attempt at showing the differences in FOV, and the benefits+drawbacks


Training Area - Fastest way to get the gun range part
MOVEMENT PART - FIRST STEPS: Crouch > Jump > Move > Sprint > Slide
CONSUMABLES AND GRENADES - STEP 2: Hold right on D-pad (Grenade menu) > Down and Right on right analog stick (Choose Frag Grenade) > [Throw Grenade] > [Heal]


Patch Notes
I hate the reddit search bar, so here's all the patch notes so far
Apex Legends 2.13.2019 Preseason Patch Notes 01
Apex Legends 2.19.2019 Preseason Patch Notes 02
Live Balance Update live on all platforms - let's talk about meta (AKA the first Wingman nerf + Peacekeeper nerf)
Season 1: Wild Frontier Patch Notes
1.1 Patch Notes
1.1.1 Patch Notes - Patch going live around 10am PST on 4/16

2K Damage Badges

Imgur Gallery + Video Playlist
submitted by TylerFortierPhoto to apexlegends [link] [comments]

Things I would like to see in S5

This is just a list of things I think would be a good addition in Season 5. Personal preference, feel free to give your feedback/thoughts/suggestions!
  1. Instead of receiving skins, weapon skins from Apex Packs; unlocking a Legendary Skin Unlock. In essence, you still get your gold/purple/blue/white rewards but instead of getting an Octane skin i'll never use (or that I don't like), getting a purple "Legend Skin Unlock Token."
  1. Some kind of reasonable challenge system. What I mean is a generalized challenge system. I believe I mentioned this in one of my previous posts. So instead of having to get 2000 shield repair with Wattson (still grinding this), it would be something like, restore 2000 (or whatever # pleases you) shield with any legend. This may be what the "Season Quests" will be? Maybe? Maybe add legend specific challenge path options, which for me would be bloodhound, and have weekly challenges centered around Bloodhound's abilities (scan 20 traps, get kills with BOTH, etc.) All this steers away from RS wanting people to play all characters but I have just given up on the "rift 15 squadmates," "get a kill with bombardment," among others because I just have no interest in grinding these challenges out when I rarely play Wraith or Gibby.
  2. Just get rid of the heirlooms... I have put a lot of time into S4 and still have not gotten any heirloom shards (like 60-70 apex packs). It's cool to say you have, but in my entire almost 400 hours on Apex, I have not once voluntarily melee'd someone unless I'm out of ammo or early game. They don't do any more damage than a melee. Idk I just think its a way to make $ (which I get, it's a free game so they need something, I get it). I'd be more inclined to purchase a one off skin or a one off weapon skin than an heirloom.
  3. Making both maps available at all times. When the unranked switches to WE, I just hop in ranked. The WE map is too big for Duos. I've gone down to the last 4 squads without seeing anyone multiple times in the past week. No I don't camp, that's lame AF. Trios is OK but I would still rather play KC.
  4. (Personal Legend Issues) Fix the Bloodhound LB (on XB) ability. The scan has missed people pretty frequently lately that are on the same floor and very close to me. That and make the outlined players highlighted longer. Not a lot, just like another 1-2 seconds. Fix the colors in the BOTH mode. I find it very challenging sometimes (maybe its just me) to loot and see the armor color breaks on enemies when in BOTH.
  5. Lowering the volume on some aspects of the game, i.e. when you are landing after diving, survey beacon activation.
  6. Nerfing the ever loving hell out of Gibby's gun shield. Allow spillover damage to hit Gibby. 110 PK shot just dissipates into his 50 health shield and does no damage to the player. He already has a fortified perk that reduces damage and I think spillover damage would be a good fix. (Yes, I have gotten bundled by Gibby recently, get good Pat...)
  7. Revenant's death totem is kind of spotty IMO. I have gotten killed while under death protection and have not respawned at the totem, a bunch.
  8. Put actual good stuff on supply ships and hot zones. Most of the time they're okay but my team and I dropped Wetlands HZ just last night and the best thing we found was a lvl 3 body shield. No one else dropped there and we looted the entire location ourselves. The drop ship is really not worth it half the time either. Eva-8s, p2020s... cmon... put a couple gold guns on there (even if they are gold p2020s or gold eva8s). Last time i went to drop ship with my team, it was unhit and I ended up with a havoc w/ no attachments, and an eva-8 with a holo sight, a blue shield, a purple knockdown and a white backpack. My teammates were not so much better off. This doesn't happen all the time but I don't even bother anymore.
  9. Little things I think would make the game more intuitive:
    1. Highlighting your (random) squadmates main legend on the legend selection screen so if I see AllFather666 has 10k kills as Bloodhound, id rather have him choose BH instead of me.
    2. Selectable cross-play. Idk what the current state of Apex Cross-play is, but playing against M&KB players is rough sometimes. Having an option to play cross-platform or opt out would be nice.
Other than that, feel free to add or dispute! I am SO SO SO excited for the new season :)
submitted by _whiskeyfed to apexlegends [link] [comments]

best guns in apex legends s4 video

THE BEST GUN IN APEX! - YouTube The BEST Weapon In Apex Legends Season 4 - YouTube The Best Weapon Loadouts in Apex Legends (Season 4) - YouTube The 6 Best Weapons in Apex Legends - YouTube THE TOP 5 BEST WEAPONS IN APEX LEGENDS SEASON 4 - YouTube RANKING EVERY GUN IN APEX LEGENDS FROM WORST TO BEST - YouTube

Considered by many to be the best weapon of Season 4, the L-Star will tear apart anyone foolish enough to step in front of you. At 18 damage a bullet, this LMG can do 450 damage before it Fuse joins Apex Legends in Season 8 to join Respawn’s ever-growing roster. To help you master this explosive-loving cage fighter, we’ve put together a few tips and tricks that will send your Today, we’ll be going over the best weapons to use in Apex Legends Season 4. Which weapons should you pick up in Season 4? Though Season 4 changed a lot of the weapons in Apex Legends, there are still the tried and true weapons of previous seasons. Guns like the R301, R99, Havoc, and Longbow DMR are all viable for most situations. Apex Legends DPS, Weapon Damage & Head Shot Multipliers – Source Reddit user, H16658050N , took the time to calculate and graph each weapons base damage, headshot damage, and damage per second based on fire rate, magazine size and damage. Our Legends tier list will help you pick the best Apex Legends characters With the release of Fuse , Apex Legends players now have 16 Legends to choose from when taking on the battle royale known 7 Best: Sentinel. The newest sniper rifle, Sentinel has been added to the game in Season 4, and it quickly became a rather popular weapon. Its bullets travel especially fast, and it is, perhaps This Apex Legends Weapon Tier list is where we share our thoughts on the best weapons to use in every class, including aggregated tier lists from the Apex Legends community. There are currently 21 Best Legend? Alright everybody, ive been steady playing this game for about a week now and ive tried out most of the legends, so i was wondering what everybody mains and why. For me my favorites are pathfinder ( cuz of the spidey swings), bangalore ( cuz of her passive and the power of a smoke + digital threat), and lifeline ( fast heals and revive shield are helpful no matter what). Related: How to play Mirage in Apex Legends But his kit can only go so far. It provides virtually nothing for the team in terms of synergy or support and his decoy is fairly easy to figure out. Kraber - The Kraber still remains one of the best weapons in all of Apex Legends thanks to its ability to down (almost) anyone in one shot.

best guns in apex legends s4 top

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Help Me Reach 2.5 Million Subscribers! Twitter: Instagram... The BEST Weapon In Apex Legends Season 4. Yes the L-Star buff in the new season is absolutely incredible, let me explain why.New Merch: Here's the best weapons to choose from in Apex Legends. One from each category, so you know what to pick!Subscribe to GR+ here: Hey guys hope you are having an awesome week! Today I wanted to talk about the best weapons in Apex Legends as well as the best loadouts to use when playing ... April Fools is wild in Apex is wild! THE TOP 5 BEST WEAPONS IN APEX LEGENDS SEASON 4 In this video, we will be discussing the top 5 best weapons in Apex legends. Season 4, has come around and t...

best guns in apex legends s4

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